This small kingdom is located roughly in the NW section of Norcompia. It lies between Moriania in the north and Glukla and Bomaiat in the south.The largest city and the location of the kin and his castle is Maknusi which is along the Teshyash River near the W coast. It lies across the Continent so it has shoreline on both the E and W coast.
Yovishia Malitia
Dicket, Alldel, Shalst, Arloon, Dovich , Coon, Horvoon, Helia, Luka Lake

Proceeding clockwise around the Kingdom we have the town of Hickle on the NE coast.
Hickle - Fishing and minor trade city. Not a big port as it is a very rocky part of the coast and very vulnerable to storms.
Shalmashan Forest is one of the primary homes of the Wood Elves. It has no large bodies of water but is gifted with liberal rainfall coming from the ocean.
Lake Lacotha is the 2nd larges lake in Yovishia. It is located in between 2 mountain ranges. It is filled with water from the Tumblidown River. The river is fed by the snow fields of High Home mountains. It is relatively high at 3400 feet.
High Home are the mountains that form the border of Yovishia along it's southern edge
There is a area in those mountians that used to be highly populated but is now abandon It is known as the Tumbledown Dungeons, but are a mix of very different types of ruins.
The Lerna river run almost due N and dumps its waters into the Lerna March. This marsh is surrounded by dense forests and is home to many unique species.
Lake Clotha It is the largest lake  and lies almost in the middle of the kingdom. It is fed by a number of small rivers, but most of it's waters come from the Danner river. There are several small towns and villages located around the lake and its rivers.
Dicket and Alldel lie along the Cadin River
Shalst Village is North of the lake Clotha near (but not along) the Shasast river.
Arloon is on the S side of Danner River at the junctions of the Brintund river
Dovish lies along the Danner river where it empties into Lake Clotha
The village Coon lies along a small river called the "Flicka".
The West section of the Kingdom is watered by the great Wicke River. It has a huge number of tributaries and each one adds to its size as it flows to the coast. Wicke river tributaries are Lenald, Cha, Dasste, Qusta, Ganfont, Kuka, Doli, Shar and Tetuyat Rivers.
Horvoon is the largest city in the area and borders on the Wicke river.
There are other rivers that empty into the W. sea coast. They are Hovin, Roundstone, Terkle.
The Dukedoge and Arkent are the largest rivers; both of which have numerous tributaries.
Terkle on the Sea is a small village on the W coast.
Helia is the largest of the coastal cities.
Manknusi is the seat of government, home to the king, biggest castle in the land and the most populous city.
Antira is a city at the edge of the Helvan Forest that is home to the High Elf center of religion and culture.

The Kings Trail
This trail was commissioned by King Corial 240 years before the party will travel it. The primary purpose of this trail is to connect the two coastal towns to the capitol. It has come in and out of favor with the royalty and has at times fallen into disrepair. At other times, the banditry has been so bad from lack of strong patrolling that it is regarded as unusable. It is heavily used when the kingdom is under attack (as it was 123 years ago when Glukla tried to annex Hickle) or there is a revolt requiring the kings troop strength to quell it (like 210 years ago when the mages of Hovoon tried to kill off the royals).

At the time the characters are traveling along it, the road has not seen much maintenance since King Booka became king. He is spending the gold of the nation on having a good time instead of on the infrastructure. The result of this is that the road has become overgrown in some areas which has been bad for the businesses in that area. Although the troops assigned to guard the trail has been reduced, there is still a major presence.

But fortunately there are two aspects to making the road accessible. The military under command of General Honar Guldar is still patrolling the road and keeping most of it free of dangers. Still, there are problems that are too difficult for the troops to handle, so the party may encounter requests to clear out a monster lair or two.

This road has been around a long time. It has been used by thousands of troops, hundreds of caravans, untold numbers of salesmen and the occasional group of refugees from some burned out town or another. A party travels 24 to 30 miles per day. Given this it is safe to say there are many signs of previous camps, roadhouses and small towns along the way. Some of these camps will be nicely made and some will be occupied. This means the party will see at east 2 camps a day, and maybe more.
Here is a quick way to randomly describe a campsite:
Cleared 1d8
Water - 2d6
Forage - 1d8
Shelter - 1d8
  1. Long unused
  2. Fire pit only
  3. Horse picket
  4. 10' Sq. clearing
  5. 20' Sq. clearing
  6. 10' graveled
  7. Kings Camp Unused
  8. Kings Camp Maintained
  1. NA
  2. None
  3. None
  4. Poisonous
  5. Well
  6. Spring
  7. Trickle
  8. Creek
  9. Stream
  10. River
  11. Pond
  12. Lake
  1. None
  2. Horse fodder
  3. Leafy Greens
  4. Mushrooms
  5. Greens and Tubers
  6. Fruit Trees
  7. Bulbs
  8. Fruit and Greens
  1. None
  2. None
  3. Rope for canvas
  4. Overhanging Tree
  5. Small leanto (6x4')
  6. Large leanto (18x6')
  7. 10' square cover
  8. 20' square cover
Roll once off of each column in order, or make one up by choice.
Kings Camp is a rest area that was created and is oven maintained by the Kings troops. These are usually very nice and have amenities. Add 3 to all subsequent rolls. If the camp is unused, it will be in poor shape but if it's maintained it will be really nice.

At the time the party is traveling here are the conditions:
Helia to Maknusi - Normal speed - This section is the best built, maintained and patrolled. The surface is cobble stones covered with gravel in some sections to reduce vibrations.
Maknusi to Tusons - Normal Speed - Although not as well maintained as the Helia to Maknusi section, this section is still well maintained having almost all of the road cobble stoned. No gravel, but firm footing.
Tusons to the Vannten River (at Vanntown)  - This section is also very overgrown except the part that goes through the town.
Vanntown to Dasste River (at the village Biyans) - Some miles overgrown (-1d3 miles a day)
Biyans to Lanking where two roads meet - Some miles overgrown (-1d4 miles per day)Dovich to Alldel - Normal Speed - This section is maintained by the locals. It is narrow just 1 cart width, but passable
Lanking to Dovich - Less overgrown that some areas, but small trees may still be found. (-1d3 miles a day)

Events during travel
One event that is always good to use is a group of the Yovishia Militia.

Yovishia Malitia
Yovishia is a Lawful Neutral state that is heavy on the Lawful. The further away from the center of the nation at Maknusi, the less strict are the laws and the punishment. There are some quirks in the law so reading about the law and punishment is a good idea. On the Kings road it is unusual to enforce laws of a rank 2 or higher.  You will seldom find officers with a Good alignment of any kind in charge of troops. Only1 in 4 is evil. For violations of 2 or 3, the person is restrained and returned to the nearest large city accompanied by 2 soldiers. For violations of 4 to 6 an officer in the field is regarded as the judge and may meet out punishments without more authority. These are known as Tobor Trials as the small tobor drum is used to announce a verdict which is carried out on the spot.
The uniforms of the basic troops are bright red wool with black trimming (yes, just like the nazis). The foot troops wear a long jacket that ends about 3" from the knees. They are double-breasted with brass buttons. The button holes are embroidered with black thread. The arm, wrist cuffs, high neck collar and bottom seam are also black. The pants are also double breasted (like to old navy uniforms) with matching brass buttons. Belt is black leather and the belt loops are red.  They all wear black soft leather boots. There are 4 ranks of soldier with 0 to 3 1" stripes of black cloth on the arms indicating this. There is no armor visible, although some wear hard leather pieces under the uniform only if they know they will be attacked. They all are equipped with a long sword, a dagger and a light crossbow.
The NCOs wear black leather armor and black boots with a red tabard over it, tucked into a wide black belt. The number of large black stars that are embroidered on the front indicate the rank with 4 being just under officers rank. They carry a long sword, a daggar, a shield and a whip.
The officers wear red leather armor similar in cut and color to the enlisted mens uniform except they will wear some kind of breast armor either chain (for a warrant officer) or plate (for colonel and up) depending on rank. All of the chest armors are decorated with painted on image of a 2 tailed lion. It is also common to see this design on the shields that are carried by the cavalry. The officers carry a long sword, a dagger, a long bow and a shield and a whip.

Here is how to roll up a troop of militia:
# of troops=4d4
4-8 troops will have 1 NCO
9-12 troops will have 1d3 NCO and a warrant officer
13-16 will have 2 NCOs, a warrant officer and a lieutenant
There are also cavalry men with them occasionally:
2 riding horses with riders in full on chain mail and shield
A major troop will have 16 Troops, 3 NCOs, 1 Colonel
6 Cavalry 2 with Light Riding horses and 4 with War Horses. The men on the riding horses wear chain, but the war horse troopers were plate and shield. All of the officers on horse wear red tabards with the lion image on them with black belts
There will be a militia encounter once every 3 (1d3) days regardless of other encounters.

Kings Guard
These are dressed in Dark Blue with silver piping.

Forest Random Encounters
Although they are called random encounters, this doesn't mean you can't pick an encounter from those below to confront the party at will.
Here is what the DMG says about when a random encounter is called for:

As part of detailing the travels of the party, here is how to roll for truly random encounters.
Roll for encounters in the morning, afternoon, evening, midnight. For the morning and afternoon and evening roll a d6 with a 1 indicating an encounter. At midnight roll 1d8 with a 1 being an encounter result. When a d6 encounter is indicated normally roll the type of encounter off of the On Road column. Roll from the Off Road column for night encounters.

Besides the random encounters, there will be planned outdoor encounters.
Some inns will have a posting board where locals may leave notes requesting specific goods or services they need. Here are a few lair type short adventurers that can be used anytime the game seems boring!
Belabra Lair - The tentacled pet is causing problems
Blood and Guts Tavern - Spoiling for a fight? You've come to the right place!There are a number of different ways this journey could take. Right now it is position driven as the party passes through the locations the events occur.
If it seems like the only thing the party is interested in is the hacking and the slashing, here is a dungeon that will keep them at it for months if not years.

Maknusi is the biggest city in Yovisha. The party will pass through there before they get to Helia


The castle in Hellia was part of the family holdings of the ancient leaders of the city.  After the fall of the family that built the castle it was sold to the family that is the ancestors of Derrix. Although at one time they had many endeavors, they are best known for their primary business of undertaking. There is a graveyard located very near the castle but the best accommodations were in the catacombs that were under the castle itself. The ground in this area is an unusually hard sandstone which was still relatively easy to mine and carve making it ideal for hasty but ornate decorations. For over 3 centuries the family would take commissions for tombs, family crypts and single body interments.
Part of the attraction for their services is that they regularly hired clerics and consecrate the rooms. Also, the whole complex was carefully guarded by day and night by armed guards to prevent theft and evil of all kinds known to prey on the dead.