New Feats

Armor Proficiency (Heavy) [General]
Your character is proficient with the workings of powered battlesuits and similar types of armor
Benefit: When your hero is using armor with which she is not proficient, the armor check penalty applies only to Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight o' Hand, and Tumble checks
Normal: Without this proficiency, a waster wearing such armor suffers its armor check penalty to her attack rolls and all skill rolls involving moving
Special: This feat grants your hero the ability to use all melee weapons attached to a battlesuit, like a chainsaw or sword, but not ranged weapons, such as a machine gun. A junker is automatically proficient with armor she has designed or built

Armor Proficiency (Medium) [General]
Your hero is familiar with personal armor such as bulletproof vests and armored dusters
Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Normal: See Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Special: A junker is automatically proficient with any armor he has designed or built himself

Automatic Weapon Proficiency [General]
Your waster is skilled in using fully automatic weapons
Prerequisite: Firearms
Benefit: A hero with this feat can fire fully-automatic weapons without penalty, and may use the suppressive fire ability of machine guns and the like
Normal: Without this proficiency, a shooter suffers an additional -4 modifier to her attack rolls
Special: A junker who designs an automatic weapon gains this feat, but only with respect to that particular weapon. In other words, she can fire her machine gun to full effect, but she's unable to do so with any other automatic weapon she didn't design

Berserk [General]
Characters with this feat have gotten in touch with their inner stepchild and beat the snot out of it
Benefit: For whatever reason, certain things set the hero off, turning her into a frenzied death-machine. Whenever your hero takes damage, she must make an Intelligence check against a DC equal to the damage she just took. If she fails the roll, she goes into a Berserk frenzy, allowing her to make two hand-to-hand attacks each action
The character stays in this frenzy until her target is dead or she has been held back for 1d4 rounds and forced to calm down. The character must also move into hand-to-hand combat no matter what the situation. She might not jump off a cliff to get at someone, but she's happy to charge an army all by herself once berserk. This is a good time for her friends to restrain her! Brave [General]
No one can accuse your character of being a yellow-belly. He's got more than his fair share of sand
Benefit: Your hero gets +2 on Will saves against fear
Special: This bonus stacks with all other Will save modifiers

Dead Eye [Special]
Characters who are highly skilled in death and mayhem are more likely to hit their opponent's vital spots. Dead Eye raises a character's damage total when making an exceptional attack roll
Prerequisite: Dead Eye is only available to Waste Warriors
Benefit: If the character uses the fullattack option while attacking, he adds his level to the damage of his attack. This feat applies to all the character's attacks in a round. The damage is multiplied if the shot is a critical as usual
Special: Creatures that aren't subject to criticals (such as most every sort of undead) do not suffer the additional damage caused by Dead Eye

Firearms Proficiency [General]
Your waster knows how to use a type of firearm: pistols, rifles, machine guns, or shotguns
Benefit: Your hero makes attack rolls with the weapon normally
Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient suffers a – 4 penalty to his attack rolls
Fanning (General) Your character is proficient at "fanning the hammer". In other words, he holds the trigger back while rapidly cocking and releaseing the hammer on a single action pistol, sending a hail of bullets at his target
Prerequisite: A single action pistoi, Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Base attrack bonus of +4 or higher
Benefit: As a full action your character may fire up to the number of rounds in his weapon (max of 6) with a single-action pistol. The gunslinger may choose any targets in his weapons first range increment. He may even fire at six different targets in his weapon's first range increment. Each attack is made at the gunslingers highest attack bonus but suffers a -6 penalty. The gunslinger may only make as many attacks as he has bullets left in his pistol up to 6 in one round

Gift of Gab [General]
A lot of foreigners fought for the Northern and Southern Alliances. Most of them don't speak a lot of English
Sometimes the only way to talk to one of these grizzled veterans is in their own language
Benefit: The character with this feat learns new languages as if they were class skills
Normal: Without this feat, the character learns new languages as normal
Improved Casting (Special) Your hero is a little more skilled or a little more lucky than usual. This is a very powerful abillity both for shamans and the blessed who can cast more spells with a little luck and hucksters whose spells become much more powerful
Prerequisite: Base Faith, Hexslinging or a Ritual skill of 8
Benefit: Your hero gains a spectacular spell success on a natural roll of 19 or 20

Keen [General]
Veterans of the wastelands expect the unexpected. Other folks are just jumpy. The only thing they've got in common is that they both sense a walkin' dead creeping up on them from 50 yards away
Benefit: A Keen hero notices little details, sounds, and movements that others may ignore. She gets a +2 circumstance bonus to all Listen and Spot skill checks
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13+ Law o' the West [General]
Even in the Wasted West, there are a few good-hearted fools who don't know when to shoot their enemies in the back
A hero with this feat lives by a code of honor that hardly anyone else subscribes to. He refuses to kill unless provoked, never draws first in a duel, and refuses to shoot someone at a significant disadvantage (such as in the back)
Even these throwbacks don't apply their strange rules to hordes of walkin' dead, deranged mutants, or others an deemed unworthy of the code
Benefit: The hero gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate skill checks. If your hero violates the code too often and folks find out about it, he loses all the benefits and becomes just another waster with a gun
Prerequisite: The hero must follow the code as it is stated above or loses its benefits

Level-Headed [General]
Veteran gunmen claim speed and skill are vital, but they're overrated compared to keeping your cool, aiming at your target, and putting it down. A hothead who empties his hogleg too fast might soon find himself taking root in the local bone orchard
Benefit: When rolling Initiative, a die roll of less than 10 is automatically raised to 10. Modifiers are then added to the new “roll” of 10
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative

Marksman [General]
One shot, one kill. That's the motto of the marksman. Whether he's a sniper picking off trogs or a waster taking out the leader of a bunch of Black Hats, a marksman tries to put his enemy down with one bullet
Benefit: A marksman spends one round aiming at his target. The target must not be making a double move or a run. On the second round, the marksman may make one attack at his usual bonus. If the attack is successful, the target must make a Fortitude save versus DC 10 + damage or die. The target must be within the maximum range of the attacker's weapon and some vital part (head, stomach, etc., must be visible)
Targets with no discernible vitals, or that aren't subject to critical hits, are not affected by this feat
Prerequisite: Concentration 4+, base attack bonus of +5 or higher, weapon focus, weapon specialization
Special: Should something distract the marksman in this period, he must make a standard Concentration check against damage

Nerves o' Steel [General]
Whether it's an iron backbone or just plain cussedness, your hero isn't the sort to turn tail and run, no matter what he's facing
Benefit: If your character is forced to flee as the result of a failed Will save versus fear, he can choose to stand his ground instead. He still suffers any other effects from the failed save, such as ability or attack roll modifiers

Sand [General]
Sand is what keeps a brainer fighting even when his boots are full of his own blood. It's what lets a brainer spit in the Grim Reaper's face (literally) and then ask him to two-step. Heroes with sand can keep on fighting even when they should be waiting for a sawbones
Benefit: The hero may continue to act even when his hit points are zero or less
At -10, the hero drops over dead as usual, but between 0 and -9, he may take partial actions by rolling a Willpower save against a DC of 10 plus the number of hit points he is below 0. A character at -5, for instance, rolls against DC 15
Conducting actions does not cause additional damage
Prerequisites: Constitution 15+
Special: The hero may not stabilize while attempting to take partial actions

Sucker Punch [General]
Your brainer knows all the dirty tricks to use in a knock-down-drag-out brawl
Whether it's throwing dirt in an opponent's eyes, biting him on the nose, pulling his hair, or just plain old kicking him where it really hurts, your character is ready to do it
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +1 or higher
Benefit: Anytime your hero uses the full attack option in hand-to-hand combat with his fists, or during a grappling attack (or defense), your hero does an additional 1d4 points of damage (real or subdual at the player's choice)
In addition, a sucker-punched victim must make a Fortitude roll equal to 10 plus the damage caused. If failed, the victim is at -4 on his next action
Sucker punch does not combine with certain classes' sneak attack ability
This feat only works against living creatures with discernible anatomies
Undead, gelatinous monsters, and the like just can't be affected by the usual dirty tricks!

The Stare [General]
There's something in your brainer's eyes that makes normal folks downright uncomfortable and Law Dogs antsy
Prerequisite: Cha 15+, Intimidate 9+
Benefit: Once per encounter, your character can, as a free action, use her frightening gaze to intimidate or outright terrify all opponents within 30 feet. The targets must be to her front so that she may make eye contact with each of them
The stare only affects humans and sentient creatures with fewer levels than your brainer. The targets must make a Will save against a DC 10 + half your hero's level + her Charisma modifier. If the opponent fails, he's shaken as if struck by fear, suffering a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 1d6 + your hero's character level (round up) in rounds
This is an extraordinary ability
Normal: A waster without this feat can use the Intimidate skill to threaten a single person at a time. Regardless of his result on the skill roll, he doesn't generate a morale penalty to his opponent's rolls

The Voice [General]
When your character speaks, folks hush up and listen hard, whether she's got something worthwhile to say or not. It's the medium, not the message
When you choose this feat, you need to choose what type of voice the character has as well, either soothing, threatening, or grating. The game effects of each are described below
Benefit: The hero gains a +2 bonus to her skill check depending on the type of voice she has: A soothing voice adds +2 to Diplomacy skill checks made in calm, seductive, or otherwise peaceful situations when your golden vocal cords can assure everyone of your honesty and integrity
A threatening voice adds +2 to Intimidate checks. This might be a low growl, a “heroic” oratorical voice, or a venomous hiss
A grating voice adds +2 to Ridicule checks and annoys those who are its target
Prerequisite: Charisma 15+ Special: This feat may be taken multiple times to gain each type of voice