
Though all artifacts are objects of intense magical power, some can reach their full glory and potential only in the hands of mythic creatures.

Minor Artifacts

Minor artifacts are not necessarily unique items. Even so, they cannot be created by mortal means.


Slot shield; CL 15th; Weight 15 lbs.; Aura strong transmutation

This +4 determination heavy steel shield has the preserved head of a medusa mounted in its center, its eyes shut tight. It grants its wearer a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws and immunity to gaze attacks. When the wearer fights defensively or uses Combat Expertise, the shield's bonuses to AC and on saving throws increase to +6. When she's taking the total defense action, the bonuses increase to +10.

As a standard action, the wearer of the aegis can expend one use of mythic power to awaken the medusa's head, causing its serpentine hair to writhe and its glowing, red eyes to open. This unleashes a cone of widened fear in the direction of the wearer's choice. The head remains awakened for 1 round per tier the wearer possesses, during which the wearer gains a petrifying gaze like that of the medusa's (turn to stone permanently, 30 feet), except the effect is caused by meeting the gaze of the shield's mounted head rather than the bearer's gaze.

The save DC for both the fear and petrification effects is equal to 10 + the wearer's tier + the wearer's Charisma modifier. While the medusa's head is awakened, the wearer can attempt to make an enemy look into its eyes as a standard action, using the normal rules for gaze attacks (Bestiary 300).


The aegis is destroyed if the medusa whose head adorns it is brought back to life, and the awakened shield meets the gaze of this medusa.

Black Iron Axe

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 12 lbs.; Aura strong transmutation

When a mythic creature uses this +6 keen vorpal greataxe forged from a dull black alloy to decapitate his foes, the axe's head glows with dozens of mysterious runes. The wielder of a black iron axe can claim any heads he decapitates with the artifact, and use them as batteries for mythic power. The axe's wielder can place a single use of mythic power into the head as a full-round action for later use. A decapitated head rots and become useless in 1d6 days. Only the creature that placed the use of mythic power in a head can use the power stored within it, and she must be in physical contact with the head to do so. Each head weighs 10 pounds.


If a mythic hero uses a black iron axe to decapitate herself, the artifact loses all of its magical properties and becomes a plain iron axe. The uses of mythic power remain in the affected heads after the black iron axe is destroyed.

Bullroarers of Outburst

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 5 lbs.; Aura strong enchantment

These five oblong, wooden planks range in length from 5 inches to about 1 foot, and weigh 1 pound each. None is carved thicker than a finger, and their sides taper to form dull blades. Each is delicately carved with intricate, symmetrical designs of seemingly primitive origin. A long cord bound to the plank through a hole at the top of the blade allows the bearer to whirl the blade about in a circle, causing it to emit a low, growling tone with a strange warble that can be heard many miles away.

In the hands of a mythic creature, whirling bullroarers can induce powerful sonic waves that trigger profound emotional reactions in anyone they touch. A mythic creature can attempt to spin up to two bullroarers at a time, provided he has a free hand for each. Spinning more than two bullroarers creates a cacophony that causes their effects to cancel each other out. The penetrating sonic waves don't need to be audible to be effective, however they can't affect creatures immune to mind-affecting effects.

The bullroarers affect mythic opponents within a radius of 60 feet plus 10 additional feet per the tier wielder possesses, and non-mythic creatures within double that range. The effect remains for as long as the artifact's owner swings the bullroarer, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to his mythic tier. The individual blades and their powers are listed below.

Blade of Courage: All allies within the area of effect are treated as if affected by of a blessing of courage and life spell.

Blade of Castigation: All opponents within the area fall to their knees as if affected by a castigate spell.

Blade of Despair: All opponents within the area of effect that hear the sound become saddened as if affected by a crushing despair spell.

Blade of Fear: All opponents within the area of effect that hear the sound become frightened as if affected by a fear spell.

Blade of Rage: All opponents within the area of effect that hear the sound become enraged as if affected by a rage spell.


The bullroarers simultaneously shatter if all five are swung at the same time while their bearer stands within the eye of a massive hurricane.

Elemental Chain

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 3 lbs.; Aura strong evocation

This looks to be just two plain steel rings. But when a mythic creature grasping them expends one use of mythic power as a swift action, they explode into a 10-foot-long spiked fighting chain formed from of the wielder's choice of acid, cold, fire, or electricity. The wielder can dismiss this effect as a free action. The chain is a +6 spiked chain that deals 4d6 points of damage of the chosen type instead of the normal damage typically done by a spiked chain. Once activated, the chain retains it shape for 1 hour or until the wielder dismisses the weapon, whichever comes first.


Feeding its twin steel rings to an elemental lord destroys an elemental chain.

Fleshhook of Mythic Sustenance

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 12 lbs.; Aura strong transmutation

The fleshhook is an ancient ceremonial artifact used by high priests to serve the sacred feast-meat from their cooking pots. This 4-foot-long wooden pole is wrapped with three metal bands etched with elaborate cygnets and ravens—one band at the base, one in the center, and one shaped into a headpiece that forks into four sharpened tines. When recreating the ancient feasting ritual, which takes 10 minutes, a mythic creature can use the fleshhook to imbue the meat served upon its tines with his own mythic power. With each piece of meat served, the bearer can transfer one use of mythic power to the creature that eats the meat.

If eaten by a mythic creature, the meat replenishes one use of mythic power. If eaten by a non-mythic creature, it grants a single use of mythic power for 24 hours. For as long as that non-mythic creature holds this use of mythic power, it's considered a mythic creature for the purposes of spells and effects, and gains both the hard to kill and surge base mythic abilities. Once that use of mythic power is spent, the creature loses these abilities and is no longer considered mythic.


A fleshhook of mythic sustenance snaps and become useless if used to serve the rotten flesh of a mythic creature to a powerful outsider.

Fortune's Arrow

Slot none; CL 15th; Weight 1/10 lb.; Aura strong evocation

While this +3 seeking arrow is carried, it grants its bearer a +2 luck bonus on saving throws and skill checks. The wielder doubles her favored enemy bonus on attack and damage rolls against any creature of that type she attacks with the arrow.

When taking a full-round action to fire a single shot using the arrow, the wielder ignores all range penalties for that attack. By expending one use of mythic power while such an attack, the wielder scores an automatic critical hit if the attack hits, and the arrow bypasses any damage reduction the target possesses.

Fortune's arrow can always be recovered if searched for. Even if lost, it finds its way back to its previous owner within 1d6 days as long as she still lives. Fortune's arrow fails to return to its owner only if she dies or freely gives it to another.


Fortune's arrow can be destroyed by burying it within the heart of a being of pure chaos at the center of the realm of purest law.

Glabrezu Claw

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 5 lbs.; Aura strong varied [evil]

This gruesome artifact looks like the mummified, hollowed-out arm of a glabrezu. This graft contains an imprisoned parasitic demon that can be satiated only by mythic power. To use the artifact, the user must place his own naked arm into the hollow graft, which then permanently bonds itself to his flesh and muscle. If placed upon the arm of a non-mythic character, the graft instead devours the limb, dealing 5d6 points of damage and amputating the arm.

Once attached, the glabrezu claw surrounds its wearer with a field of force. This provides a deflection bonus to AC equal to the wearer's mythic tier. The wearer also gains immunity to electricity and poison. In addition, the wearer can feed the glabrezu claw some of his mythic power in order to activate spell-like abilities. All these spell-like abilities have a caster level equivalent to the graft wearer's total class levels plus his mythic tier.

The graft wearer can expend one use of mythic power to gain telepathy with a range of 100 feet for 2 hours (Bestiary 300) or cast any of the following spells: chaos hammer, confusion, dispel magic, mirror image, reverse gravity, or true seeing.

By expending two uses, he can cast greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), veil (self only), or unholy blight.

By expending three uses, he can cast power word stun or summon (level 4, either 1 glabrezu 30% or 1d2 vrocks 70%; Bestiary 300).


A glabrezu claw crumbles to dust and the demon within is destroyed if placed upon arm of a formerly evil high priest who has atoned for his past and converted to worship a good deity.

Hermetic Flask

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong transmutation

This humble-looking, round-bottomed flask was used to purify one of the legendary philosopher's stones, and acquired some special properties as a side effect of this use. The hermetic flask and its creations function for only users with the alchemy class feature (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26) and the ability to make extracts. Using the flask normally requires an alchemist's lab or crafting kit. Makeshift tools can be used, but result in a –5 penalty on all checks.

If a user spends 10 minutes and 100 gp, and succeeds at a DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check, the flask can distill one dose of alchemical essence. If the user expends one use of mythic power during the distilling process, 10 doses are made instead. Alchemical essence remains stable only as long as it's contained within the hermetic flask. As a standard action, an alchemist can pour forth a dose and immediately convert it into an alchemical item worth 100 gp or less, or into a poison worth 1,000 gp or less. He may throw it or apply it as part of the same standard action.

A weapon-like liquid, such as alchemist's fire, congeals into a fragile globule and remains stable until thrown or otherwise broken. Any such substance poured from the flask remains stable for 1 minute, and then dissolves harmlessly. The purity of the alchemical essence increases the effectiveness of alchemical items derived from it. Any save DCs associated with the item increase by 2, and any damage caused or healed by it increases by 50% (including ability damage). The hermetic flask can hold a maximum of 10 doses of alchemical essence at a time.

The user can identify the properties of an unknown alchemical substance or poison by pouring it into an empty hermetic flask and succeeding at a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check for a normal substance, or a DC 30 or 35 check for a rarer substance. This analysis takes 1 minute and doesn't destroy the substance. Poisons analyzed in the flask can be converted into an antidote as part of this check, consuming the poison in the process. Such an antidote automatically cures the poison in any creature currently suffering from it, and provides immunity to further exposure to that specific poison for 24 hours. The antidote remains stable for as long as it's within the flask, and for 1 minute after it's removed.

By expending one use of mythic power and using the flask as part of a Craft check, the user can halve the cost of materials needed to create an alchemical item or poison. This doesn't apply to the creation of alchemical essence.


A hermetic flask can be destroyed by using it to analyze any of the products of a philosopher's stone. Such an act of hubris shatters the flask in a powerful explosion, dealing 25d6 points of fire damage in a 30-foot-radius spread. The person performing the experiment receives no saving throw. Other victims can halve the damage with a successful DC 30 Reflex save.

Nexus Crystal

Slot none; CL 18th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong conjuration

These cloudy, white crystals are believed to form spontaneously—though extremely infrequently—when a region of planar chaos drifts near a lawfully oriented one. When carried by a non-mythic creature, a nexus crystal bestows the ability to survive the conditions of a hostile plane as though the bearer were native to that plane. For example, the crystal would give immunity to the fires of the Plane of Fire and the life-draining radiation of the Negative Energy Plane. Any adaptation given protects only against the hazards of the plane itself, not the creatures within it—fire attacks from creatures on the Plane of Fire are still hazardous to the bearer. The crystal doesn't provide protection against extreme conditions not normally experienced by inhabitants of the given plane, such as the vacuum of space on the Material Plane.

When carried by a mythic creature, a nexus crystal has the following additional powers.


A nexus crystal can be destroyed by invoking its plane shift power as the bearer steps through a gate. Doing so destroys the crystal and the gate, and the resulting magical explosion causes 18d10 points of damage to creatures within a 2-mile-radius burst of either side of the gate (Reflex DC 27 for half damage). Permanent gates between planes could potentially be destroyed in this fashion, at the GM's discretion.

Ring of Equilibrium

Slot ring; CL 20th; Weight —; Aura strong conjuration

A ring of equilibrium is a wooden ring carefully carved from core of an oak tree, decorated with delicate runes, and sanded and finished to be perfectly round, smooth, and symmetrical. When slipped on a finger, it sizes itself appropriately.

It's said the ring has a will of its own, but if it does, it evinces no obvious agenda. It favors wearers who possess strong personality traits—either those with strong morals, who exemplify goodness and honor, or those utterly devoid of morals, with the vilest and blackest souls imaginable. The ring especially favors mythic creatures, and often refuses to slip onto the finger of a creature that lacks strong personality traits or isn't mythic.

The ring has no special power over the living, but when its wearer dies or it's placed on the finger of a dead creature it deems worthy, the corpse and equipment of the wearer remain where they are but the ring vanishes entirely. Within 24 hours, a tree grows in a location that's as close as possible to where the wearer died. The next day, the tree splits along the middle, revealing a cavity where the wearer has been resurrected whole and uninjured, with the ring still adorning her finger. If the wearer died in an unsafe place, the tree appears as close to that location as possible while still being relatively safe for the wearer.

This rebirth comes at a price. The wearer receives certain knowledge that somewhere in the world, another being has been resurrected along with her—an individual of an opposite alignment who is every bit as wretched as the wearer is good, or vice versa. The opposite has roughly the same level and power as the wearer. The wearer has no knowledge of this other party whatsoever, other than that it exists and is free to do whatever it wishes—perpetrate any crime or perform any good deed—thanks to the wearer. This opposite is always brought back a considerable distance from the wearer. If the wearer dies again but the opposite doesn't, the wearer is resurrected again, along with another creature of an opposed nature. This cycle continues indefinitely until the ring is discarded or it moves on.


A ring of equilibrium is destroyed if the wearer commits suicide while wearing it and while her opposite is still alive and healthy.

Rod of Spell Sundering

Slot none; CL 18th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura strong abjuration

This 3-foot-long aspen rod bears glyphs of protection and abjuration. Each end is capped with a smooth copper sphere. While holding the rod, the bearer automatically perceives any spell cast (or spell-like ability used) within a 120-foot radius, even if she can't otherwise perceive the caster. Spells cast from spell completion and spell trigger items are automatically detected as well. The bearer immediately knows the specific spell cast, whether or not it was from a magic item, its level, the caster level, and whether the spell is arcane or divine.

When the bearer of the rod of spell sundering counters a spell, she can counterspell with any spell of equal or greater level she's prepared, automatically countering as if she'd cast the proper spell to counterspell. As an immediate action after countering a spell, the rod's wielder can expend one use of mythic power to reflect the spell back on the caster. The rod's bearer must have line of effect to reflect a spell, unless the spell reflected doesn't require it. Treat the caster as the target, center, or origin of the spell's effect, as appropriate. Treat the spell as though cast by the rod's bearer on the caster. The power of the rod of spell sundering augments the spell, increasing the DC of any saving throws by 2 and the spell's caster level by the bearer's tier.

When used as a weapon, the rod of spell sundering functions as a masterwork light mace. On a successful attack, it targets the creature struck with greater dispel magic, with a caster level equal to its bearer's character level plus her mythic tier. This effect can also be delivered with a successful melee touch attack made using the rod.


A rod of spell sundering can be destroyed by leaving it within an area devoid of all magic for a year and a day. After this, it must be broken across the knee of a spellcaster formerly capable of casting at least 5th-level spells who lost her powers by using mage's disjunction on an artifact.

Screaming Spear of the Sun

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura strong divination and enchantment

This +4 wounding throwing longspear has a 2-foot-long iron spearhead covered with over 30 cruel flesh barbs. On a critical hit, the barbs lodge in the victim's flesh and can be removed only by tearing the blade free. Yanking the blade free is a full-round action that requires a successful Strength check with a DC equal to the attack roll that struck the critical hit, and deals 3d6 points of damage to the victim.

In the hands of a mythic creature, the spear gains the returning special ability, and when thrown seemingly comes alive, screaming wickedly as it flies. When it hits a creature, it radiates fear (as the spell) in a 60-foot-radius burst surrounding the creature struck.

Each use of mythic power the wielder expends when throwing the spear increases the spear's throwing range by 100 feet.


A screaming spear of the sun disintegrates if thrown into the flaming heart of a sun.

Staff of Eldritch Sovereignty

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 5 lbs.; Aura strong varied

Similar to the staff of the magi, this long ivory staff is inlaid with platinum sigils and burns with eldritch fire when its powers are called upon. Unlike a normal staff, a staff of eldritch sovereignty holds 50 charges and can't be recharged normally. Some of its powers use charges, and others don't. A staff of eldritch sovereignty doesn't lose its powers if it runs out of charges. The following powers don't use charges:

The following powers drain 1 charge per use:

These powers drain 2 charges per use:

For 5 charges, the staff of arcane sovereignty creates a gate.

The staff of eldritch sovereignty has higher DCs than normal for a staff. The wielder still uses her own save DCs if they exceed those of the staff.

The wielder can use any of her metamagic feats on spells cast with the staff of eldritch sovereignty by expending 1 charge per increase in spell level, with a minimum of 1 charge spent. The adjusted level of the spell can't be increased above 9th level. For example, a user with Quicken Spell can spend 5 charges to cast a quickened cone of cold with the staff, but couldn't use it to cast quickened greater teleport.

The wielder can expend one use of mythic power to gain the benefit of a number of charges equal to her mythic tier. Any excess charges are lost. For example, a 5th-tier wielder with Empower Spell could expend one use of mythic power to cast an empowered fireball without consuming any charges from the staff. A wielder who knows the mythic version of one of the staff's spells can cast such spells from the staff by expending one use of mythic power. This can be combined with using mythic power to provide charges. Finally, the wielder can expend one use of mythic power to add 1 charge to the staff, with no risk of explosion if the staff is already fully charged.

A staff of eldritch sovereignty gives the wielder spell resistance equal to 23 plus her tier. If this is willingly lowered, however, the staff can be used to absorb arcane energy directed at its wielder, as a rod of absorption does. Unlike the rod, this staff converts spell levels into charges rather than retaining them as spell energy usable by a spellcaster. If the staff absorbs enough energy to exceed its limit of 50 charges, it explodes as if the wielder had performed a retributive strike (see Destruction). The wielder has no idea how many spell levels are cast at her—the staff doesn't communicate this knowledge as a rod of absorption does. Thus, absorbing spells can be risky.


A staff of eldritch sovereignty can be broken for a retributive strike. Such an act must be purposeful and declared by the wielder. All charges in the staff are released in a 30-foot-radius spread. Quadruple the wielder's tier and add this amount to the number of charges remaining in the staff. All creatures within 10 feet of the staff take an amount of damage equal to 10 times this number. A successful Reflex save with a DC equal to 23 plus the wielder's tier halves the damage.

Unlike with the staff of the magi, breaking a staff of arcane sovereignty invariably destroys the wielder (no saving throw).

Sword of the Mists

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 12 lbs.; Aura strong conjuration and transmutation

Forged by powerful fey from the primal word as a gift to mortal champions, a sword of mists is a +6 defending greatsword of gleaming blue steel with a stag's head pommel. Strange, ancient runic etchings encircle the rain guard, and the cross guard is fashioned in the shape of thorny vines. Anyone who wields the weapon gains low-light vision, resist nature's lure (as the druid class feature), and the ability to speak and understand Sylvan.

The wielder can expend one use of mythic power to imbue the blade for 1 minute with the ability to bypass the hardness of any solid object and cut through even the toughest material as if slicing through butter.

Once per week, the wielder can expend one use of mythic power to enter the primal world of fey from the Material Plane or vice versa.


If bathed in the blood of its fey creators, a sword of mists mystically melts into a pool of useless lead.

Torc of the Heavens

Slot neck; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong divination and transmutation

This simple neck ring consists of a silver braid with matching ivory ends sculpted to resemble wolf's heads. The torc allows itself to be worn by only a mythic character who swears absolute service to his deity. Thereafter, the torc cannot be removed until its wearer dies. The wearer gains an enhancement bonus to his Charisma score equal to half his tier (minimum 1). Once per day, he can use the torc to cast commune for the purpose of contacting his deity. Lastly, he can expend one use of his mythic power to cast legend lore.

If the wearer violates his deity's code of ethics, the torc constricts and begins suffocating him until he dies or receives an atonement spell.


Melting a torc of the heavens in a cauldron filled with the boiling blood of an ancient red dragon destroys it.


Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong necromancy and transmutation

While in the hands of a non-mythic creature, a witherfang functions as a +3 kukri. However, over time it begins to consume the life essence of its wielder. If the wielder is non-mythic, each week he must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Constitution drain that can't be healed until 1 week after he stops wielding the weapon. The witherfang then converts the stolen life essence into mythic power. A witherfang can hold a maximum of 20 uses of mythic power.

A mythic character can use a witherfang's stolen mythic power to activate her own mythic abilities or to enhance the blade with the following abilities: bane, dancing, speed, and wounding. Each ability lasts for 24 hours, and only one can be applied to the blade within each 24-hour period. The wielder can increase the witherfang's enhancement bonus by 1 for each use of mythic power she expends. Alternately, the wielder can expend one use of mythic power to imbue the blade with the bane special ability, two uses to imbue it with the wounding special ability, three uses to imbue it with the speed special ability, or four uses to imbue it with the dancing special ability.


A witherfang permanently loses its magical properties if plunged deep into the heart of a non-mythic humanoid that no longer possesses a soul.

Major Artifacts

The greatest of all artifacts are unique items, coveted by the most powerful beings in existence and capable of altering the course of entire worlds. Only one of each major artifact exists, and even the least of them will certainly alter the balance of any campaign. Major artifacts are not easily destroyed—each has only a single, specific means of destruction, noted in its description.

Apocalypse Box

Slot none; CL 25th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura overwhelming conjuration and necromancy

This small, innocuous, black wooden box appears randomly throughout the multiverse, drawn to great heroes, greedy rulers, and desperate (and often morally ambiguous) mortals. The Apocalypse Box appears subtly, sometimes as a dusty old box on a shelf or a forgotten heirloom in a grandparent's attic. A creature looking upon the Apocalypse Box is struck with a sensation of nearly overwhelming avarice, and must succeed at a DC 30 Will save or be compelled to touch the box. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. If a creature touches the Apocalypse Box, she must succeed at another DC 30 Will save or fall under the box's curse. Cursed creatures are compelled to use any available means—including fleeing from or murdering friends and loved ones—to keep the box out of the hands of others. This curse can't be broken until the cursed creature dies or the box is destroyed. Additionally, if the cursed creature moves more than 10 feet away from the box, she immediately takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage plus 1d4 points of Wisdom damage each subsequent day until she and the Apocalypse Box are reunited.

Only a creature bearing the Apocalypse Box's curse can open it. Once per day, the cursed creature can open the box and draw forth a single item her heart desires. The item must be nonmagical, weigh no more than 50 pounds, and be worth no more than 50,000 gp, but is otherwise limited only by the parameters of the wish spell. A mythic character can expend two uses of mythic power to draw forth a second such item each day.

Each time the Apocalypse Box is opened, there is a 50% chance that instead of granting a wish, the box summons a number of horrific monsters that immediately attack anyone in sight and remain to wreak havoc on the Material Plane for 1 week before returning to their plane of origin. Roll on Table 5–1 below to determine the monsters that appear.

The Apocalypse Box is quite tenacious in its desire for someone to open it. Each day, the cursed creature must succeed at a Will save or be compelled to open it. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. The save DC is initially 20, but increases by 2 each subsequent day the box isn't opened until the cursed creature fails the Will save, at which point she opens the box and the save DC resets to 20.


The Apocalypse Box can be destroyed by being crushed under the claw of an ancient gold dragon after a creature cursed by the box defeats three groups of Apocalypse Box monsters in a single day. The act of crushing the box immediately slays the gold dragon, who can't be returned to life short of divine intervention.

Apocalypse Box Monsters
1d6Monsters Summoned
1Daemonic apocalypse: 1d4+1 olethrodaemons
2Demonic invasion: 1 balor and 2d6 glabrezus
3Infernal assault: 1 pit fiend and 2d6 barbed devils
4Oni domination: 1 void yai and 2d6 fiendish cloud giants
5Qlippoth infestation: 1 iathavos and 2d6 nyogoths
6Unspeakable visitation: 1d4+3 shoggoths

Diadem of Nod

Slot headband; CL 20th; Weight —; Aura strong conjuration

The Diadem of Nod is a slender, platinum headband adorned with a large, perfectly cut diamond that rests on its wearer's forehead. When the wearer sleeps, she can create a pocket dream dimension and move herself there. The qualities of the dream dimension can be chosen by the wearer, as the create demiplane spell. Once inside the dream dimension, the wearer is considered awake and in control of her creation. The pocket dimension lasts for up to 7 days, whereupon it ends and the diadem must recharge for 1 week before it can be used again, regardless of the time spent inside.

There is one inherent risk in using the Diadem of Nod. The GM should roll a secret DC 20 Will save on behalf of the wearer each time the diadem is used. Failure indicates that some rogue element not of the wearer's creation or under her control has been added to the pocket dream dimension. This might be an animate dream (Bestiary 2 29) or some other outsider of any alignment that traffics the Ethereal and Astral planes. The rogue element is not necessarily hostile or unfriendly.


The Diadem of Nod can be destroyed if its wearer uses it to create a dream inside of another pocket dream dimension. It can't be destroyed from within a dream it created.

Emperor's Mammoth

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 8 tons; Aura strong transmutation

This strange construct vehicle looks like a giant woolly mammoth with a fortified palanquin mounted upon its back. Fashioned from rope, metal, wood, and bone, the Emperor's Mammoth stands nearly 15 feet tall at the shoulder. Four long, curved, wooden tusks protrude from its huge head, as does a thick trunk consisting of a score of segmented metal plates wrapped in hide and wood.

The mammoth can be animated and controlled by a golden crown;, however, the wearer of the crown must retain at least one use of his mythic power in order to animate and control the vehicle. When activated, the mammoth has the statistics of a huge animated object with the constrict, grab, metal, and trample abilities.

If the crown's wearer runs out of uses of mythic power while the mammoth is active, he loses control of the mammoth and it goes berserk for the next 5d10 rounds. After this rampage, the mammoth becomes inanimate and ceases to move until it is reactivated.


Placing the crown upon the head of an unworthy goblin dung-sweeper causes the Emperor's Mammoth to crumble into a thousand pieces.

Frozen Heart of Cocytus

Slot none; CL 15th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong divination

At a glance, this object appears to be a hard, dark, roughly egg-shaped rock. Closer inspection reveals it's actually a humanoid heart—frozen hard, solid, and covered in smooth ice. When clenched in a fist, it feels like it throbs, though the organ remains unmoving and unyielding to the eye. It's said to once have been the heart of a gelugon, and before that it was the heart of a human being. Staring at it causes the surface to gloss over with darkened ice and makes the observer's eyes swim. Once the holder knows to study it, the heart functions as a crystal ball with telepathy.

The heart has a more sinister secret ability. With practice, mythic creatures can use the heart to scry more than just individuals, but entire settlements and cities. As the owner does, her mind becomes flooded with information about the region. Initially this knowledge consists of facts about population size, local economy, agriculture, leaders, and popular deities worshiped in the area.

The owner feels a powerful desire to continue watching, and if she does so while taking no other breaks except to eat and sleep, the information continues unabated. Over the course of 1d10 days, the heart reveals much more: the subtle social, religious, and economic influences of the settlement; the strengths and weaknesses of its leaders; and all the many secrets both pedestrian and profane that could be used to manipulate and extort those with power over the location. At this point, the heart begins to communicate to its new owner, suggesting courses of action that would bring her a higher social station, wealth, and power in that area. The heart's advice is almost always sound, but also always driven toward an unfortunate and evil outcome for someone—just not necessarily its owner. If the owner refuses to heed its advice, eventually the heart vanishes, seeking a more pliant puppet to manipulate.

Legends suggest that those who never question the heart's orders or decline its gift of knowledge eventually disappear to whatever cold place from which the heart originated.


The heart must be carried to the plane of Elysium and submerged for a day in the warm waters in the settlements of the azata. Once melted, a willing kiss from a brijidine upon the now beating heart causes it to burst and turn to dust.


Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong necromancy

This +6 keen speed adamantine dagger was constructed in defiance of the gods and their chosen mortal champions, for Legendsbane was created to slay mythic creatures. Legendsbane bypasses all types of damage reduction, and deals an additional 3d6 points of damage to mythic creatures and to non-mythic creatures that have epic DR. This additional damage is multiplied for critical hits.

Non-mythic characters can wield Legendsbane normally. However, when a mythic character first attempts to wield the dagger, she must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or suffer the effects of a destruction spell. If the mythic character survives, she can wield the dagger normally.

Legendsbane imparts upon its wielder the ability to track down mythic creatures she has hunted before. At will, the wielder can cast locate creature to find a specific mythic creature known to the wielder.


Legendsbane can be destroyed if it's anointed in the blood of a slain 10th-rank mythic creature and then struck three times by a vorpal weapon. This act also destroys the vorpal weapon.

Netherworld Cauldron

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 1/2 ton; Aura strong conjuration

This huge cauldron forged from black iron serves as a dimensional gateway to a mythic netherworld where powerful entities come seeking to barter with, commune with, or corrupt mythic mortals. To activate the cauldron, a mythic creature must spill some of its own blood into the black basin as an offering of his mythic power. If the wound deals at least 4 points of damage, the cauldron drains one use of the individual's mythic power through it. Once activated, the cauldron fills with a strange red fog that remains for 1d20+10 minutes. During this time, mythic creatures can enter the cauldron and be transported to the crossroads. Non-mythic creatures that enter the cauldron take 4d6 points of damage per round until they climb out or die.

The netherworld is small, with an overall area of 1 square half-mile. Highly mutable, the netherworld's appearance is determined by the will of whatever outsider currently waits there. Only one outsider can inhabit the netherworld at any given time. The specifics of what entity resides in the netherworld, as well as that entity's desire, change frequently and therefore are left to the discretion of the GM.

Time in the netherworld passes out of sync with time in the Material Plane, thus a mythic creature can remain in the netherworld for as long as he wishes, and reemerges from the cauldron only a few minutes after his descent. The netherworld is a crossroads, coterminous with all planes. Outsiders can enter from any plane, but mortals can't travel to other planes from the netherworld.


Using the Netherworld Cauldron to boil a mythic hero to death destroys it.

Nimbus of Radiant Truth

Slot headband; CL 20th; Weight —; Aura strong evocation

The Nimbus of Radiant Truth exists only when good has need of a great champion. Such a champion can attain it only though a perilous quest that tests mettle and righteousness. Rather than being a physical object, the Nimbus of Radiant Truth manifests as a glowing halo of light around the wearer's head. It's ordinarily as bright as continual flame, but in battle it brightens to the dazzling brilliance of daylight. Its radiance is treated as resulting from a 9th-level spell for purposes of interaction with other sources of light and darkness. The radiance of the nimbus can be suppressed or resumed as a standard action.

The Nimbus of Radiant Truth grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the nimbus is worn. Its wearer can't deliberately utter a lie, though the nimbus doesn't prevent other forms of deception, evasiveness, and giving incomplete answers within the boundaries of the truth. All of the wearer's natural weapons and any weapons she wields overcome damage reduction as though they were good-aligned. In addition, the Nimbus of Radiant Truth has the following powers.

The wearer of the Nimbus of Radiant Truth can remove it as though it were a physical item, and place it either on the head of another creature or on an inanimate object. When placed on an inanimate object, the Nimbus of Radiant Truth can be picked up. When placed on a living creature, it can't be removed except by the wearer's conscious choice.

When donned by a creature of evil alignment, the nimbus blasts the creature for 20d6 points of damage, then teleports 1d10×10 miles away in a random direction. However, if the wearer becomes evil some time after donning it, the nimbus retains its powers and doesn't damage the wearer. The nimbus cannot be deceived by any mortal means of masking alignment (including mythic abilities).


The Nimbus of Radiant Truth can be destroyed by placing it on the head of a person who was once completely good and innocent, but is now corrupted into the vilest depths of evil and depravity.


Slot none; CL 20th; Weight —; Aura strong necromancy

A twisted blend of artifact, disease, and malign intellect, the Plaguebringer isn't so much found as contracted. Once it infects a host, Plaguebringer renders him immune to the effects of any lesser disease. Despite this immunity, the host can still spread disease; indeed, his body becomes an incubator for the countless ailments of the mortal world. When exposed to a disease, the host automatically fails any saving throw to avoid contracting it, but suffers no ill effects. The host indefinitely remains an asymptomatic carrier for any diseases caught.

Plaguebringer also grants the following abilities:

Plaguebringer is intelligent, with an Intelligence score of 15, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 20. It has a neutral evil alignment, communicates by empathy, and has an Ego of 30. It exists only to spread disease and cause suffering. It protects and aids hosts that please it. If infecting a host who resists these goals, it withholds its abilities and attempts to control the host. Plaguebringer can take a single standard or swift action on its host's turn to activate any of its powers that don't require a touch attack. It has five uses of mythic power available to expend each day. It can use its host's own mythic power by becoming dominant (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 535).

When infecting a host, it has full access to its host's senses, along with darkvision and blindsense with a range of 120 feet. When not in a host, Plaguebringer has only limited awareness, with hearing and blindsense usable to a range of 30 feet and no vision. When not infecting a host, Plaguebringer is undetectable by normal vision due to its microscopic size, though detect evil reveals its presence. It can fly at a speed of 30 feet, and can infect a new host by entering its body. If the target fails a DC 30 Fortitude save, Plaguebringer infects it and the creature gains access to the artifact's powers. If the target succeeds, Plaguebringer can't attempt to infect it again for 1 month.

Plaguebringer can leave a host by becoming dominant and choosing to leave. Immediately after it leaves, the host is affected by multiple contagion effects (DC 30), one for each of the diseases listed in the spell.


To be destroyed, Plaguebringer must first be forced or tricked into the body of an angel. The angel must then willingly sacrifice itself by dying at the heart of a star.

Scepter of the Shining Lord

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura strong abjuration and enchantment

Fashioned from a single piece of black jade, this 3-foot-long scepter has a T-shaped handle carved to resemble the head of a horned crocodile. The scepter's other end curls and forms an eyehook, to which is tied a leather strap. Strung along this strap are four small, copper bells. Each bell signifies a single concept related to rulership: authority, banishment, dominion, and imprisonment.

An individual seeking to wield the scepter must first bond with the artifact by permanently offering it one use of her mythic power. Thereafter, the owner must always keep one use of power unspent to maintain the bond. If the owner expends all her mythic power, the bond breaks and the individual can no longer access any of the scepter's power until she reestablishes her bond of ownership.

Once bonded, the scepter can be wielded as a +6 brilliant energy light mace that grants a +4 enhancement bonus to its bonded owner's Charisma score. In addition, the owner can expend one use of mythic power and ring the scepter's bells to produce the following effects:

The caster level for all four effects is equal to the owner's total character level plus her tier. When she rings a bell, she can also expend an additional use of mythic power to increase the DC of the spell-like ability's saving throw by 10.

Lastly, the owner can use the scepter to appoint a mythic agent to be a protector and advocate of the owner's people. When she does so, she bestows 1d4 uses of mythic power upon that creature that last for 1 month if the creature is mythic, or until they are spent if the creature is non-mythic. If the agent is mythic, these points increase the agent's maximum number of mythic uses for the month. If the champion is non-mythic, as long as that agent retains at least one use of mythic power, it gains the hard to kill and surge base mythic abilities.


The Scepter of the Shining Lord explodes if its owner uses it to appoint a non-mythic queen, lord, or other ruler as an agent. This slays the scepter's owner and makes the ruler mythic.

Shadowwraith Heart

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 3 lbs.; Aura strong necromancy

This strangely shaped, ebon-colored rock streaked with deep purple veins is actually the petrified heart of a long-forgotten mythic hero. Over the centuries, the heart has appeared as an amulet, the head of a staff, and a mace head. Regardless of its form, the Shadowwraith Heart functions the same. The heart seeks out the location of the nearest source of mythic power—either a creature or place—and when brought to the source devours its power. As soon as it comes within a 60-foot-radius of a mythic creature, it begins to leech off that creature's mythic power. Each round a mythic creature remains within the area of effect, it must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or lose 1d4 uses of mythic power. If the heart drains a mythic creature of all its daily uses of mythic power, the creature loses a mythic tier. The tier loss is semi-permanent, remaining until the creature successfully completes one trial.


Implanting the Shadowwraith Heart into the chest of a dying mythic hero reanimates the heart, restoring the hero as the heal spell (CL 15th), though the hero loses all mythic tiers.

Silver Maiden

Slot none; CL 30th; Weight 500 tons; Aura overwhelming abjuration and transmutation

With its shimmering, luminous silver-gray sails and tendency to briefly shift in and out of phase with the Material Plane, this star-faring sailing ship is often mistaken for a ghost ship. Though non-mythic creatures can board the ship as passengers, the Silver Maiden requires a mythic creature to be its captain. If the ship currently has no captain, a mythic character can claim the captaincy by touching the ship's wheel and stating her desire to be captain. The captain then serves until death or voluntarily retirement. Upon assuming the captaincy, the captain becomes aware of all of the ship's powers, and can propel the ship completely unaided from anywhere aboard the vessel, whether sailing the high seas of a terrestrial world or gliding through the vast blackness of deep space.

At will, the captain can expend two uses of mythic power to launch the Silver Maiden into outer space. Once in space, the ship can sail through the vacuum at incredible speeds. Although exact travel times vary, a voyage between two planets within a solar system takes 2d20 days, and a voyage to another star system takes 2d20 weeks (or more at the GM's discretion). The captain must know which world she wishes to travel to (as if the captain cast greater teleport). When the ship arrives at its destination, it slowly descends to the surface (as the feather fall spell), and typically lands in a body of water. Once earthbound, the ship moves as a standard sailing ship. If the planet has no water or comparable liquid, the ship lands on solid ground and is unable to move until the captain once again launches the ship back into space.

The Silver Maiden can also sail the Outer Planes. At will, the captain can expend three uses of mythic power to transport the ship to another plane, as the plane shift spell. When the ship arrives at its extraplanar destination, it appears in a body of water or comparable liquid, 1 to 100 miles from the captain's intended destination. If the plane has no water (such as the Plane of Earth) the ship appears on solid ground, and is unable to move until the captain transports it to another plane. If the plane has neither water nor a solid surface, such as the Plane of Air, the ship continues to slowly fall (as the feather fall spell) until the captain transports it to another plane.

The Silver Maiden protects its passengers from the environmental dangers of deep space and the outer planes, and can even sail the molten surface of a star. At all times, the ship simulates a comfortable temperature and gravity normal for its current captain's home world. This protection extends 10 feet from the exterior of the vessel.


The Silver Maiden can be destroyed if its captain sails it into a black hole.


Slot head; CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong conjuration, illusion, and transmutation

This mithral cap includes prominent guards for the eyes and nose. The helmet was forged under duress by a dwarven smith to further the ambitions of his mad brother. The Tarnhelm has the following powers.


The Tarnhelm can be destroyed by being struck by a succession by hammer blows from a dwarven smith wielding an adamantine hammer, a human smith with a steel hammer, and an elven smith using a hammer of spun glass. Each must succeed at a DC 30 Craft (armor) check when landing the blow. Failure destroys the hammer, disrupts the attempt to destroy the Tarnhelm, and deals 12d6 points of damage to the smith.


Slot none; CL 25th; Weight 500 lbs.; Aura overwhelming transmutation

Formed of meteoric adamantine, the massive anvil known as the Trueforge appears and vanishes according to unknowable whims—perhaps those of a greater power, perhaps its own. A creature with sufficient power and knowledge can bind the Trueforge to a fixed location to best take advantage of its power.

Labor at the Trueforge requires both supreme skill and mythic power. Non-mythic creatures are affected as the feeblemind spell (DC 30) for daring to use the forge, and can't use the forge's abilities even if they succeed at their saving throws.

When toiling at the Trueforge, a mythic creature can create magical weapons and armor with a cost up to her mythic tier squared times 2,000 gp, ignoring the nonmagical cost of the item created. For example, a 10th-tier character could craft a magic weapon of a +10 enhancement equivalent, worth 200,000 gp plus the cost of the weapon itself. The item forged must be at least partially metal, such as a breastplate or spear. Creating such an item requires only half the usual value of raw materials. However, to create items involving exotic materials (such as adamantine), the creator must use and have access to the normal amount of the material.

Regardless of the materials involved, it takes 1 day of labor to forge a nonmagical light or one-handed weapon, shield, or suit of light armor; 2 days to forge a suit of medium armor or two-handed weapon; and 3 days to forge a suit of heavy armor. For items with magical properties, square the number of days of labor and multiply by 1,000 to determine the total gold piece value. For example, completing an item with magical properties worth 144,000 gp or less requires 12 days of work. The crafter must labor continuously on the item, not sleeping until work is completed, though she's kept awake and vigorous through the magic of the forge. If the work is interrupted for more than 1 hour at a time or more than 2 hours in a single day, the item is ruined, and half the value of the raw materials wasted.

In addition to making normal and magical weapons and armor, the Trueforge can repair a broken magic item, generally in half the number of days it would take to make it from scratch. It can even repair or create an artifact, though such a task requires months of preparation to gather the proper materials followed by weeks of labor at the forge.

Only one person can work the forge at a time. As the crafter labors, the Trueforge feeds on her mythic power and life energy, drawing it into the item forged. Forging nonmagical items carries less risk. The crafter must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save at the start of each day of work or gain 2 permanent negative levels. For magic items, the save DC is equal to 25 plus the number of days worked thus far. At the start of each day of labor, the crafter must expend a number of uses of mythic power equal to the number of days worked so far plus one.

If the crafter accumulates a number of negative levels equal to her own character level or exhausts her mythic power, the labor proves fatal at the end of the day. Normally, this ruins the work in progress, but if this occurs on the final day of work, the crafter finishes the item as she dies. Her soul enters the item, making it an intelligent item with the crafter's personality—and likely some of her abilities, as determined by the GM.

Creatures immune to level drain, whether by innate nature or magical protection, can't use the Trueforge.


The Trueforge can be destroyed by first destroying every object forged by it, then shattering the forge with a single blow from a hammer of thunderbolts.