Light |
100 |
Medium |
200 |
Heavy |
300 |
Axe (Wood),
Ballard '72 (Rifle), Barbed Axe Handle, Brass Knuckles, Cavalry Saber,
Club, Club (Small), Club (Stone), Colt Army (Pistol/SA), Colt Buntline
Special (Pistol/SA), Colt Dragoon (Pistol/SA), Colt Frontier 1873
(Pistol/SA), Colt Lightning (Pistol/DA), Colt Navy (Pistol/SA), Colt
Peacemaker (Pistol/SA), Colt Revolving Shotgun (Shotgun), Colt
Thunderer (Pistol/DA), Colt-Patterson Model 36 (Rifle), Derringer
(Derringer/SA), Double Barrel (Shotgun), Dynamite stick, Enfield Musket
(Rifle), Gunnison Independence (Pistol/SA), Gunnison Rubicon
(Pistol/DA), Hatchet, Henry Rifle (Rifle), Knife (Bowie), Knife
(Flint/Bone), Knife (Hunting), Knuckle-Duster (Derringer/SA), Lance,
LeMat Pistol and Shotgun (Pistol/SA), Macahuitl, Nitro (Vial), Pistol,
Rifle, Rupertus Pepperbox (Derringer/SA), Scattergun (Shotgun), Sharps
Big .50 (Rifle), Sharps Carbine (Rifle), Shortbow (Composite), Shotgun,
Single Barrel (Shotgun), Skullcrusher, Smith and Wesson Schofield
(Pistol/SA), Spencer Carbine .56 (Rifle), Springfield .58 (Rifle),
Starr Army Revolver (Pistol/DA), Tomahawk, Tyler Alamo (Pistol/SA),
Tyler Texan (Rifle), Unarmed Strike, War Club (Bladed), Wesson
Dagger-Pistol (Derringer/SA), Winchester '73 (Rifle), Winchester '76
(Rifle), Winchester Lever-Action (Shotgun)
Intervention 2/week, Turn Undead |
Armor Proficiency (Light) |
See Text |
Blind-Fight |
See Text |
Combat Reflexes |
See Text |
Firearms Proficiency
(Pistol) (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun) |
You attack with
this specific type of weapon normally, non-proficiency incurs a -4 to
hit penalty. |
Gift (Lion-Hearted) |
+4 morale bonus
to all Will saves against fear or terror. Add +4 to your effective
level for Intimidate skill checks made by opponents against you. |
Gift (Zeal) |
:+2 to a Skill
each session (excluding Faith). |
Martial Weapon Proficiency
(Cavalry Saber, Shortbow (Composite)) |
See Text |
Simple Weapon Proficiency |
See Text |