Tempe Arizona Area

This is a farming community. The for is the focus of thhe town shich stretches along the North bend of the Salt river.
Pleasant Valley War, Tempe timeline, Tempe History Brief., Tempe,_Arizona, Arizona Map
Arizona’s reputation as being wild and uncivilized was belied by many law abiding, peaceful communities.  Tempe was one of these communities.

The city began as a place to ford the Salt River, however, that same river supplied the water that fostered an agricultural based community leading to stable family ownership, long term planning, and law and order. The agricultural communities were in sharp contrast to the cattle and mining areas that had a more transient population and a “get rich quick” mentality.  The contrast to life in agrarian Tempe was nowhere more evident than in the cattle raising area  known ironically as Pleasant Valley.

To retaliate against the Graham familys cattle theft and land incursions, the Tewksburys got a herd of sheep and drove them into Pleasant Valley. This started a bloody feud.

Whils looking for strays, John Tewksbury and Bill Jacobs were shot in the back from long range then fninshed off a close range by Tom Graham and some men. When Mary (John's pregnant wifre) attempted to retreve the bodies, she was fired on by the Grahams. As she pleaded for her life, wild hogs began to eat her husbands body. Tom let her go but refused to let her take the body. The remains were burried by the coroner 11 days after their death.

The rest of the Tewksbury family and hirelings are wild for "justice". The sherrif is looking for all the help he can get from anyone not directly involved in the conflict emotionally. He wants to take Tom Graham into custody and wants a posse to go with him. The pay is $20 a week, minimum 1 week payment.

1 - Graham Ranch - Cattle
2 - Tewksbury Ranch - Cattle
3 - Hanson Farm
4 - Miller Farm
5 - General Store, Jail and P.O. - Zeb Tucker Prop. - James Holfield - Sherrif, Tomas Beuveil - Deputy
Oaji Tribe Skins and Indian trade goods. Calf Skin clothes, S. Bow for Ponys and such. Post office run by Marge Drucker about 60 years old.
6 - Stable and Stage Coach
7 - Green Oasis  - saloon/casino Prop. Derk Johnson
8 - Joe's Eats BBQ
9 - Hotel Lincon - Cold Beer Saloon - Prop. Barry Stooker, Cook Winnie Jones.
10 - Aquaduct
11 - Swenstock Farm
12 - Hapgood Farm
13 - Smith Farm
Green Oasis  - saloon/casino Prop. Derk Johnson
2 story with a gazebo on the top. Honky Tonk piano alwasy going.
Juan Marquis DeLaurenta is a Sheep and cattle stealer.

Some People in Tempe

Sherrrif James Holfield -  male human Gunslinger 3:  CR 3; Size M (6 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d10+9; hp 26; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +7 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1; AL LG; Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 12.
Skills and feats:  Climb +9, Craft (Blacksmithing) +6, Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +6, Hide +2, Intimidate +6, Listen +0, Move Silently +2, Ride +8, Spot +0, Swim +5; Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Self Sufficient, Weapon Focus (Shotgun).

Deputy Tomas Beuveil - male human Huckster 3:  CR 3; Size M (6 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d4+6; hp 16; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4; AL LG; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 16. Skills and feats:  Concentration +8, Craft (TaleTelling) +9, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +5, Handle Animal +4, Hide +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Nature) +6,  Listen +4, Move Silently +3, Open Lock +2, Spot +1; Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Spell Focus (divination).
Spells Known (6/6):  0th -- Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Read Magic.  1st -- Identify, Magic Missile, Mount. 

Bad Guys
Dan Mansford - male human Ftr3:  CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 3d10+3; hp 23; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; AL NE; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Skills and feats:  Climb +6, Hide +2, Intimidate +6, Listen +1, Move Silently +2, Ride +7, Spot -1; Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack. Pistols

Richard Hanson - male human Ftr3:  CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 3d10+6; hp 28; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +3; AL CE; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11.
Skills and feats:  Climb +7, Handle Animal +5, Hide +1, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Nature) +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +1, Spot +2, Swim +8; Blind-Fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Gatling Gun, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (Rifle), Weapon Focus (Pistol).

Gihli Unega (White Dog) Cherokee - male human Scout 3:  CR 3; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 3d8-6; hp 16; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2; AL CE; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 7, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Skills and feats:  Concentration +2, Craft (Armorsmithing) +5, Craft (Trapmaking) +3, Hide +8, Knowledge (Nature) +0, Listen +1, Move Silently +2, Perform (Wind Instruments) +3, Search +0, Spot +1, Survival +7, Swim +2, Combat Reflexes, Diligent, Endurance, [Rapid Shot], [Track].

Agowatiha Navda (Moon Watcher) Cherokee -  female human Scout 3:  CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 3d8-6; hp 15; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2; AL LN; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 6, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 9.
Skills and feats:  Climb +7, Concentration +3, Heal +6, Hide +2, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Nature) +4, Listen +3, Move Silently +2, Profession (Hunter) +3, Spot +3, Survival +7, Use Rope +8; Alertness, Point Blank Shot, [Rapid Shot], [Track], Weapon Finesse.

Himan Hirewiz
male human Wiz3:  CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 3d4+6; hp 15; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +1 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; AL CE; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 8.
Skills and feats:  Concentration +8, Hide +2, Knowledge (Arcana) +5, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +8, Knowledge (History) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +8, Listen +2, Move Silently +2, Spellcraft +8, Spot +2; Brew Potion, Improved Unarmed Strike, [Scribe Scroll], Still Spell.
Wizard Spells Known (4/3/2):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Alarm, Animate Rope, Charm Person, Protection from Law, Shield, Summon Monster I.  2nd -- False Life, Fog Cloud. 

1865 Fort McDowell established on the lower Verde River, east of the Salt River Valley. 
1866 Former soldier John Y. T. Smith gets a contract to supply hay for soldiers' horses and mules.  Smith hired Hispanic laborers who settled near the fort to harvest wild hay from the Salt River.  The next year Smith and his employees established a hay camp on the Salt River, becoming the first settlement in the Salt River Valley.
1870 The U.S. Census reports that the Arizona Territory has a population of 9,658.  The Salt River Valley had a population of 240, which included 115 Hispanics.
1871 The Tempe Irrigating Canal Company is started.

Following the establishment of Fort McDowell on the eastern edge of central Arizona’s Salt River Valley in 1865, enterprising farmers moved into the area. They dug out the irrigation canals left by the prehistoric Hohokam people and built new ones to carry Salt River water to their fields. Valley farms soon supplied food to Arizona’s military posts and mining towns.

The first settlers to move to the Tempe area, south of the Salt River and east of Phoenix, were Hispanic families from southern Arizona. They helped construct the first two irrigation canals, the Kirkland-McKinney Ditch and the San Francisco Canal, and started small farms to the east and west of a large butte (Tempe Butte). In 1872, some of these Mexican settlers founded a town called San Pablo east of Tempe Butte.

Another settlement, known as Hayden's Ferry, developed west of Tempe Butte. Charles Trumbull Hayden, owner of a mercantile and freighting business in Tucson, homesteaded this location in 1870. Within a few years, he had built a store and flourmill, warehouses and blacksmith shops, and a ferry. This community became the trade center for the south side of the Salt River Valley.

Both settlements grew quickly and soon formed one community. The town was named Tempe in 1879. "Lord" Darrell Duppa, an Englishman who helped establish Phoenix, is credited with suggesting the name. The sight of the butte and the wide river, and the nearby expanse of green fields, reminded him of the Vale of Tempe in ancient Greece.

The Hohokam initially lived in this area and built canals to support their agriculture.

Fort McDowell was established on the upper Salt River in 1865 allowing the safe establishment of communities further down the Salt River. Tempe was an amalgamation of two settlements 'Hayden's Ferry' and 'San Pablo' located west and east of Hayden Butte, respectively. The two settlements benefited from the Tempe Irrigating Canal Company which provided the water for alfalfa, wheat, barley, oats and cotton
