During the ragnarox that preceeded the Dark Milenium, the god "Gaga" was one of the most powerful single gods of all. He valued law and chaos (he was neutral) goodness and a balance between Technology and Magic Use. He was the god of Thought and Psionics. It is said that the powers of the mind were given to the humanoids by this god (in response to the similar powers granted by another god to the Illithads). Jaga valued anything that was self aware, what ever its alignment.
Trying to appease both of the sides in the struggles of the Tech War, he aided both sides, seeking a standoff between them. Betrayed to both sides by a trusted advisor, Gaga’s manipulations were seen and a meeting between like minded members of both sides of the war meet and agreend that their conflict could never be decided until Jaga was eliminated. Together they were powerfull enough to do what no single one of them could.
Using great spells devised by the gods themselves, they bound Jaga such that no magic or physical strength could free him. Using a tech device called a "Mattermitter", pieces of the god were transmitted to all the different planets while the god was still alive. Knowing they could not actually "kill" the god, the other gods were satisfied in reducing his power by seperating it into 15 parts. Each physical part has a piece of the gods soul in it. This action of the other gods was not altogether unexpected by Gaga. The soul part of the item can have a powerful effect on the people around the item. This effect may produce a cultural bias that is the opposite of what the item exists to retain.
The "soul" part of the item exists as a thing on the plane with which it is associated. Near each item is a condut for the plane associated with the item that extends from the Prime Material plane to the Outer Plane where the item exists. Occasionally there will be additional conduits nearby. This means that the party will be able to use an existing magic item (the cube and player spells) to tkae them to the Astral plane, and easily get them to the plane they need to visit. It also provides a reason for the conduit to place them near the spirit of the item. The conduit follows the item and its soul on their respective planes. While in the Astral plane, there is a visible line like a silver thread of astral travel connecting the item on the Prime Material to the conduit leading to the soul. This will NOT be visible on either the Prime Material plane or on the soul's plane without using Glasses of Seeing or True Seeing
Below is a bare bones outline of what physical and soul components are on what planet and related to what plane. Note that the Mattermitter was directed to place the pieces in the most inaccessable places on each world. Many have been found and are being used by people.
Although Beourn can usually detect any part of his body by concentrating (as long as it's within 10,000 miles), its presence may be hidden by enclosing it with Mythril. The mythril blocks whatever emination Beourn can pick up.
Body Part/Soul
Component - Planet - Plane
The Feet/Love
of Change - Kopeta - Concordiant Opposition - DONE!
Located in Kou Melian, a long abandon city of ancient emperors in
Shou Lung
Seker - Seven
Heavens (L.G.) - DONE!
The mouth and it's abilities (influencing the minds of listeners
through oration) were discovered by the Sorcerer King of Tyr, a
city in the Dark Sun Valley. He is using it to rally all the city
states in the valley to his side to participate in an attack
against the southern hemisphere. The great mage has a plan for
getting mass amonts of troops across the Dead Zone. He will start
the invasion as soon as he casts the spell that will turn him into
a greate Mage Dragon giving him the magical power to fight the
conditions of the Dead Zone. As his most prized magical item, the
mouth (a small ovoid of ivory with the front carved in the shape
of lips) is heavily guarded in the Ziggurat of Tyr.
Magic is less effective on this world, and spells take more energy
to cast. This energy can be provided by the life force of anything
around the spell caster. Thus, the Helm ship can't penetrate and
only a plane travelling spell will get them to the planet.
They will meet the Green men (15' tall with 4 arms, tusks and
green skin), the red men (tall anntenuated people of caucasian
features with copper red skin), the white men (Greldians who have
been isolated in the South pole of ths planet for destroying the
air machines in the great tech war), and the Dark Sun races
(variations on the standard).
The Legs/Constitution - Grawk - Pandimonium (C.E.N.) DONE!
They are taken to Grawk by the wildspace
ship. They arrive on the planet and Beourn does not feel the
item. Phantozee takes them to the city of Greyhawk and they hear
rumors of an ancient quest involving a statue of the legs of a
god that is in a dungeon that no one has returned from.
This will be a dungeon crawl. The idea is a
minor god (along the lines of Loki) found the item and the gods
told him to hide it. He did so in a dungeon created specifically
to protect it. It is deep, complicated and lies in a Mythral
mine so it is protected from magical transport spells. Once in
it is impossible to get out (a wish spell "I wish this door
would only open from the outside no matter what happens to the
The god is a playful one and will become
aware of the parties presence as soon as the door opens. The god
has scattered clues to the whereabouts of the legs throughout
the dungeon with each level having more potent clues. Some of
the clues bear on the location of the legs, and some bear on how
to get down to the next level which is always well hidden.
These clues are stamped on small Mythral
pieces (1/4 of normal weight worth about 250 gold). The
creatures that reside are ruled by creatures that come up from
the lower levels to get food and boss the lesser races around.
The bosses (given the order by the god) have told the rest that
they should kill anyone that they see on sight. They have also
decreed that the bodies of the dead be searched and if any clue
pieces is found that belong on a different level, that they be
re-hidden on that level. (This will enshure the clues will be
less confusing and accurate for the specific level and NA on
other levels.
Even the layout of the dungeon rooms is a
clue. On each level a clue is hidden in the map. For instance on
the second level, each room has a number in the lintel. There is
a series of 20' wide hallways (the only ones on the level) and
the hallways spell out the room number. On the fifth level,
there is a maze. if the maze is correctly mapped, it will spell
out "Under Fountain". There are only 3 foundtains on the level,
and the way to the 6th level is found under one of them.
Heart/Compassion - Do, the Prison Moon - Elysium (N.G.)
No reliable information about Do has surfaced for the last 500 years. During that time the whole planetary system of underground warrens was aflame with a religious war that consumed most of the people on the planet. The Battle Beasts left over from the war have bred and roam the surface searcing for anything to eat (mostly other battle beasts apparantly).
The fact is that the people on Do have solved all their problems by worshipping one god over all others throughout the planet. Other gods are recognized and somethimes prayed to, but none has any clerics; instead the other gods are honored at special ceremonies by the clerics to Do's god. The god has no other charges and is all powerful and very close in his attentions.
Located in the Fardown Mines of Kreetis. Kreetis is the major mining city on this world and most of the population is slave labor. Their life expectancy is about 35 years from the harshness and deaqdly nature of the mines. The presence of the Heart profoundly affected the society of the world. Before it was discovered in its hiding place buried in the planet and discovered by deep delving miners, anarchy and violence ruled. While the heart was able to effect the changes in the minds of those close to it to the path of good, the society improved and that period is now regarded as the golden age. When it was captured and hidden, the world once more plunged into darkness, but now with the sure knowledge that there was once something better.
Male Sex Organ/Creative
Urge - Luna - Limbo (C.N.)
This is an adventure that is somewhat humorous and frankly sexual.
This is a no tech world, where the society is dominated by
creativity and sex. The presence of Beourn's phalus is stimulating
the libido of everyone on this small moon. However, the religion
seems fanatically devoted to supressing the sexual lives of the
people. This creates a lot of tension and keeps the society
roiling as political ambition and negotiations are conducted using
Moon of Grawk-"Moon of Clay"
Brain/Intellect-Self Awareness - Greld - Nirvana (L.N.)
Head and Face/Decept - Tekumel - Hades (N.E.)
- Tefnut - Twin
Paradices (N.G.)
The lungs are regarded by the aquatic people of this world as a
symbol of evil. They arent sure exactly why, but this beleaf is a
fundimental one to their religous life. There is a high religious
ceremony once per year (with a extra big celebration once per
year) called the "Reviling" where the faithful are expected to
take a pilgramage to the underwater city of SSlugub and heap scorn
and derison on the object in it's sacred place beneith the ornate
thrown on which the High Priest of Whata'rou (Chih Sung-tzu DD38
319) sits in judgement.
They priest and the people have no love for the Lungs (a lifesized
statuette made of carved Jet), and they will find in the profacies
that "Breathers of air will come to remove the lungs from their
land, but they may be good or evil. They must be put to the test
of quest and only by their good deeds will their right to the lung
be shown. If the lungs are taken by evil, they will be used to
destroy the Gubumga (as the race of mer people call themselves.
The High Priest is in the control of the king of Hoog where lies
the Temple and will take commands from him and represent them as
coming from their god. The king sees in the situation an
opportunity to clean up problems in his kingdom using the 509's
power. He will string them on like Hercules was strung along,
assigning them task after task, each one having less to do with
good and more to do with cementing his power. The more his power
grows the more he will want. Public sentiment will begin to go
against him, and eventually the priest will realize what is
happening and if the party sticks it out (as Beourn will
recommend), their last task will be to overthrow the now corrupt
and evil King. They will then receive the lungs as a gift from a
grateful people.
When the lungs are grafted into Beourn, a great feeling of Joy
will permiate the entire world and all but the most powerful
undead are sent away to the Neg. Mat. Plane.
Hands/Dexterity, Love of Craft - Roon - Happy Hunting Grnd (N.G)
Isis - Nirvana
The Pirate Adventure
- Selune - Hell (L.E.)
There has for time immemorial existed a legends of "The Change
Wind Bard". These are great bards that appear here and there
across countrys and even continents. This bard is a master of his
craft and are always associated with changes. These changes arise
out of the songs of the bard. In one legend, two countries are
about to go to war. The bard sings first to the young princess,
telling of the beauty and honor of the prince, son of the other
kindom. She is impressed. He then sings to the prince telling him
of the princesses great beauty, youth, and wisdom. When both have
asked him to arrange a meeting he does so and eventually, they
plead with their parents and the war is averted when they marry.
The secret of the Change Wind is that the ability of the bard to move so easily is the intestines of the God Gaja which appear as a golden charm 1" long. In legend, this item is called "The Visra" (a corruption of it's original name "Visera"). It looks like an intricate puzzle similar to a puzzle ring, but the metal looks like fine tubing wrapped inside itself. This magical item enables the bard to move as fast as a horse, never tire, and never loose ones way or stumble in the dark. It also renders the wearer immune to any kind of fear or other mind effecting spell. The owner of this item passes it on to the greatest bard or if there is a task to be performed, passes it on the the most likely bard to succeed even if his playing/singing abilities are not the best. If the owner is unable to pass the item on (dead in a dungeon or drown at sea...) the item simply appears in the hand of the new owner one night after a particularly good performance.
Most of the time, the bard has no great task and is able to travel at whim. Some of them have been very self indulgent and do little to help the plight of the oppressed around him. The legs do not compel the owner to do something, they simply put good thoughts into their head which may be pushed away if the owner is disinclined to accept the "mission". The possessor of this item never speaks of it or even denies it's existance. All but a few wise men think the Change Wind is only legendary or that the abilitys they exhibit are the cause of a demi-god inhabiting the body of the mortal bard.
When the party arrives on this planet, Beourn will be able to locate the general area where the item is fairly quickly, but they will not know the shape the item has, or how to ask for it.
The current owner of the Legs is named "Thunder" Droton. His real name is Rumis Droton, but he goes to great lengths to hide this! Thunder is currently held in the stasis field that surrounds the sleeping form of the formost minion of Tharizdun. This is a powerful being from the Plane of Pandimonium who was imprisioned here by Tharizdun long ago. The ceremony to unlock the secret treasure room off of the Black Cyst will succeed in releasing both the stasus field and releases the creature held in it.
In the wilds of the Monster Islands, there is a race of surpassing beauty. So beautiful are its people that for a long time these peaceful people were preyed upon and their women (and somtime men) were stolen as mates for rulers of great power. In kingdoms with such a person in their liniage, it is said of a particulary beautiful person that "they have the 'Islands' in their blood."
This smallish island (about the size of maui), developed a caste
of warriors of surpassing skill to protect them. Their
fortifications lie along the coast and on every road that leads
from te coast inland. Their instructions are to kill anyone they
don't recognize on sight.
This will be a seige warfare situation. So great is their distrust
of outsiders that they will simply not hear (hear but don't
comprehend) any attempts at negotiation, explaination or
Eyes/Truth - Cluros - Arcadia (N.G.L.)
Nose/Memory - Cluros - Gladsheim (C.G.N.)
Female Sex Organ/Nurturing - Celene
- 7 Heavens (New-G.N. L.)
Consider all of these parts as artifacts. They all have the power of transmuting to any shape they desire (yes, they have an ego too) and have magical abilities that benefit the item (not necessariilly the user!).
The adventurese will derive from tensions between the alignment
of the item, their alignment, (a good person trying to retreive a
C. Evil item); the world on which the item is found, (a race of
peacefull humans who worship and rely on the powers of the (lungs)
to survive); the shape assumed by the body part (the female sex
organs have the shape of a temple); the soul component (they are
confronted by ultimate truth as they are examined by the eyes);
and the moral implications of their interference in the detante
between Technology and Magic as forming forces.
Special Characters
Beorn - The crazy priest of Gaja (16th level cleric)
Ullahavgoinggin Sprinmaker - His keeper (10th level Paladin)
Hobart - Tinker Gnome
Kagar and Broda - Married warrior dwarves
Koo Chan - Human Mage from the Far East. (Will be met late in the adventure)
Demi God of Kopeta - The Dream Sower
This being is embued with the ability to reach into the sleeping
minds of men and women to touch those
parts which stimulate images. In this way he puts dreams into
peoples sleep. He is true neutral and loves
his work. He has one rule; he will not plant a false dream, but
may plant a misleading dream. He takes
orders from the Gods who use him for this purpose and thus avoid
conflicts with other gods and conserve
their spell power.
It is he who began the Quest at the direction of one god (unknown
now but aided by Bob) who directed
hime to give dreams to all the characters (NPCs known and
This being is embued with the ability to reach into the sleeping minds of men and women to touch those parts which stimulate images. In this way he puts dreams into peoples sleep. He is true neutral and loves his work. He has one rule; he will not plant a false dream, but may plant a misleading dream. He takes orders from the Gods who use him for this purpose and thus avoid conflicts with other gods and conserve their spell power.
It is he who began the Quest at the direction of one god (unknown
now but aided by Bob) who directed hime to give dreams to all the
characters (NPCs known and otherwise).