
Wall Tower 1, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rod half-elf english Male 25 Armorsmith Manipulative and Cultured
Shelley half-elf english Female 54 Farmer Gullible and Silent
Amherst half-elf english Male 26 Miller Kleptomaniac and Conversational

Wall Tower 2, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Egan gnome gnome Male 105 Farmer Logical and Easygoing
Bowan gnome gnome Male 8 Fisherman Reliable and Quiet
Solito gnome gnome Male 25 Logger Spoiled and Intuitive
Kevan gnome gnome Male 92 Armorsmith Disrespectful and Combative
Darra gnome gnome Female 16 Maid Nimble and Angry

Wall Tower 3, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bridgely human english Male 49 Miller Scarred Face and Secretive
Blossom human english Female 10 Cook Bites Nails and Know-it-all
Dana human english Female 49 Weaponsmith Melancholy and Respectful
Cole human english Male 42 Private Guard Fearful and Ignorant

AO1 Blacksmith


Item Price
Master Services, per day 1sp
Apprentice Services, per day 5cp


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Milton half-elf english Male 38 Owner Stubborn and Trustworthy
Alyan elf elven Male 309 Owner Scarred Face and Dependable
Blakely half-elf english Male 27 Apprentice Combative and Assertive
Karter half-elf english Male 78 Apprentice Haughty and Introverted


Item Price #Avail
Chain 10ft 28gp 5
Crane (hold pot over fire) 5sp 5
Crowbar 3gp 8
Fishhook 2sp 1
Grate (Cook-pit) 6sp 3
Hammer 5sp 3
Hoe 7sp 5
Lock, Very Simple 25gp 2
Lock, Average 50gp 1
Manacles 15gp 3
Pan 4sp 15
Pick, Miner's 4gp 2
Piton 1sp 9
Pot 6sp 14
Saw 4gp 3
Sledge 2gp 6
Spade/Shovel 2gp 3

BN1 Black Market


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Shelly half-elf english Female 29 Leader/Unemployed Mercenary Uncooperative and Messy
Otger human english Male 67 Lieutenant/Adventurer Discreet and Focused
Bugdahr half-orc halforc Male 16 Thug Manipulative and Strong
Bugralb half-orc halforc Male 43 Thug Ostentatious and Loves Beer
Shamobumal half-orc halforc Female 24 Thug Lunatic and Reckless
Shakhal half-orc halforc Female 30 Thug Witty and Diplomatic
Heganbora dwarf dwarven Female 113 Thug Ugly and Discreet
Herger dwarf dwarven Male 107 Thug Rude and Cheerless
Magnund dwarf dwarven Male 42 Thug Know-it-all and Manipulative
Grimwold dwarf dwarven Male 141 Thug Poor and Ugly
Oldor dwarf dwarven Male 157 Thug Rugged and Creepy
Skaga dwarf dwarven Female 126 Thug Honest and Sagely
Barina dwarf dwarven Female 188 Thug Charmer and Belligerent
Thialfi dwarf dwarven Male 88 Thug Intolerant and Contrarian
Grun dwarf dwarven Male 52 Thug Boring and Loves Beer
Mugashal half-orc halforc Female 30 Thug Rude and Deferential
Bumbakha half-orc halforc Female 16 Thug Macho and Poor
Yagarkha half-orc halforc Female 21 Thug Graceful and Rash
Bazgarubal half-orc halforc Female 30 Thug Debonair and Conversational

BO2 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Furgil dwarf dwarven Male 96 Worker Rugged and irresponsible
Geffina halfling halfling Female 47 Worker Easygoing and Graceful

CD1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bebdo halfling halfling Male 65 Explorer Angry and Uncooperative
Pida halfling halfling Female 41 Unemployed Mercenary Reliable and Dishonest
Figa halfling halfling Female 38 Cutpurse Obnoxious and Timid
Beba halfling halfling Female 15 Cutpurse Bratty and Nosy
Febina halfling halfling Female 55 Guardsman Tall and Obnoxious

CN1 Gatehouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Stromnyth dwarf dwarven Female 169 Miller Messy and Scarred Face
Hugena dwarf dwarven Female 110 Tailor Overweight and Obnoxious
Grima dwarf dwarven Female 47 Cook Lazy and Disrespectful

CS1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Thenidiel elf elven Female 75 Merchant Logical and Immodest
Miluiel elf elven Female 45 Farmer Immodest and Dishonest
Erumollien elf elven Male 101 Fisherman Naive and Friendly
Imrathon elf elven Male 5 Maid Carefree and Emotional
Daeralda elf elven Female 60 Maid Clean and Brash

DJ1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Atherton human english Male 55 Private Guard Crabby and Loves Beer
Denver human english Male 32 Armorsmith Sarcastic and Filthy mouth
Bolton human english Male 19 Weaponsmith Graceful and Alert
Rohesia human english Female 26 Farmer Helpful and Energetic
Lillian human english Female 29 Farmer Generous and Bashful
Nelly human english Female 26 Maid Virtuous and Dumb

DK1 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brentley human english Male 54 Hatmaker Beautiful and Courteous
Ryder human english Male 39 Apprentice Easygoing and Pensive
Bavol human english Male 24 Apprentice Miserly and Disagreeable

DL2 Locksmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Aithnan gnome gnome Male 92 Locksmith Strong and Melancholy
Shulum half-orc halforc Male 21 Apprentice Spoiled and Macho
Kelsey half-elf english Male 58 Apprentice Pleasant and Bratty


Item Price #Avail
Lock, Good 70gp 2
Lock, Superior 200gp 2

DN1 Buckle-Maker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Westin human english Male 42 Master Intelligent and Story-teller
Breena human english Female 45 Apprentice Ugly and Sullen

DY1 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Daisy human english Female 21 Butcher Solitary and Debonair
Afreda human english Female 24 Assistant Virtuous and irresponsible
Byram half-elf english Male 25 Assistant Insincere and Disrespectful
Stanley human english Male 21 Assistant Innocent and Thoughtful

EL1 Magic-Shop


Item Price #Avail
Bless Weapon (oil) 70gp 2
Cure Light Wounds 40gp 2
Pass Without Trace 60gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Amity human english Female 33 Owner Pleasant and Sneaky
Girvin gnome gnome Male 112 Assistant irresponsible and Discerning
Durima dwarf dwarven Female 117 Assistant Ostentatious and Charmer

EM1 Brothel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nalo gnome gnome Male 106 Host Cruel and Rash
Liliane human english Female 30 Worker Irritable and Ostentatious
Haylee human english Female 33 Worker Witty and Tactful
Brucie human english Female 24 Worker Fearful and Poor
Elfrida human english Female 28 Worker Irritable and Hot-headed
Edmonda human english Female 41 Worker Boisterous and Loves Beer
Calanon elf elven Male 179 Guard Judgmental and Unfriendly
Gerin gnome gnome Male 119 Guard Kleptomaniac and Cynical
Burne human english Male 49 Guard Know-it-all and Alcoholic
Largakhum half-orc halforc Male 21 Guard Boastful and Tattooed
Chelsie human english Female 30 Guard Nimble and Lazy
Ted human english Male 61 Guard Nimble and Spunky
Rilien elf elven Male 299 Guard Reluctant and Pleasant
Bartram human english Male 30 Guard Pleasant and Patient
Hothien elf elven Male 142 Guard Jealous and Frugal
Brandon human english Male 16 Guard Tall and Thrifty
Atherton human english Male 31 Guard Reliable and Trustworthy
Iven gnome gnome Male 58 Guard Considerate and Self-Centered
Barrington human english Male 42 Guard Energetic and Artistic
Horgar dwarf dwarven Male 104 Guard Irritable and Sour

EX1 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Morfindien elf elven Male 98 Hatmaker Brash and Brainy
Diffo halfling halfling Male 45 Apprentice Gloomy and Loves Beer
Edmondo human english Male 49 Apprentice Incoherent and Likeable
Guddi dwarf dwarven Male 191 Apprentice Careful and Cranky

FL1 Caster's Tower


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hayes human english Male 35 Mage Aloof and Tired
Leigh half-elf english Female 84 Apprentice Inept and Careful

FL19 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Caunion elf elven Male 75 Worker Disagreeable and Cruel
Skorri dwarf dwarven Male 128 Worker Helpful and Refined
Scarlet human english Female 36 Worker Condescending and Jaded

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) 2sp
Cabernet Sauvignon (Red, currant, bell pepper) 4sp
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) 2sp
Malbec (Red, dry, rich, plum) 3sp
Pinot Noir (Red, acidic, smooth, baked cherry) 4sp
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) 4sp
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) 3sp

FM1 Caster's Tower


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Othos dwarf dwarven Male 108 Mage Graceful and Solitary
Ted human english Male 40 Apprentice Clever and Audacious
Edoarda human english Female 32 Apprentice Strong and Courteous
Daisy human english Female 20 Apprentice Sharp and Stutters

FM9 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rowena half-elf english Female 91 Worker Brash and Domineering

FN1 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Van human english Male 24 Worker Sneaky and Superstitious

FR1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tatum half-elf english Female 19 Laborer Self-Centered and Brazen
Kole half-elf english Male 57 Laborer Religious and Cranky
Van half-elf english Male 34 Private Guard Cheerless and Gloomy
Walker half-elf english Male 73 Weaponsmith Thoughtful and Funny
Breena half-elf english Female 75 Logger Thrifty and Beautiful

FX1 Gatehouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rylan half-elf english Female 14 Farmer Unforgiving and Rude
Clifford half-elf english Male 44 Miller Classy and Messy
Lili half-elf english Female 119 Farmer Careful and Alert
Hayleigh half-elf english Female 60 Farmer Silent and Smooth
Haleigh half-elf english Female 4 Farmer Poor Gambler and Flirty
Aethelu half-elf english Female 56 Logger Rich and Lazy

FY1 Jeweler


Item Price #Avail
Medium Topaz 70gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Jagger human english Male 18 Jeweler Nimble and Cold
Grigu halfling halfling Male 40 Apprentice Frank and Cruel
Miki gnome gnome Male 108 Apprentice Witty and Cynical
Wayne human english Male 20 Apprentice Poor and Sheepish
Lithaldoren elf elven Male 264 Apprentice Trusting and Stubborn


Item Price #Avail
Gold Necklace with 3 Medium Rubies 460gp 1
Gold Necklace with 3 Medium Turquoise 190gp 1

GK3 Ropemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bosley human english Male 39 Worker Obese and Messy
Bodi halfling halfling Male 52 Worker Observant and Opinionated
Toda halfling halfling Female 30 Worker Talkative and Unforgiving
Rovena human english Female 55 Worker Bubbly and Generous

GM1 Guildhouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brayton half-elf english Male 27 Leader Haughty and Irritable
Bramwell human english Male 17 Scribe Funny and Brash
Snoglarkh half-orc halforc Male 16 Scribe Indiscrete and Conversational
Ranulf dwarf dwarven Male 73 Scribe Eccentric and Cynical

GS1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lillian human english Female 3 Adventurer Cold and Curious
Willibrord human english Male 26 Injury Discharged Soldier Lunatic and Timid

GW8 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Sunniva human english Female 22 Worker Sullen and Secretive
Fedu halfling halfling Male 74 Worker Argumentative and Pleasant
Bowan gnome gnome Male 198 Worker Cowardly and Boastful
Darwin human english Male 43 Worker Loves Beer and Logical

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Shiraz (Red, blackcurrant, black pepper) 4sp
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) 4sp
Malbec (Red, dry, rich, plum) 4sp
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) 2sp
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) 4sp
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) 2sp
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit 4sp
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) 4sp

GX1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fay human english Female 0 Baker Haughty and Intelligent
Beasley human english Male 9 Armorsmith Beautiful and Evasive

HJ1 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Maidhion elf elven Male 124 Butcher Frugal and Discerning
Yashul half-orc halforc Male 19 Assistant Thoughtful and Domineering

HK1 Brewery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Logazor dwarf dwarven Male 145 Brewer Loves Beer and Witty
Lynsey half-elf english Female 112 Apprentice Dumb and Respectful
Nixon human english Male 15 Apprentice Reserved and Discerning
Aithnan gnome gnome Male 107 Apprentice Careful and Sly
Byram half-elf english Male 81 Apprentice Armorsmith and Easygoing

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 4sp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3sp
Mild Ale (less strong) 3sp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2sp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 2sp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 4sp

HK3 Buckle-Maker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Archer human english Male 34 Master Cheerful and Tall
Osbert half-elf english Male 97 Apprentice Tattooed and Loves Beer
Bickford human english Male 38 Apprentice Clever and Innocent

HL22 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Clint half-elf english Male 60 Baker Paranoid and Ugly

JS1 The Yellow Orc


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Abellana human english Female 19 Patron Intuitive and Patriotic
Wilson human english Male 52 Patron Cynical and Honest
Alvina human english Female 26 Patron Clever and Fanatical
Marleigh human english Female 26 Patron Bossy and Wary
Arthur human english Male 16 Patron Armorsmith and Dull
Rylan human english Female 18 Patron Skillful and Macho
Nell human english Female 23 Patron Perfectionist and Armorsmith
Easton human english Male 37 Patron Hot-headed and Discerning
Elvis human english Male 33 Patron Immodest and Know-it-all
Rod human english Male 19 Patron Friendly and Temperate
Blossom human english Female 15 Patron Gloomy and Brutish
Clive human english Male 29 Patron Cruel and Alcoholic
Aearion elf elven Male 344 Patron Sneaky and Secretive
Valisilwen elf elven Female 76 Patron Frank and Opinionated
Baxter human english Male 20 Patron/Explorer Sagely and Unhappy
Adney human english Male 16 Patron/Adventurer Conversational and Refined
Meadow human english Female 34 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Smooth and Strong
Rohesia human english Female 16 Patron/Pirate Stubborn and Creepy
Archer human english Male 39 Patron/Adventurer Eloquent and Studious


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Meldarion elf elven Male 119 Owner Patriotic and Classy
Leigh human english Female 21 Bartender Judgmental and Honest
Miuverthon elf elven Male 136 Bartender Diligent and Mature
Gemina gnome gnome Female 81 Cook Lazy and Evasive
Keegana gnome gnome Female 97 Servers Likeable and Immature
Barvarnilairiel elf elven Female 96 Servers Filthy mouth and Reflective


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 2cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 1cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 3cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 5cp
Heron Wine 4cp
Quillin (elven) Wine 7cp
Rum 8cp


Item Price
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 4sp
Smoked Salmon Salad 5sp
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 1sp
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 3sp
Dragon Turtle and Garlic Stew 11gp


Item Price
Mat in Common Room 4cp
Private Room, Simple, 1 Bed 1sp
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed 3sp
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds 4sp
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds 10sp

JV11 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edoardo human english Male 13 Maid Considerate and Touchy
Sherman human english Male 2 Cook Graceful and Trusting
Chester human english Male 30 Tailor Sneaky and Bubbly
Scarlett human english Female 4 Farmer Ugly and Frugal
Brynlee human english Female 16 Cook Courteous and Immature

KE4 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Meadow half-elf english Female 51 Merchant Wise and Shallow

KO3 Temple


Item Price #Avail
Cure Light Wounds 41gp 5
Cure Serious Wounds 290gp 3
Holy Water, per Vial 8gp 45
Neutralize Poison 1100gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Teagan gnome gnome Female 58 Head Priest Calm and Studious
Koemi gnome gnome Female 193 Apprentice Brazen and Ignorant
Byron half-elf english Male 59 Apprentice/Unemployed Mercenary Inquisitive and Dependable
Avery human english Female 20 Acolyte Timid and Mature
Hayley half-elf english Female 30 Acolyte Boastful and Thrifty
Anice human english Female 38 Acolyte Frank and Educated
Hareka dwarf dwarven Female 120 Acolyte Lunatic and Observant
Arethusa half-elf english Female 35 Acolyte/Cutpurse irresponsible and Combative
Meadow human english Female 50 Acolyte Paranoid and Easygoing
Heganbor dwarf dwarven Male 186 Acolyte Religious and Strong-willed
Chester human english Male 38 Acolyte Likeable and Judgmental
Hadley human english Female 24 Acolyte Miserly and Skillful
Tidu halfling halfling Male 81 Acolyte Energetic and Stutters
Alderney half-elf english Male 64 Acolyte Honorable and Talkative
Arietta human english Female 27 Acolyte Loves Beer and Boisterous

KP2 Lumber Yard


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Layton human english Male 55 Owner Intelligent and Humble
Maci human english Female 48 Assistant Malicious and Unfriendly
Loman gnome gnome Male 66 Assistant Perfectionist and Brilliant
Fays half-elf english Female 36 Assistant Loyal and Intuitive

KQ1 Alchemist


Item Price #Avail
Acid /flask 13gp 7
Alchemist's Fire /flask 21gp 18
Everburning Torch 103gp 3
Sunrod 3gp 3
Tanglefoot Bag 53gp 12
Thunderstone 32gp 31
Tindertwig 1gp 6


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bancroft human english Male 20 Alchemist/Unemployed Mercenary Crabby and Sly
Diffa halfling halfling Female 40 Apprentice Pleasant and Unforgiving
lane human english Male 45 Apprentice Cranky and Helpful

KR1 Magic-Shop


Item Price #Avail
Resist Energy (Fire) 40gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dana human english Female 32 Owner Brainy and Deferential
Shulum half-orc halforc Male 33 Assistant/Explorer Tenacious and Good-looking
Rowana gnome gnome Female 52 Assistant/Guardsman Tenacious and Timid
Chelsea human english Female 56 Assistant Good-looking and Conversational
Lili human english Female 35 Assistant/Pirate Loud and Cultured

LE1 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Emerion elf elven Male 184 Worker Sly and Cultured

LG1 Blacksmith


Item Price
Master Services, per day 2sp
Apprentice Services, per day 4cp


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Denver human english Male 36 Owner Boring and Simple
Togin halfling halfling Male 70 Apprentice Sharp and Superstitious
Atkins human english Male 21 Apprentice Sagely and Sheepish


Item Price #Avail
Axe 7gp 9
Bell 2gp 4
Chain 10ft 38gp 4
Crane (hold pot over fire) 4sp 5
Crowbar 4gp 3
Fishhook 1sp 3
Grate (Cook-pit) 6sp 5
Hammer 5sp 5
Hoe 4sp 6
Lock, Average 48gp 1
Piton 2sp 6
Pot 6sp 10
Saw 8gp 2
Sledge 1gp 2
Spade/Shovel 2gp 9

LH4 Doctor


Item Price
Tooth Pulling 7cp
Lance a Boil 4cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tidina halfling halfling Female 61 Doctor Hot-headed and Unhappy
Macie half-elf english Female 62 Assistant Respectful and Clean

LH71 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Sigrid dwarf dwarven Female 84 Farmer Considerate and Perfectionist
Grima dwarf dwarven Female 91 Baker Reliable and Witty
Falagrima dwarf dwarven Female 57 General Blacksmith Cowardly and Pleasant
Grondyth dwarf dwarven Female 81 Laborer Upbeat and Poor Gambler
Skaldor dwarf dwarven Male 61 Farmer Tenacious and Dumb

LJ1 Black Market


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nalin gnome gnome Male 102 Leader/Explorer Honest and Brazen
Holgara dwarf dwarven Female 165 Lieutenant/Off-Duty Mercenary Reflective and Con man
Grant human english Male 42 Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier Fanatical and Ignorant
Graham half-elf english Male 102 Thug Quarrelsome and Discerning
Guage half-elf english Male 94 Thug Thrifty and Pensive
Daisy half-elf english Female 43 Thug Careful and Verbose
Abellana half-elf english Female 66 Thug Clever and Compassionate

LM3 Tannery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tucker human english Male 19 Worker Timid and Diligent
Braxton half-elf english Male 81 Worker Scarred Face and Touchy
Caunion elf elven Male 137 Worker Cranky and Jaded

LN1 Library


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Barra gnome gnome Female 48 Librarian Cultured and Educated
Bradford human english Male 22 Apprentice Wary and Intimidating
Vivina gnome gnome Female 87 Apprentice Discerning and Calm
Hadley human english Female 30 Apprentice Smooth and Suave
Annis human english Female 40 Apprentice Unforgiving and Disrespectful
Vendethiel elf elven Female 155 Apprentice Boisterous and Gullible

LO9 Brothel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilien half-elf english Female 98 Host Unforgiving and Shallow
Lilianna human english Female 20 Worker Naive and Irritating
Ainion elf elven Male 107 Worker Dull and Courteous
Fruga halfling halfling Female 56 Worker Humorous and Diplomatic
Figda halfling halfling Female 33 Worker Ugly and Debonair
Leigha human english Female 47 Worker Know-it-all and Gullible
Burudh half-orc halforc Male 34 Worker Disciplined and Charmer
Balzuda dwarf dwarven Female 55 Worker Humble and Intolerant
Fruda halfling halfling Female 68 Worker Sharp and Overweight
Edvard human english Male 56 Guard Rash and Cynical
Ryland human english Male 28 Guard Compassionate and Reflective
Diffi halfling halfling Male 38 Guard Rude and Sympathetic
Orek dwarf dwarven Male 61 Guard Nosy and Obnoxious
Fedu halfling halfling Male 44 Guard Strong-willed and Brazen
Revion elf elven Male 180 Guard Pensive and Well-informed
Bradford human english Male 26 Guard Curious and Pensive
Sindra dwarf dwarven Female 96 Guard Likeable and Alert
Frego halfling halfling Male 48 Guard Immodest and Angry

MF2 Spice Merchant


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gedina halfling halfling Female 30 Worker Jealous and Brash
Lawley human english Male 50 Worker Emotional and Sullen
Berkeley human english Male 47 Worker Sullen and Nimble

MH3 Brewery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Adva gnome gnome Female 135 Brewer Boring and Shallow
Tyler human english Male 41 Apprentice Trustworthy and Malicious
Pidina halfling halfling Female 59 Apprentice Beautiful and Spunky
Macey human english Female 35 Apprentice Tactful and Carefree

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Mild Ale (less strong) 3sp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 4sp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 6sp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 2sp

MI1 Brewery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Eruaistaniel elf elven Female 159 Brewer Brazen and Know-it-all
Aldrich half-elf english Male 54 Apprentice Thrifty and Ostentatious
Kamden human english Male 22 Apprentice Sleazy and Timid
Shanna gnome gnome Female 80 Apprentice Selfish and Immodest
Dunstan human english Male 16 Apprentice Flirty and Spunky
Drake half-elf english Male 56 Apprentice Sagely and Humorous

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 2sp
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 4sp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 2sp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 4sp
Mild Ale (less strong) 4sp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3sp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 6sp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 2sp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 3sp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 3sp

MJ1 Lumber Yard


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kelton human english Male 49 Owner Cultured and Introverted
Chelsey human english Female 18 Assistant Bossy and Ugly
Aethelu human english Female 41 Assistant Cheerful and Cynical

MJ36 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brishen human english Male 43 Butcher Indiscrete and Suave
Vivina gnome gnome Female 67 Assistant Boastful and Debonair
Eduarda human english Female 55 Assistant Sweet and Insincere
Odo halfling halfling Male 56 Assistant Nimble and Reckless

ML2 Woodseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kimball human english Male 46 Worker Brutish and Generous

ML4 Granary


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hewitt gnome gnome Male 27 Baker Boisterous and Eloquent
Carlin gnome gnome Male 27 Laborer Unforgiving and Sagely
Barro gnome gnome Male 102 Fisherman Cultured and Dumb
Posy gnome gnome Female 12 Farmer Debonair and Good Gambler
Sorkin gnome gnome Male 17 Fisherman Dumb and Messy

MM1 Guildhouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lyndsey human english Female 25 Leader Intolerant and Patriotic
Togo halfling halfling Male 38 Scribe Strange and Solitary

MN1 Doctor


Item Price
Tooth Pulling 7cp
Lance a Boil 3cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Finn dwarf dwarven Male 123 Doctor Snob and Honest
Lyndsey human english Female 39 Assistant Humorous and Perfectionist

MP1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Broty gnome gnome Male 46 Farmer Cold and Honorable
Lorcana gnome gnome Female 156 Farmer Religious and Patriotic
Armo gnome gnome Male 20 Fisherman Con man and Clever
Brenna gnome gnome Female 143 Laborer Jealous and Scarred Face
Ayer gnome gnome Male 36 Town Watch Member Virtuous and Charismatic
Igen gnome gnome Male 132 Beggar Snob and Paranoid

MT1 Market


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edmund human english Male 33 Fruit Lazy and Disagreeable
Arundel human english Male 23 Fruit Inept and Fanatical
Kenton human english Male 23 Meats Reluctant and Friendly

ND4 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Beasley half-elf english Male 87 Butcher Brash and Naive
Lee human english Female 39 Assistant Ugly and Humorous

NE1 Brothel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Grimbulyn dwarf dwarven Female 46 Host Lunatic and Unhappy
Ryleigh human english Female 17 Worker Brutish and Upbeat
Alfreda half-elf english Female 34 Worker Brainy and Empathic
Bega human english Female 63 Worker Easygoing and Solitary
Arngrim dwarf dwarven Male 81 Worker Sleazy and Indiscrete
Liliane half-elf english Female 91 Worker Sullen and Flirty
Thenidiel elf elven Female 346 Worker Honest and Thorough
Camden half-elf english Male 27 Worker Fanatical and Well-informed
Remy human english Male 53 Worker Know-it-all and Frugal
Raegbund elf elven Male 276 Worker Dishonest and Ostentatious
Avery half-elf english Female 115 Worker Artistic and Angry
Idina gnome gnome Female 148 Worker Intolerant and Debonair
Duarte half-elf english Male 66 Guard Wise and Unforgiving
Easton human english Male 25 Guard Humorous and Vain
Roso gnome gnome Male 54 Guard Discreet and Secretive
Gebo halfling halfling Male 34 Guard Ostentatious and Judgmental
Maxwell half-elf english Male 43 Guard Alcoholic and Snob
Kennard human english Male 18 Guard Patient and Suave
Graham human english Male 56 Guard Honest and Inventive
Dalton human english Male 37 Guard Messy and Ugly
Edvo gnome gnome Male 90 Guard Ignorant and Beautiful

NE14 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Garil dwarf dwarven Male 123 Worker Eloquent and Sullen
Bosley human english Male 27 Worker Curious and Boisterous
Kingsley human english Male 44 Worker Beautiful and Loud
Elfreda human english Female 51 Worker Dependable and Malicious

NF2 The Crystal Plow


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Berkeley half-elf english Male 71 Patron Sadistic and Shrewd
Knox half-elf english Male 60 Patron Argumentative and Superstitious
Lilyana half-elf english Female 45 Patron Cynical and Brutish
Lilien half-elf english Female 71 Patron Bratty and irresponsible
Kimber half-elf english Female 28 Patron Debonair and Irritable
Gemina gnome gnome Female 118 Patron/Off-Duty Mercenary Bites Nails and Shy
Piero gnome gnome Male 117 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Secretive and Sullen
Kana gnome gnome Female 63 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Withdrawn and Strict
Darro gnome gnome Male 126 Patron/Explorer Obese and Overweight
Vivina gnome gnome Female 145 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Classy and Nosy
Girvana gnome gnome Female 62 Patron/Pirate Cultured and Overweight
Kevan gnome gnome Male 154 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Intimidating and Religious
Bodi halfling halfling Male 32 Patron Stubborn and Intolerant
Fubdu halfling halfling Male 41 Patron Vain and Trusting
Pidina halfling halfling Female 49 Patron Intimidating and Armorsmith
Geba halfling halfling Female 32 Patron Audacious and Discerning
Frilo halfling halfling Male 53 Patron Honest and Artistic
Gebo halfling halfling Male 45 Patron Cheerful and Sharp
Fridina halfling halfling Female 45 Patron Quarrelsome and Industrious
Frada halfling halfling Female 60 Patron Focused and Easygoing
Dedina halfling halfling Female 43 Patron Sincere and Cynical
Bobdo halfling halfling Male 40 Patron Inquisitive and Ambitious
Reid half-elf english Male 38 Patron/Guardsman Spoiled and Reliable
Rylee half-elf english Male 64 Patron/Adventurer Honorable and Debonair
Haylie half-elf english Female 52 Patron/Explorer Immature and Artistic
Hailie half-elf english Female 47 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Gloomy and Macho
Reed half-elf english Male 46 Patron/Explorer Considerate and Jealous
Ed half-elf english Male 55 Patron/Retired Soldier Tired and Sharp
Edmond half-elf english Male 99 Patron/Adventurer Inquisitive and Dumb
Hayes half-elf english Male 104 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Loves Beer and Dependable
Imrathon elf elven Male 193 Patron Refined and Paranoid
Ceberlandon elf elven Male 91 Patron Educated and Careful
Dupu halfling halfling Male 52 Patron Temperate and Sleazy
Frolina halfling halfling Female 32 Patron Energetic and Patient
Odi halfling halfling Male 77 Patron Tenacious and Courteous
Frelo halfling halfling Male 58 Patron Incoherent and Rich
Frega halfling halfling Female 40 Patron Talkative and Considerate
Dupu halfling halfling Male 59 Patron Fanatical and Tenacious
Bolton half-elf english Male 35 Patron Careful and Bubbly
Lilyana half-elf english Female 36 Patron Combative and Reflective
Elfriede half-elf english Female 79 Patron Belligerent and Dull
Bridgely half-elf english Male 100 Patron Unhappy and Energetic
Beriadhwen elf elven Female 121 Patron Loves Beer and Scruffy
Morcion elf elven Male 143 Patron Sly and Cheerless
Minuialwen elf elven Female 179 Patron Immature and Incoherent
Bellasiel elf elven Female 208 Patron Discreet and Insincere
Thorontur elf elven Male 158 Patron Inventive and Nimble


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kevan gnome gnome Male 127 Owner Naive and Vain
Bibo halfling halfling Male 50 Owner Shy and Well-informed
Rylie human english Female 53 Owner Sullen and Loves Beer
Breena human english Female 21 Bartender Brash and Opinionated
Argram dwarf dwarven Male 163 Bartender Sensitive and Messy
Preston half-elf english Male 88 Cook Courteous and Aloof
Kimber human english Female 47 Cook Upbeat and Filthy mouth
Imrathon elf elven Male 152 Servers Messy and Focused
Chelsea human english Female 22 Servers Disciplined and Selfish
Tyler human english Female 65 Servers Determined and Perfectionist
Carlin gnome gnome Male 132 Servers Shrewd and Superstitious


Item Price
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 3cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 2cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 5cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 5cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 1cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 2cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 2cp
Yanusa Wine 4cp
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 4cp
Dwarven Spirits 4cp


Item Price
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 2sp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce 3sp


Item Price
Mat in Common Room 4cp
Private Room, Simple, 1 Bed 2sp
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds 3sp
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds 7sp

NG8 Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Durzal half-orc halforc Female 42 Butcher Wise and Flirty
Editha human english Female 16 Assistant/Cutpurse Talkative and Fanatical
Raline gnome gnome Female 150 Assistant Incoherent and Irritating
Gormana gnome gnome Female 72 Assistant Crabby and Gloomy
Lindsay human english Male 33 Assistant Simple and Tactful
Rovena half-elf english Female 50 Assistant Secretive and Self-Centered

NI7 Woodseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Booker human english Male 18 Worker Paranoid and Naive
Bonita gnome gnome Female 109 Worker Ostentatious and Creepy
Justice human english Female 45 Worker Cheerless and Ugly

NI8 Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kelcie human english Female 39 Butcher Forgetful and Lazy
Lawley human english Male 16 Assistant Unfriendly and Diplomatic
Scarlett human english Female 17 Assistant Cowardly and Strong
Kimberlee half-elf english Female 65 Assistant Nosy and Dishonest
Carter half-elf english Male 27 Assistant Loud and Good Gambler
Hamlet gnome gnome Male 95 Assistant Humble and Virtuous

NJ3 Tannery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Wilson human english Male 27 Worker Incoherent and Classy

NK9 Guildhouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilia human english Female 25 Leader Strict and Quarrelsome
Borman gnome gnome Male 70 Scribe Respectful and Eloquent

NL41 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Peyton human english Female 38 Weaponsmith Virtuous and Dependable
Dalton human english Male 39 General Blacksmith Studious and Charismatic
Lyndsey human english Female 2 Tailor Spoiled and Trusting
Shirley human english Female 37 Maid Unforgiving and Disagreeable
Kolby human english Male 35 Fisherman Sympathetic and Alcoholic
Alston human english Male 39 Weaponsmith Strong and irresponsible

OD1 Barracks


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Booker half-elf english Male 73 Leader/Retired Soldier Angry and Boring
Riley human english Male 47 Lieutenant/Retired Soldier Obese and Bossy
Brighton human english Female 40 Lieutenant/Adventurer Inept and Strong
Haven human english Female 37 Lieutenant/Cutpurse Introverted and Loves Beer
Nellie human english Female 41 Lieutenant/Pirate Picks nose and Cheerless
Silivrenniel elf elven Female 192 Lieutenant/Pirate Unfriendly and Boring
Emerson human english Male 28 Lieutenant/Adventurer Indiscrete and Shy
Hali half-elf english Female 62 Lieutenant/Adventurer Frank and Cheerless
Blakely human english Male 56 Lieutenant/Explorer Brutish and Talkative
Kingston human english Male 49 Lieutenant Ambitious and Intolerant
Ugharkha half-orc halforc Female 23 Guard/Adventurer Brainy and Tactful
Ushumal half-orc halforc Female 33 Guard/Adventurer Graceful and Flirty
Shutumal half-orc halforc Female 42 Guard/Adventurer Patient and Considerate
Largakhum half-orc halforc Male 15 Guard/Retired Soldier Selfish and Intimidating
Tithdaeron elf elven Male 125 Guard/Explorer Clever and Curious
Nostariel elf elven Female 130 Guard/Injury Discharged Soldier Strong and Irritating
Maethirion elf elven Male 178 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Diplomatic and Lunatic
Caunwaithon elf elven Male 206 Guard/Retired Soldier Angry and Brutish
Imrathon elf elven Male 199 Guard/Guardsman Assertive and Upbeat
Rilien elf elven Male 188 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Intelligent and Intimidating
Adan elf elven Male 192 Guard/Adventurer Fanatical and Diplomatic
Alyameldir elf elven Male 188 Guard/Cutpurse Upbeat and Indiscrete
Lostariel elf elven Female 79 Guard/Pirate Introverted and Loves Beer
Henaradwen elf elven Female 132 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Reliable and Rich
Cugedhion elf elven Male 149 Guard/Explorer Likeable and Con man
Nedhudir elf elven Male 270 Guard/Pirate Patient and Thoughtful
Tuarwen elf elven Female 108 Guard/Guardsman Insincere and Cruel
Tithdaeron elf elven Male 93 Guard/Explorer Artistic and Simple
Pilindiel elf elven Female 251 Guard/Retired Soldier Bashful and Irritating
Silivrenniel elf elven Female 163 Guard/Pirate Evasive and Ugly
Brishen human english Male 16 Guard Reflective and Cynical
Kimball human english Male 56 Guard Friendly and Dull
Erle human english Male 28 Guard Insincere and Dumb
Lillianna human english Female 24 Guard Honest and Fanatical
Princeton human english Male 40 Guard Kleptomaniac and Introverted
Shelly human english Female 15 Guard Malicious and Diplomatic
Togin halfling halfling Male 78 Guard Spoiled and Good-looking
Tedi halfling halfling Male 32 Guard Messy and Humorous
Febo halfling halfling Male 36 Guard Reflective and Courteous
Frala halfling halfling Female 46 Guard Graceful and Dishonest
Duda halfling halfling Female 30 Guard Self-Centered and Haughty
Adney human english Male 25 Guard/Injury Discharged Soldier Wise and Disrespectful
Blakely human english Male 32 Guard/Guardsman Focused and Trusting
Audric human english Male 26 Guard/Guardsman Talkative and Aloof
Hayley human english Female 55 Guard/Explorer Touchy and Flirty
Rodney human english Male 38 Guard/Guardsman Bubbly and Generous
Bavol human english Male 37 Guard/Adventurer Strong-willed and Clever
Kelton human english Male 34 Guard/Injury Discharged Soldier Sleazy and Studious
Shelly human english Female 34 Guard/Explorer Bossy and Sneaky
Shelly human english Female 23 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Intuitive and Superstitious
Layne human english Male 22 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Loyal and Perfectionist
Rovena half-elf english Female 59 Guard Eloquent and Funny
Bega half-elf english Female 68 Guard Ambitious and Cultured
Brinley half-elf english Male 63 Guard Ostentatious and Considerate
Edouard half-elf english Male 74 Guard Cowardly and Intuitive
Howard half-elf english Male 27 Guard Nosy and Intolerant
Scarlet half-elf english Female 62 Guard Judgmental and Honorable

OF1 Black Market


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Frudina halfling halfling Female 59 Leader/Retired Soldier Sensitive and Timid
Wilson half-elf english Male 82 Lieutenant/Retired Soldier Trusting and Sadistic
Bughoorzal half-orc halforc Female 15 Lieutenant/Unemployed Mercenary Cruel and Kleptomaniac
Bainwen elf elven Female 83 Lieutenant/Adventurer Strong-willed and Bratty
Edwina half-elf english Female 107 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Pleasant and Flirty
Edwina half-elf english Female 47 Thug/Adventurer Strong and Angry
Chelsie half-elf english Female 94 Thug/Retired Soldier Verbose and Diligent
Holden half-elf english Male 28 Thug/Guardsman Disrespectful and Bubbly
Edgardo human english Male 32 Thug Eloquent and Paranoid
Harper human english Female 27 Thug Gloomy and Reckless
Burne human english Male 22 Thug Trusting and Sincere
Emerson human english Female 34 Thug Innocent and Combative
Hadley human english Female 34 Thug Sour and Thoughtful
Maxton human english Male 23 Thug Quiet and Bashful
Leigha human english Female 19 Thug Lazy and Shrewd
Kendal human english Male 23 Thug Nimble and Ugly
Harper human english Female 37 Thug Boisterous and Spoiled

OF36 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fays half-elf english Female 9 Maid Thoughtful and Frugal
Camden half-elf english Male 33 Cook Flirty and Con man
Bliss half-elf english Female 15 Farmer Assertive and Sheepish
Hadley half-elf english Female 71 General Blacksmith Tempermental and Messy
Tyler half-elf english Female 54 Laborer Dependable and Spoiled

OJ3 Temple


Item Price #Avail
Cure Light Wounds 47gp 2
Cure Moderate Wounds 140gp 1
Holy Water, per Vial 10gp 13


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alfreda human english Female 30 Head Priest Discreet and Stutters
Welch human english Male 45 Apprentice Angry and Humorous
Belleruraina elf elven Female 244 Apprentice Messy and Story-teller
Alderney half-elf english Male 61 Acolyte Ostentatious and Shrewd
Silivrenniel elf elven Female 139 Acolyte Con man and Easygoing
Scarlett human english Female 27 Acolyte/Explorer Inept and Ugly
Chelsey human english Female 34 Acolyte Bashful and Pensive
Edison human english Male 25 Acolyte Combative and Curious
Shamarkha half-orc halforc Female 38 Acolyte Sharp and Funny
Urulumal half-orc halforc Female 28 Acolyte/Guardsman Sneaky and Determined
Blythe human english Male 49 Acolyte Unhappy and Nimble
Abellana human english Female 27 Acolyte/Pirate Rash and Perfectionist

OJ7 Blacksmith


Item Price
Master Services, per day 1sp
Apprentice Services, per day 5cp


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Thorgrim dwarf dwarven Male 172 Owner Clever and Vain
Frudin halfling halfling Male 55 Owner Inventive and Pleasant
Barik dwarf dwarven Male 89 Apprentice Diplomatic and Hot-headed
Easton human english Male 32 Apprentice Evasive and Tired
Hewitt gnome gnome Male 52 Apprentice Disagreeable and Hot-headed


Item Price #Avail
Axe 8gp 6
Bell 1gp 2
Caltrops 2gp 1
Studded Leather 20gp 5
Chain 10ft 28gp 2
Crane (hold pot over fire) 4sp 5
Fishhook 2sp 2
Grate (Cook-pit) 4sp 5
Hammer 8sp 3
Hoe 5sp 6
Lock, Average 35gp 3
Manacles 19gp 3
Pan 6sp 11
Pick, Miner's 4gp 3
Piton 1sp 2
Pot 4sp 5
Saw 9gp 8
Signal Whistle 6sp 2
Sledge 1gp 2

OK1 Weaponsmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dana half-elf english Male 26 Owner Diplomatic and Deceitful
Heganbora dwarf dwarven Female 177 Apprentice Unhappy and Irritating
Lairelithoniel elf elven Female 138 Apprentice Sour and Manipulative
Elarinya elf elven Female 218 Apprentice Studious and Gloomy

Melee Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Dagger, Punching 2gp 6
Mace, Light 6gp 2
Sickle 7gp 3
Mace, Heavy 13gp 4
Morningstar 7gp 2
Longspear 6gp 4
Spear 3gp 7
Axe, Throwing 8gp 5
Hammer, Light 2gp 2
Handaxe 5gp 1
Battleaxe 8gp 2
Flail 8gp 3
Longsword 15gp 4
Pick, Heavy 8gp 2
Scimitar 15gp 1
Trident 14gp 1
Warhammer 11gp 2
Glaive 8gp 2
Greatclub 4gp 2
Greatsword 47gp 2
Lance 11gp 1
Scythe 15gp 1

Ranged Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Blowgun 1gp 2
Crossbow, Heavy 46gp 2
Dart 5sp 24
Javelin 12sp 3
Arrows(20) 9sp 13
Sling Bullets 2sp 9
Darts, Blowgun (10) 5sp 5
Bolts, Crossbow (10) 9sp 3

OL1 Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Daisy half-elf english Female 36 Butcher Empathic and Carefree
Liliane human english Female 40 Assistant Dumb and Belligerent
Birkitt half-elf english Male 65 Assistant Diligent and Debonair
Saeldur elf elven Male 258 Assistant Cruel and Belligerent
Megilwen elf elven Female 123 Assistant Combative and Haughty
Dumalb half-orc halforc Male 22 Assistant Cowardly and Assertive

OO1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Blossom human english Female 14 Baker Curious and Ostentatious
Dunstan human english Male 10 Merchant Dumb and Energetic
Macie human english Female 34 Brewer Observant and Sour
Reid human english Male 9 Weaponsmith Uncooperative and Obnoxious
Lindsey human english Female 2 Farmer Helpful and Brainy
Harlow human english Female 4 Town Watch Member Nosy and Indiscrete

OQ1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Harlow human english Female 5 Retired Soldier Strong-willed and Determined
Rylie human english Female 11 Adventurer Flirty and Ostentatious
Earline human english Female 33 Adventurer Pensive and Frugal

PD2 Bookseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fubdina halfling halfling Female 22 Farmer Unforgiving and Educated
Fruga halfling halfling Female 50 Private Guard Graceful and Dependable
Griga halfling halfling Female 41 General Blacksmith Filthy mouth and Picks nose
Diffu halfling halfling Male 41 Miller Quarrelsome and Jealous

PE1 Bookseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alderney half-elf english Male 63 Armorsmith Jaded and Trustworthy
Bentley half-elf english Male 38 Farmer Succinct and Friendly
Wesley half-elf english Male 59 Private Guard Unforgiving and Religious
Lindsey half-elf english Female 15 Laborer Selfish and Incoherent

PF2 Ropemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilian human english Female 15 Worker Bashful and Tattooed

PG4 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 4cp
Shave 4cp
Tooth Pulling 7cp
Lance a Boil 4cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Chester human english Male 56 Barber irresponsible and Contrarian
Stromnyth dwarf dwarven Female 141 Assistant Indiscrete and Logical
Airedhiel elf elven Female 193 Assistant Secretive and Cultured

PI1 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fragina halfling halfling Female 35 Worker Verbose and Sarcastic
Fubdina halfling halfling Female 78 Worker Empathic and Friendly
Snaddryn dwarf dwarven Female 157 Worker Energetic and Cynical

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) 4sp
Shiraz (Red, blackcurrant, black pepper) 4sp
Cabernet Sauvignon (Red, currant, bell pepper) 2sp
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) 2sp
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) 2sp
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) 4sp
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit 2sp

PJ14 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Beinion elf elven Male 228 Worker Inquisitive and Alert

PK1 Armorer


Item Price #Avail
Hide 15gp 4
Scale Mail 47gp 4
Breastplate 190gp 3
Splint Mail 190gp 3
Banded Mail 260gp 3
Full Plate 1580gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Peyton human english Male 41 Owner Aloof and Witty
Tatum half-elf english Male 92 Apprentice Trusting and Sneaky
Emerson human english Male 17 Apprentice Cynical and Ostentatious
Elvin human english Male 26 Apprentice Shrewd and Assertive


Item Price #Avail
Buckler 6gp 2
Shield, Light Wooden 5gp 6
Shield, Heavy Wooden 6gp 1
Shield, Heavy Steel 20gp 2
Shield, Tower 34gp 1

PL5 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edgardo half-elf english Male 73 Fisherman Beautiful and Filthy mouth
Bavol half-elf english Male 36 Tailor Boisterous and Eccentric
Chelsie half-elf english Female 12 Logger Immature and Dependable

PO1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brockton human english Male 3 Laborer Alert and Disciplined
Harlow human english Female 31 Merchant Dishonest and Charmer

QC1 Armorer


Item Price #Avail
Padded 6gp 3
Leather 11gp 5
Studded Leather 30gp 4
Hide 14gp 1
Chain Mail 150gp 1
Splint Mail 200gp 1
Banded Mail 240gp 3
Half-Plate 550gp 1
Full Plate 1490gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Beagan gnome gnome Male 96 Owner Lazy and Loyal
Sellion elf elven Male 276 Apprentice Abrasive and Strong


Item Price #Avail
Shield, Light Wooden 5gp 2
Shield, Light Steel 11gp 1
Shield, Heavy Wooden 5gp 2
Shield, Heavy Steel 20gp 1
Shield, Tower 32gp 3

QD1 Fishmonger


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tido halfling halfling Male 54 Fishmonger Tempermental and Diligent
Bowman human english Male 39 Assistant Dull and Cruel

QE2 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fudi halfling halfling Male 43 Worker Secretive and Charismatic
Edita human english Female 39 Worker Strange and Temperate

QF1 Ropemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Barric human english Male 22 Worker Naive and Nosy
Kelsea half-elf english Female 44 Worker Forgetful and Domineering

QH1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fralu halfling halfling Male 57 Town Watch Member Pleasant and Thorough
Figdo halfling halfling Male 70 Logger Verbose and Eccentric
Figina halfling halfling Female 23 Town Watch Member Lunatic and Sour
Beda halfling halfling Female 49 Fisherman Reserved and Educated
Fuda halfling halfling Female 73 Tailor Fearful and Macho
Febo halfling halfling Male 26 Fisherman Ignorant and Discerning

QJ1 Herbalist


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Wilibrord human english Male 23 Herbalist Paranoid and Tattooed
Macy half-elf english Female 62 Apprentice Aloof and Mature

Items (Each is 1 bunch)

Item Price
Garlic 2sp
Holly 4cp
Mistletoe 5cp
Tea, Night 1sp
Wolfsbane 6sp

QK1 Doctor


Item Price
Tooth Pulling 7cp
Lance a Boil 4cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dumina dwarf dwarven Female 183 Doctor Filthy mouth and Frank
Gerin gnome gnome Male 64 Assistant Shy and Likeable
Landyn human english Male 33 Assistant Energetic and Sympathetic

QM1 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Riley half-elf english Female 68 Hatmaker Talkative and Sensitive
Mazark half-orc halforc Male 17 Apprentice Nimble and Ostentatious
Leigh human english Female 45 Apprentice Stubborn and Kleptomaniac
Aldyth human english Female 35 Apprentice Intuitive and Sagely

QY1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brantley human english Male 16 Town Watch Member Incoherent and irresponsible
Hayes human english Male 49 Laborer Indiscrete and Classy
Lillian human english Female 29 Farmer Domineering and Compassionate
Kelsea human english Female 1 Farmer Tall and Brash

RB1 Buckle-Maker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alaric dwarf dwarven Male 41 Master Logical and Domineering
Girvin gnome gnome Male 57 Apprentice Indiscrete and Reserved

RB3 Locksmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Eddy human english Male 26 Locksmith Unhappy and Vain
Belita gnome gnome Female 138 Apprentice Diplomatic and Reluctant


Item Price #Avail
Lock, Average 37gp 3

RC1 Fishmonger


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Amity half-elf english Female 37 Fishmonger Ignorant and Well-informed
Cole human english Male 29 Assistant Tempermental and Talkative

RH1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Eddie human english Male 16 Farmer Generous and Silent
Rylee human english Female 19 Farmer Obnoxious and Audacious
Kingston human english Male 3 Logger Easygoing and Miserly

RI1 Baker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kendall human english Female 45 Baker Friendly and Quiet
Liliana human english Female 28 Baker Poor and Lunatic
Scarlet human english Female 46 Apprentice Assertive and Simple


Item Price #Avail
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) 5cp 14
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 2cp 22
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 6cp 4
Unleavened Bread 2cp 21
Caraway Seed Cookie 2cp 3
Frytour of Erbes (honeyed herbed fritters) 2cp 10
Ryschewys (fried fig pastry) 2cp 2

RK1 Weaponsmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lindsay human english Male 32 Owner Smooth and Bubbly
Fragin halfling halfling Male 77 Owner Careful and Clean
Justice human english Female 31 Apprentice Energetic and Wise
Atzal half-orc halforc Female 22 Apprentice Selfish and Dependable

Melee Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Dagger 1gp 5
Dagger, Punching 2gp 6
Mace, Light 5gp 4
Sickle 6gp 4
Mace, Heavy 11gp 2
Morningstar 8gp 4
Longspear 5gp 5
Spear 3gp 4
Axe, Throwing 10gp 10
Handaxe 5gp 5
Kukri 8gp 3
Sword, Short 9gp 10
Longsword 15gp 4
Pick, Heavy 8gp 3
Rapier 19gp 1
Scimitar 17gp 1
Warhammer 13gp 2
Greatclub 4gp 1
Lance 11gp 5

Ranged Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Crossbow, Heavy 48gp 2
Crossbow, Light 30gp 4
Dart 4sp 22
Longbow 70gp 1
Longbow, Composite 100gp 2
Shortbow, Composite 70sp 3
Arrows(20) 11sp 2
Sling Bullets 2sp 5
Darts, Blowgun (10) 6sp 5
Bolts, Crossbow (10) 12sp 1

RK5 Granary


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Paityn human english Female 18 Maid Loud and Incoherent
Brynlee human english Female 6 Farmer Secretive and Calm
Edita human english Female 15 Brewer Flirty and Succinct

RL4 Spice Merchant


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Frelo halfling halfling Male 70 Worker Frank and Curious

RM1 Herbalist


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dane human english Male 53 Herbalist Deferential and Respectful
Bosin gnome gnome Male 109 Apprentice Picks nose and Incoherent
Rhovanion elf elven Male 166 Apprentice Cheerless and Temperate
Gundrik dwarf dwarven Male 115 Apprentice Sarcastic and Scarred Face

Items (Each is 1 bunch)

Item Price
Belladonna 2gp
Garlic 1sp
Holly 4cp
Mistletoe 5cp
Tea, Night 2sp
Wolfsbane 6sp

SB1 Gatehouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Shanna gnome gnome Female 111 Off-Duty Mercenary Stutters and Ignorant
Brooke gnome gnome Female 99 Cutpurse Deferential and Belligerent

SK1 Spice Merchant


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Cole human english Male 42 Worker Funny and Patriotic
Chelsi half-elf english Female 27 Worker Selfish and Scrawny
Herenya elf elven Female 273 Worker Sadistic and Hot-headed

SL14 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nelly half-elf english Female 4 Merchant Tall and Quiet
Osbert half-elf english Male 16 Armorsmith Determined and Quiet
Haley half-elf english Female 12 Farmer Refined and Dumb
Arley half-elf english Male 29 Weaponsmith Strong and Sagely
Burdan half-elf english Male 51 Brewer Sheepish and Alert
Colby half-elf english Male 14 Town Watch Member Withdrawn and Conversational

SL16 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kenton human english Male 48 General Blacksmith Lazy and Dull

SM1 Fishmonger


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilyanna human english Female 36 Fishmonger Debonair and Loyal
Maxton human english Male 25 Assistant Logical and Pleasant

TA1 Granary


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edi human english Male 7 Private Guard Innocent and Immature
Millard human english Male 28 Tailor Sweet and Lazy
Lyndsey human english Female 40 Merchant Inept and Intelligent
Presley human english Female 30 Farmer Insincere and Boring
Linden human english Male 28 General Blacksmith Unhappy and Strong
Alditha human english Female 27 Beggar Beautiful and Shrewd

TL1 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Stanley human english Male 45 Butcher Bites Nails and Tactful
Lillian human english Female 35 Assistant Messy and Jaded
Easton human english Male 24 Assistant Hot-headed and Secretive
Elfi human english Female 51 Assistant Strict and Artistic

TN1 Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lindsey half-elf english Male 43 Butcher Suave and Rude
Brynlee human english Female 53 Assistant Scruffy and Loyal
Aethelu half-elf english Female 70 Assistant Belligerent and Abrasive
Kevana gnome gnome Female 109 Assistant Sensitive and Abrasive
Rylan half-elf english Male 115 Assistant Mature and Tactful

TS1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rylan human english Female 21 Fisherman Suave and Flirty
Denver human english Male 19 Farmer Sleazy and Discerning
Amity human english Female 2 Town Watch Member Unfriendly and Discreet

UD1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Megildur elf elven Male 181 Fisherman Audacious and Jaded

UL6 Cooper


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Skaldor dwarf dwarven Male 226 Cooper Brutish and Irritating
Maxwell half-elf english Male 35 Assistant Tall and Brainy
Gwaedhiel elf elven Female 266 Assistant Deferential and Reflective
Tangadion elf elven Male 201 Assistant Loud and Macho

UN1 Fishmonger


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Blossom human english Female 47 Fishmonger Nosy and Manipulative
Presley half-elf english Female 55 Assistant Diligent and Inquisitive

UT1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Macy half-elf english Female 42 Farmer Bubbly and Refined
Knox half-elf english Male 18 Private Guard Withdrawn and Well-informed
Hallie half-elf english Female 13 Town Watch Member Irritable and Discreet
Lilian half-elf english Female 75 Laborer Picks nose and Tactful

VL1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Barrington half-elf english Male 35 Farmer Selfish and irresponsible

VL3 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nibencarden elf elven Male 133 Worker Abrasive and Jaded
Edgarda half-elf english Female 30 Worker Patient and Shallow
Howard half-elf english Male 25 Worker Immodest and Snob

VM1 Gatehouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Urulum half-orc halforc Male 2 Fisherman Gloomy and Reserved
Molum half-orc halforc Male 36 General Blacksmith Obese and Tempermental
Khadbab half-orc halforc Male 24 Private Guard Quiet and Funny

WL1 Locksmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Grayson half-elf english Male 32 Locksmith Introverted and Rash
Dumbakh half-orc halforc Male 32 Apprentice Generous and Picks nose
Jenna gnome gnome Female 92 Apprentice Domineering and Sneaky


Item Price #Avail
Lock, Average 42gp 3

WN1 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edvard human english Male 32 Hatmaker Reliable and Sheepish
Brantley half-elf english Male 63 Apprentice Lazy and Picks nose
Brooke gnome gnome Female 45 Apprentice Dumb and Picks nose

XN1 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tyler human english Female 50 Worker Educated and Boisterous
Kierina gnome gnome Female 134 Worker Sharp and Bites Nails
Mundra dwarf dwarven Female 142 Worker Vain and Unfriendly
Rylie human english Female 15 Worker Honorable and Trusting

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) 4sp
Shiraz (Red, blackcurrant, black pepper) 4sp
Cabernet Sauvignon (Red, currant, bell pepper) 4sp
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) 2sp
Malbec (Red, dry, rich, plum) 3sp
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) 4sp
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) 4sp

XO1 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Eruanna elf elven Female 279 Worker Creepy and Nosy

YP1 Jail


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Stan half-elf english Male 72 Captain Skillful and Insincere
Bodo halfling halfling Male 56 Guard/Adventurer Domineering and Opinionated
Rarek dwarf dwarven Male 160 Guard/Pirate Thrifty and Selfish
Borukha half-orc halforc Female 27 Guard Patriotic and Charmer
Etel human english Female 24 Guard Scarred Face and Artistic
Kenton half-elf english Male 70 Prisoner Contrarian and Touchy
Fubda halfling halfling Female 40 Prisoner Skillful and Boisterous
Khagrakh half-orc halforc Male 15 Prisoner Thorough and Strong-willed
Teagan gnome gnome Female 96 Prisoner/Pirate Well-informed and Tenacious

ZE1 Baker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Falagrima dwarf dwarven Female 110 Baker Domineering and Poor
Kerna gnome gnome Female 108 Baker Kleptomaniac and Selfish
Brayden human english Male 26 Apprentice Ambitious and Stutters
Glanhelmion elf elven Male 175 Apprentice Manipulative and Spoiled
Lindsey human english Male 18 Apprentice Debonair and Combative
Thalion elf elven Male 162 Apprentice Witty and Domineering


Item Price #Avail
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) 5cp 16
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 1cp 6
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 6cp 1
Unleavened Bread 3cp 24
Gingerbread 3cp 5
Darioles (Green/Red/Yellow Custard in pie shell) 4cp 4
Frytour of Erbes (honeyed herbed fritters) 4cp 1
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) 4cp 9
Fritter of Milk (fried sweet cottage cheese) 4cp 9