Central Upper Levels


Room # 1 Private Planning Room.
Room # 2 Document Storage.
Room # 3 Upper Armory
Room # 4 Map Storage Room.
Room #5: Map Room
Room #6 Servents Mess
Room # 7 Major Domo's Room
Room #8 Reading Room
Room #9 Upper Common Chamber
Room #10 Dish and Plater Storage
Room # 11 Fine Etables Storage
Room #12. Minester's Hall
Room #13 Honored Guest Room
Room #14 VIP Guest Room
Room #15 South Library
Room # 16.Exchequer Office
Room # 17. Upper Council Room
Room # 18. West Library
Book of the Damned
Room # 19. Reading Room


Room # 1 Private Planning Room.

The fireplaces are made of skulls. Actually, there is stone under the skulls (which are real).
3 large 15' dia tables with 5 chairs each.
Silver candelabra 1200gp each.
Hidden Treasure (DC32) - In a compartment under a loose skull of the fireplace
3,200 gold coins (3200 gp)
a crown made of a thick, soft band of beaten gold, set with 4 large (2-inch-diameter, half-relief cabochon-cut) aquamarines (1000 gp)
a pendant consisting of a fire opal with a gilded, fine, twisted-link neck chain (1100 gp)
a cork bottle stopper, fastened by an ornate wire twisting to a large, brilliant-cut topaz (600 gp)
a golden comb, its handle carved into a dragon's head with a ruby set as an eye (400 gp)
a sword hilt made of intricately carved gold with an enameled painting of a hawk in flight in the center of the grip, the sword's pommel is fashioned into a hawk's head, the hilt is ornamental in nature, for it is too soft (solid gold, not plating on a stronger metal) for battle use (70 gp)
carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems (700 gp)
potion: tongues (750 gp)
potion: swimming (150 gp)
+1 light-emitting dagger (2302 gp)  Contained in a fine wooden box.
scroll (arcane)
  - knock (l2, cl3)
  - change self (l1, cl1)
  - web (l2, cl3) (325 gp)
A Succubus and her "son" (about 8 years old) can often (20% per entry into the room) be found here. They will immediatly hide using their invisibliity and go etherial to get away. They will never attack unless they fail to get away and are attacked.

Room # 2 Document Storage.

Door:: wooden, simple, stuck
Features: , cracks , brazier , shelf, wall basin
Book shelves cover the N. wall of the room. Almost all of the books are not readable and well on the way to returning to pulp.
Legable books:
Dahiska and Alieka go to the City
History of Isis.

Room # 3 Upper Armory

Door:  wooden, simple, locked

Monsters: Bebilith (5)
This room has a number of metal pegs in the wall. They are festooned with antique weapons of terrible condition. They have little or no value now. There are longs swords, daggers, shields and there are the remains of wood that used to be arrows and bows.

Hidden Treasure: DC 35 - Pulling one of the pegs that the weapons are hanging from will open a panel behind a broken shield
2,500 gold coins (2500 gp)
ceremonial electrum dagger with a star ruby in the pommel (1000 gp)
a fire-blackened oak staff shod with meteoritic steel at its base, the head of the staff is carved in the shape of a fanged serpent with two rubies as eyes (900 gp)
a clappered bell made of carved, polished rose crystal, the bell and clapper are joined by fine gold wire. (800 gp)
a garter consisting of nine gold coins linked with gold wire, from which hangs an electrum mesh fringe extending down in six triangles, each triangle ends in a claw-mounted, smoothly polished jacinth, the whole garter is backed with a (rotting) black leather band (2000 gp)
carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems (300 gp)
gemstone - golden yellow topaz (300 gp)
gemstone - red-brown spinel (140 gp)
gemstone - jade (100 gp)
gemstone - blue quartz (9 gp)
gemstone - deep green spinel (100 gp)
+2 longbow (8375 gp)

Room # 4 Map Storage Room.

Door (east, 1 from north):  wooden, good, free
This room has a long row of cabinets that occupied the center of the room and runs E/W. Its about 2' wide. It has 1' sq cubby holes that contain a huge number of scrolls. Some of the scrolls are just tax records, production ledgers and the like. Many of them are maps of deeds and the like. An examination of these will reveal the numerous land grabs by the Ralphs over time.
On the W. wall is a painting of the exterior of the original wood HOS in isometric view showing the tower and floors etc.

Spectre (10)

Historical document of the HOS. Read to them the adventure Introduction, then give it to them.
However, this document has been written in disappearing ink. The writing is written with lemon ink that takes heat to reveal.
The scroll written by Hooluiak Hemaemena who was an involentrary thrall of the Ralphs
The evil god they worshiped by the Ralphs is Kashi Goddes of misforturne.

Room #5: Map Room

Door:  (secret) side-sliding, push-brick trigger
On the floor of this room is a gigantic mosaic on the floor. Is is  a map of the geography around the HOS Area for 40 miles around. Give them the map.

A benevelent Reknowned Rolmph spirit will guide them if they trust him. The spirit can only manifest in the form of a purple ball of faintly glowining mist. It can not communicaate, but will answer yes or no questions by stretching veritcaly for no and horizontally for yes. If unsure or doesn't know, it will wobble back and forth. It knows this floor of the N, but little else. It knows of the secret door in the N. of this room and will take the chars to it if they are respectful to it.

Upper Levels - East

Room #6 Servents Mess

All the servents were killed and turned into ghosts when the HOS became evil. They can only manifest to misty things that make a mermering sounds of anger, questioning, sobbing and pleading for death.

Monsters: Ghosts HOS Type 1

Room # 7 Major Domo's Room

Room #8 Reading Room

SE Door: iron and locked (DC 18 to pick)

Monsters: Bodak (5)
The illusionary wall ( in purple on the map) across the N.  has been cast by a 25th level mage and is very hard to disbeleve.  Behind the illusionary wall are 2 more doors:
W. Door: Iron, Locked
N. Door Wood, latched

In the room are 7 chairs and central table. There are bookshelves on the N, S, E. walls.
Many of the boks in the shelves are not readable and many more are just novels of bygone days. But there are also the books below:

Chronicle of Castle Ralph
AUTHOR: Countess Roula of Ralph
PUBLISHER: None (handwritten manuscript / only copy)
TYPE/ASPECT: Richly illuminated small-sized Book of Hours.
CONDITION: Good, although a little worn.
LANGUAGE: Common speech (Common alphabet).
SUBJECT: Knowledge (Local: Ralph family and estates).
ORIGINALITY: Extremely conformist, when not doctrinal, to the detriment of the subject.
CLARITY: Clear (Int check DC=5 to benefit from book's contents).
LENGTH OF STUDY: 1d6 hour (provided Intelligence check succeeded - see above).
BENEFIT FROM STUDY: Encyclopedia enabling to take 10 with Knowledge-local when pertaining with the Ralph family and estates.
BOOK'S MONETARY VALUE: Normal (from 1 to 10 gold pieces).
NOTES: Tells of the Ralph noble family and their land and castle over the last two centuries. Hidden in the binding is a small document: a map with coded annotations, and a coded text on its back. If deciphered ,  that is the "Slapyamama" keyword
What this thing is, is not told, despite it is allegorically hinted at several times in the book (Int check at DC=10 to notice it).

Passional of St. Armandius
AUTHOR: Rilim Ralph
PUBLISHER: None (handwritten manuscript / only copy)
TYPE/ASPECT: Richly illuminated small-sized Book of Hours.
CONDITION: Excellent, as if new.
LANGUAGE: Church vernacular (Common alphabet).
SUBJECT: Religion.
ORIGINALITY: Extremely conformist and odiously doctrinal.
CLARITY: Very clear.
LENGTH OF STUDY: 5 minutes to see what the book is about; 1 hour to read it entirely.
BENEFIT FROM STUDY: None, plus the text is really boring to read.
BOOK'S MONETARY VALUE: Expensive (from 10 to 100 gold pieces).
NOTES: This is the inept hagiography of St Armandius who was tortured by unbelievers. The book is really a masterful piece of art, if you consider how richly it has been done, full with wonderful illuminations, and a rich binding with a fine leather cover. Yet, the text is absolutely useless to read, except if you are a fanatic of the relevant religion.
This book is in fact a magical/cursed book. If one reads only a few pages, she must make a Will save at DC=25. If she succeeds, she understands there is nothing to gain from the reading of this text, except maybe a headache. So, she is free to continue or not. However, if she fails the saving throw, she channels Rene Ralph; one of the good ones who will talk to the party and tell them stuff. There, she will have to make a last Will save at DC=5 or feel compelled to immediately become a priest of that religion (the character must multiclass). Note that the unfortunate character who fails all three saves and becomes a priest of that religion will often say "Before I lived within the darkness of ignorance. But then, I read this book and saw the light"

Room #9 Upper Common Chamber

Door: iron and locked (DC 18 to pick)
Trapped with a spring bolt w/poison. DC 20 to disarm
The fireplace in this room opens into the room beyond (10). Crawling through will get the person sooty, but there hasn't been a fire here in a long time.

Monster:  Hellcat (6)
This room has nothing in it. It is not dirty, simply unused.

Room #10 Dish and Plater Storage

Monster: Black Pudding
All of the objects in this room has been devoured by the pudding over time. It used to be full of crockery and fine dishes, but all that remain are the holes in the stone where the wooden pegs for the shelves used to be. 
In the center of the N. wall there is a secret panel in the wall about 1' square and 4" off the floor. Hidden in one of the peg holes is a button that will open the panel. A search roll at (DC 25 will reveal the panel if the N. wall is searched. A DC 35 is necessary to find the button in the peg hole.

The button causes a tongue to extend from the wall with a small 10"x6"x10" chest of carved wood. The carvings are of evil looking twining rose bushes.

gemstone - diamond (4000 gp)
gemstone - chalcedony (50 gp)
gemstone - violet garnet (500 gp)
gemstone - white pearl (120 gp)
gemstone - lapis lazuli (9 gp)
gemstone - black star sapphire (1200 gp)
gemstone - silver pearl (100 gp)
gemstone - sardonyx (50 gp)
gemstone - deep blue spinel (700 gp)
gemstone - coral (70 gp)
gemstone - blue diamond (6000 gp)
gemstone - black pearl (400 gp)
gemstone - banded eye agate (11 gp)
gemstone - tourmaline (110 gp)
gemstone - peridot (40 gp)
gemstone - deep blue spinel (400 gp)
gemstone - fire opal (1400 gp)
gemstone - silver pearl (90 gp)
gemstone - golden pearl (60 gp)
scroll (arcane)
  - lesser geas (l4, cl7) (700 gp)

Room # 11 Fine Etables Storage

Rotted remains of canned and pickled foods.

South (Devils and Undead)

Room #12. Minester's Hall

When the HOS changed into it's evil form, the guests of the fete were changed to ghosts and doomed to occupy this room for all time. They will protect the treasure with all their might. They will not attack until the treasure is disturbed.

Monsters: Ghost - HOS Type 4 - 2 HD (45)

On the W. wall 20' N. is an elaborite hutch. It is finely carved, but the carvings are of strange, disturbing symbols. They are non-magical corruptions of numerous magical symbols. The mages wouldn't like to try using these is a spell! It is made of ebony with silver inlays. It contains the treasure below:

In the large drawer on the bottom are 3,500 gold coins (3500 gp)

In one of three small drawers (on the left side) on the top are:
gemstone - emerald (800 gp)
gemstone - red garnet (100 gp)
gemstone - tourmaline (50 gp)

In the second (Middle) of the small top drawers are:
black velvet mask with numerous citrines (130 gp)
gold music box (2000 gp)
a cork bottle stopper, fastened by an ornate wire twisting to a large, brilliant-cut topaz (400 gp)
eyepatch with mock eye of sapphire and moonstone (1500 gp)
In a hidden compartment under this top shelf (DC 20 search):
scroll (arcane)
  - blindness/deafness (l2, cl3) (150 gp)
scroll (divine)
  - bull's strength (l2, cl3) (150 gp)
wand of Melf's acid arrow (18 charges) (4500 gp)
The right most top drawer is trapped. Conceled in the drawer is a Symbol of Insanity cast by a 18th level mage. Inside the drawer is a Robe of Powerlessness that looks like a Robe of Sintillating Colors. As soon as the robe is removed, the symbol will take effect.

In the middle drawer are
300 platinum coins (3000 gp) and 3 Krosnium coins (3000 gp)
gold-plated corkscrew with a bloodstone set into each tip of the handle
a golden ball, dimpled from use but still brightly polished, 3-inch-diameter sphere of solid gold (110 gp)
a ring of red gold, beaten into a long knuckle-coil to resemble a miniature snake coiling about the wearer's finger, with two tiny rubies set into its head as eyes (400 gp)
eyepatch with mock eye of sapphire and moonstone (1500 gp)
gold and topaz bottle stopper cork (400 gp)
a crown made of a thick, soft band of beaten gold, set with 4 large (2-inch-diameter, half-relief cabochon-cut) aquamarines (1000 gp)

Features: horn, dipping water, furniture (broken), catwalk, ledge, brazier

Room #13 Honored Guest Room

This room now looks like a sultans harim. There are silk hangings, satin pillows and bed covers, gause surrounds the SW area
Monster:  Erinyes
    elbaite (red tourmaline) (110.5 gp)
    hyaline (11.4 gp)
    lavrovite (green diopside) (14.1 gp)
    lodestone (10.9 gp)
    mauve spinel (751.4 gp)
    moonstone (green) (129.2 gp)
    orange-red garnet (609 gp)
    orbaline (399.9 gp)
    spessartine (orange through red garnet) (217.4 gp)
    variscite (strongly resembles turquoise) (8.3 gp)
    zoiste (clear) (110.6 gp)
    potion of jump (50 gp)
        peppery odor/taste
        watery, cloudy appearance
    ring of Defense +2 (16,000 gp)
Total Value: 19,481.7 gp
plus rope and +1 flaming composite longbow (+5 Str bonus)

Room #14 VIP Guest Room

This room is finely adrned and elaboratly furnished. It is the home of the spirit of a power wizard named Realeka Ralph. He was killed when the HOS changed to evil (300 yeasrs) and has been studying all the time since then.
He has the command of a small army of helpers: Ghast (8)

Realeka Ralph
Monster: Type 5 - 4 HD Ghostly Wizard
Enialo, male elf (drow) Wiz8:  CR 9; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 8d4+16; hp 38; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6; AL NE; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 11, Cha 5.

Languages Spoken:  Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon.

Skills and feats:  Balance +8, Concentration +12, Diplomacy -0.5, Disable device +9, Escape artist +4, Forgery +6, Gather information -0.5, Hide +4.5, Jump +0.5, Listen +2, Move silently +7, Perform +1.5, Search +7, Sense motive +2, Speak language +4, Spot +2, Tumble +4, Wilderness lore +2; Brew potion, [Scribe scroll], Skill focus (move silently), Skill focus (concentration), Spell mastery (Blur, Magic Missile, Mage Armor).

Possessions:  9,400 gp  in gear.

Wizard Spells Known (4/6/4/4/3):  0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance.  1st -- Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep, Spider Climb.  2nd -- Command Undead:, Blur, Continual Flame, Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Knock, Locate Object, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Summon Swarm, Web, Whispering Wind.  3rd -- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Flame Arrow, Fly, Halt Undead, Lightning Bolt.  4th -- Charm Monster, Confusion, Fire Trap, Minor Globe of Invulnerability.  

Room #15 South Library

Monster: Nightwing (2)

Shelves alon the E. wall hold mostly books on personel records of the HOS staff and political appointees for the area around. All the names of the Mayors of the towns all the way down to the wages paid to servents who wash the clothes.

Central Upper Level - West

Room # 16.Exchequer Office

There is a big desk in the SE corner and high clercs tables in the NE and SE corners In the N
Behind the fireplace is an invisible chest containg treasure.

Monster: Guardian Naga (3)

8,500 silver pieces
2,500 gold coins
a mantle with a black silk lining and a black velvet outer face that is adorned with beaded stars and geometric shapes, with one moonstone set into the center of each of the 36 stars; the mantle was created for a tall human and needs a pin to be worn correctly (1300 gp)
finely wrought small gold bracelet (50 gp)
rod: immovable (7500 gp)

Room # 17. Upper Council Room

This room is empty except for a 40' diameter table in the center of the room. It is made of mahogony and has 15 matching chairs around it. The set is finely carved with Ivy patters around finely fluted supports and worth 2500 gp if removed. All who see it understand how fine a table set it is.

Room # 18. West Library

Grey Philosopher and Malice
There are 16 Malices to start
This room contains bookshelfs on the N part of the wall that divides the room into two parts.
Most of the books are unreadable, but enough remain to tell what the rest were like. All the readable books are about command, control, religion and philosophy.

Book of the Damned

This fell tome contains the methods and rituals necessary for creating undead creatures. This text is usable by all classes of characters, not just spellcasters. The book will contain the information needed to create 4-16 (4d4) skeletons, 3-12 (3d4) zombies, 1-6 (1d6) ghouls, 1-4 (1d4) ghasts, or 1 mummy. It requires 1 full day of rituals and incantations once the materials have been assembled to create the desired creature(s). The book can be used but once per month. Good characters will lose experience equal to its experience value each time they attempt to use this fell book.

Tome of Gems
AUTHOR: Karzaad Vuhl
PUBLISHER: None (handwritten manuscript / only copy)
TYPE/ASPECT: Richly decorated and sumptuous tome of great size with precious bindings.
CONDITION: Excellent, as if new.
LANGUAGE: Draconic (Draconic signs, symbols, and alphabet).
SUBJECT: Tutorial of magic (see below).
ORIGINALITY: Really original work that brings a new perspective on the subject.
CLARITY: Clear (Int check DC=5 to benefit from book's contents).
LENGTH OF STUDY: 3d4 months (provided Intelligence check succeeded - see above).
BENEFIT FROM STUDY: The book contains nine medium to high-level spells formulas, plus a tutorial to learn how to place a spell into a gem for storage.
BOOK'S MONETARY VALUE: Invaluable (over 100,000 gold-pieces).

Description: The “Great Codex O'Magica” is a sentient magical tome (like an intelligent sword) of great power. It appears as a big spell-book which can fly and defend itself. The cover is made of chiseled platinum, in which are embedded 10 magical gems able to cast spells. The pages are special parchments made of the skins of various magical beasts.

Powers: The book’s abilities are in fact nothing less than those of a beholder! The difference is that it isn't a living being (which must feed, etc.), but a magical item with a purpose; and that it casts different spells than those of a beholder.

• Type:  Heavy magical tome.
• INT:  12
• Ego:  30
• Alignment:  NE
• Communication: Speech.
• Fly/levitation: continuous, speed: 6, maneuverability: B
• Armor class: AC=20 (hardcover). To hit a gem without damaging the book requires a called shot at –8.
• Hit-points : 50. Note that blunt weapons and freezing (etc.) spells do 1% of destruction to the book's content per point of damage. Slashing weapons, and burning-acid-etc. spells do 2% of destruction to the book's content per point of damage. Once the book is "dead", check what remains readable from it, after having done that calculation.
• Attacks : by spells. The book has 8 different spells that it is able to cast (through the gems on the cover), and may cast 1d4+1 spells per round, chosen randomly from these 8.
Rainbow Pattern:
Cone of Cold:
Waves of Fatigue:
Prying Eyes:
Antimagic Field:
Chain Lightning:
Mage’s Sword

Their formulas are found into the book. In addition the central biggest gem (a diamond worth 50 000 gp) can cast an Anti-magic ray once per round (area of effect: cone in front of the gem).
• Book’s purpose: do not let anyone except its owner, take nor peruse it.

Originally, the owner of this book was the Grey Philosopher. Once he is dead, the book will desire a new master but will not reveal itself willingly. Once disturbed, It will fly to the ceiling and address the party saying:
"I am the Tome of Gems. Fear me for I have great and terrible powers. You have killed my owner and one of you must accept my offer or all will suffer dire consequences. I can provide great knowledge to the one who is smart enough and who is willing to meat my cost."
The cost is one level of Mage class! If a mage agrees to pay the cost, the item will fly down to the mage and place its pages about the head. There is a flash and the mage looses EXP enough to go to the middle of the level below. This cost must be payed immediatly.
If the offer is refulsed, the book will attack until "Killed".

Room # 19. Reading Room

There are 4 tables and 12 chairs in the center of this room. It was once hung with fine tapestrs, but they have disintegrated into rotting fabric. The Philosopher has place the Shadow Mastifs in this room to warn him of intruders.
Monster: Shadow Mastiff (8)