The Village of the Blight
Actually the name of the town is Blaget
This adventure begins innocently enough with an attack one night by
twigs. That's right, twigs. They are the outlying edge of the Blight that has
infected the city of Bagouis. The plants have been working for the
Gulthias tree. They kill things and carry them back to pile them at
the base of the tree. It lives off of the decaying flesh.
First Contact
The adventure starts when the party camps near the city. It's a nice
camp that has a lot of bushes and foliage around it.
Deep in the night the twigs that have been keeping watch on the
party will see a moment where the watchers may have become less
watchful they will approach those who are sleeping and attack.
Twig Blight
Smal plant, neutral evil
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 4 (ld6 + 1)
Speed 20ft.
STR 6 (-2)-DEX 13 (+1)-CON 12 (+1)-INT 4 (-3)-WIS 8 (-1)-CHA
3 (- 4)
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Skills Stealth +3
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened
Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 9
Languages understands Common but can't speak
Challenge 1f8 (25 XP)
False Appearance. While the blight remains motionless, it is
indistinguishable from a dead shrub.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
Twig blights can root in soil, which they do when living
prey are scarce. While rooted, they resemble woody shrubs.
When it pulls its roots free of the ground to move, a twig
blight's branches twist together to form a humanoid-looking
body with a head and limbs.
Twig blights seek out campsites and watering holes, rooting
there to set up ambushes for potential victims coming to
drink or rest. Huddled together in groups, twig blights
blend in with an area's natural vegetation or with piles of
debris or firewood. Given how dry they are, twig blights are
particularly susceptible to fire. |
There are a bunch of them!
- 1d6+1 = 6 -
1d6+1 = 4 - 1d6+1 =
2 - 1d6+1 = 7
- 1d6+1 = 7 -
1d6+1 = 5 - 1d6+1 =
7 - 1d6+1 =
- 1d6+1 = 3 -
1d6+1 = 3 - 1d6+1 =
5 - 1d6+1 =
- 1d6+1 = 5 -
1d6+1 = 3 - 1d6+1 =
5 - 1d6+1 =
- 1d6+1 = 3 -
1d6+1 = 2 - 1d6+1 =
5 - 1d6+1 = 5
When the creatures are dead they look like dried weeds.
As they walk down the Kings Road they see a crudely painted sign in
front of path that says
"This way to Bagyouis and the Ivory Coin. Food, Drink, Sundries"
The Town
The next town the party gets to is Blaget.
Heganboar Holderhek — Level 4 Hill Dwarf
Fighter (Battle Master)
Ability scores: STR: 15 (+2) DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 14 (+2) INT: 11 (+0) WIS: 11 (+0) CHA:
11 (+0)
Age: 134, One leg missing, cataracts
Saving throws: STR: +4 DEX: +1 CON: +4
INT: +0 WIS: +0 CHA: +0
Initiative: +1 Speed: 25 Passive perception: 10
Size: Medium Proficiency bonus: +2 Gender:
Hit points: 40
Hit dice: 4d10
Armor: Half plate
AC: 16
Melee weapons:
Halberd (+4 to hit) 1d10+2 slashing damage
Longsword (+4 to hit) 1d8(1d10)+2 slashing damage
Ranged weapons:
Short bow (+3 to hit) 1d8+1 piercing damage Range:
150/600 20 arrows
Proficient skills: Animal Handling +2,
Athletics +4, Insight +2, Intimidation +2
Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +1, Arcana +0, Deception
+0, History +0, Investigation +0, Medicine +0, Nature +0,
Perception +0, Perform +0, Persuasion +0, Religion +0, Sleight of
Hand +1, Stealth +1, Survival +0
Languages: Common, Dwarvish
Other proficiencies: Mason's tools,
Woodcarver's tools, Three-Dragon Ante, Land vehicles
Racial Traits: Darkvision, Dwarven Resilience,
Stonecunning, Dwarven toughness
Abilities: Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting), Second
Wind, Action Surge, Martial Archetype (Battle Master), 4
Superiority Dice (d8), 3 Maneuvers (Goading Attack, Parry, Trip
Attack), Ability Score Improvement (4th level +2 Strength)
Equipment: Insignia of rank, War trophy, Bone
dice, Common clothes, Dungeoneer's pack Wealth: 90
gp, 21 pp, Dragonchess Set with Silver Pieces worth 60 gold,
Silver and Leather Bound Book worth 100 gold
Magic Items: 2 Potions of Healing, Ring of Evasion (3
She will ask to sit down and then tell her tale.
"About a month ago, hunters began to notice plants that were growing
overnight. Then they noticed that they were also disappearing
overnight as well. Not much was thought about it. But a couple of
weeks later, reports began of farms losing small pigs, chickens and
such. Used to vermin making off with them, they were puzzled when
they didn't see tracks they recognized where they disappeared.
Then about a week ago Cugio the son of a local farmhand disappeared.
A search party was organized, but after 2 days of searching nothing
was found. And 2 nights ago fisherman named Borgas didn't return
home and has not been seen since.
I went on the search and talked to some of the wild animals. They
told me of plants that move around and are hunting animals. They
provided me with general directions to a spot where they have been
She asks the party to help the town by finding out what is going on
and if it is a threat to end it. She offers to heal any injuries
they may get and give them her staff which is a quarterstaff carved
in the form of a snake wound around a holly branch. If they accept
she will arrange to have their inn bill erased as well.
She will lead them to a spot where they have been seen the next day.
The next day she will be waiting for them in the tavern and is
dressed in leather armor and ready to go. She will not accompany the
party farther than the spot where she says the animals showed her.
In the Forest
The players will begin searching for the blight creatures. Every
hour of game time, roll a d10 with a 1 indicating an encounter. Most
of the encounters will be with a Blight
creature, but other encounters may occur:
Random Encounters:
1-2 Random
Forest Creature
3 Hunting
Prey found
4-7 Needle Blight
8 Shambling Mound
9 Vine Blight
10 Combined Vine and Needle Blight attack
When the party has had a sample of the random encounters, they will
run across a very unfortunate man.
Amakir (Gemflower) — Level 1 Wood Elf Wizard
Ability scores: STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 12 (+1) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 11 (+0) CHA:
10 (+0)
Saving throws: STR: +0 DEX: +3 CON: +1
INT: +4 WIS: +2 CHA: +0
Initiative: +3 Speed: 35 Passive perception: 12
Size: Medium Proficiency bonus: +2 Gender:
Hit points: 7 Hit
dice: 1d6
Armor: None
AC: 13
Melee weapons:
Shortsword (+5 to hit) 1d6+3 piercing damage
5 Daggers (+5 to hit) 1d4+3 piercing damage
Ranged weapons:
5 Daggers (+5 to hit) 1d4+3 piercing damage Range:
Proficient skills: Athletics +2, Insight +2,
Perception +2, Religion +4, Survival +2
Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +3, Animal Handling +0,
Arcana +2, Deception +0, History +2, Intimidation +0,
Investigation +2, Medicine +0, Nature +2, Perform +0, Persuasion
+0, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3
Languages: Common, Elvish,
Goblin Other proficiencies: Flute
Racial Traits: Darkvision, Keen senses, Fey ancestry,
Trance, Mask of the Wild
Abilities: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery
Equipment: Hunting trap, Animal trophy,
Traveler's clothes, Explorer's pack, Arcane focus, Spellbook
Wealth: 110 gp
Spellbook: Color Spray, False Life, Find
Familiar, Fog Cloud, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Witch Bolt
Current spells: Color Spray, Tasha's Hideous Laughter,
Witch Bolt Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mending,
Minor Illusion
Spell slots: 2 first level Spell save DC:
12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4 Can
prepare 3 spells
Familiar: Raven
Outlander (Guide)
Personality: I watch over my
friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups. I have a
lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.
Ideal: Change. Life is like the seasons, in
constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic)
Bond: An injury to the unspoiled
wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
Flaw: Violence is my answer to
almost any challenge.
He is confused and almost naked with just a rag wrapped as
underware. He is overjoyed to see them and although he speaks a
narrative in broken elvish/common patois he eventually tells them of
his capture by the plants. He remembers sleeping in a tree and then
everything goes off. He remembers being forced to tend to plants.
Watering, bringing in animals that he chopped up fine and sprinkled
in front of plants. He woke up in the middle of a small stream half
drown but once again in command of himself.
As an elf he recognizes the importance of removing such a dangerous
trap from the forest, so agrees to travel with them to show them
were he remembers the area was if they will give him some food,
drink and clothes. Shoes would be nice.
On the way to the spot, roll for encounters 1d6 with a 1 or 2
indicating an encounter from the list above.
Make sure that before the party gets to the Boss battle that all of
the monsters in the chart have been encountered.
Boss Battle
Evil Treant
Huge plant, chaotic good
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
Speed 30ft.
23 (+6) |
8 (-1) |
21 (+5) |
12 (+1) |
16 (+3) |
12 (+1) |
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
False Appearance. While the treant remains motionless, it
is indistinguishable from a normal tree.
Siege Monster. The treant deals double damage to objects
and structures.
Multiattack. The treant makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6)
bludgeoning damage.
2 Animated Trees (1/Day). The treant magically
animates one or two trees it can see within 60 feet of it. These
trees have the same statistics as a treant, except they have
Intelligence and Charisma scores of 1, they can't speak, and they
have only the Slam
7 AC 16
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning
damage. action option.
An animated tree acts as an ally of the treant. The tree remains
animate for 1 day or until it dies; until the treant dies or is more
than 120 feet from the tree; or until the treant takes a bonus
action to turn it back into an inanimate tree. The tree then takes
root if possible.
2 Tree Thralls. If a humanoid is bound to the bole of the
Gulthias Tree, over the next 24 hours the victim is sucked
completely into the tree. Once the victim is completely absorbed
into the tree, it becomes the tree's thrall, and is expelled over
the course of l hour. The Gulthias Tree can have only four thralls
at any one time. A victim's skin is rough, gray, and bark-like. A
thrall is totally corrupted, becoming neutral evil. Such a creature
exists only to serve the Gulthias Tree and those who tend it (such
as Belak). It possesses all of its former abilities and gains the
following traits:
Barkskin. The thrall's AC can't be lower than 16. If the Gulthias
Tree dies, the thrall dies 24 hours later.
HP 9 -AC 14
HP 10 - AC 14 (bark skin) Slam:+1 to hit with arm thats like a
branch (1d6+1)
If the party isn't getting very banged up by this time, send in a
couple of shambling mounds that have been summoned.
During the battle it will become obvious that all of the plants are
protecting this big, dead tree in the middle of a clearing. It looks
like there was a building in this area long ago, but all the
remaining stones are covered with moss and most is covered by the
forest. But the area around this dead tree is clear in fact it is
clean of all foliage. The area stinks badly of rotting flesh and it
comes from the mound of bodies piled around this tree. If anyone
needs any additional hints about this tree being the root cause of
the problem, note that anyone who clears their mind will being to
hear a voice encouraging them to "come closer".
Gulthias Tree: CR n/a; Gargantuan plant; HD 14d8; hp 33;
Hardness 5; Init —; Spd —; AC 9; Atk —; SQ Plant, grow
enchanted fruit. AL NE; SV Fon +10, Ref +0, Will + 14.
Special Qualities: Plant: Immune to poison, sleep, paralyzarion,
stunning, mind-influencing effects, and polymorph; not subject
to critical hits