Outer Upper Levels

Wizard's Central Tower

Floor A

1 This room is describe in the Ground Floor as Room #120

Floor B
Room #2 - Wizards Lounge
Door (east):  wooden, simple, locked
In the center is a square of chaise lounges. Around them is a scattering of small tables (8).
There are a number of animated objects in this room. The pillows on the chaise crawl into a comfortable position, the The tables come when called.
In the North and South west corners there are Mage's Private Sanctum that have been made perminant.

Room #4
Door (west):  wooden, simple, free, trapped [trap: spell (Fire Trap) (Find/Disable DC 35)]

Monsters: Hezrou (1)


200 platinum coins (2000 gp)
1,000 gold coins (1000 gp)
a sword hilt made of intricately carved gold with an enameled painting of a hawk in flight in the center of the grip, the sword's pommel is fashioned into a hawk's head, the hilt is ornamental in nature, for it is too soft (solid gold, not plating on a stronger metal) for battle use (20 gp)
a quill pen case made of gold, held shut by a clasp, carved into the case is a scene of a scribe sitting on a stool amid stacks of parchment and writing in a tome (50 gp)
gold dragon comb with red garnet eye (800 gp)
gemstone - alexandrite (200 gp)
gemstone - white pearl (110 gp)
gemstone - alexandrite (200 gp)
gemstone - alexandrite (500 gp)
gemstone - jasper iolite (30 gp)
gemstone - violet garnet (400 gp)
wand of invisibility (49 charges) (4500 gp)
wand of magic missile (1st-level caster) (35 charges) (750 gp)
+1 large steel shield  (1170 gp)
potion: nondetection (750 gp)
scroll (arcane)
  - locate object (l2, cl3)
  - shield (l1, cl1)
  - change self (l1, cl1) (200 gp)


foodstuffs (spoiled)


Floor C

Floor D
14  Teleport Room

Floor E
Room 15 Conjuring Room

4 Iron Golems
They will attack any living creature who does not say "Rudolf" within 1 minute after entering the room. There are 3 teleport spots here. They are all 2 way in that the same words spoken will take you to the corresponding place spot.
X1 - Throne Room
X2-Top of North Tower
X3 - Top of South Tower
The Heart of the House is in this room unless it is disturbed. It is held by the statue in the SW corner of the room. This is actually a stone golem. On a command from the heart, the golem will animate. It will not fight, but instead will take the heart to the SE corner of the room and stand on the teleport rune. As soon as the golem touches any of the runes, it activates. The Ghosts that haunt this room will protect it.
If there is any unusual activity in this room, the Flesh Jelly from the room above will ooze down to investigate and attack any living thing in the room.

15 The highest tower
Monster: Flesh Jelly
The only inhabitent of this room is that monster.
Other than this the room is empty

North Tower

South Tower

West Tower

East Tower

A - Hall of Horrors
The door to this area is partially open. If it opens completely, a contingency spell goes off casting a fatal illusion of a massive fireball.
B - Sounds of Hissing
C - Smell of Brimstone