Coon Village

This place used to be called Arcoon but they changed the name when
the guy the town was named after (Arcoon Alre) turned out to be a
really big jerk. 20 years after the town was started he wanted to
make the town into his own fort and turn all the current residents
(who were freeborn) into a fiefdom. He hired a group of mercenaries
to cow the residents and basically enslave them. For 2 years he kept
the townspeople at work building the stockade walls and digging the
moat. Finally, they got the mercs drunk, killed them and burned the
house they were staying in. They then brought Arcoon to see the
bodies. They took everything he owned and banished him. The remains
of the burned house are just E. of the graveyard at 7. Most of the
stones are for townsfolk, but there is one that says "Here lies the
8 men and 3 women who held us in slavery."
Now, this is a friendly town devoted to providing the scattered
farms in the area with a place to relax, worship and purchase the
1 Village Gate and Watchtower
This is not occupied normally but is kept in good repair. There is a
bell in a small enclosure on the N. side of the church that is rung
every morning by Horace to announce the start of the day. If it is
rung at any other time, anyone within hearing (which includes about
14 farms) will come to answer it. Slabus, Samus and Brin will run to
the watchtower to see what is going on.
2 Xerulia the
Witches House
She is hosting a niece named Wenada
who is studying the Witches way from her. She keeps to her self and
doesn't mix with the neighbors, but her niece does. They don't get
along well but remain together because the niece is learning and
also taking care of the house and cooking. Xerulia is not completely
sane as she had a bad experience with a ghost 12 years ago. She
doesn't allow white in the house and has been know to faint or begin
crying if she sees a person in white walk by her home.
3. Village Church to Maclewar - Horance the Holy
He is a truly good man. His modest healing skills are good enough to
provide him with respect and invitations to dinners from the farms
around on a regular basis. He has an old plug name Jessy that is his
means of travel. They are very good friends as the horse lives in a
earth floored part of the house behind the chapel.
4. Arlock the Elder
Arlock is wise and very good friends with Horace. They play a lot of
chess and pretend to tolerate each other just so there is someone
who "plays a decent game".
5. Brewery - Coons Brew - Stilflow
6. Village Smithy - Slabus
7. Graveyard
A Samas Place
Samas lives here, but he works in the brew house. He is an
adventurer of old, but the loss of his left hand during a delve in
the Crypt of the Witchking. If pressed he will talk about his
experience there (a blade trap just inside the entrance).
B Mamy's Boarding House
C General Store - Quaka
D Brew House
Hosse Bluntier the hobbit a harry one, is the prop and Grek Yuk the
1/2 ork is the bartender.
A pint of stout is 4sp. And she is served one.
E Brin Galraa House
F is a burned and ruined building..