Aspects of Civilizations

The Means To Power
At different times (and sometimes simultaneously) the 3 means to power have been used, lost, found and discarded.
The Means to Power are Magic, Technology and Psionics.
The use of Magic requires specific knowledge of spells that can not be discovered by the users themselves. When the knowledge is lost, magic disappears until the Secrets are again introduced.
The use of Technology requires a huge industrial infrastructure that can only be supported by rapid use of the worlds resources and is vulnerable to any number of natural disasters and war.
The use of Psionics is only possible through a genetic modification combined with extensive and specialized training.
This is the Deus Ex Machina for the appearance and disappearance of these means to personal power at different times.

Although this is most often applied to individuals, it is often used to describe societies and political systems. Certainly the Naze government could be called "Evil" and we could call the Athens government could be called "Good". The normal classification of Good-Neutral-Evil will be used to describe cities, nations or other groups of people.
There is one change being made to the Allignment system as it is applied to groups of people. Instead of using the Law-Neutral-Chaos classification, I will be using Law-Justice-Chaos. Law and Chaos are used as you would think. The "Justice" classification refer to a society that values the individuals rights and well being above dogma, religion and personal opinion. Most despots rule a chaotic society where royal fiat trumps any other factor in law making. One of the keys to understanding this classification is to consider how the social system deals with unpopular opinions. A chaotic society will deal lightly with them as long as they do no damage to the group. A neutral society will usually isolate them (sometimes in informal barios) and ostrisize the disenters. Lawful societies will brand them criminals and activly suppress their views perhaps even imprisoning or killing the disruptive elements.

Time and the Means to Power
Consider that "Magic" has been a huge part of earth society until very reciently and even now has adherents. The Voodoo cult is an example of magic use in the current day. It is now considered to be the way primitive societies attempt gain some measure of control over events. OK, so magic doesn't work on Earth (we think!). It is still a part of the legend and life of everyone on the planet.
Given this, you can see a progression from the primitive nature of magic to the societal embrace of technology as a way to influence ones enviornment. In a fantasy world it is not difficult to tack on the introduction of psionic powers to this progression with the reliance on technology waining as the power of the mind grows. This is the sort of progression found in Traveller and other d20 games.

On Berth, this time line becomes very non-linear. The 3 Means to Power appear and disappear at various times in it's long history.  To describe this more fully, there must be a quantification and description of them.

The typical way of describing the passage of time's effect on the game is using Tech levels.
0 is Stone Age, most D&D campaigns take place in Progress Level 3 (Middle Ages) we're at PL 5 (Information Age), 6 is Fusion Age, 7 Gravity Age, 8 is Energy Age, and 9 is "And Higher". Here is a complete description of these classifications. This system is inadequite for anything but technology.