Cowboy Character Fun

A cowboy just returning from 2 years in St. Louis walks into town and sees an Old Indian sitting on his porch. He figures he'll use the ventriloquist skills he learned in the big city and have a little fun.
Cowboy: "Hey, cool dog. Mind if I speak to him?"
Old Friend: "Dog no talk."
Cowboy: "Hey dog, how's it going?"
Dog: "Doin' alright." Old Friend: extreme look of shock
Cowboy: " Is this man your owner?" pointing at Old Friend.
Dog: "Yep"
Cowboy: "How does he treat you?"
Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food, and takes me to the lake once a week to play." Old Friend: look of disbelief.
Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your horse?"
Old Friend: "Horse no talk."
Cowboy: "Hey horse, how's it going?"
Horse: "Cool." Old Friend: extreme look of shock
Cowboy: "Is this your owner? " pointing at Old Friend.
Horse: "Yep"
Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"
Horse: "Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, brushes me down often, and keeps me in the barn."
Old Friend: total look of amazement
Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your sheep?"
Old Friend: "Sheep Lie."