Yhammos Family Castle

The Yhammos family castle is in disrepair due primarily to an attack by mercenaries who ransacked the buildings and burned some of them down. Fortunately the family had advance warning. It was too late to plan a defense but time enough to evacuate.
The outer walls are about 3' thick and falling down in many places. The towers are 16' high and 20' in diameter. Their ceilings are low at 7'. The walls facing out are fitted out with 2 levels of arrow slits on both floors. The would use crossbows on the lower slits and bows on the upper level. The 2 towers in the North and the wall in between are all rubble. There are 3' high crenelations on the roof providing 3/4 cover.  The stairs inside are actually ramps with no stairs.
The front gatehouse is made of slate stone and river stone. The floor is cobbled. It is 12' high. The guard blocks are hollow with many arrow slits and can only be entered from the roof. The barriers are intended to slow down and jam up soldiers to be killed by the guards in the blocks.

  1. The Manor House - This is the primary building in the castle. It is detailed below.
  2. Stable - This building is made of wood and has no floor. It is a single story high but has hay storage in a mezzanine. There is a tack room inside for horse bridals saddles and so on. The outdoor tack room was for carriage and cart gear.
  3. Smithy - This is not a full fledged blacksmith shop as it was only intended for horse care like horseshoe replacement. The building is in good shape, but has been gutted of anything you can take away. The forge is there, but that's about it.
  4. This tack room was used to store and provide a repair spot for carts, carriage, and other vehicles. It is empty but intact.
  5. This barn was burned down.
  6. This barn is also burned to the ground
  7. The building is intact but empty. Made of clapwood and sturdy beams it was almost burned down.
  8. There are some papers from the Yhammos family in a hidden compartment in the desk.
  9. The Little House has stone walls and a wooden roof. The roof is mostly gone due to harsh winters and no care. The front door is intact as are all the shuttered windows inside. This building is guarded by the Twirler. Anytime a non-Yhammos family member gets within 60' of the building, the twirler will appear. Until then it looks like a strange plant that remains motionless until activated. Inside the house has remained undisturbed. It is 80'x60'.This small wooden building was where the business and accounting records were updated and stored. It is empty and the door has been destroyed.This small home was added on about 60 years after the castle building was made. It is a 2 story building made of stone and designed to be a place where people visiting for an extended time would be installed. It is very nice when it was in repair, but has been stripped, vandalized and neglected.
  10. This used to be housing for the staff, but has burned to the ground.
  11. This kitchen was added on during the remodel was done as the Yhammos family was taking over so there was more room on the ground floor of the manor. It has burned, but most of it is reusable. None of the contents of the kitchen remain.

Guarding the entrance to the Manor House is a Treant that will attack anyone approaching or departing from the building.

Yhammos Manor House

This is area 1 on the outdoor map.

The castle in Hellia was part of the family holdings of the ancient leaders of the city by the name of Gulaaga. Although at one time they had many endeavors, they are best known for their primary business of undertaking. There is a graveyard located very near the castle but the best accommodations were in the catacombs that were under the castle itself. The ground in this area is an unusually hard sandstone which was still relatively easy to mine and carve making it ideal for hasty but ornate decorations. For over 3 centuries the family would take commissions for tombs, family crypts and single body interments. Part of the attraction for their services is that they regularly hired clerics and consecrate the rooms. Also, the whole complex was carefully guarded by day and night by armed guards to prevent theft and evil of all kinds known to prey on the dead.
After the fall of the family that built the castle it was sold to the family Yhammos who is the ancestors of Derrix.
Kartak Yhammos was one of the early master mages to inhabit the castle. He re-configured the level to be a magician laboratory.

The building is made of mortared river rock and wood. The exterior walls are stone and most of the interior walls are of wood. The ceilings in the building are 10' high and the basement level ceilings are 8' high. The ground level floors are made of slate and the upper floors are made of walnut. The basement floors are slate.

Ground Floor
2nd Floor
3rd floor
Dungeon 1
Dungeon 2

Castle Rooms

Ground Floor

Room 1-Entry Hall

This is the entry room to the castle. The doors are partially open and visibly rotting. They will close, but not lock. They are very rotten and any one with a will and a sword will be able to cut them down.

Room 2-Main Ballroom

This is the ground floor of the castle. Weapons and shields adorn the walls, but though neglect they have become rusted and the paint is coming off. Four huge fireplaces rest at cardinal points of this massive room, all large enough for a human to walk into. Doors in the distance lead to other locations on this floor. At the center of the room is a wide, twisting staircase that spirals up to the floor above.
Perched on the spiral staircase is a Harpy.

Room 3 Spiral Staircase

The spiral staircases here are made of the 10' diameter rod of stone with the stairs cut into it.
The staircase on this level is guarded by the illusion of a Bone Devil. It will appear when a person steps on the 2nd step. Just the sight of this fanged “barbed horror” requires characters to pass a morale check or flee the stairwell. The physical trap as always located on the second step is a Symbol of Hypnosis: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 11 save or become incapacitated for 1d4 rounds; apprentice tier, setback
The stairs lead up to area 17 and down to area 28. The stairs down are hidden by a secret trap door in the floor directly under the stairs. DC 12 to see this door as there is a small hole in the floor right at the bottom of the stairs. This is how the trap door is opened from the ground floor. If the 2nd stair going up is lifted up, a section of the floor will swing away revealing the stairs down.

Room 4 Private Staircase

The staircase on this level is guarded by illusion of a Bone Devil. Just the sight of this fanged “barbed horror” requires characters to pass a morale check or become afraid.The physical trap is a Rune of Fear: DC 20 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 10 save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds; apprentice tier, setback. The stairs lead up to area 17 and down to area

Room 5 Average Guest Rooms

This series of rooms are small These rooms are thoroughly thrashed. Anything of value has been taken and anything they didn't want to take the thiefs destroyed. The rooms are mostly small and contained only a bed, a small night table and the water/chamber pot.

Room 6 Fancy Guest Rooms

These are in the same terrible shape as the other guest rooms. They had more and nicer furnishings, but the looters took everything of value.

Room 6a

This is where the dumbwaiter from 28a comes up to the surface level of the castle. Remember the dumbwaiter is just a platform with a floor and a ceiling and the only walls are those that are for the rooms as shown.

Room 6b

This room is where the Harpies have gathered their treasures and where they shit. The stench in this room is very intense requiring a DC12 Con roll to prevent gagging and becoming Incapacitated for 1d4 rounds immediately after opening the door to this room. Inside is a Flying Dung Worm swarm. Shiny things can be seen inside the dung. Anyone searching it must make a gag roll every round. It will take 6 rounds to completely search the dung. Mixed in with the Harpy dung is:
77 cp, 905 sp, 194 gp, 20 pp, A bronze box containing a tiny wooden owl, A toy crossbow, A glass globe of swirling green goop, no openings, A ring carved with the unfinished insignia two headed bird (Thorsar), a sliver bracelet (120gp).

Room 7 Kitchen

All the dishes and utensils have been taken and the stove and sink have been removed. It's obvious where they once stood on the floor. There is nothing of value here.

Room 8 Dumbwaiter

This device, large enough for four people to stand in, is raised and lowered by ropes attached to a pulley system. The large platform leads to the second level, where formal parties were held and where the family rooms are located.

Room 9 Armory

All that remains of the weapons and armor stored here are the pegs and stands that held them.

Room 10 Guard Room

Other than built in stone benches on the N. and W. wall, there is nothing in this room. There is some graffiti scratched into the stone like pictures of dicks, Gurte love Murah and so on.

Room 11 Nobles Dining Room

12. Dumbwaiter

The large dumbwaiter (see area 8) raised food, trays, and servers up to this level.

13. Balcony

The balcony still looks over the great hall below. 

14. Promenade

This walkway allows the people below to be seen from all angles. During great feasts small tables and chairs would be place here, but it is usually kept clear.

15. Guard Towers

The guard towers were part of the original structure— Yhammos built. He realized they wouldn't be of much defensive value. He thought they looked impressive. Now they are crumbling, like much of this structure. Still, they do offer positions of advantage for the archers perched here.

16. Public Staircase

These broad spiral steps lead down to area 3 on the ground level and up to area 18 on the third floor.

Room 17 Private Staircase

On this level, the illusion is a red dragon, claws extended, ready to attack. Don't forget the trap that has been placed on the 2nd step of the stairs. Rune of Paralyzation: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 11 save or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds; apprentice tier, setback

Third Level

18. Public Staircase

These broad spiral steps lead down to area 3 on the ground level and up to area 18 on the third floor.

Room 19 Private Staircase

This level’s illusion is that of a solid, brick wall. Don't forget the trap on the 2nd step. This one is a Net Trap: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within a 10 ft. square area, DC 10 save or become restrained; apprentice tier, setback

Room 20 Main Bedroom

All that remains of the furnishings and gear in this room has been carried away except for what remains of a huge 4 poster bed in the middle of the room. The mattress has been slashed and someone carved their sigal in a post, but it is in reasonable shape. Nothing else in this room is!

Room 21 Nursery Room

The door has a hasp lock but no door lock. This room has the debris of 3 small beds. There are some rotting toys scattered around mixed with the broken wood of the tiny furnishings.

Room 22 Grandparents Room

The door latch is broken and takes a strength roll of 18 to open. There is a painting in oils in a broken frame on the floor of a man who looks like an older version of one of the party (Derrix).

Room 23 Adult Children's Room

Sorry, nothing but trash and broken furniture pieces are here.

Room 24 Guest Room

Doors lock is broken but the door is closed. Just like all the other resident rooms, this one has been vandalized into junk. There is nothing here but dust bunnies, rat poop, wood pulp, splinters and scattered cloth pieces.

Room 25 External Balcony

The balcony encircles the castle, and its floor provides a roof for the promenade below.

Room 26 Library

The library is the only place in the castle that has not been opened. This is because the entrance is protected by a magical trap.
Greater Acid Spray: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within a 20 ft. cone, DC 14 save or take 2d10 acid damage for 1d4 rounds; heroic tier, dangerous.
The door is locked with a DC 20 lock.
  1. Tharkad's Manuscripts of Psychoportation: This libram is bound in bronze plates and locked. A failed attempt to use psionic teleportation.
  2. The Eldritch Slates of Thoinesith: This exotic book is bound in stained glass plates. It is written in Celestial. When used in divine research, this tome provides a +1 bonus to checks using calligrapher's supplies for a day after reading it for an hour.
  3. The Elemental Esoterica of Emes: This set of scrolls is contained in a locked copper coffer. It is sealed by fell wards, and cannot be opened by a non human person. It contains a number of pornographic etchings.
  4. The Taine Slates: This flawless libram is written upon paper and bound in pewter plates set with coral. When read for an hour, this tome provides a +1 bonus to checks using a disguise kit for a day.
  5. Husosion's Scripture of Kingdoms: This book is bound in stained glass plates. It is locked by magic, and can be opened only in a mirror.
  6. The Fallen Articles of Eraill: This impressive tome is bound in monkey hide. Several of its pages appear to be missing. Pages fall out when used.
  7. The Malevolent Articles of Enos: This flawless compendium is bound in leather with bronze hinges and fittings. When used in arcane research, this tome provides a +1 bonus to tinkers tools.
  8. The Dinarv Incunabulum: This folio of parchments is contained in an iron coffer. Several of its pages appear blank, unless viewed by the first light of dawn. In the light it contains blank verse poetry about life on the sea.
  9. Tharkad's Parchments: This set of scrolls is contained in a leather case trimmed with ermine fur. It contains instructions on how to construct traps for fur bearing animals.
  10. The Corrupt Leaves of Astus: This set of carved wooden slates is contained in an engraved gold coffer. They are not readable by any means as they are nonsensable
  11. The Elysian Enchiridion of Leatha: This heavy tome is bound in copper plates set with amber. A book describing the plane of Elysian
  12. The Luminous Libram of Thali: This cryptic libram is bound in leather with pewter hinges and fittings. It is written in Infernal.
  13. The Desimmo Fishy Esoterica: This eldritch book is bound in pewter plates with a bunch of fish etched iubt the cover.. It is a short book on guppy raising.
  14. Sini's Folio: This set of engraved wood slates is contained in a blackthorn puzzle box. A map of the elemental planes has been added near the front of the tome.
  15. Donoro's Articles: This cryptic libram is written in red wax and bound in birch plates inlaid with pewter. When used in research, this tome provides a +1 bonus to checks using cartographer's tools when studied for an hour before beginning.
  16. Tosileo's Articles: This set of engraved clay tablets is contained in a leather case. It is an organized but brutal system of civic law.
  17. Minarv's Leaves: This impressive libram is written in golden ink upon silk pages and bound in leather trimmed with mink fur. It is locked by magic, and can be opened only by a Mage Hand spell. When used in research, this tome provides a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Nature) checks.
  18. The Eldritch Shards of Nochy: This folio of parchments is contained in a leather case. It is written in Draconic and talks about how good humans taste.
  19. The Book of Asun: This tome is written in illuminated script and bound in stained glass plates. Whenever it is opened, any other spells affecting the reader cease functioning.
  20. The Codex of Ukhul: This flawless libram is bound in leather with electrum hinges and fittings. It is sealed by fate, and can be opened only within the Last Cathedral. When used in divine research, this tome provides a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Religion) checks.

More Valuable Tomes

  1. Anas' Leaves: This libram is written in blood and bound in leather. It is locked by magic, and can be opened only by answering the riddle inscribed upon it. "What is it that is yours but others use it more than you.-Your Name" This spellbook contains the spells Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Friends, Mending, Message, and Ray of Frost.
  2. Gili's Folio: This compendium is written in luminous script upon silk pages and bound in leather with silver hinges and fittings. An individual who reads this tome, which requires 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, gains a +1 bonus to checks using cartographer's tools. Enclosed in this folio is the letter from Derrix's father to him. It is also the way to restore his memory completely.
  3. Thainan's Manuscripts: This book is written upon linen pages and bound in leather. It is locked by magic, and can be opened only by a drop of holy water. It can only be used by a priest of non-evil alignment. It contains the divine spell Ceremony complete with the instructions on how to perform it in many different gods.
  4. The Demonic Parchments of Nanain: This tome is bound in iron plates and locked. It is trapped with a flame rune spell that will destroy the book if the words "Gabba Gabba Oi Oi Oi" are not spoken. This spellbook contains the spells Burning Hands, Expeditious Retreat, Longstrider, Shield, and Silent Image.
  5. The Unearthly Tablets of Toute: This ancient book is bound in stained glass plates. An priest class character who reads this tome, which requires 56 hours over a minimum of 7 days, gains the ability to cast the spell Sacred Flame regardless of his divine affiliations. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for this spell. After casting this spell, you can't cast it again until you complete a short or long rest.
  6. The Ukrak Incunabulum: This set of etched glass plates is contained in a brass coffer set with amber. An individual who reads this tome, which requires 56 hours over a minimum of 7 days, gains the ability to speak Fey.

Room 27 Staircase to the Roof

There is nothing on the roof and it is in disrepair, but still mostly intact.

Staircase Traps

The hidden staircase in the northeast corner of every
level are trapped. These stairs can be found by searching for secret doors.
Two traps on every floor protect the staircase. The first is an illusion, something to frighten unwanted visitors should they stumble on the hidden stairwell. The other, a physical trap on the second stair of each level, is more serious: a slide that leads to a pit of sharp wooden stakes at the very center of the deepest hole the castle. Dispel magic can eliminate the illusion, and a successful find traps roll will reveal the death slide. Every member of the family, from early childhood onward, has been taught that Yhammos members always skip the  second step.” That is not a philosophy, but a warning.

Dungeon Level 1

Room 28 Hidden Staircase

This staircase leads down from the great hall on the ground floor (area 2). Ornate wall sconces would keep it brightly lit if they had oil and wicks. The trap door can be reset from the stairs by lifting it up until it latches. Hanging from the railing of the stairs is a pole with a hook on the end. It will fit in the small hole in the trapdoor allowing the door to be closed from the ground floor.

Room 28a Dumbwaiter

This dumbwaiter was used to raise and lower the cadavers that were prepared for the undertakers. There is a hidden lock (DC 25 to find)at the Middle of the east edge of the platform and to unlock takes a DC 20 roll. This will free the mechanism allowing it to move between the floor.

Room 29 The Redoubt Common Area

Originally this was the work area for the undertakers. They would bring the corpses here for preparation. They would also store the caskets that were made in the level below in this room. When the castle was first purchased this room was fitted out as a casual relaxing place for the Yhammos close family. When the troubles started, this changed into being a spot where the family could flee to and defend. Before the castle was looted this room contained a kitchen table with a sink two large tables a dozen chairs and so on. Without knowledge of the dumbwaiter going to this level the looters couldn't get large items out, so they just threw stuff around. The little stuff they took. Currently 2 Otyugh  have been trapped here as guardians. They are positioned on either side of 29 where the corridor ends. Grafitti "Too late to leave", Stay out!"


Large aberration, neutral
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 6 (−2) 13 (+1) 6 (−2)
Saving Throws Con +7
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Otyugh
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Limited Telepathy. The otyugh can magically transmit simple messages and images to any creature within 120 feet of it that can understand a language. This form of telepathy doesn't allow the receiving creature to telepathically respond.
Multiattack. The otyugh makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its tentacles.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned until the disease is cured. Every 24 hours that elapse, the target must repeat the saving throw, reducing its hit point maximum by 5 (1d10) on a failure. The disease is cured on a success. The target dies if the disease reduces its hit point maximum to 0. This reduction to the target's hit point maximum lasts until the disease is cured.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 4 (1d8) piercing damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 13) and restrained until the grapple ends. The otyugh has two tentacles, each of which can grapple one target.
Tentacle Slam. The otyugh slams creatures grappled by it into each other or a solid surface. Each creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage and be stunned until the end of the otyugh's next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn't stunned.

Rooms 30 Bedrooms

These were holding rooms for the undertakers clients, but they were turned into bedrooms for many people. The small rooms have only straw mattresses and a small stand for the chamber pot. The larger rooms have real beds and a small shelf unit. The mattresses have been cut up, and the stands have been upturned.
There is a strong smell of rotten food when entering this area coming from the room across the corridor (32). The following room content numbers start at the 30 room next to the stairs at 33 and proceed clockwise.
  1. Full waterskin, Hammer and chisel, 12 Large iron caltrops (4"), Purple egg, Small piece of flint
  2. Carved stone key, Carved stone statue of a bear, Large glass eye, Large lodestone, Pouch of phosphorescent fungi
  3. Blunted dwarven axe blade, 3" Wood carving of a legendary hero
  4. Rotting salted fish, Cave bear teeth and claws, Rotting wooden cask, Wyvern skull
  5. Biscuits of gritty hardtack, Flint dagger, Large drinking horn, 6 compartment Pouch of medicinal herbs, Small cask of oil
  6. Carved stone candelabrum, Carved stone statue of a dragon,  Large broken key,  Small piece of chalk
  7. Crudely-carved wooden figure,  pouch mushrooms (poisonous), Tattered wool cloak, Wheel of mouldy cheese
  8. Broken stone tankard, Cask of pickled fish, Pouch of polished stone marbles, Nice piece of river stone, Various gnawed bones

Room 31 Secret Stairs

On this level the illusion is a dark naga, poised to strike. While harmless, the illusionary naga helps sendthe unwanted screaming from the
stairwell. The physical trap is Teleporter Crystal: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects each creature which touches the crystal, DC 11 save or be teleported to another location; apprentice tier, setback. The stairs lead up to area 4. The 2nd step is trapped with poison darts and the illusion of a glowing, skull save VS wisdom at DC 15 or flee.

Room 32 Emergency Larder

The door to this room is locked. It is a DC 14 to pick and is not trapped. There is a 1" gap between the bottom of the door and the floor.
This held the food intended to be used if the family had to lay low for a while. It is good quality, but all is rotten now. This is where the bad smell is coming from. The room is full of cockroaches who are really hungry for something other than garbage to feed on and the party is on the menu.
5 Swarms of Carnivorous Cockroaches. These will start running from 32 into 29 the round after the melee with the Otyugs begins and one per round will come out thereafter. If the players open the door before the battle, all 5 swarms will attack at the same time.

Swarm of Carnivorous Cockroaches

Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 24 (5d8+2)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
3 (−4) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 1 (−5) 7 (−2) 1 (−5)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses blindsight 20 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages --
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
Bite.. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 10 (4d4) piercing damage, or 5 (2d4) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.
Poison. When bit  the character must make a Con roll at DC 12. On the first failure the character becomes Poisoned. On a second failed save the character becomes incapacitated.
Provided with a large amount of food, a single swarm will quickly become several independent swarms. It is not unusual for up to 4 or more different swarm to appear in the same area.
Climbing. The roaches like to climb walls and ceilings to then fall all at once on their victims.

Room 33 Down to the Workroom

This door is secret and very well hidden requiring a DC 24 roll to find. It takes another roll at the same DC to open it. It leads to a stairway down to room 34 on the lower level. The fake door is a balsa wood fake that is nailed to the wall and is easy to bring down. It will take 5hp of damage to do so.

Dungeon Level 2

Room 34 Entry

This room is a small area at the bottom of the stairs leading from above. It looks like it is a solid wall of thick wood but it swings open on a strength roll at DC 12.

Room 35 The Guardian Monster

A Super Flying Sword stands here to prevent anyone who doesn't speak the key words from passing him. The key words to stop its attack are "Never the 2nd step".

Room 36 Magical Doors

These doors are Arcane Locked and the door is also locked with a good lock (DC 21) and needle trapped with poison Serpent Venom.

Room 37 Crypts

All the doors open easily into rooms filled with stone crypts. The caskets are in the walls with stone pieced on the outside of the wall with the persons name who is interred there. These were never used by the Yammos family. The undertakers last name was Gulaaga, so the bulk of the crypts have that name on it. Some are
Alden Gulaaga, Alec Gulaaga,  Anton Arden,  Arlen Gulaaga, Armand Gulaaga, Arron Gulaaga, Augustus Ravery, Chadwick Gulaaga, Dante Elden Gulaaga, Gavin Gulaaga, Hank Weter, Keven Gulaaga, Leif  Gulaaga, Maxwell  Gulaaga

Room 38 Wizards work room

This room is mostly intact. There is magical paraphernalia, equipment, and books. The room appears to be a mess. There are bottles and  jars of spell components strewn about, glass retorts—a complete alchemical laboratory for those who know how to use its equipment.
In the center sits a large work table with a polished, black granite top. Next to the table are three furnaces.
The first is an athanor, a furnace critical to the slow, even heating required in some magical processes.
An separate mid-sized furnace (a descensory furnace), used for heating liquids, stands alongside it.
The final furnace is a heat bath.
On the table itself is an analytical balance scale, a hand centrifuge, and an alchemist’s globe.

Room 39 Shelves

Alembics, retorts, beakers, and flasks share shelf space with books, spent candles, and stones of uncertain origin. Hundreds of glass tubes in metal and wooden holders lie scattered about, some of them are even clean. Other contain residues of ancient alchemy.
Books abound on these shelves, spell books for priests and wizards, tomes on hundreds of subjects, books for clerics, librams for mages, and manuals for fighters and thieves. The library on the upper level of the castle pales in comparison with the treasures here.
Protecting the treasure are 2 Helmed Horrors.
The only way they can be called off is if someone speaks the words "Its all about the fish"
Abacus, Alchemist's fire (flask), Antitoxin (vial), Book, Bottle, glass, Bucket, Candle, Chest of amber insense, Component pouch, Flask, Ink, Ink pen, Magnifying glass,
Mirror-steel, Vial
  1. The Tome of Ukhul: This folio of parchments is contained in a lacquered ash box. It is locked by magic, and can be opened only by starlight. When used in a performance, this tome provides a +1 bonus to Charisma (Performance) checks if read for an hour before performance.
  2. The Malign Manuscripts of Caince: This ancient tome is bound in leather with platinum hinges and fittings. When used in vocation, this tome provides a +1 bonus to checks using carpenter's tools if referred to during construction.
  3. Ateres' Libram of Ruins: This book is written in red ink upon parchment and bound in leather with pewter hinges and fittings. It refers to places that don't exist on Berth.
  4. Eletos' Leaves: This libram is bound in stained glass plates. When used in larceny, this tome provides a +1 bonus to checks using a poisoner's kit while performing the poisoning.  (Skull and Cross bones).
  5. The Eghair Apocrypha: This set of scrolls is contained in a platinum coffer. It is sealed by holy wards, and can be opened only within a Good Temple.
  6. The Accursed Bones of Igin: This set of inscribed bones is contained in an engraved silver coffer. Anyone reading the cursed bones must make a Wisdom roll at DC20 or become insane.
  7. Koga's Scrolls: This modest libram is bound in brass plates. It is sealed by fell wards, and cannot be opened by an evil person. It contains a scroll of Create Undead.
  8. The Eternal Book of Laba: This book is bound in leather with electrum hinges and fittings. A map of the castle area, with several landmarks drawn in red ink, has been added near the front of the tome. Otherwise it is a boring book about the concept of eternity.
  9. The Tome of Battle: This libram is written in luminous script upon vellum and bound in leather. Many of its pages are marked with seemingly unrelated notes.
  10. The Dullo Folio : This book is bound in monstrous hide all black pages.

Room 40 Private Stairs

While it is doubtful any stranger would find this level, the illusion here is an angry werewolf.  There is a  physical trap, on stair 2 that is Rune of Confusion: DC 20 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 10 save or become confused (phb 224) for 1d4 rounds; paragon tier, setback

Room 41 Teleport Room

The teleport room. This room has a teleport rune that is tuned to the Teleport in the Mages Guild room in Maknusi. In preparation for a possible attack from the guild itself, this room has been outfitted for a quick defense. There is a rack of 6 daggers, a hanging stand of 4 longswords and 2 short swords. There is another shelf that has a 1 gallon glass carboy of flaming oil, another of acid, flint, tinder and torches. There is also a Potion of Gaseous Form.

Little House
Living Room-all windows broken, 2 skeletons 1 human stoned guy, nothing valuable Large hearth and fireplace on N wall, Big chandaleer.
Kitchen - Most of the non-metal stuff is OK but all utensils are junk rusted.
Stairs up
Cloak Room

Nighttime random encounter with a domesaticated cat. Calico and friendly female but really thin. Its tail is blown off by Derrix!
The time stop happens when they wake up the next day.