Phoenix, AZ - Picture Map

The party will get to Phoenix by following along the Gila river. The river flows through a long narrow valley that is a green, fertile place in the middle of the desert. The soil is sandy, but has supported growing things for a long time and there is much loam mixed in. The city is home to 12,000 people and there are hundreds of buildings. This is the central spot of civilization for the entire state. The government, religion, commerce and crime are all centered here.


1 Clothes & Fine Fabrics (Paddy O'Connor)
2 Orchard Supply (Jose Padia)
3 Duncan Emporium (Clark Duncan)
4 Boots and Tack (Carl Anderson)
5 Hardware (Peter LaBau)
10 Feed and Grain (Bob Dixon and Amelio Gomes)
11 Arms (Homer Wilson)
17 Lacy's Grocery (Paul Lacy)
18 German Cabinet Maker (Norbert Leiter)
32 Phoenix Times Newspaper
9  Hotel Arizona (Albert Hamilton)
16 Weekly Boarding House (Annie Setter)
15 Phoenix Inn and Restaraunt (Howard Baldwin)

8 Daily Grocery (Gary Kaumarch)

12 Territorial Capitol Building
19- Western Union Telegraph
23 Jail House and Sherrif's Office
6 Governer's Mansion (Mark Rollins)
7 Lincoln Park
13 McDowell Mansion (Jack McDowell-Lumber yard owner)
14 Stanton Mansion (Ex-Silver Miner)
33 Church of River Jordan (Babtist)

China Town
20 Ivory Chopstick Restaraunt (Wing Chow)
21 Doc Ho Market (Duk Hau)
22 Chin Laundry (Leung Chin)
34 Radient Faith Temple (Buddist)
23 Longhorn Saloon (Benny O'Gaunt)
24 El Real Casino (Juan Amelieo Sanchez de'Chowla)
25 Horses (Yellow Duck Apachie)
26 Redlight Bar and Grill (Andy Pierson)
27 Lidea's House (Lidea Smith)
28 Imperial Saloon & Gambling Hall (Donald Younger)
29 Gila Saloon (Ted Hanson)
30 Pawn Shop (Blackie)
31 Undertaker (Phil Bucklie)

Adventure Notes:

Shoot out between sheriff candidates.
There is a political demonstration while the party is walking near there. They will hear the sound of a brass band from all over town. If they come near the will see a party going on in the middle of Adam street. It is a debate between two candadates for City Sherrif. Alan Sharfton (the current sherrif) and Donald Tarkington are debating each other on a podium set up in the court in front of the Capitol Building. They are giving away beer and cigars and there is a brass band for Sharfton and a "Black Face" band with dancing girls for Tarkington. While the party is there, they two candadates will get increasingly insulting until there is a gun fight. The current sherrif Sharfton is killed and Tarkington is handcuffed and led away  by the deupty (Harry Blake). The party is OVER!

Encounter with an covert agent of the US government
On seeing Rex (or someone else not indian or asian), he will try to see him alone. Once he can manage this, he will approach Rex and say "The ship has left the harbor. Do you bear the sign?"
Of course Rex won't know what he is talking about. What he is asking for is for Rex to show him the tattooed "9" they all have in different places. The correct code reply to his query is "Fear not, the ship will return. Have you been shriven lately brother?" This reply allows them to leave together so Rex can show the tattoo in private. As soon as the agent realizes the reply is not correct, he will say "So you aren't the sign painter? Oh, so sorry about that." and walk away. He will go directly to the telegraph office and wire the home office for confirmation of the description he has and ask for instructions.
It will take 2 days to get his reply. The reply is "Description matches. His answer unexpected. Contact second buyer. Investigate cautiously and report. "
This means "You have the right guy. Use the description you have of the second agent and approach him. If this doesn't pan out, find out why they are not replying and report back to us using cipher 7."
The agent has already been nosing around and has found that the group is still hanging together but they are acting strangely. The second description he has is that of Ody's character. He will approach him and ask the same question as soon as the agent gets the wire. He will be very friendly and helpful and attempt to befriend members of the 509 by buying them drinks, answering stupid questions without asking questions and in general making himself indispensable. He will even travel with them to get more info.

Job Postings:
Hunt Jackalopes
Stagecoach Guards
Bounty Hunters
Horse Breaking

The latest news
fill them in on the current war and political situation. It would be cool to have  a copy of a local newspaper (a 2 page paper they call a "broadsheet" that gives little detail on national events and lots on local events.
In this will be the following headlines:
J. Davis vows the South will Fight On
With the breaking of the sea blockade that the south's ability to fight on will continue unimpeded.
President Johnson renews his call for volunteers.
A. Johnson asks for additional volunteers from experienced soldiers to aid in training new conscripts.
Chicago draft riots continue
The death toll is now 123 in 2 weeks of on and off fighting between protesters and police and militia troops.
Tragedy for the 123 Calvary narrowly avoided.
Timely information from a Pueblo chief of a trap set by the Sioux saves the lives of dozens.
Most of the local news revolves around the up coming election of a Sheriff for Phoenix. There is a lot of mudslinging going on as the campaign gets dirty.