Mt. Celestia

A well earned  rest or a new way begining

As usual, as soon as the body part (in this case the mouth) has been placed in Beourn, he is anxious to find and recover the part that lies in the outer plane. The soul of the Mouth lies in the Realm of Lawful Good in Chronial the Illuminated Heaven. This lies at the top of Mt. Celestia.
Beourn will appear refreshed by the influence of this plane. He will appear to be at ease and not anxious about continuing the quest beyond obtaining the soul part on this plane. If asked about what is next he will put off talking about it saying "there is a time for all things to resolve now. Be patient and all will become clear later.":

Outline of Events:

Leaving Seker - To the Middle Planes
The party will have to find some means of reaching the Middle planes (Astral or Etherial) in order to get to Mt. Celestia. I don't know what they will use to do this. If they can't seem to come up with any ideas, Beourn will say he senses a disturbance in the PM fabric in one of the caves in the underground area. This will turn out to be a entry to the Inn of Ouruborous from where they can find/buy their way to the Astral. Once in the Astral, Beourn can lead them to a conduit that will take them to the location of his sould. They may have to return to Kopeta via a teleport type spell to use Stalen's Cubic Gate!
The arrival - The Silver Sea
No matter what means they use to get to the Outer plane of Mt. Celestina, they will arrive iin the same way; plunging from a height into the waters of the Silver Sea. They will take no damage from the fall, but it will seem to be falling from a great distance. Find out who are swimmers and who are not. All proficient in swimming will need to make a swim roll. All those who fail their prof. roll or are not proficient swimmers will go 2d12 feet into the water. Any who go deeper than 10 feet down will become disoriented and will have to make a Wis roll or panic on being so far under. Those that panic will be taken to another room and will see the Zoveri coming for them, but will (with the help of the DMs description of them) assume that they are hostile. Play out their first contact with this in mind. Those who are swimers or make their wis. roll will get to the surface.
The Water
The water is crystal clear and although bracing is not cold. You will become used to the temprature in a mater of moments. There are few large swells and it is not hard to keep you head above water. Looking down you see thast the water is amazingly clear; you have no problem seeing your feet and anything you drop can be seen fall for a long time before it becomes obscured by the deep blueness of great depth. You can feel your skin becoming clean and somehow even your soul feels clensed by the water. The cleircs will feel blessed and if they concentrate, they will realize that the water is similar to holy water.
Underwater: - Take them into a seperate area unless all the party goes more than 10[' under.
"Underwater you see a large shape approaching. You can't see it clearly, but it is not a fish and seems to have tenticles rather than fins or something. You can also see a vaguely humanoid thing almost like there is a human ridinig on something. It is approaching directly for you at great speed. What are you doing?" Of course the Zoverti intend only good and will only try to get the players to the surface so they can breathe. As they get closer, give them a see roll of 3d6 to see that the humanoid forms are actualy a part of the creature and that they are very beautiful although the octapus tenticles below are exceedingly strange. If allowed the Zoverti will gently take them to the surface and support them as they move toward the shore. If they are attacked, they will first make protestations of peace, then threaten violence with violence unless it stops. If an attack persists, they will begin to use their javilins to let them know they mean business.

Their first contact - Zoveri, the Octapus Centaurs
Above water:
"You plunge into the water and go under for a time, but quickly rise to the surface. You are floating or treading water and you see a humanoid shape rise from the water. At first, all you can see is a head. Then it raises itself out of the water and you can see a human torso. It might be a merperson, but this idea is quickly proven false. The creature continues to rise above the surface until you see that the bottom part of the thing is tenticled like an octapus. It rises above the water and begins to walk quickly on the surface toward you. It says
"We know you are from another place. Do not be afraid we are here to help you. Have you come from the place of Judgement?" This is their way to find out if you died to get here or arrived while still alive.Regardless of what the party answers they will say "You are not creatures of the water. If you like I will summon more of my kind to help you get to the shore". If the party asks questions it will be glad to answer them and converse as long as no one seems to be in trouble. If one of the party is having a bad time keeping afloat, it will say "I will gladly answer all your questions buut that one seems to be haveing a hard time keeping above water and breaths air. Please allow me to help them!"

Once all the party are safe on the surface, many more Zoverti will bob to the surface and begin to sing a song of thankfullness in 3 part harmony of great beauty that seems to be counter pointed by the sound made by the gentle swells.

The sea is our mother and mother to all
Though some have forgotten this after their fall
We are the midwives who answer the call
Of all those reborn of the sea

We offer you safty and all that you need
We willingly offer ourselvs as your steed
To get you to land or offer to lead
You to any place on the wide water

We give thanks to that which has carried you here
We sing to you hoping to banish your fear
We hope that your salvation soon will be near
And that all of your dreams will come true

When the party assents, they will continue to sing as they tenderly embrace the people and gently tow them to the shore. The water is comfortable now and seem to be rejuvinating the weary. Although the singing continues, no own can remember the words until they reach the shore and all of the party can find their feet and walk out of the water. As they are departing the Zovert wave and sing:

From water you came and to water return
We pray that your journey will help you to learn
That which your soul needs and cause you to turn
Your hearts to the paths of the rightous

As this song is continuing, some of the Zoverti will rise from underwater carrying baskets made of woven kelp continaing dark green fruit and mustard yellow vegitables that will be enough to feed the party for a week.

They will stay and talk to the party as long as it is desired, but will not come on land saying "we are creatures of the Silver Sea and are not allowed to pass beyond the breakwater". Under no circumstances will they do this, even to save lives. They know nothing of the land beyond.

On the Shore -
Once on the shore, the party has the time to look around more. They will notice:
The air is crystal clear and although there is seemly a blaze of light everywhere, there are no shadows. Looking up they can see that the light comes from a black sky ablaze with starlight that is as bright as any sun cast day. The sand on the shore is soft and extreamly fine. Examining the sand will reveal that each is a tiny crystal and unique similar to a snowflake. Away from the shore the land rises gently for several miles and then rises steeply. Several paths are visible winding their way across the steep mountain side. Occasionally, points of light appear to move along these paths. There is abundant vegitation, and each plant can be seen to have a reason for being. Some bear fruit, vegitables or have eatable leaves. Some bear flowers of great beauty or delicate fragrance that brings back memories long forgotten. All of them seem to be "right" within their place. Where the land begins to rise, trees may be seen; some are larger than a city block and some are small. They have leaves of seeminly infinate varieties of green, red, yellow and brown shades that blend together to form a harmonious balance.
Many miles above is a bank of cloud that seems to stay close to the mountain side. Although it is visibly blown by fast winds, it never goes away and never reveals what might be beyond it.

The lantern Archon - The Eightfold Path - Patience, Pacifism, Courage, Joy, Discipline, Generosity, Kindness, Instruction
At some point, the party will notice that there are several points of light that seem to drift a few feet above the land. One of them drifts closer to them and they will be startled when it speaks to them.
"I am Tocheree and I welcome you to the lands of Mt. Celestia. My heart soars with joy at your arrival. Let you mind become calm and allow all fear to leave you as you are more safe now than you have ever been. No evil is allowed in this place by the order of the greatest gods. I humbly offer my service to you in what ever path you shall take. I have chosen the Eightfold Path, but what ever is your way, I will help if it is within my slight power to do so." It will willingly tell them of it's path and what it means to follow a course of correct action to rise to the next level of the mountain.

It will answer any questions the party may have (within its limited knowledge) until enough questions have been asked that it can't answer or until the party requests something not in it's power. It must hand them over to a Hound Archon at some point as they are still living, but there is no rush and it is content to be useful and to use the encounter to further its travel along the Eightfold Path. When it feels the party may be better served by the Hound, it will contact it's guardian.

Handed off - to a summoned Hound Archon
When summoned, the Hound will cease it's mdeitations and head for the shore. It will be in the shape of a great Whippit-like dog and move at tremendous speed across the sand toward the party. When it has reached them it will change into it's humanoid shape. They will notice that is is wearing bracers made of siliver marking it as a Hound of middling status. It will first ask if anyone needs anything. Although it can't cast any spells, it will be willing to provide them with any thing of a mundane nature they request (although this will be limited to the things found in nature). Once all they request has been provided for, he will ask them to "grant him a great boon" and tell the story of their lives. He will then tell them that it is his idea that their story will be instructive for the Lanterns in his charge and ask that they be allowed to join them and listen. Roll % to see how many arive. The lanterns will approch the party and each say "my name is ... and I give thanks that you have allowed us to listen to your tale". then move to the side and be mostly silent. Only when a deed of great good or great evil is described will they come forth with comments like "blessed are the acts of goodness in an evil world" or "cursed are those who do evil, may they leave the world quickly".
As usual on the Outer Planes, there is little sense of the passage of time as there are no outward signs of it's passage.
Beourn will tell them of his quest (and give it a "good" bent) and ask the Hound about the upper levels of the mountain. He will be told of the Paths that may be take to "rightousdness" and told that he must choose one if he seeks to pass above. Beourn will say that his journey up the mountain has been forseen and that his place at the top of the mountain is assured as he can feel his soul lies there.
At some point, the party will ask "whats next" and they will be told of the places to go on this plane.


Go to Heart's Faith
Stay where they arrive
Go to a more hospitable place on the shore
Attempt to go with Beourn and choose a Path
Go to The Reef- Thrishina Realm
Go to Nectar of Life - Costal villages and the Great Library in Katsudarma

Hearts Faith
Encounter Table:

  1. Tome Archon - Arriving for a meeting with the city Elders
  2. Warden Archon - Relaxing after a long stint on guard duty. Happy to tell about his job guarding the portals and portal lore.
  3. Trumpet Archon - Arriving to return a soul to it''s body after a ressurection.
  4. Pet comes up to the players and frolics with them-Type of Pet:
    1. Dog
    2. Cat
    3. Bird
    4. Horse
    5. Goat
    6. Pig
  5. Petitioner greets the party warmly and welcomes them to the city
  6. Petitioner ask if there is anything that he can do for the party
  7. Lantern, Will proslitize one of the Paths if allowed
  8. Lammasu - Winged Lion, will see the party and decide it needs to watch over them for one day. Any transgression by a party member in its sight that day will cause trouble as it will demand judgement by one of the officials to the city or banish the offender from the city.
  9. Child approaches the party and takes their hand, walking with them to where ever they go for a half hour
  10. Hound Archon
  11. Falen Archon - Willing to perform a task for the players to regain it's honor
  12. Throne Archon - A city Elder accompanied by 1d6 other archons of lower level
The effects of Mt. Celestia will be beneficial to some and detrimental to others.  Depending on the "distance" of the characters allignment from that of the plane, they will more or less enjoy their stay here. Also, the influence of the place is pernicious. The people here are almost all nice and helpful and this will have a psycological effect that may bend the allignment of the character. The spell failure table is a good rule of thumb of how a character will get along during their stay in this place.

Spell Failure Table
LG - 0 NG-10% CG-30%
LN-10% N-30% CN-60%
LE-30% NE-60% CE-90%

One of the ways that the denizens of this place distinguish themselfves from each other is by their different codes. These codes are chosen by the character and are rules of conduct that will be used to allow the soul to ascend to the top of the mountain. These codes are:

  1. The Eightfold Path - Patience, Pacifism, Courage, Joy, Discipline, Generosity, Kindness, Instruction
  2. The Path of the Five Virtues - Honesty, Charity, Hope, Moderation, Tolerance
  3. The Path of Valor - Good deeds. They will strive to perform as many good deeds to any one they meet as many times a day as possible. They rejoyce in aiding those striving for a goal that is in concert with the ideals of the Plane.
  4. The Path of Renunciation - Charity,, Poverty, Mortification of the Flesh.
  5. The Path of Mystic Union - Meditation, Cleansing, Emptiness, Fasting, Trances for visions.
  6. The Path of Gnosis - Learning, Wisdom, Faith and Ritual