From Tempe to Maricopa - Map

There is a stage service that runs from Tempe to Maricopa. $5 fare.

This tiny spot is a cluster of 5 buildings around a well and is primarilly a spot to water your horses and get yourself a drink.
The population is 35 (including the childeren who number 12). It seems like there are childeren everywhere you look. There are 2 houses, Jackson stable, Desert Sands Inn (no eating) and a Golden Tabernackle Saloon (bar food).

Jackson Stable - Prop. "Camel" (Terence) Jackson
Room for 12 horses in the barn and 15 more in an oversized corale. Board for a day is .10 and .50 a week. This does not include curry; just hay a handful of oats and water. He has a small selection of new and used tack (50% chance of finding a specific item for sale-30% new).
Desert Sands Inn - Prop. Johhann and Anna Stupp
German Imigrants with thick accents. Johann is a thin man with a fat laugh is jovial to customers and short with his childeren and staff. He has a black woman named Natisha Jones and 6 childeren who help him. The place is spotlessly clean. There is nothing fancy, but everything has a fresh coat of paint, is polished and dust free. They are free of the predujice most Americans have. They will rent to anyone with money except West European Royalty. They hate the French. They arrived in America in S.F. and moved east assuming it was more civilized than SF, but found there mistake when the reached Phoenix. They moved to Kyrene because they bought a homestead for 20.00 that included the land the hotel is on. Rooms are 1.50 for 1 and 2.50 for a 2 person room.
Golden Tabernackle Saloon - Prop. Duke Stuckey
Duke is a lying, theiving asshole. He doesn't have a charitable bone in his body and is a brutal pimp for the ladies he keeps in flimzy outbuildings behind the saloon. These are 8'x9' huts made of packing crates. There are 4, but there are only 2 women named "Taffy" and "Brandy". They are both unlovley and brused.
The main building is a single story thing made of clapboard painted yellow. The roof is made of canvas and the floor is made of the same clapboard as the walls. They sink about 1/2" when you step between supports underneith.  Its about 60'x80' (large) with a brick bar inside. The chairs and tables are cheaply made and unfinished. They break easily and Duke charges $10 if you break one. Water .05 inside-free outside, Beer .35, Whiskey .75, Corn Whikey .50, Jack Daniels 1.50, Chili .75 comes with cornbread, corn dodgers .05 each, biscets and gravy .25
The bouncer is a big man named Bull and looks like one. He is an experienced bar fighter and a good hand with a gun. He carries matching Remington pistols at all times, but handles most of his problems with fists like hams. He is filthy with stringy long hair and an unruly wild mustache.
Bouncer Bull - male human Rowdy - 8:  CR 8; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall-190lbs.); HD 8d8+8; hp 53; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 50 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 Mnk); Attack +9/+4 melee, or +8/+8/+3 monk, or +7/+2 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +8; AL LN; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14.
Skills and feats:  Escape Artist +12, Hide +5, Jump +14, Listen +4, Move Silently +1, Ride +6, Spot +9, Tumble +12, Use Magic Device +6; Alertness, [Deflect Arrows], Endurance, [Evasion], Improved Initiative, [Improved Trip], [Improved Unarmed Strike], Point Blank Shot, [Stunning Fist], Simple Weapons  (pistols).

Gila River Ford
This is a tiny spot where the river widens and grows shallow and slow moving. Any good horse and any normal steer can cross easily at this point. However, there is a large raft that will ferry the stagecoach and other carts across so they don't get wet. This small business is run by the Hoover Bros. who make a good living poleing folks across the river. They operate the ferry from April to December and stay in Tempe in the winter. They charge 2.00 for a stage coach, 1.50 for a buckboard, 2.50 for a conistoga wagon, .25 per horse and .10 per person.

The description above is just a backdrop for the encounter that will take place here. Actually, this encounter will take place no matter where the party goes as long as they cross the Gila River.

Indians - Tales of the People
They will meet a group of Cocopa (Mohave) indians who will approach in a friendly way seeing the group has indians with them.

The good indians are the called Keo'otuk Manitu (those who respect Manitu the Great Spirit). They are mostly populated by the Pawnees, Omahas, Mandans, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Hurons and Ojibways and smaller tribes further west. The nation is called Keo'otuk which has been shortened by the white man to "Kotuk". They adhere to the "Old Ways" and will not use the weapons of the whites.
It runs from Washington in the West, south to Arizona and East to Idaho and Montana including California.

The bad indians are the Sioux. They are now really a collection of different tribes combined into the the one nation. This nation was formed by active conquest and was swolen by like minded indians who travelled from far away because they want to drive the white man away. Even though they are called the "Sioux Nation" they have absorbed many tribes into their numbers. Most of the tribes represented in large numbers are the ones from the east coast and north east. These are the Delawares, Mohawks, Choctaws, Camanches, Dacotahs, Shoshonies and Blackfeet. They say they hold the "Old Ways" but the Ravens will will use white man weapons against white men. They have an injunction against using them against other indians however.
Their territory runs from the Dakota territory in the NE, south to Wyoming and West to include the E of Idaho and W of Montana.

The Ishkoodah
In 1863, the indians received a vision that would change everything for them in the years to come. At the winter solstice, in the northern sky they saw a comet looking like a waterfall among the stars. It was something that only they could see; the white man never could. Even the least aware shaman could tell this was an omen of a holy event that was to come.  The eyes of the shamen were ever looking northward for a revelation.

The Calumet
On the spring solstice (what is this really called?), a huge line of smoke could be seen in the north. It was supernatural in that it could be seen even by the most southernly tribes. The whites living in the north could see it, but it was to faint to be seen by them in the southern territories. The shamen who were aware of the spirit world could see this was a summons from Manitou. They chose members of their tribe to travel with them to go to the source of the smoke and see was Manitou demanded of them. They stopped at every friendly tribe on the way to spread the summons to those with a less than in tune shaman.
The rest of the story is as in the Song of Hiawatha.
However, when Manitu departed into the sky, the men of the tribes had many talks of how to return the land to the old ways. Despite the commands of Manitu, they devided into the two main divisions and in the fall of '64 they began the great migration where the two indian nations were formed.

That winter was very hard and many died of cold and starvation. The lack of assistance from the white man (who had problems of their own with the Civil War) only intensified their resolve against coming of the whites.

With the Calumet, the religion of the Indians surged and the power of the spirits was much increased. It was Raven who brought the Changes. As usual, they were a mixed blessing. While the horror of the dead rising from the ground in Gettysburg horrified the whites and prolonged the Civil War, the Changes also brought much pain and death to the indians as well.
The Changes are simply manifestations of the good and evil spirits power on the Americas.  From this have come the undead, the monsters and the benevolent spirits that are only now being recognized for what they are. Even the sleeping whites are wondering what is happeneing and how these things are coming to pass.

Sacaton Station
Sacaton Station is a spot to change stage horses and feed the passangers.
It is a clip joint by the name of "Maggies". They also sell "sundries". $2.50 lunch usually chili, $4 dinner usually stew (fish or pork), $.50 beer
Maggie is a horrible shrew who orders her husband around without mercy. He likes it that way.

