The Lost Cliff City of Ja'kumi

Jakumi Temple, Caves - Monsters - Vampire Monkey Bats, Jungle Witch

400 years ago this city was a thriving metropolis. Now it is a creeper cover death trap for the unlucky adventurers who hear of its riches and seek them out.

The geology of this place has a lot to do with it's popularity over the centuries. The cliff was created when an earthquake cause a rift in twhat used to be part of an dired up sea bed. This created both the soft stone cliff where the caves were made and the waterfall that made it a wonderful place to live.

The further away from the water supply the more humble the building.
Sometimes the diggers went to far and opened areas into other family dwellings. In this case they would use wood to wall off their enviornns.

The closer to the top of the cliff, the older the building. At each cascade spot it's clear that that used to fall all the way to the ground. On the groung there are remains of the streams running away and into the jungle. All of them are long dry however.
All the rectangular building entrances are framed with turquoise tiles.

The numbers of the buildings on the map are usualy an indication of the order in which they were built.

The arch way says "Ja'kumi welcomes all whos trade is fair. Bless{ all in the name} of Maclewar - God of Good - Charm, Good, Healing, Strength, Mercy, light, sun, Agriculture, Fertility
Math uses ropes to lower himself past the lip of the cliff and down to the great opening to the temple of Maclewar. Large blue and gold warrior with green tile mosaic of jungle plants and animals all around it.
The opening is 20' high and 30' wide with a column every 4'
They get to the entrance of the temple.
The moszic is magic;

Caverns List
Temple of Maclewar - The Ancients