It was perhaps inevitable that their marriage should not go smoothly
despite the work of hundrads of servents who proeaired 20 days for the
ceremonyt. There was too much bad blood about Rasjak Grebus, the disgraced
His family though much reduced in power in the council because of the
tredhery of Rasjak still had their money and influence particulary among
the less honest of the population (who were ever the Grebus families power
group). Although they had no great reason for hating Krom as he was blameless
of the distruction of Rasjak, this didn't matter to the Grebus as they
were a spitefula dn vengful folk. And so, although the hopes of all would
have it otherwise, Krom was forced once more to fight for his woman.
The Preperations
There is a customary 20 day period in Helium marriages where the bride
and groom are sequested and seperated from one another except for a few
short occasions. During this time, the participents consider the proposed
In Krom's case, once the Jeddak has decided to give his daughter to
this barbarrian, he intends to teach Krom something of their ways in Helium
so Krom won't be as insecure and not make as many mistakes of custom. Tors
assignes his batman's son to teach Krom what he must know. This man is
named Dink Vextir. He is the very paragon of the warrior who is so much
a part of his culture that he is not even temipted to do something out
of place. He is an intellegent man and a student of human nature. He writes
poetry and has always dreamed that he would be able to serve the Jedak
as his father has. He sees Krom as his best chance at securing this hononr
if Krom can measure up to his expectations. Dink would never think of serving
someone less than his highest expectations for a ruler. He is not so anxious
to serve the Jedak that he would serve a weak one.
Dink acts as Kroms companion, tutor in manners, negotiator and servent.
He quickly makes himself indespensable during the period of Kroms education.
During this time, he observes Krom colsely. He is under orders from the
Jedak to do so. To them Krom's honor and worthyness is still a largly unknown
quality. His final report the the Jedak on Krom is.
"For the past 18 days I have lived closer to Krom than a brother. I've
seen him in anger, nerviousness, insecutiry, humor, cups, and in love.
When he is with Deja, he seems to grow another inch and even more fierce
so intense is his love. I have seen him wtih nobles and slaves, warriors
and scholors and with his friends the Local 509. He treats the nobles like
common folk, the slaves like free men, the warriors like comrades, the
scholors like friends and the Local 509 like close family. Ive seen restraint
even under heavy insult, and I've seen his face turn murderous at a slight
to his bride. I have never seen him be intentionally rude, though his lack
of culture (for which I plame myself entirely great Jedak) has resulted
in offence. I thnk my training has helped much in this area. Never has
he spoken a dis-honorable word, and I've never heard him boast, although
his tales of personal adventures are frightening in their strangness and
savagry. He is strong where a man needs to be strbng, weak in the ways
a warrior is permitted to be weak, and humaine when this does not endanger
his people. He does have his faults. He is too impulsive and when in cups
becomes more so. He is rough of speach, slow to learn and is prone to fall
into a strange mode of behaviour where he becomes seemingly calous, boorish,
and cocky. It is my beleaf that this is a cultural cliche demanded as part
of adolesent role behaviour which has become comfortable to Krom.
I doubt he knows of it's existance. As you know, the removal of this type
of personality "fugue" is dangerous and so I have delayed the application
of the cure for another as I am under time constraints.
You asked me to give me my opinions as well as the facts. Consider the above comments the facts. My opinion is that this is a singular man. He is still a young man (younger by far than his appearance) and has many traits that will work against him as Deja's chosen. It is well that the health of the Jedak gives his rejoicing servants cause to beleve he has many 10s of years ahead of him. In this time I think Krom will rise to even greater greatness than he now enjoys. Many of our philosophers say that those who use the preternatural forces are always corrupted by the association. I put this statement to lie and give Krom's character as proof. In my opinion, there are few if any equils to him in Helium and none better save the Jedak himself (and perhaps my father). The elements of a great king are within him and I think age and wise council shall raise him far above even the great station he now applies for.
I have long been a loyal servent to the Jedak and his family. I hope
to be so for all time to come. But I hereby request a transfer of my responsibilities.
Upon Krom's mariage, he will become a part of the Jedaks family and as
yet has no one to serve him. It is the custome that the Prince Consort
have his choice of those he has served with to act as an Aid of Camp. Knowing
well that it is the custom that the Prince choose, it strikes me that he
has had little time to meet prospective Ades and so, if it please you,
I request that my name be put before Krom. I would serve him and great
would be the honor so granted if it please you. - Dink Vextir
The Ceremony
The wedding is an all day affair. There is much of cerimony and tradition,
but ehough room for the participents to speak their minds and influence
the proceedings.
Men's Departure
hKrom may designate a party of not more than 5 or fewer than 1 men
to be his marage guard. Allowing one of the near family of the bride to
be one of this group gives honor to the brides family.
They wear battle dress and weapons, but are forbidden armor. The marrage
coin is worn on the harnes in the center of the cross piece of leather
that connects the shoulder straps. They are told to show up at the Palace
at daybreak looking their best.
They will await Krom's readyness (which will be very soon as they have
been dressing him since an hour before daybreak). Light food is serverd
as is drink. The fare is crumpets mad of the yellow moss flower and sweetened
by the beetle honey), green fungus griddle cakes with an anise flavoring,
hot "Cof" (their bitter coffee-like hot drink) and anything the men should
When Krom is ready, the best man or his designate will put all under
oath (to cover the loyalty of the brides family member in the group) not
to break peace unless the life or healty of the bride or groom is threatened.
There is a toast afterward "To the happy marriage of the most fearful warrior
in the city of Helium and the most beautiful women in the world!).
They then leave the house and walk to the place that has been prepared
at the base of the tower. It has been turned into a wonderland. There are
sculptures made of colored fabrics. There are several sand paintings made
specially for their marriage and destroyed in a part of the party that
signals it's close. 3 100 yard long peices of white muslin like fabric
have been stretched over 2 enormous tables with a 3rd raiesd on a platform
in the center. Between the tables is a wide area down which entertainers,
minglers and servents with food pass among the guests.
The tables are made of sand that has been glued together somehow. They
are very heavy! The chairs are mostly fabric with the frame made of the
tower "metal stuff". They are very light and confortable. The only exceptions
are the bride and grooms and the Jedaks chairs. Next to the Jedaks throne
is an empty chair. This is for Deja's mother who died giving birth to their
2nd child who also died.