Western Monsters

Initially at least, all the monsters listed here are from the SRD. I plan to add to this list as time allows and the adventurers demand. There are a few guiding principles for the creatures that appear here. The monsters should be consistant to the imagined world of the New West. There shouldn't be anything that will take the players out of the situation by saying "how did that get into the wild west?". They should be challenging to the party at the time. This shouldn't be much of a impedement to constructing adventurers as the party will be gaining levels quickly.
The following creature types will not be used:Air, Outsiders (includes Angels, Archons, Chaotic, Dragon, ), Extraplaner, Fey, Giant, Goblinoid, Magical Beast, Ooze, Telepathic (psionics is not used).
AD&D Monsters
d20 Modern Monsters



Medium Undead (Incorporeal)

Hit Dice:

4d12 (26 hp)




Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+1 Dex, +4 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Incorporeal touch +3 melee (1d4 Wisdom drain)

Full Attack:

Incorporeal touch +3 melee (1d4 Wisdom drain)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Babble, madness, Wisdom drain

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance, undead traits


Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4


Str -- , Dex 12, Con -- , Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 18


Hide +8, Intimidate +7, Listen +7, Search +4, Spot +7, Survival +0 (+2 following tracks)


Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes





Challenge Rating:





Always neutral evil


5–12 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:


An allip is the spectral remains of someone driven to suicide by a madness that afflicted it in life. It craves only revenge and unrelentingly pursues those who tormented it in life and pushed it over the brink.

An allip cannot speak intelligibly.


An allip is unable to cause physical harm, although it doesn’t appear to know that. It keeps flailing away at enemies, yet it inflicts no wounds.

Babble (Su): An allip constantly mutters and whines to itself, creating a hypnotic effect. All sane creatures within 60 feet of the allip must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be affected as though by a hypnotism spell for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic mind-affecting compulsion effect.

Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same allip’s babble for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Madness (Su): Anyone targeting an allip with a thought detection, mind control, or telepathic ability makes direct contact with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage.

Wisdom Drain (Su): An allip causes 1d4 points of Wisdom drain each time it hits with its incorporeal touch attack. On each such successful attack, it gains 5 temporary hit points.



Large Plant

Hit Dice:

4d8+12 (30 hp)




5 ft. (1 square)

Armor Class:

15 (–1 size, +6 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +7 melee (1d6+7)

Full Attack:

Slam +7 melee (1d6+7)


10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with vine)

Special Attacks:

Constrict 1d6+7, entangle, improved grab

Special Qualities:

Blindsight 30 ft., camouflage, immunity to electricity, low-light vision, plant traits, resistance to cold 10 and fire 10


Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +2


Str 20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int -- , Wis 13, Cha 9


Temperate forests


Solitary or patch (2–4)

Challenge Rating:



1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items


Always neutral


5–16 HD (Huge); 17–32 HD (Gargantuan); 33+ HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment:


The assassin vine is a semi-mobile plant that collects its own grisly fertilizer by grabbing and crushing animals and depositing the carcasses near its roots.

A mature plant consists of a main vine, about 20 feet long. Smaller vines up to 5 feet long branch off from the main vine about every 6 inches. These small vines bear clusters of leaves, and in late summer they produce bunches of small fruits that resemble wild grapes. The fruit is tough and has a hearty but bitter flavor. Assassin vine berries make a heady wine.

An assassin vine can move about, albeit very slowly, but usually stays put unless it needs to seek prey in a new vicinity.

A subterranean version of the assassin vine grows near hot springs, volcanic vents, and other sources of thermal energy. These plants have thin, wiry stems and gray leaves shot through with silver, brown, and white veins so that they resemble mineral deposits. An assassin vine growing underground usually generates enough offal to support a thriving colony of mushrooms and other fungi, which spring up around the plant and help conceal it.


An assassin vine uses simple tactics:

It lies still until prey comes within reach, then attacks. It uses its entangle ability both to catch prey and to deter counterattacks.

Constrict (Ex): An assassin vine deals 1d6+7 points of damage with a successful grapple check.

Entangle (Su): An assassin vine can animate plants within 30 feet of itself as a free action (Ref DC 13 partial).

The effect lasts until the vine dies or decides to end it (also a free action). The save DC is Wisdom-based. The ability is otherwise similar to entangle (caster level 4th).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an assassin vine must hit with its slam attack.

It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Blindsight (Ex): Assassin vines have no visual organs but can ascertain all foes within 30 feet using sound, scent, and vibration.

Camouflage (Ex): Since an assassin vine looks like a normal plant when at rest, it takes a DC 20 Spot check to notice it before it attacks.

Anyone with ranks in Survival or Knowledge (nature) can use one of those skills instead of Spot to notice the plant. Dwarves can use stonecunning to notice the subterranean version.



Medium Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

4d10 (22 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +4 melee (1d6)

Full Attack:

Bite +4 melee (1d6)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Blink, darkvision 60 ft., dimension door, low-light vision, scent


Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4


Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11


Hide +3, Listen +5, Sense Motive +3, Spot +5, Survival +4


Iron Will, Run, TrackB


Temperate plains


Solitary, pair, or pack (7–16)

Challenge Rating:





Usually lawful good


5–7 HD (Medium); 8–12 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:

+2 (cohort)

The blink dog is an intelligent canine that has a limited teleportation ability.

Blink dogs have their own language, a mixture of barks, yaps, whines, and growls that can transmit complex information.


Blink dogs hunt in packs, teleporting in a seemingly random fashion until they surround their prey, allowing some of them to take advantage of flanking.

Blink (Su): A blink dog can use blink as the spell (caster level 8th), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.

Dimension Door (Su): A blink dog can teleport, as dimension door (caster level 8th), once per round as a free action. The ability affects only the blink dog, which never appears within a solid object and can act immediately after teleporting.



Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)

Hit Dice:

3d8+3 (16 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

17 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +2 leather armor, +1 light wooden shield), touch 11, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:



Morningstar +5 melee (1d8+2) or javelin +3 ranged (1d6+2)

Full Attack:

Morningstar +5 melee (1d8+2) or javelin +3 ranged (1d6+2)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., scent


Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1


Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9


Climb +3, Hide +4, Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4


Alertness, Weapon Focus (morningstar)


Temperate mountains


Solitary, gang (2–4), or band (11–20 plus 150% noncombatants plus 2 2nd-level sergeants and 1 leader of 2nd–5th level)

Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


Bugbears speak Goblin and Common.


Bugbears prefer to ambush opponents whenever possible. When hunting, they normally send scouts ahead of the main group that, if they spy prey, return to report and bring up reinforcements.

Bugbear attacks are coordinated, and their tactics are sound if not brilliant.

Skills: Bugbears have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.



Large Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

4d8+8 (26 hp)




50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class:

14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple:



Longsword +7 melee (2d6+6/19–20) or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/x3)

Full Attack:

Longsword +7 melee (2d6+6/19–20) and 2 hooves +3 melee (1d6+2); or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/x3)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft.


Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5


Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 11


Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3, Survival +2


Dodge, Weapon Focus (hoof )


Temperate forests


Solitary, company (5–8), troop (8–18 plus 1 leader of 2nd–5th level), or tribe (20–150 plus 30% noncombatants plus 10 3rd-level sergeants, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 1 leader of 5th–9th level)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral good


By character class

Level Adjustment:


A centaur is as big as a heavy horse, but much taller and slightly heavier. A centaur is about 7 feet tall and weighs about 2,100 pounds.

Centaurs speak Sylvan and Elven.


A centaur employing a lance deals double damage when it charges, just as a rider on a mount does.



Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

9d10+27 (76 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (poor)

Armor Class:

19 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +12 melee (2d6+4)

Full Attack:

Bite +12 melee (2d6+4) and bite +12 melee (1d8+4) and gore +12 melee (1d8+4) and 2 claws +10 melee (1d6+2)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Breath weapon

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent


Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +6


Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 10


Hide +1*, Listen +9, Spot +9


Alertness, Hover, Iron Will, Multiattack


Temperate hills


Solitary, pride (3–5), or flight (6–13)

Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic evil


10–13 HD (Large); 14–27 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:

+2 (cohort)

A chimera is about 5 feet tall at the shoulder, nearly 10 feet long, and weighs about 4,000 pounds. A chimera’s dragon head might be black, blue, green, red, or white.

Chimeras can speak Draconic but seldom bother to do so, except when toadying to more powerful creatures.


The chimera prefers to surprise prey. It often swoops down from the sky or lies concealed until it charges. The dragon head can loose a breath weapon instead of biting. Several chimeras attack in concert.

Breath Weapon (Su): A chimera’s breath weapon depends on the color of its dragon head, as summarized on the table below. Regardless of its type, a chimera’s breath weapon is usable once every 1d4 rounds, deals 3d8 points of damage, and allows a DC 17 Reflex save for half damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

To determine a chimera’s head color and breath weapon randomly, roll 1d10 and consult the table below.


Head Color

Breath Weapon



40-foot line of acid



40-foot line of lightning



20-foot cone of gas (acid)



20-foot cone of fire



20-foot cone of cold

Skills: A chimera’s three heads give it a +2 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks.

*In areas of scrubland or brush, a chimera gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a chimera is up to 348 pounds; a medium load, 349–699 pounds, and a heavy load, 700–1,050 pounds.



Small Aberration

Hit Dice:

3d8+3 (16 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), climb 10 ft.

Armor Class:

17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple:



Tentacle +6 melee (1d3+3)

Full Attack:

2 tentacles +6 melee (1d3+3)


5 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab, constrict 1d3+3

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., quickness


Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4


Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 7


Climb +13, Hide +10, Move Silently +6


Improved InitiativeB, Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy





Challenge Rating:



1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


Usually chaotic evil


4–6 HD (Small); 7–12 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:


These vicious little predators lurk underground, grabbing whatever prey happens by. Its hands and feet have spiny pads that help the choker grip almost any surface. The creature weighs about 35 pounds.

Chokers speak Undercommon.


A choker likes to perch near the ceiling, often at intersections, archways, wells, or staircases, and reach down to attack its prey. A choker attacks creatures of almost any size, but prefers lone prey of its size or larger. If one is very hungry, it may attack a group, but it waits to grab the last creature in line.

Constrict (Ex): A choker deals 1d3+3 points of damage with a successful grapple check against a Large or smaller creature. Because it seizes its victim by the neck, a creature in the choker’s grasp cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a choker must hit a Large or smaller opponent with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. Chokers receive a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks, which is already included in the statistics block.

Quickness (Su): Although not particularly dexterous, a choker is supernaturally quick. It can take an extra standard action or move action during its turn each round.

Skills: A chokers has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.



Large Aberration (Aquatic)

Hit Dice:

11d8+44 (93 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft.

Armor Class:

22 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 19

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +12 melee (2d6+5)

Full Attack:

2 claws +12 melee (2d6+5)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Constrict 3d6+5, improved grab, paralytic tentacles

Special Qualities:

Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to poison


Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9


Str 20, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 5


Hide +13, Listen +11, Spot +11, Swim +13


Alertness, Blind-Fight,Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative


Temperate marshes


Solitary, pair, or pack (3–5)

Challenge Rating:



1/10th coins; 50% goods; standard items


Usually chaotic evil


12–16 HD (Large); 17–33 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


A horrible mix of crustacean, insect, and serpent, the chuul is an abomination that lurks submerged or partially submerged, awaiting intelligent prey to devour. Although amphibious, chuuls are not good swimmers and actually prefer to be on land or in very shallow water when they attack. A chuul is about 8 feet long and weighs 650 pounds.

Chuuls speak Common (or Undercommon, for the underground variety).


A chuul prefers to wait by the shore, submerged in murky water, until it hears nearby prey (in or out of the water) that it can attack with surprise. A chuul grabs with its claws and constricts its foe, then passes the opponent to its paralytic tentacles. It tries to always have one claw free, so if it faces a large number of opponents, it drops a paralyzed or dead victim and continues attempting to grab, constrict, and paralyze the rest.

Constrict (Ex): On a successful grapple check, a chuul deals 3d6+5 points of damage.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a chuul must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict or on its next turn transfer a grabbed opponent to its tentacles.

Paralytic Tentacles (Ex): A chuul can transfer grabbed victims from a claw to its ten- tacles as a move action. The tentacles grapple with the same strength as the claw but deal no damage. However, they exude a paralytic secretion. Anyone held in the tentacles must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save each round on the chuul’s turn or be paralyzed for 6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. While held in the tentacles, paralyzed or not, a victim automatically takes 1d8+2 points of damage each round from the creature’s mandibles.

Amphibious (Ex): Although chuuls are aquatic, they can survive indefinitely on land.

Skills: A chuul has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.



Large Aberration

Hit Dice:

6d8+18 (45 hp)




10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average)

Armor Class:

19 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:



Tail slap +8 melee (1d6+5)

Full Attack:

Tail slap +8 melee (1d6+5) and bite +3 melee (1d4+2)


10 ft./10 ft. (5 ft. with bite)

Special Attacks:

Moan, engulf

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., shadow shift


Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7


Str 21, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15


Hide +8, Listen +13, Move Silently +12, Spot +13


Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative




Solitary, mob (3–6), or flock (7–12)

Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic neutral


7–9 HD (Large); 10–18 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


When resting or lying in wait, these creatures are almost impossible to distinguish from common black cloaks (the cloaker’s ivory claws look very much like bone clasps). Only when it unfurls does the horrific nature of the creature become apparent.

A cloaker has a wingspan of about 8 feet. It weighs about 100 pounds.

Cloakers speak Undercommon.


Cloakers usually lie still, watching and listening for prey. If facing a single opponent, a cloaker uses its engulf attack. Against multiple foes, it lashes with its tail in concert with its moan and shadow shift abilities to reduce the opposition’s numbers, then engulfs a survivor. Multiple cloakers usually split up, leaving one or two behind to use special abilities while the rest make melee attacks.

Moan (Ex): A cloaker can emit a dangerous subsonic moan as a standard action. By changing the frequency, the cloaker can cause one of four effects. Cloakers are immune to these sonic, mindaffecting attacks. Unless otherwise specified, a creature that successfully saves against one of these effects cannot be affected by the same moan effect from the same cloaker for 24 hours. All save DCs for moan effects are Charisma-based.

Unnerve: Anyone within a 60-foot spread automatically takes a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Those forced to hear the moan for more than 6 consecutive rounds must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or enter a trance, unable to attack or defend themselves until the moaning stops.

Fear: Anyone within a 30-foot spread must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or become panicked for 2 rounds.

Nausea: Anyone in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be overcome by nausea and weakness.

Affected characters fall prone and become nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds.

Stupor: A single creature within 30 feet of the cloaker must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be affected as though by a hold monster spell for 5 rounds. Even after a successful save, the creature must repeat the save if the cloaker uses this effect again.

Engulf (Ex): A cloaker can try to wrap a Medium or smaller creature in its body as a standard action. The cloaker attempts a grapple that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and bites the engulfed victim with a +4 bonus on its attack roll. It can still use its whiplike tail to strike at other targets.

Attacks that hit an engulfing cloaker deal half their damage to the monster and half to the trapped victim.

Shadow Shift (Su): A cloaker can manipulate shadows. This ability is effective only in shadowy areas and has three possible effects.

Obscure Vision: The cloaker gains concealment (20% miss chance) for 1d4 rounds.

Dancing Images: This effect duplicates a mirror image spell (caster level 6th).

Silent Image: This effect duplicates a silent image spell (DC 15, caster level 6th). The save DC is Charisma-based.



Small Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

5d10 (27 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (poor)

Armor Class:

14 (+1 size, +3 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 11

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +9 melee (1d4–2 plus petrification)

Full Attack:

Bite +9 melee (1d4–2 plus petrification)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision


Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2


Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9


Listen +7, Spot +7


Alertness, Dodge, Weapon FinesseB


Temperate plains


Solitary, pair, flight (3–5), or flock (6–13)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


6–8 HD (Small); 9–15 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:


A male cockatrice has wattles and a comb, just like a rooster. Females, much rarer than males, differ only in that they have no wattles or comb. A cockatrice weighs about 25 pounds.


A cockatrice fiercely attacks anything that it deems a threat to itself or its lair. Flocks of cockatrices do their utmost to overwhelm and confuse their foes, and sometimes fly directly into their opponents’ faces.

Petrification (Su): Creatures hit by a cockatrice’s bite attack must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or instantly turn to stone. The save DC is Constitution-based. Cockatrices have immunity to the petrification ability of other cockatrices, but other petrification attacks affect them normally.



Small Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

1d10+1 (6 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), fly 30 ft. (poor)

Armor Class:

17 (+1 size, +6 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 17

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +5 melee (1d4+4)

Full Attack:

Slam +5 melee (1d4+4)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Darkness, improved grab, constrict 1d4+4

Special Qualities:

Blindsight 90 ft.


Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0


Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10


Hide +10, Listen +5*, Spot +5*


Improved Initiative




Solitary, pair, clutch (3–9), or swarm (6–15)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


2–3 HD (Small)

Level Adjustment:


The darkmantle hangs from a ceiling by a muscular “foot� at the top of its body. It can look like a stalactite, by holding its tentacles stiffly under itself, or like a lump of rock, spreading its tentacles so the membrane between them covers its body. Its shell and skin usually resemble limestone, but a darkmantle can change its color to match almost any type of stony background.

A darkmantle is about 4 feet long from the tips of its tentacles to the top of its head. It weighs about 30 pounds.


A darkmantle attacks by dropping onto its prey and wrapping its tentacles around the opponent’s head. Once attached, it squeezes and tries to suffocate the foe. A darkmantle that misses its initial attack often flies up and tries to drop on the opponent again.

Darkness (Su): Once per day a darkmantle can cause darkness as the darkness spell (caster level 5th). It most often uses this ability just before attacking.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a darkmantle must hit a Large or smaller creature with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

If it wins the grapple check, it attaches to the opponent’s head and can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A darkmantle deals 1d4+4 points of damage with a successful grapple check.

Blindsight (Ex): A darkmantle can “see� by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allows it to ascertain objects and creatures within 90 feet. A silence spell negates this ability and effectively blinds the darkmantle.

Skills: A darkmantle has a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

These bonuses are lost if its blindsight is negated. The creature’s variable coloration gives it a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks.



Huge Aberration

Hit Dice:

15d8+78 (145 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft.

Armor Class:

24 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +15 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 23

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +17 melee (1d6+8 plus 2d6 acid)

Full Attack:

2 slams +17 melee (1d6+8 plus 2d6 acid)


15 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Corrosive slime

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, stone shape, tremorsense 60 ft.


Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +11


Str 27, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12


Knowledge (dungeoneering) +14, Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +20, Move Silently +17, Spot +20, Survival +14 (+16 underground)


Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Toughness





Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


16–30 HD (Huge); 31–45 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:


A delver is about 15 feet long and 10 feet wide. It weighs about 6,000 pounds.

Delvers speak Terran and Undercommon.


A delver prefers to fight from its tunnel, which it uses to protect its flanks while lashing out with its flippers.

A delver expecting trouble may honeycomb an area with tunnels, leaving most closed with layers of stone 1 or 2 inches thick.

The delver can quickly dissolve the stone cover and pop up to attack unexpectedly.

Corrosive Slime (Ex): A delver produces a mucuslike slime that contains a highly corrosive substance. The slime is particularly effective against stone. A delver’s mere touch deals 2d6 points of acid damage to organic creatures or objects. Against metallic creatures or objects, a delver’s slime deals 4d8 points of damage, and against stony creatures (including earth elementals) or objects it deals 8d10 points of damage. A slam attack by a delver leaves a patch of slime that deals 2d6 points of damage on contact and another 2d6 points of damage in each of the next 2 rounds. A large quantity (at least a quart) of water or weak acid, such as vinegar, washes off the slime. An opponent’s armor and clothing dissolve and become useless immediately unless the wearer succeeds on a DC 22 Reflex save. Weapons that strike a delver also dissolve immediately unless the wielder succeeds on a DC 22 Reflex save. A creature attacking a delver with natural weapons takes damage from its slime each time an attack hits unless the creature succeeds on a DC 22 Reflex save. These save DCs are Constitution-based.

Stone Shape (Ex): A delver can alter its slime to temporarily soften stone instead of dissolving it. Once every 10 minutes, a delver can soften and shape up to 25 cubic feet of stone, as a stone shape spell (caster level 15th).



Small Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

3d8+3 (16 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

19 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural, +3 studded leather armor, +1 buckler), touch 13, flat-footed 17

Base Attack/Grapple:



Short sword +4 melee (1d4/19–20) or repeating light crossbow +6 ranged (1d6/19–20 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Short sword +4 melee (1d4/19–20) or repeating light crossbow +6 ranged (1d6/19–20 plus poison)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Poison use, spell-like abilities, sneak attack +1d6

Special Qualities:

Madness, spell resistance 15 vulnerability to sunlight


Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6


Str 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 5*, Cha 16*


Bluff +5, Hide +10, Listen +1, Move Silently +8


Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative




Team (2–4), squad (5–8 plus 1 3rd-level sorcerer), or band (11–20 plus 30% noncombatants plus 3 3rd-level sorcerers and 1 sorcerer of 5th–8th level)

Challenge Rating:



Standard coins; double goods; standard items


Usually chaotic evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:

--  (+2 if sane)

Derro are afflicted by a form of racial madness, which most often manifests as delusions of grandeur coupled with an overpowering urge to inflict torment on other creatures. Derro are capable of holding their murderous impulses in check for short periods of time in order to cooperate with creatures of other races, but such arrangements rarely last more than a few weeks. Of course, no derro is capable of recognizing that he is out of his mind.


Derro are stealthy and bloodthirsty. They like to carefully arrange cruel traps and deadly ambushes, and strike savagely from hiding. They delight in taking captives who can be tortured to death later, and favor traps and poisons that disable without killing.

Madness (Ex): Derro use their Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of their Wisdom modifier, and have immunity to confusion and insanity effects. A derro cannot be restored to sanity by any means short of a miracle or wish spell.

*The racial madness of the derro provides a +6 bonus to their Charisma scores and a –6 penalty to their Wisdom scores. A derro restored to sanity gains 6 points of Wisdom and loses 6 points of Charisma.

Poison Use (Ex): Derro typically carry 2d4 doses of greenblood oil or Medium monstrous spider venom, applying it to their crossbow bolts. Derro are not at risk of poisoning themselves when handling poison.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Any time a derro’s opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, or if a derro flanks his opponent, he deals an extra 1d6 points of damage. This ability is just like the rogue’s sneak attack and subject to the same limitations.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-- darkness, ghost sound; 1/day--  daze (DC 13), sound burst (DC 15). Caster level 3rd. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Vulnerability to Sunlight (Ex): A derro takes 1 point of Constitution damage for every hour it is exposed to sunlight, and it dies if its Constitution score reaches 0. Lost Constitution points are recovered at the rate of 1 per every 24-hour period spent underground or otherwise sheltered from the sun.

Skills: Derro have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.



Large Aberration

Hit Dice:

8d8+24 (60 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

18 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +9 melee (1d6+4)

Full Attack:

2 claws +9 melee (1d6+4)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Destructive harmonics

Special Qualities:

Blindsight 100 ft., immunities, protection from sonics


Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +10


Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 12


Hide +8, Listen +25, Move Silently +7, Survival +9


Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes




Solitary or pack (3–5)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral evil


9–16 HD (Large); 17–24 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


The dungeon-dwelling destrachan looks like some bizarre, nonintelligent beast, but it’s an incredibly evil and crafty sadist. A destrachan has a pair of complex, three-part ears that it can adjust to be more or less sensitive to various sounds. It is blind, yet hunts with a sense of hearing more precise than most creatures’ sight.

From its tubular mouth a destrachan emits carefully focused harmonics, producing sonic energy so powerful it can shatter a stone wall. So skilled is a destrachan at controlling the sounds it emits that it can choose what type of material to affect with its attack.

A destrachan is about 10 feet long from its mouth to the tip of the tail and weighs about 4,000 pounds.

A destrachan speaks no language but understands Common. If a destrachan must communicate, it does so through action.


A destrachan uses its claws only as a last resort or to finish off foes weakened by its sonic attacks. It often enters battle with surprise if possible. It first focuses on destroying metal armor and weapons and then changes to harmonics that disrupt flesh.

Destructive Harmonics (Su): A destrachan can blast sonic energy in a cone up to 80 feet long. It can also use this attack to affect any creatures or objects within a 30-foot radius. It can tune the harmonics of this destructive power to affect different types of targets. All save DCs are Charisma-based.

Flesh: Disrupting tissue and rending bone, this attack deals 4d6 points of damage to all within the area (Reflex DC 15 half ).

Nerves: A destrachan can focus its harmonics to knock out foes rather than slay them. This attack deals 6d6 points of nonlethal damage to all within the area (Reflex DC 15 half ).

Material: When using this form of harmonics, a destrachan chooses wood, stone, metal, or glass. All objects made of that material within the area must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or shatter. Objects (or portions of objects) that have up to 30 hit points are potentially affected by this attack.

Blindsight (Ex): A destrachan can use hearing to ascertain all foes within 100 feet as a sighted creature would.

Immunities: Destrachans have immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

Protection from Sonics (Ex): While they can be affected by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence), destrachans are less vulnerable to sonic attacks (+4 circumstance bonus on all saves) because they can protect their ears. A destrachan whose sense of hearing is impaired is effectively blinded, and all targets are treated as having total concealment.

Skills: A destrachan has a +10 racial bonus on Listen checks.



Large Undead (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:

12d12 (78 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

24 (–1 size, +15 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 24

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +15 melee (1d6+9)

Full Attack:

2 claws +15 melee (1d6+9)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Energy drain, trap essence, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., spell deflection, spell resistance 21, undead traits


Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +11


Str 28, Dex 10, Con -- , Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 17


Climb +24, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +5, Jump +24, Listen +18, Move Silently +15, Search +10, Sense Motive +11, Spot +18, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)


Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (claw)





Challenge Rating:





Always neutral evil


13–24 HD (Large); 25–36 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


Devourers lurk on the Ethereal Plane and the Astral Plane, stalking both natives and travelers with equal sadistic glee.

A devourer is about 9 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds.

Devourers speak Common.


Even if it had no special abilities, a devourer would be a terrible opponent, for its bony claws can flay enemies alive.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a devourer’s claw attack or spectral hand ability gain one negative level. The DC is 19 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Trap Essence (Su): The devourer is named for its ability to consume an enemy’s life essence. To do so, it must forgo its normal melee attacks and make a trap essence attack. This requires a normal attack roll but deals no damage. The he save DC is Charisma-based. A slain creature’s essence is trapped within the devourer’s ribs, and the tiny figure takes on that victim’s features. The trapped essence cannot be raised or resurrected, but a limited wish, miracle, or wish spell frees it, as does destroying the devourer. A devourer can hold only one essence at a time.

The trapped essence provides a devourer with enough power to use five spell-like abilities for each Hit Die or level of the trapped creature. As this energy is expended, the twisted soul fades away until it evaporates completely. The trapped essence gains one negative level for every five times the devourer uses one of its spell-like abilities. When the essence’s number of negative levels equals the creature’s total Hit Dice or level, the essence is destroyed. If an essence is freed, the restored creature must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save for each negative level or lose that level permanently.

Spell-Like Abilities: At the start of any encounter, the trapped essence within a devourer is assumed to have 3d4+3 levels (enough fuel for thirty to seventy-five uses). Once per round, a devourer can use one of the following abilities: confusion (DC 17), control undead (DC 20), ghoul touch (DC 15), lesser planar ally, ray of enfeeblement (DC 14), spectral hand, suggestion (DC 16), true seeing. Caster level 18th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Spell Deflection (Su): The trapped essence provides a measure of magical protection. If any of the following spells are cast at the devourer and overcome its spell resistance, they affect the imprisoned essence instead: banishment, chaos hammer, confusion, crushing despair, detect thoughts, dispel evil, dominate person, fear, geas/quest, holy word, hypnotism, imprisonment, magic jar, maze, suggestion, trap the soul, or any form of charm or compulsion. In many cases, this deflection effectively neutralizes the spell. Some of these effects might eliminate the trapped essence, depriving the devourer of its spell-like abilities until it can consume another victim.



Medium Aberration

Hit Dice:

5d8+5 (27 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft.

Armor Class:

14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 11

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +5 melee (1d8+2 plus poison)


Bite +5 melee (1d8+2 plus poison) and 2 claws +3 melee (1d3+1)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Poison, web

Special Qualities:

Low-light vision


Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6


Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 8


Climb +10, Craft (trapmaking) +4, Hide +9, Listen +4, Spot +8


Great Fortitude, Multiattack


Warm forests


Solitary, pair, or troupe (1–2 plus 2–4 Medium monstrous spiders)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral evil


6–7 HD (Medium); 8–15 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


An ettercap is about 6 feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds.

Ettercaps speak Common.


Ettercaps are not brave creatures, but their cunning traps often ensure that the enemy never draws a weapon. When an ettercap does engage its enemies, it attacks with its keen-edged claws and venomous bite. It usually will not come within melee reach of any foe that is still able to move.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 15, initial damage 1d6 Dex, secondary damage 2d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Web (Ex): An ettercap can throw a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Medium size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement.

An entangled creature can escape with a DC 13 Escape Artist check or burst the web with a DC 17 Strength check. The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 6 hit points, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire.

Ettercaps can also create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square. They usually position these to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web, or they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot-square section has 6 hit points, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire.

An ettercap can move across its own sheet web at its climb speed and can determine the exact location of any creature touching the web.

Skills: Ettercaps have a +4 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Hide, and Spot checks. They have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.




Violet Fungus


Medium Plant

Medium Plant

Hit Dice:

2d8+2 (11 hp)

2d8+6 (15 hp)





0 ft.

10 ft. (2 squares)

Armor Class:

8 (–5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 8

13 (–1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:





Tentacle +3 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)

Full Attack:


4 tentacles +3 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)


5 ft./0 ft.

5 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:



Special Qualities:

Low-light vision, plant traits

Low-light vision, plant traits


Fort +4, Ref -- , Will –4

Fort +6, Ref –1, Will +0


Str -- , Dex -- , Con 13, Int -- , Wis 2, Cha 1

Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16, Int -- , Wis 11, Cha 9











Solitary or patch (3–5)

Solitary, patch (2–4), or mixed patch (2–4 violet fungi and 3–5 shriekers)

Challenge Rating:







Always neutral

Always neutral


3 HD (Medium)

3–6 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:




Shriekers and violet fungi often work together to attract and kill prey. When the shriekers’ hellish racket attracts a curious creature, the violet fungus tries to kill it. Both creatures enjoy the fruits of a successful hunt.


A shrieker is a stationary fungus that emits a loud noise to attract prey or when disturbed. Shriekers live in dark, subterranean places, often in the company of violet fungi, whose poison they are immune to.

Shriekers come in of shades of purple.


A shrieker has no means of attack. Instead, it lures prey to its vicinity by emitting a loud noise.

Shriek (Ex): Movement or a light source within 10 feet of a shrieker causes the fungus to emit a piercing sound that lasts for 1d3 rounds. The sound attracts nearby creatures that are disposed to investigate it. Some creatures that live near shriekers come to learn that the fungus’s noise means there is food nearby.


Violet fungi resemble shriekers and are often found growing among them.

A violet fungi’s coloration ranges from purple overall to dull gray or violet covered with purple spots.


A violet fungus flails about with its tentacles at living creatures that come within its reach.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Str and 1d4 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.



Ghosts are the spectral remnants of intelligent beings who, for one reason or another, cannot rest easily in their graves.

A ghost greatly resembles its corporeal form in life, but in some cases the spiritual form is somewhat altered.


“Ghost� is an acquired template that can be added to any aberration, animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or plant. The creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature) must have a Charisma score of at least 6.

A ghost uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the incorporeal subtype. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d12s.

Speed: Ghosts have a fly speed of 30 feet, unless the base creature has a higher fly speed, with perfect maneuverability.

Armor Class: Natural armor is the same as the base creature’s but applies only to ethereal encounters. When the ghost manifests (see below), its natural armor bonus is +0, but it gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier or +1, whichever is higher.

Attack: A ghost retains all the attacks of the base creature, although those relying on physical contact do not affect creatures that are not ethereal.

Full Attack: A ghost retains all the attacks of the base creature, although those relying on physical contact do not affect creatures that are not ethereal.

Damage: Against ethereal creatures, a ghost uses the base creature’s damage values. Against nonethereal creatures, the ghost usually cannot deal physical damage at all but can use its special attacks, if any, when it manifests (see below).

Special Attacks: A ghost retains all the special attacks of the base creature, although those relying on physical contact do not affect nonethereal creatures. The ghost also gains a manifestation ability plus one to three other special attacks as described below. The save DC against a special attack is equal to 10 + 1/2 ghost’s HD + ghost’s Cha modifier unless otherwise noted.

Corrupting Gaze (Su): A ghost can blast living beings with a glance, at a range of up to 30 feet. Creatures that meet the ghost’s gaze must succeed on a Fortitude save or take 2d10 points of damage and 1d4 points of Charisma damage.

Corrupting Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a living target with its incorporeal touch attack deals 1d6 points of damage. Against ethereal opponents, it adds its Strength modifier to attack and damage rolls. Against nonethereal opponents, it adds its Dexterity modifier to attack rolls only.

Draining Touch (Su): A ghost that hits a living target with its incorporeal touch attack drains 1d4 points from any one ability score it selects. On each such successful attack, the ghost heals 5 points of damage to itself. Against ethereal opponents, it adds its Strength modifier to attack rolls only. Against nonethereal opponents, it adds its Dexterity modifier to attack rolls only.

Frightful Moan (Su): A ghost can emit a frightful moan as a standard action. All living creatures within a 30-foot spread must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic necromantic mind-affecting fear effect. A creature that successfully saves against the moan cannot be affected by the same ghost’s moan for 24 hours.

Horrific Appearance (Su): Any living creature within 60 feet that views a ghost must succeed on a Fortitude save or immediately take 1d4 points of Strength damage, 1d4 points of Dexterity damage, and 1d4 points of Constitution damage. A creature that successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by the same ghost’s horrific appearance for 24 hours.

Malevolence (Su): Once per round, an ethereal ghost can merge its body with a creature on the Material Plane. This ability is similar to a magic jar spell (caster level 10th or the ghost’s Hit Dice, whichever is higher), except that it does not require a receptacle. To use this ability, the ghost must be manifested and it must try move into the target’s space; moving into the target’s space to use the malevolence ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The target can resist the attack with a successful Will save (DC 15 + ghost’s Cha modifier). A creature that successfully saves is immune to that same ghost’s malevolence for 24 hours, and the ghost cannot enter the target’s space. If the save fails, the ghost vanishes into the target’s body.

Manifestation (Su): Every ghost has this ability. A ghost dwells on the Ethereal Plane and, as an ethereal creature, it cannot affect or be affected by anything in the material world. When a ghost manifests, it partly enters the Material Plane and becomes visible but incorporeal on the Material Plane. A manifested ghost can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. A manifested ghost can pass through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through armor. A manifested ghost always moves silently. A manifested ghost can strike with its touch attack or with a ghost touch weapon (see Ghostly Equipment, below). A manifested ghost remains partially on the Ethereal Plane, where is it not incorporeal. A manifested ghost can be attacked by opponents on either the Material Plane or the Ethereal Plane. The ghost’s incorporeality helps protect it from foes on the Material Plane, but not from foes on the Ethereal Plane.

When a spellcasting ghost is not manifested and is on the Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on the Material Plane, but they work normally against ethereal targets. When a spellcasting ghost manifests, its spells continue to affect ethereal targets and can affect targets on the Material Plane normally unless the spells rely on touch. A manifested ghost’s touch spells don’t work on nonethereal targets.

A ghost has two home planes, the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. It is not considered extraplanar when on either of these planes.

Telekinesis (Su): A ghost can use telekinesis as a standard action (caster level 12th or equal to the ghost’s HD, whichever is higher). When a ghost uses this power, it must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Special Qualities: A ghost has all the special qualities of the base creature as well as those described below.

Rejuvenation (Su): In most cases, it’s difficult to destroy a ghost through simple combat: The “destroyed� spirit will often restore itself in 2d4 days. Even the most powerful spells are usually only temporary solutions. A ghost that would otherwise be destroyed returns to its old haunts with a successful level check (1d20 + ghost’s HD) against DC 16. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a ghost for sure is to determine the reason for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace. The exact means varies with each spirit and may require a good deal of research.

Turn Resistance (Ex): A ghost has +4 turn resistance.

Abilities: Same as the base creature, except that the ghost has no Constitution score, and its Charisma score increases by +4.

Skills: Ghosts have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.

Environment: Any, often as base creature.

Organization: Solitary, gang (2–4), or mob (7–12).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.

Treasure: None.

Alignment: Any.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +5.

Ghostly Equipment

When a ghost forms, all its equipment and carried items usually become ethereal along with it. In addition, the ghost retains 2d4 items that it particularly valued in life (provided they are not in another creature’s possession). The equipment works normally on the Ethereal Plane but passes harmlessly through material objects or creatures. A weapon of +1 or better magical enhancement, however, can harm material creatures when the ghost manifests, but any such attack has a 50% chance to fail unless the weapon is a ghost touch weapon (just as magic weapons can fail to harm the ghost).

The original material items remain behind, just as the ghost’s physical remains do. If another creature seizes the original, the ethereal copy fades away. This loss invariably angers the ghost, who stops at nothing to return the item to its original resting place.






Medium Undead

Medium Undead

Hit Dice:

2d12 (13 hp)

4d12+3 (29 hp)





30 ft. (6 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12

17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:




Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 plus paralysis)

Bite +5 melee (1d8+3 plus paralysis)

Full Attack:

Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +0 melee (1d3 plus paralysis)

Bite +5 melee (1d8+3 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +3 melee (1d4+1 plus paralysis)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Ghoul fever, paralysis

Ghoul fever, paralyis, stench

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, +2 turn resistance

Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, +2 turn resistance


Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5

Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6


Str 13, Dex 15, Con -- , Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12

Str 17, Dex 17, Con -- , Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16


Balance +6, Climb +5, Hide +6, Jump +5, Move Silently +6, Spot +7

Balance +7, Climb +9, Hide +8, Jump +9, Move Silently +8, Spot +8



Multiattack, Toughness


Any (Lacedon: Any aquatic)



Solitary, gang (2–4), or pack (7–12)

Solitary, gang (2–4), or pack (2–4 plus 7–12 ghouls)

Challenge Rating:







Always chaotic evil

Always chaotic evil


3 HD (Medium)

5–8 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:



Ghouls speak the languages they spoke in life (usually Common).


Ghouls try to attack with surprise whenever possible. They strike from behind tombstones and burst from shallow graves.

Ghoul Fever (Su): Disease-- bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex. The save DC is Charisma-based.

An afflicted humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. It is not under the control of any other ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more rises as a ghast, not a ghoul.

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghoul’s bite or claw attack must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Elves have immunity to this paralysis. The save DC is Charisma-based.


These cousins of the ghoul have the aquatic subtype. They lurk near hidden reefs or other places where ships are likely to meet their end. They have a base land speed of 30 feet and a swim speed of 30 feet and are found only in aquatic environments.


Although these creatures look just like their lesser kin, they are far more deadly and cunning.


Ghoul Fever (Su): Disease-- bite, Fortitude DC 15, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghast’s bite or claw attack must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Even elves can be affected by this paralysis. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Stench (Ex): The stink of death and corruption surrounding these creatures is overwhelming. Living creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d6+4 minutes. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same ghast’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from a sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws. The save DC is Charisma-based.



Giant Ant, Worker

Giant Ant, Soldier

Giant Ant, Queen


Medium Vermin

Medium Vermin

Large Vermin

Hit Dice:

2d8 (9 hp)

2d8+2 (11 hp)

4d8+4 (22 hp)






50 ft. (10 squares), climb 20 ft.

50 ft. (10 squares), climb 20 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

17 (+7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17

17 (+7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17

17 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 17

Base Attack/Grapple:





Bite +1 melee (1d6)

Bite +3 melee (2d4+3)

Bite +5 melee (2d6+4)

Full Attack:

Bite +1 melee (1d6)

Bite +3 melee (2d4+3)

Bite +5 melee (2d6+4)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab

Improved grab, acid sting

Improved grab

Special Qualities:

Scent, vermin traits

Scent, vermin traits

Scent, vermin traits


Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0

Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1

Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +2


Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int -- , Wis 11, Cha 9

Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int -- , Wis 13, Cha 11

Str 16, Dex 9, Con 13, Int -- , Wis 13, Cha 11


Climb +8

Climb +10







Temperate plains

Temperate plains

Temperate plains


Gang (2–6) or crew (6–11 plus 1 giant ant soldier)

Solitary or gang (2–4)

Hive (1 plus 10–100 workers and 5–20 soldiers)

Challenge Rating:







1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


3–4 HD (Medium); 5–6 HD (Large)

3–4 HD (Medium); 5–6 HD (Large)

5–6 HD (Large); 7–8 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:




Giant ants are among the hardiest and most adaptable vermin. Soldiers and workers are about 6 feet long, while queens can grow to a length of 9 feet.

Acid Sting (Ex): A giant soldier ant has a stinger and an acid-producing gland in its abdomen. If it successfully grabs an opponent, it can attempt to sting each round (+3 attack bonus). A hit with the sting attack deals 1d4+1 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of acid damage.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a giant ant must hit with its bite attack. A giant soldier ant that wins the ensuing grapple check establishes a hold and can sting.

Skills: *Giant ants have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A giant ant can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.



Medium Vermin

Hit Dice:

3d8 (13 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), fly 80 ft. (good)

Armor Class:

14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple:



Sting +2 melee (1d4 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Sting +2 melee (1d4 plus poison)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2


Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int -- , Wis 12, Cha 9


Spot +5, Survival +1*




Temperate plains


Solitary, buzz (2–5), or hive (11–20)

Challenge Rating:



No coins; 1/4 goods (honey only); no items


4–6 HD (Medium); 7–9 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


Although many times larger, growing to a length of about 5 feet, giant bees behave generally the same as their smaller cousins. Giant bees are usually not aggressive except when defending themselves or their hive.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 11, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based. A giant bee that successfully stings another creature pulls away, leaving its stinger in the creature. The bee then dies.

Skills: Giant bees have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks. *They also have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks to orient themselves.



Medium Vermin

Hit Dice:

2d8+4 (13 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

16 (+6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +2 melee (1d4+1)

Full Attack:

Bite +2 melee (1d4+1)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Acid spray

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0


Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 9






Warm forests


Cluster (2–5) or click (6–11)

Challenge Rating:



3–4 HD (Medium); 5–6 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


These creatures feed primarily on carrion and offal, gathering heaps of the stuff in which to build nests and lay eggs. A giant bombardier beetle is about 6 feet long. Giant bombardier beetles normally attack only to defend themselves, their nests, or their eggs.

Acid Spray (Ex): When attacked or disturbed, the creature can release a 10-foot cone of acidic vapor once per round. Those within the cone must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or take 1d4+2 points of acid damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.



Small Vermin

Hit Dice:

1d8 (4 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

16 (+1 size, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +1 melee (2d4)

Full Attack:

Bite +1 melee (2d4)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0


Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 7






Warm plains


Cluster (2–5) or colony (6–11)

Challenge Rating:



2–3 HD (Small)

Level Adjustment:


These luminous nocturnal insects are prized by miners and adventurers. They have two glands, one above each eye, that produce a red glow. The glands’ luminosity persists for 1d6 days after removal from the beetle, illuminating a roughly circular area with a 10-foot radius. Giant fire beetles are about 2 feet long.



Large Vermin

Hit Dice:

4d8+8 (26 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (poor)

Armor Class:

14 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claws +6 melee (1d8+4)

Full Attack:

Claws +6 melee (1d8+4) and bite +1 melee (1d6+2)


10 ft (4 squares)./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +3


Str 19, Dex 8, Con 15, Int -- , Wis 14, Cha 11


Hide –1*, Spot +6




Temperate forests



Challenge Rating:



5–8 HD (Large); 9–12 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


This patient carnivore remains completely still as it waits for prey to come near.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a giant praying mantis must hit with its claws attack. If it wins the ensuing grapple check, it establishes a hold and makes a bite attack as a primary attack (at its full +6 attack bonus).

Skills: A giant praying mantis has a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Spot checks. *Because of its camouflage, the Hide bonus increases to +12 when a mantis is surrounded by foliage.



Large Vermin

Hit Dice:

7d8+21 (52 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

19 (–1 size, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 19

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +10 melee (4d6+9)

Full Attack:

Bite +10 melee (4d6+9)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Trample 2d8+3

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2


Str 23, Dex 10, Con 17, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 9






Temperate forests


Cluster (2–5) or mass (6–11)

Challenge Rating:



Always neutral


8–10 HD (Large); 11–21 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


These creatures are serious pests that greedily devour cultivated crops. A single beetle can strip an entire farm in short order. An adult giant stag beetle is about 10 feet long.

Trample (Ex): Reflex half DC 19. The save DC is Strength-based.



Large Vermin

Hit Dice:

5d8+10 (32 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)

Armor Class:

14 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Sting +6 melee (1d3+6 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Sting +6 melee (1d3+6 plus poison)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2


Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 13, Cha 11


Spot +9, Survival +1*




Temperate forests


Solitary, swarm (2–5), or nest (11–20)

Challenge Rating:



6–8 HD (Large); 9–15 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


Giant wasps attack when hungry or threatened, stinging their prey to death. They take dead or incapacitated opponents back to their lairs as food for their unhatched young.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Skills: Giant wasps have a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks. *They also have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks to orient themselves.



Medium Aberration

Hit Dice:

4d8+24 (42 hp)




10 ft. (2 squares), swim 20 ft.

Armor Class:

19 (+1 Dex, +8 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 18

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +4 melee (1) or spittle +4 ranged touch (1d4 acid plus blindness)

Full Attack:

6 bites +4 melee (1) and spittle +4 ranged touch (1d4 acid plus blindness)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Gibbering, spittle, improved grab, blood drain, engulf, ground manipulation

Special Qualities:

Amorphous, damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft.


Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5


Str 10, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 13


Listen +4, Spot +9, Swim +8


Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse





Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


5–12 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


A gibbering mouther is a horrible creature seemingly drawn from a lunatic’s nightmares. Although not evil, it thirsts after bodily fluids and seems to prefer the blood of intelligent creatures.

A gibbering mouther is about 3 feet across and 3 to 4 feet high. It weighs about 200 pounds.

Gibbering mouthers can speak Common, but seldom say anything other than gibberish.


A gibbering mouther attacks by shooting out strings of protoplasmic flesh, each ending in one or more eyes and a mouth that bites at the enemy. A mouther can send out a total of six such members in any round.

Gibbering (Su): As soon as a mouther spots something edible, it begins a constant gibbering as a free action. All creatures (other than mouthers) within a 60-foot spread must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or be affected as though by a confusion spell for 1d2 rounds. This is a sonic mind-affecting compulsion effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected by the same gibbering mouther’s gibbering for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spittle (Ex): As a free action every round, a gibbering mouther fires a stream of spittle at one opponent within 30 feet. The mouther makes a ranged touch attack; if it hits, it deals 1d4 points of acid damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Eyeless creatures are immune to the blinding effect, but are still subject to the acid damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a gibbering mouther must hit with a bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Blood Drain (Ex): On a successful grapple check after grabbing, that mouth attaches to the opponent. It automatically deals bite damage and drains blood, dealing 1 point of Constitution damage each round. A mouth can be ripped off (dealing 1 point of damage) with a DC 12 Strength check or severed by a successful sunder attempt (the mouth has 2 hit points).

A severed mouth continues to bite and drain blood for 1d4 rounds after such an attack. A creature whose Constitution is reduced to 0 is killed.

Engulf (Ex): A gibbering mouther can try to engulf a Medium or smaller opponent grabbed by three or more mouths.

The opponent must succeed on a DC 14 Reflex save or fall and be engulfed. In the next round, the mouther makes twelve bite attacks instead of six (each with a +4 attack bonus). An engulfed creature cannot attack the mouther from within. The previously attached mouths are now free to attack others. The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Ground Manipulation (Su): At will, as a standard action, a gibbering mouther can cause stone and earth in all adjacent squares to become a morass akin to quicksand. Softening earth, sand, or the like takes 1 round, while stone takes 2 rounds. Anyone other than the mouther in that area must take a move-equivalent action to avoid becoming mired (treat as being pinned).

Amorphous (Ex): A gibbering mouther is not subject to critical hits. It cannot be flanked.

Skills: Thanks to their multiple eyes, gibbering mouthers have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks.

A gibbering mouther has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It always can choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.


Golems are magically created automatons of great power. Constructing one involves the employment of mighty magic and elemental forces.

The animating force for a golem is a spirit from the Elemental Plane of Earth. The process of creating the golem binds the unwilling spirit to the artificial body and subjects it to the will of the golem’s creator.


Golems are tenacious in combat and prodigiously strong as well. Being mindless, they do nothing without orders from their creators. They follow instructions explicitly and are incapable of any strategy or tactics. They are emotionless in combat and cannot be provoked.

A golem’s creator can command it if the golem is within 60 feet and can see and hear its creator. If uncommanded, a golem usually follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the golem a simple command to govern its actions in his or her absence. The golem’s creator can order the golem to obey the commands of another person (who might in turn place the golem under someone else’s control, and so on), but the golem’s creator can always resume control over his creation by commanding the golem to obey him alone.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): Golems have immunity to most magical and supernatural effects, except when otherwise noted.


The cost to create given for each golem includes the cost of the physical body and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or become a permanent part of the golem. Creating a golem is essentially similar to creating any sort of magic item. However, a golem’s body includes costly material components that may require some extra preparation. The golem’s creator can assemble the body or hire someone else to do the job. The builder must have the appropriate skill, which varies with the golem variety.

Completing the golem’s creation drains the appropriate XP from the creator and requires casting any spells on the final day.

The creator must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.

The characteristics of a golem that come from its nature as a magic item (caster level, prerequisite feats and spells, market price, cost to create) are given in summary form at the end of each golem’s description.

Note: The market price of an advanced golem (a golem with more Hit Dice than the typical golem described in each entry) is increased by 5,000 gp for each additional Hit Die, and increased by an additional 50,000 gp if the golem’s size increases. The XP cost for creating an advanced golem is equal to 1/25 the advanced golem’s market price minus the cost of the special materials required.



Large Construct

Hit Dice:

11d10+30 (90 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

22 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +14 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 22

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +14 melee (2d10+7 plus cursed wound)

Full Attack:

2 slams +14 melee (2d10+7 plus cursed wound)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Berserk, cursed wound

Special Qualities:

Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine and bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., haste, immunity to magic, low-light vision


Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3


Str 25, Dex 9, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 11, Cha 1








Solitary or gang (2–4)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


12–18 HD (Large); 19–33 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


This golem has a humanoid body made from clay. A clay golem wears no clothing except for a metal or stiff leather garment around its hips.

A clay golem golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise. It walks and moves with a slow, clumsy gait. It weighs around 600 pounds.


Berserk (Ex): When a clay golem enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental spirit breaks free and the golem goes berserk. The uncontrolled golem goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction. Once a clay golem goes berserk, no known method can reestablish control.

Cursed Wound (Ex): The damage a clay golem deals doesn’t heal naturally and resists healing spells. A character attempting to cast a conjuration (healing) spell on a creature damaged by a clay golem must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the injured character.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A clay golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A move earth spell drives the golem back 120 feet and deals 3d12 points of damage to it.

A disintegrate spell slows the golem (as the slow spell) for 1d6 rounds and deals 1d12 points of damage.

An earthquake spell cast directly at a clay golem stops it from moving on its next turn and deals 5d10 points of damage. The golem gets no saving throw against any of these effects.

Any magical attack against a clay golem that deals acid damage heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, a clay golem hit by the breath weapon of a black dragon heals 7 points of damage if the attack would have dealt 22 points of damage. A clay golem golem gets no saving throw against magical attacks that deal acid damage.

Haste (Su): After it has engaged in at least 1 round of combat, a clay golem can haste itself once per day as a free action. The effect lasts 3 rounds and is otherwise the same as the spell.


A clay golem’s body must be sculpted from a single block of clay weighing at least 1,000 pounds, treated with rare oils and powders worth 1,500 gp. Creating the body requires a DC 15 Craft (sculpting) check or a DC 15 Craft (pottery) check.

CL 11th; Craft Construct, animate objects, commune, resurrection, caster must be at least 11th level; Price 40,000 gp; Cost 21,500 gp + 1,540 XP.



Large Construct

Hit Dice:

9d10+30 (79 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

18 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 18

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +10 melee (2d8+5)

Full Attack:

2 slams +10 melee (2d8+5)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Construct traits, damage reduction 5/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision


Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3


Str 21, Dex 9, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 11, Cha 1








Solitary or gang (2–4)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


10–18 HD (Large); 19–27 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


A flesh golem is a ghoulish collection of stolen humanoid body parts, stitched together into a single composite form. No natural animal willingly tracks a flesh golem. The golem wears whatever clothing its creator desires, usually just a ragged pair of trousers. It has no possessions and no weapons. It stands 8 feet tall and weighs almost 500 pounds.

A flesh golem golem cannot speak, although it can emit a hoarse roar of sorts. It walks and moves with a stiff-jointed gait, as if not in complete control of its body.


Berserk (Ex): When a flesh golem enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental spirit breaks free and the golem goes berserk. The uncontrolled golem goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction. The golem’s creator, if within 60 feet, can try to regain control by speaking firmly and persuasively to the golem, which requires a DC 19 Charisma check. It takes 1 minute of inactivity by the golem to reset the golem’s berserk chance to 0%.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A flesh golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals cold or fire damage slows a flesh golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw.

A magical attack that deals electricity damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, a flesh golem hit by a lightning bolt heals 3 points of damage if the attack would have dealt 11 points of damage. A flesh golem golem gets no saving throw against attacks that deal electricity damage.


The pieces of a flesh golem must come from normal human corpses that have not decayed significantly. Assembly requires a minimum of six different bodies-- one for each limb, the torso (including head), and the brain. In some cases, more bodies may be necessary. Special unguents and bindings worth 500 gp are also required. Note that creating a flesh golem requires casting a spell with the evil descriptor.

Assembling the body requires a DC 13 Craft (leatherworking) check or a DC 13 Heal check.

CL 8th; Craft Construct, animate dead, bull’s strength, geas/quest, limited wish, caster must be at least 8th level; Price 20,000 gp; Cost 10,500 gp + 780 XP.



Large Construct

Hit Dice:

18d10+30 (129 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

30 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +22 natural) touch 8, flat-footed 30

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +23 melee (2d10+11)

Full Attack:

2 slams +23 melee (2d10+11)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Breath weapon

Special Qualities:

Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision


Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6


Str 33, Dex 9, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 11, Cha 1








Solitary or gang (2–4)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


19–24 HD (Large); 25–54 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


This golem has a humanoid body made from iron. An iron golem can be fashioned in any manner, just like a stone golem (see below), although it almost always displays armor of some sort. Its features are much smoother than those of a stone golem. Iron golems sometimes carry a short sword in one hand. An iron golem is 12 feet tall and weighs about 5,000 pounds. An iron golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise, nor does it have any distinguishable odor. It moves with a ponderous but smooth gait. Each step causes the floor to tremble unless it is on a thick, solid foundation.


Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cube, cloud of poisonous gas lasting 1 round, free action once every 1d4+1 rounds; initial damage 1d4 Con, secondary damage 3d4 Con, Fortitude DC 19 negates. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): An iron golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals electricity damage slows an iron golem (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.

A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, an iron golem hit by a fireball gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18 points. An iron golem gets no saving throw against fire effects.

An iron golem is affected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or a rusting grasp spell.


An iron golem’s body is sculpted from 5,000 pounds of pure iron, smelted with rare tinctures and admixtures costing at least 10,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 20 Craft (armorsmithing) check or a DC 20 Craft (weaponsmithing) check.

CL 16th; Craft Construct, cloudkill, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, caster must be at least 16th level; Price 150,000 gp; Cost 80,000 gp + 5,600 XP.



Stone Golem

Greater Stone Golem


Large Construct

Huge Construct

Hit Dice:

14d10+30 (107 hp)

42d10+40 (271 hp)





20 ft. (4 squares)

20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

26 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +18 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 26

27 (–2 size, –2 Dex, +21 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27

Base Attack/Grapple:




Slam +18 melee (2d10+9)

Slam +42 melee (4d8+13)

Full Attack:

2 slams +18 melee (2d10+9)

2 slams +42 melee (4d8+13)


10 ft./10 ft.

15 ft./15 ft.

Special Attacks:



Special Qualities:

Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision

Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision


Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4

Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14


Str 29, Dex 9, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 11, Cha 1

Str 37, Dex 7, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 11, Cha 1











Solitary or gang (2–4)

Solitary or gang (2–4)

Challenge Rating:







Always neutral

Always neutral


15–21 HD (Large); 22–42 (Huge)


Level Adjustment:



This golem has a humanoid body made from stone. A stone golem is 9 feet tall and weighs around 2,000 pounds. Its body is frequently stylized to suit its creator. For example, it might look like it is wearing armor, with a particular symbol carved on the breastplate, or have designs worked into the stone of its limbs.


Stone golems are formidable opponents, being physically powerful and difficult to harm.

Slow (Su): A stone golem can use a slow effect, as the spell, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet and a duration of 7 rounds, requiring a DC 17 Will save to negate. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A stone golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A transmute rock to mud spell slows a stone golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw, while transmute mud to rock heals all of its lost hit points.

A stone to flesh spell does not actually change the golem’s structure but negates its damage reduction and immunity to magic for 1 full round.


A stone golem’s body is chiseled from a single block of hard stone, such as granite, weighing at least 3,000 pounds. The stone must be of exceptional quality, and costs 5,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 17 Craft (sculpting) check or a DC 17 Craft (stonemasonry) check.

CL 14th; Craft Construct, antimagic field, geas/quest, symbol of stunning, caster must be at least 14th level; Price 90,000 gp; Cost 50,000 gp + 3,400 XP.


A greater stone golem is 18 feet tall and weighs around 32,000 pounds. It resembles a typical stone golem in all respects, except that the Will save DC is 31 against its slow ability. CL 14th; Craft Construct, antimagic field, geas/quest, symbol of stunning, caster must be at least 14th level; Price 196,000 gp; Cost 105,000 gp + 7,640 XP.



Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

8d10+40 (85 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

20 (–1 size, +11 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 20

Base Attack/Grapple:



Gore +12 melee (1d8+7)

Full Attack:

Gore +12 melee (1d8+7)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Breath weapon, trample 1d8+7

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision, scent


Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +5


Str 21, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9


Listen +9, Spot +8


Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will


Temperate plains


Solitary, pair, pack (3–4), or herd (5–13)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


9–15 HD (Large); 16–24 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


A typical gorgon stands over 6 feet tall at the shoulder and measures 8 feet from snout to tail. It weighs about 4,000 pounds.

Gorgons are nothing if not aggressive. They attack intruders on sight, attempting to trample, gore, or petrify them. There is no way to calm these furious creatures, and they are impossible to domesticate.


Whenever possible, a gorgon begins an encounter by charging at its opponents.

Breath Weapon (Su): 60-foot cone, once every 1d4 rounds (but no more than five times per day), turn to stone permanently, Fortitude DC 19 negates. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Trample (Ex): Reflex DC 19 half. The save DC is Strength-based.



Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

10d10+70 (125 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

19 (–1 size, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 19

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +15 melee (2d6+6)

Full Attack:

Bite +15 melee (2d6+6); 2 claws +10 melee (1d6+3)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab, rend 2d6+9

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent


Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +4


Str 23, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 8


Hide +2, Spot +10, Survival +3


Cleave, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Track


Temperate marshes



Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


11–15 HD (Large); 16–30 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:

+5 (cohort)

A gray render stands about 9 feet tall in spite of its hunched posture and is about 4 feet wide. It weighs about 4,000 pounds.

Gray renders are never found in groups. Each of these asexual creatures produces one offspring and carries it for a time in a pouch, but thereafter the young render must fend for itself.

A unique quality of the gray render is its tendency to bond with, protect, and provide for another creature (or group of creatures) native to its surroundings. Whether accepted or not, the render always attempts to remain fairly close, watching over its adopted charge(s) and daily bringing an offering of meat. It never willingly harms adopted creatures and retreats if they attack it.


A gray render attacks to kill, whether to bring down prey or to protect itself or those it has adopted. When hunting, it sometimes attempts to hide and wait for prey to wander close.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a gray render must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Rend (Ex): A gray render that wins a grapple check after a successful bite attack establishes a hold, latching onto the opponent’s body and tearing the flesh. This attack automatically deals 2d6+9 points of damage.

Skills: Gray renders have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks due to their six keen eyes.



Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

2d8+2 (11 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Battleaxe +4 melee (1d8+3/x3)

Full Attack:

Battleaxe +4 melee (1d8+3/x3)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Blindsight 40 ft., immunities, scent


Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2


Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6


Climb +4, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Spot +3


Alertness, TrackB




Gang (2–4), pack (10–20), tribe (10–60 plus 1 leader of 3rd–5th level per 10 adults).

Challenge Rating:



Standard coins; standard goods (gems only); standard items


Often neutral evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:



Grimlocks are blind, but their exceptional senses of smell and hearing allow them to notice foes nearby. As a result, they usually shun ranged weapons and rush to the attack, brandishing their stone battleaxes.

Blindsight (Ex): Grimlocks can sense all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as having total concealment.

Grimlocks are susceptible to sound- and scent-based attacks, however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence) and overpowering odors (such as stinking cloud or incense-heavy air). Negating a grimlock’s sense of smell or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-Fight (as the feat). If both these senses are negated, a grimlock is effectively blinded.

Immunities: Grimlocks are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

Skills: *A grimlock’s dull gray skin helps it hide in its native terrain, conferring a +10 racial bonus on Hide checks when in mountains or underground.


Although different hags are unique in appearance and mannerism, they have many aspects in common. All take the form of crones whose bent shapes belie their fierce power and swiftness.

Hags speak Giant and Common.


Hags are tremendously strong. They are naturally resistant to spells and can cast magic of their own. Hags often gather to form coveys. A covey, usually containing one hag of each type, can use powers beyond those of the individual members.



Large Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

7d8+14 (45 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

20 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 19

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +13 melee (1d6+7)

Full Attack:

2 claws +13 melee (1d6+7) and bite +8 melee (1d6+3)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab, rake 1d6+7, rend 2d6+10, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities:

Damage reduction 2/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., spell resistance 19


Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6


Str 25, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10


Bluff +8, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Hide +5, Intimidate +2, Listen +10, Spot +10


Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude


Cold marshes


Solitary or covey (3 hags of any kind plus 1–8 ogres and 1–4 evil giants)

Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


An annis commonly uses its disguise self ability to take the form of an exceptionally tall human, a fair giant, or an ogre.

An annis stands some 8 feet tall and weighs about 325 pounds.


Though physically powerful, these hags do not favor simple assaults but try to divide and confuse their foes before combat. They love to pose as commoners or gentlefolk to lull their victims into a sense of false security before they attack.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an annis must hit a Large or smaller opponent with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +13 melee, damage 1d6+7. An annis can attack a grappled foe with both claws at no penalty.

Rend (Ex): An annis that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an extra 2d6+10 points of damage.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-- disguise self, fog cloud. Caster level 8th.



Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

9d8+9 (49 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), swim 30 ft.

Armor Class:

22 (+1 Dex, +11 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 21

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +13 melee (1d4+4)

Full Attack:

2 claws +13 melee (1d4+4)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Spell-like abilities, weakness, mimicry

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 90 ft., spell resistance 18


Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7


Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14


Concentration +7, Craft or Knowledge (any one) +7, Hide +9, Listen +11, Spot +11 Swim +12


Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude


Temperate marshes


Solitary or covey (3 hags of any kind plus 1–8 ogres and 1–4 evil giants)

Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


Green hags are found in desolate swamps and dark forests.

A green hag is about the same height and weight as a female human.


Green hags prefer to attack from hiding, usually after distracting foes. They often use darkvision to their advantage by attacking during moonless nights.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-- dancing lights, disguise self, ghost sound (DC 12), invisibility, pass without trace, tongues, water breathing. Caster level 9th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Weakness (Su): A green hag can weaken a foe by making a special touch attack. The opponent must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or take 2d4 points of Strength damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Mimicry (Ex): A green hag can imitate the sounds of almost any animal found near its lair.

Skills: A green hag has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.



Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)

Hit Dice:

3d8+6 (19 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), swim 40 ft.

Armor Class:

14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +7 melee (1d4+4)

Full Attack:

2 claws +7 melee (1d4+4)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Horrific appearance, evil eye

Special Qualities:

Amphibious, spell resistance 14


Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4


Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14


Craft or Knowledge (any one) +3, Hide +4, Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +12


Alertness, Toughness


Temperate aquatic


Solitary or covey (3 hags of any kind plus 1–8 ogres and 1–4 evil giants)

Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


The sea hag is found in the water of seas or overgrown lakes.

A sea hag is about the same height and weight as a female human.


Sea hags are not subtle and prefer a direct approach to combat.

They usually remain in hiding until they can affect as many foes as possible with their horrific appearance.

Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a sea hag is so revolting that anyone (other than another hag) who sets eyes upon one must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or instantly be weakened, taking 2d6 points of Strength damage. This damage cannot reduce a victim’s Strength score below 0, but anyone reduced to Strength 0 is helpless. Creatures that are affected by this power or that successfully save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag’s horrific appearance for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Evil Eye (Su): Three times per day, a sea hag can cast its dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or be dazed for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil can restore sanity sooner. In addition, an affected creature must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or die from fright. Creatures with immunity to fear effects are not affected by the sea hag’s evil eye. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Amphibious (Ex): Although sea hags are aquatic, they can survive indefinitely on land.

Skills: A sea hag has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.


From time to time, a trio of hags gathers as a covey. Usually this foul triune includes one hag of each type, but this is not always the case.


Hags in a covey rely on deception and their boosted magical abilities in combat.

A covey of hags is 80% likely to be guarded by 1d8 ogres and 1d4 evil giants who do their bidding. These minions are often disguised with a veil spell to appear less threatening and sent forth as spies. Such minions often (60%) carry magic stones known as hag eyes (see below).

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-- animate dead, bestow curse (DC 17), control weather, dream, forcecage, mind blank, mirage arcana (DC 18), polymorph, veil (DC 19), vision. Caster level 9th. The save DCs are based on a Charisma score of 16. To use one of these abilities (which requires a full-round action), all three hags must be within 10 feet of one another, and all must participate.

Once per month, a covey that does not have a hag eye can create one from a gem worth at least 20 gp (see below).

Hag Eye

A hag eye is a magic gem created by a covey. It appears to be nothing more than a semiprecious stone, but a gem of seeing or other such effect reveals it as a disembodied eye. Often, a hag eye is worn as a ring, brooch, or other adornment. Any of the three hags who created the hag eye can see through it whenever they wish, so long as it is on the same plane of existence as the hag. A hag eye has hardness 5 and 10 hit points. Destroying a hag eye deals 1d10 points of damage to each member of the covey and causes the one who sustained the greatest damage to be blinded for 24 hours.




Nessian Warhound


Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fire, Lawful)

Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fire, Lawful)

Hit Dice:

4d8+4 (22 hp)

12d8+60 (114 hp)





40 ft. (8 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15

24 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural, +6 +2 chain shirt barding), touch 11, flat-footed 22

Base Attack/Grapple:




Bite +5 melee (1d8+1 plus 1d6 fire)

Bite +20 melee (2d6+12/19-20 plus 1d8 fire)

Full Attack:

Bite +5 melee (1d8+1 plus 1d6 fire)

Bite +20 melee (2d6+12/19-20 plus 1d8 fire)


5 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Breath weapon, fiery bite

Breath weapon, fiery bite

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire, scent, vulnerability to cold

Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire, scent, vulnerability to cold


Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +9


Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6

Str 26, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 6


Hide +13, Jump +12, Listen +7, Move Silently +13, Spot +7, Survival +7*

Hide +17, Jump +19, Listen +18, Move Silently +21, Spot +18, Survival +8*, Tumble +3


Improved Initiative, Run, TrackB

Alertness, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Track, Weapon Focus (bite)


A lawful evil-aligned plane

A lawful evil plane


Solitary, pair, or pack (5–12)

Solitary, pair, or pack (1–2 Nessian warhounds and 5–12 hell hounds)

Challenge Rating:





+2 chain shirt barding


Always lawful evil

Always lawful evil


5–8 HD (Medium); 9–12 HD (Large)

13–17 HD (Large); 18–24 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:

+3 (cohort)

+4 (cohort)

A typical hell hound stands 4-1/2 feet high at the shoulder and weighs 120 pounds.

Hell hounds do not speak but understand Infernal.


Hell hounds are efficient hunters. A favorite pack tactic is to surround prey quietly, then attack with one or two hounds, driving it toward the rest with their fiery breath. If the prey doesn’t run, the pack closes in. Hell hounds track fleeing prey relentlessly.

A hell hound’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cone, once every 2d4 rounds, damage 2d6 fire, Reflex DC 13 half. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Fiery Bite (Su): A hell hound deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage every time it bites an opponent, as if its bite were a flaming weapon.

Skills: Hell hounds have a +5 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.

*They also receive a +8 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent, due to their keen sense of smell.


Nessian warhounds are coalblack mastiffs the size of draft horses, often fitted with shirts of infernal chainmail.

Nessian warhounds resemble hell hounds, except as otherwise noted.

Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cone, once every 2d4 rounds, damage 3d6 fire, Reflex DC 21 half. The save DC is Constitution- based.

Fiery Bite (Su): A Nessian warhound deals an extra 1d8 points of fire damage every time it bites an opponent, as if its bite were a flaming weapon.



Hobgoblin, 1st-Level Warrior


Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)

Hit Dice:

1d8+2 (6 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 light shield), touch 11, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Longsword +2 melee (1d8+1/19–20) or javelin +2 ranged (1d6+1)

Full Attack:

Longsword +2 melee (1d8+1/19–20) or javelin +2 ranged (1d6+1)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft.


Fort +4, Ref +1, Will –1


Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8


Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Spot +2




Warm hills


Gang (4–9), band (10–100 plus 50% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults and 1 leader of 4th–6th level), warband (10–24), or tribe (30–300 plus 50% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level, 1 leader of 6th–8th level, 2–4 dire wolves, and 1–4 ogres or 1–2 trolls)

Challenge Rating:





Usually lawful evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


Hobgoblins are larger cousins of goblins. Hobgoblins’ hair color ranges from dark reddish-brown to dark gray. They have dark orange or red-orange skin. Large males have blue or red noses. Hobgoblins’ eyes are yellowish or dark brown, while their teeth are yellow. Their garments tend to be brightly colored, often blood red with black-tinted leather. Their weaponry is kept polished and in good repair. Hobgoblins speak Goblin and Common. Most hobgoblins encountered outside their homes are warriors; the information in the statistics block is for one of 1st level.


These creatures have a strong grasp of strategy and tactics and are capable of carrying out sophisticated battle plans. Under the leadership of a skilled strategist or tactician, their discipline can prove a deciding factor. Hobgoblins hate elves and attack them first, in preference to other opponents.

Skills: Hobgoblins have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

The hobgoblin warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.



Kobold, 1st-Level Warrior


Small Humanoid (Reptilian)

Hit Dice:

1d8 (4 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather), touch 12, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Spear +1 melee (1d6–1/x3) or sling +3 ranged (1d3)

Full Attack:

Spear +1 melee (1d6–1/x3) or sling +3 ranged (1d3)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity


Fort +2, Ref +1, Will –1


Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8


Craft (trapmaking) +2, Hide +6, Listen +2, Move Silently +2, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2, Spot +2




Temperate forests


Gang (4–9), band (10–100 plus 100% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults and 1 leader of 4th–6th level), warband (10–24 plus 2–4 dire weasels), tribe (40–400 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level, 1 leader of 6th–8th level, and 5–8 dire weasels)

Challenge Rating:





Usually lawful evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies.

A kobold’s scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is nonprehensile. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange. A kobold is 2 to 2-1/2 feet tall and weighs 35 to 45 pounds. Kobolds speak Draconic with a voice that sounds like that of a yapping dog.


Kobolds like to attack with overwhelming odds-- at least two to one-- or trickery; should the odds fall below this threshold, they usually flee. However, they attack gnomes on sight if their numbers are equal.

They begin a fight by slinging bullets, closing only when they can see that their foes have been weakened. Whenever they can, kobolds set up ambushes near trapped areas.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Skills: Kobolds have a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Profession (miner), and Search checks.

The kobold warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

Challenge Rating: Kobolds with levels in NPC classes have a CR equal to their character level –3.



Medium Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

2d10 (11 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +2 melee (1d6)

Full Attack:

Bite +2 melee (1d6) and 2 claws +0 melee (1d4)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent


Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1


Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13


Hide +4, Jump +9, Listen +3, Move Silently +6


Multiattack, TrackB


Temperate forests


Solitary, pair, or pride (6–10)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


3–4 HD (Medium); 5–8 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


The krenshar is a strange, catlike carnivore with extremely flexible skin on its head. A typical krenshar measures 4 or 5 feet in length with a long, narrow head. It weighs about 175 pounds.


Krenshars use solitary scouts to drive prey into the waiting clutches of the pride. The scout appears from hiding, uses its scare ability, then chases the fleeing target to join the attack.

Scare (Ex or Su): As a standard action, a krenshar can pull the skin back from its head, revealing the musculature and bony structures of its skull. This alone is usually sufficient to scare away foes (treat as a Bluff check with a +3 bonus).

Combining this scare ability with a loud screech produces an unsettling effect that works like a scare spell from a 3rd-level caster (Will DC 13 partial). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same krenshar’s scare ability for 24 hours. The shriek does not affect other krenshars. This is a supernatural, sonic mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Skills: Krenshars have a +4 racial bonus on Jump and Move Silently checks.



Medium Humanoid (Aquatic)

Hit Dice:

2d8 (9 hp)




10 ft. (2 squares), swim 60 ft.

Armor Class:

14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Longspear +2 melee (1d8/x3) or light crossbow +2 ranged (1d8/19–20)

Full Attack:

Longspear +2 melee (1d8/x3) or light crossbow +2 ranged (1d8/19–20)


5 ft./5 ft.


Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:



Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int_13, Wis 13, Cha 11


Craft (any one) +6, Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +8


Weapon Focus (longspear)


Warm aquatic


Company (2–4), patrol (11–20 plus 2 3rd-level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd–6th level), or tribe (30–100 plus 100% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


By character class

Level Adjustment:


Although humanoid in shape, locathahs are clearly more fish than human. The average locathah stands 5 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds. Females and males look very much alike, although the former can be recognized by the two ochre stripes marking their egg sacs.

Locathahs speak Aquan.


Any battle with locathahs usually begins with the creatures loosing volleys of bolts from their crossbows; underwater, their crossbows have a range increment of 20 feet. If they have managed to set up an ambush or other trap, they continue to employ crossbows for as long as possible. Otherwise, they close to bring their longspears into play. Although primarily used for fishing, these spears make formidable weapons.

Locathahs lack teeth, claws, and other natural weapons, so they are not especially dangerous if unarmed. A weaponless locathah will generally turn and flee.

Skills: A locathah has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.

It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.


Lycanthropes are humanoids or giants who can transform themselves into animals. In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks like any other members of its kind, though natural lycanthropes and those who have been afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features reminiscent of their animal forms. In animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, but on close inspection, its eyes (which often glow red in the dark) show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence.

Lycanthropy can be spread like a disease. Sometimes a lycanthrope begins life as a normal humanoid or giant who subsequently contracts lycanthropy after being wounded by a lycanthrope. Such a creature is called an afflicted lycanthrope. Other lycanthropes are born as lycanthropes, and are known as natural lycanthropes.


A lycanthrope in its humanoid (or giant) form uses whatever tactics and weapons are favored by others of its kind, though it tends to be slightly more aggressive. A lycanthrope possesses the senses of its animal form, including scent and low-light vision, and it has a deep empathy for (and ability to communicate with) animals of its animal form. An afflicted lycanthrope damaged in combat may be overwhelmed by rage, causing it to change to its animal form involuntarily.

A lycanthrope in animal form fights like the animal it resembles, although its bite carries the disease of lycanthropy. It is preternaturally cunning and strong, and possesses damage reduction that is overcome only by silvered weapons.

Finally, a natural lycanthrope (or an afflicted lycanthrope that has become aware of its affliction) can assume a hybrid form that is a mix of its humanoid and animal forms. A hybrid has hands and can use weapons, but it can also attack with its teeth and claws. A hybrid can spread lycanthropy with its bite, and it has the same damage reduction that its animal form possesses.



Werebear, Human Form

Werebear, Bear Form

Werebear, Hybrid Form


Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Large Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Large Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

1d8+1 plus 6d8+30 (62 hp)

1d8+1 plus 6d8+30 (62 hp)

1d8+1 plus 6d8+30 (62 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+2 natural, +3 studded leather armor), touch 10, flat-footed 15

17 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16

17 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural) touch 10, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:





Greataxe +6 melee (1d12+1/x3) or throwing axe +5 ranged (1d6+1)

Claw +13 melee (1d8+9)

Greataxe +11 melee (1d12+13/x3); or claw +13 melee (1d6+9)

Full Attack:

Greataxe +6 melee (1d12+1/x3) or throwing axe +5 ranged (1d6+1)

2 claws +13 melee (1d8+9) and bite +11 melee (2d6+4)

Claw +13 melee (1d6+9) and greataxe +9 melee (1d12+4/x3) and bite +11 melee (1d8+4) or 2 claws +13 melee (1d6+9) and bite +11 melee (1d8+4)


5 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:


Improved grab, curse of lycanthropy

Curse of lycanthropy

Special Qualities:

Alternate form, bear empathy, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, bear empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, bear empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent


Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4

Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +4

Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +4


Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 29, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 29, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8


Handle Animal +3, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +1

Handle Animal +3, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +13

Handle Animal +3, Listen +4, Spot +5, Swim +9


Endurance, Iron WillB, Multiattack, Power Attack, Run, TrackB

(same as human form)

(same as human form)


Cold forests

Cold forests

Cold forests


Solitary, pair, family (3–4), or troupe (2–4 plus 1–4 brown bears)

(same as human form)

(same as human form)

Challenge Rating:









Always lawful good

Always lawful good

Always lawful good


By character class

By character class

By character class

Level Adjustment:




Werebears in humanoid form tend to be stout, well-muscled, and hairy. Their brown hair is thick, and males usually wear beards. They may have reddish, blond, ivory, or black hair, matching the color of the ursine form. They dress in simple cloth and leather garments that are easy to remove, repair, or replace


Werebears fight just as brown bears do in animal form. In humanoid or hybrid form, they favor large, heavy weapons such as greataxes or greatswords. The werebear’s greataxe is a Medium weapon, so it can wield the axe in one hand in hybrid form.

Alternate Form (Su): A werebear can assume the form of a brown bear or a bear-humanoid hybrid.

Bear Empathy (Ex): Communicate with bears and dire bears, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against bears and dire bears.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a werebear’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a werebear must be in bear form and must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Skills: Werebears have a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks in any bear form.

The werebear presented here is a 1st-level human warrior and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.



Wereboar, Human Form

Wereboar, Boar Form

Wereboar, Hybrid Form


Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

1d8+4 plus 3d8+12 (34 hp)

1d8+4 plus 3d8+12 (34 hp)

1d8+4 plus 3d8+12 (34 hp)






20 ft. in scale mail (4 squares); base speed 30 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

18 (+2 natural, +4 scale mail, +2 heavy shield) touch 10, flat-footed 18

18 (+8 natural) touch 10, flat- footed 18

18 (+8 natural) touch 10, flat-footed 18

Base Attack/Grapple:





Battleaxe +4 melee (1d8+1/x3) or javelin +3 ranged (1d6+1)

Gore +6 melee (1d8+4)

Battleaxe +6 melee (1d8+4/x3) or claw +6 melee (1d4+3)

Full Attack:

Battleaxe +4 melee (1d8+1/x3) or javelin +3 ranged (1d6+1)

Gore +6 melee (1d8+4)

Battleaxe +6 melee (1d8+4/x3) and gore +1 melee (1d6+1); or 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+3) and gore +1 melee (1d6+1)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Curse of lycanthropy

Curse of lycanthropy

Special Qualities:

Alternate form, boar empathy, ferocity, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, boar empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, ferocity, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, boar empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, ferocity, low-light vision, scent


Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +3

Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3

Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3


Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 17, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 17, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8


Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Listen +5, Spot +4

Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Listen +5, Spot +4

Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Listen +5, Spot +4


AlertnessB, Improved Bull Rush, Iron WillB, Power Attack, Toughness

(same as human form)

(same as human form)


Temperate forests

Temperate forests

Temperate forests


Solitary, pair, brood (3–4), or troupe (2–4 plus 1–4 boars)

(same as human form)

(same as human form)

Challenge Rating:









Always neutral

Always neutral

Always neutral


By character class

By character class

By character class

Level Adjustment:




A wereboar in humanoid form tends to be a stocky, muscular individual of average height. It dresses in simple garments that are easy to remove, repair, or replace.


In any form, wereboars are as ferocious as normal boars. When in hybrid form, they fight with a weapon and their dangerous gore attack.

Alternate Form (Su): A wereboar can assume the form of a boar or a boar-humanoid hybrid.

Boar Empathy (Ex): Communicate with boars and dire boars, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against boars and dire boars.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by the wereboar’s gore attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Ferocity (Ex): A wereboar is such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.

The wereboar presented here is a 1st-level human warrior and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.



Wererat, Human Form

Wererat, Dire Rat Form

Wererat, Hybrid Form


Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Small Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 (12 hp)

1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 (12 hp)

1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 (12 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+2 natural, +2 leather, +1 buckler) touch 10, flat-footed 15

17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 14

16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural) touch 13, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:





Rapier +2 melee (1d6+1/18–20) or light crossbow +1 ranged (1d8/19–20)

Bite +6 melee (1d4+1 plus disease)

Rapier +5 melee (1d6+1/18–20) or light crossbow +4 ranged (1d8/19–20)

Full Attack:

Rapier +2 melee (1d6+1/18–20) or light crossbow +1 ranged (1d8/19–20)

Bite +6 melee (1d4+1 plus disease)

Rapier +4 melee (1d6+1/18–20) and bite –1 melee (1d6 plus disease); or light crossbow +4 ranged (1d8/19–20)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Curse of lycanthropy, disease

Curse of lycanthropy, disease

Special Qualities:

Alternate form, rat empathy, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, rat empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, rat empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent


Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4

Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4

Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4


Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8


Climb +0, Handle Animal +3, Hide +1, Listen +4, Move Silently +0, Spot +4, Swim +9

Climb +11, Handle Animal +3, Hide +8, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Swim +11

Climb +4, Handle Animal +3, Hide +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Swim +9


Alertness, Dodge, Iron WillB, Weapon FinesseB

(same as human form)

(same as human form)






Solitary, pair, pack (6–10), or troupe (2–5 plus 5–8 dire rats)

(same as human form)

(same as human form)

Challenge Rating:









Always lawful evil

Always lawful evil

Always lawful evil


By character class

By character class

By character class

Level Adjustment:




A wererat in humanoid form tends to be a thin, wiry individual of shorter than average height. The eyes constantly dart around, and the nose and mouth may twitch if he or she is excited. Males often have thin, ragged mustaches.


In animal form, wererats avoid combat, preferring to use their dire rat shape for skulking and spying. In hybrid form, a wererat fights with a rapier and light crossbow.

Alternate Form (Su): A wererat can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the form of a dire rat.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a wererat’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Disease (Ex): Filth fever; bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire rats.

Skills: A wererat in rat or hybrid form uses its Dexterity modifier for Climb or Swim checks. It has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

Wererats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks from their dire rat form.

Feats: Wererats gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

The wererat presented here is based on a 1st-level human warrior who is a natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.



Weretiger, Human Form

Weretiger, Tiger Form

Weretiger, Hybrid Form


Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Large Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Large Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

1d8+1 plus 6d8+18 (50 hp)

1d8+1 plus 6d8+18 (50 hp)

1d8+1 plus 6d8+18 (50 hp)






20 ft. in breastplate (4 squares); base speed 30 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

17 (+2 natural, +5 breastplate) touch 10, flat-footed 17

16 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14

16 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:





Glaive +6 melee (1d10+1/x3) or composite longbow (+1 Str bonus) +5 ranged (1d8+1/x3)




Claw +11 melee (1d8+7)

Claw +11 melee (1d8+7)


Full Attack:

Glaive +6 melee (1d10+1/x3) or composite longbow (+1 Str bonus) +5 ranged (1d8+1/x3)

2 claws +11 melee (1d8+7) and bite +6 melee (2d6+3)

2 claws +11 melee (1d8+7) and bite +6 melee (2d6+3)


5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with glaive)

10 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:


Pounce, improved grab, rake, curse of lycanthropy

Curse of lycanthropy

Special Qualities:

Alternate form, tiger empathy, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, tiger empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, tiger empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent


Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4

Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +4

Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +4


Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 25, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 25, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8


Balance +0, Climb +1, Handle Animal +3, Hide +0, Listen +6, Move Silently +0, Spot +6

Balance +6, Climb +12, Handle Animal +3, Hide +2*, Listen +6, Move Silently +12, Spot +6

Balance +6, Climb +12, Handle Animal +3, Hide +2, Listen +6, Move Silently +12, Spot +6


AlertnessB, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite, claw), Iron WillB

(same as human form)

(same as human form)


Warm forests

Warm forests

Warm forests


Solitary or pair

(same as human form)

(same as human form)

Challenge Rating:









Always neutral

Always neutral

Always neutral


By character class

By character class

By character class

Level Adjustment:




Weretigers in humanoid form tend to be sleekly muscular, taller than average, and very agile.


Weretigers can assume a hybrid form as well as an animal form. In tiger form, they can pounce and grab just as normal tigers do. In hybrid form, they rely on their deadly claws.

Alternate Form (Su): A weretiger can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the form of a tiger.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a weretiger’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a weretiger in tiger form must hit with a claw or bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake.

Pounce (Ex): If a weretiger in tiger form charges an opponent, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +9 melee, damage 1d8+3.

Tiger Empathy (Ex): Communicate with tigers and dire tigers, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against tigers and dire tigers.

Skills: In any form, weretigers have a +4 bonus on Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8 in the tiger form.

The weretiger presented here is a 1st-level human warrior and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.



Werewolf, Human Form

Werewolf, Wolf Form

Werewolf, Hybrid Form


Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

1d8+1 plus 2d8+6 (20 hp)

1d8+1 plus 2d8+6 (20 hp)

1d8+1 plus 2d8+6 (20 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares)

50 ft. (10 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

17 (+2 natural, +4 chain shirt, +1 light shield) touch 10, flat-footed 17

16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14

16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:





Longsword +3 melee (1d8+1/19–20) or light crossbow +2 ranged (1d8/19–20)

Bite +5 melee (1d6+3)

Claw +4 melee (1d4+2)

Full Attack:

Longsword +3 melee (1d8+1/19–20) or light crossbow +2 ranged (1d8/19–20)

Bite +5 melee (1d6+3)

2 claws +4 melee (1d4+2) and bite +0 melee (1d6+1)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Curse of lycanthropy, trip

Curse of lycanthropy

Special Qualities:

Alternate form, wolf empathy, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, wolf empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, wolf empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent


Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2

Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2

Fort +8 Ref +5, Will +2


Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8


Handle Animal +1, Hide +1, Listen +1, Move Silently +2, Spot +1, Survival +2

Handle Animal +1, Hide +6, Listen +1, Move Silently +6, Spot +1, Survival +2*

Handle Animal +1, Hide +6, Listen +1, Move Silently +6, Spot +1, Survival +2*


Improved Initiative, Iron WillB, Stealthy, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)

(same as human form)

(same as human form)


Temperate forests

Temperate forests

Temperate forests


Solitary, pair, pack (6–10), or troupe (2–5 plus 5–8 wolves)

(same as human form)

(same as human form)

Challenge Rating:









Always chaotic evil

Always chaotic evil

Always chaotic evil


By character class

By character class

By character class

Level Adjustment:




Werewolves in humanoid form have no distinguishing traits.


In wolf form, a werewolf can trip just as a normal wolf does. A werewolf in hybrid form usually dispenses with weapon attacks, though it can wield a weapon and use its bite as a secondary natural attack.

Alternate Form (Su): A werewolf can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the form of a wolf.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a werewolf’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Trip (Ex): A werewolf in animal form that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+2 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.

If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the werewolf.

Wolf Empathy (Ex): Communicate with wolves and dire wolves, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against wolves and dire wolves.

Skills: *A werewolf in hybrid or wolf form gains a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

The werewolf presented here is based on a 1st-level human warrior and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.



Werewolf Lord, Human Form

Werewolf Lord, Dire Wolf Form

Werewolf Lord, Hybrid Form


Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Large Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Large Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

10d10+20 plus 6d8+30 (132 hp)

10d10+20 plus 6d8+30 (132 hp)

10d10+20 plus 6d8+30 (132 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

26 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +6 +2 mithral chain shirt, +5 +3 heavy shield) touch 12, flat-footed 24

19 (–1 size, +4 Dex, +6 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15

19 (–1 size, +4 Dex, +6 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple:





+2 bastard sword +21 melee (1d10+8/17–20) or masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +17 ranged (1d8+4/x3)

Bite +25 melee (2d6+16/19-20)

Claw +24 melee (1d6+11) or +2 bastard sword +27 melee

Full Attack:

+2 bastard sword +21/+16/+11 melee (1d10+8/17–20) or masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +17/+12/+7 ranged (1d8+4/x3)

Bite +25 melee (2d6+16/19-20)

2 claws +24 melee (1d6+11) and bite +20 melee (2d6+5/19-20); or +2 bastard sword +27/+22/+17 melee (2d8+15/17–20) and bite +20 melee (2d6+5/19-20)


5 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:


Curse of lycanthropy, trip

Curse of lycanthropy

Special Qualities:

Alternate form, wolf empathy, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, wolf empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, wolf empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent


Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +13

Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +11

Fort +17 Ref +12, Will +11


Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12

Str 32, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12

Str 32, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12


Handle Animal +4, Hide +6, Listen +9, Move Silently +8, Spot +13, Survival +5

Handle Animal +4, Hide +6, Listen +9, Move Silently +12, Spot +13, Survival +5*

Handle Animal +4, Hide +6, Listen +9, Move Silently +12, Spot +13, Survival +5*


Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Critical (bastard sword), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Iron WillB, Power Attack, Run, Stealthy, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)

(same as human form)

(same as human form)


Temperate forests

Temperate forests

Temperate forests


Solitary, pair or pack (1–2 werewolf lords plus 2–4 werewolves plus 5–8 wolves)

(same as human form)

(same as human form)

Challenge Rating:









Always chaotic evil

Always chaotic evil

Always chaotic evil


By character class

By character class

By character class

Level Adjustment:




Stronger, hardier, and more deadly than its lesser fellows, the werewolf lord is a murderous beast that delights in wreaking havoc.

The werewolf lord presented here is a 10th-level human fighter and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.


Werewolf lords can assume a hybrid form as well as an animal form. In dire wolf form, they can trip just as normal wolves do. In hybrid form, they can wield weapons or fight with their claws.

Alternate Form (Su): A werewolf lord can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the form of a dire wolf.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a werewolf lord's bite attack in wolf or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Trip (Ex): A werewolf lord in dire wolf form that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+15 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the werewolf lord.

Wolf Empathy (Ex): Communicate with wolves and dire wolves, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against wolves and dire wolves.

Skills: *A werewolf lord in hybrid or wolf form gains a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Possessions: +2 mithral chain shirt, +3 heavy shield, +2 bastard sword, gauntlets of ogre power, cloak of resistance +2, masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str bonus).



Hill Giant Dire Wereboar Giant Form

Hill Giant Dire Wereboar Dire Boar Form

Hill Giant Dire Wereboar Hybrid Boar Form


Large Giant (Shapechanger)

Large Giant (Shapechanger)

Large Giant (Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

12d8+51 plus 7d8+49 (185 hp)

12d8+51 plus 7d8+49 (185 hp)

12d8+51 plus 7d8+49 (185 hp)






30 ft. in hide armor (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

22 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +11 natural, +3 hide armor), touch 8, flat-footed 22

16 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +8 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 16

19 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +11 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 19

Base Attack/Grapple:





Greatclub +21 melee (2d8+10) or slam +20 melee (1d4+7) or rock +12 ranged (2d6+7)

Gore +28 melee (1d8+22)

Greatclub +29 melee (2d8+22) or claw +28 melee (1d6+15)

Full Attack:

Greatclub +21/+16 melee (2d8+10) or 2 slams +20 melee (1d4+7) or rock +12 ranged (2d6+7)

Gore +28 melee (1d8+22)

Greatclub +29 melee (2d8+22) and gore +23 melee (1d8+7); or 2 claws +28 melee (1d6+15) and gore +23 melee (1d8+7)


10 ft./10 ft.

10 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Rock throwing

Curse of lycanthropy

Curse of lycanthropy

Special Qualities:

Alternate form, boar empathy, ferocity, low-light vision, rock catching, scent

Alternate form, boar empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, ferocity, low-light vision, scent

Alternate form, boar empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, ferocity, low-light vision, scent


Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +12

Fort +20, Ref +8, Will +12

Fort +20, Ref +8, Will +12


Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7

Str 41, Dex 8, Con 25, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7

Str 41, Dex 8, Con 25, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7


Climb +10, Jump +10, Listen +10, Spot +12

Climb +18, Jump +22, Listen +10, Spot +12

Climb +18, Jump +22, Listen 10, Spot +12


AlertnessB, Cleave, Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Iron WillB, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatclub)

(same as giant form)

(same as giant form)


Temperate hills

Temperate hills

Temperate hills


Solitary, pair, brood (3–4), or troupe (2–4 plus 1–4 dire boars)

(same as giant form)

(same as giant form)

Challenge Rating:









Always neutral

Always neutral

Always neutral


By character class

By character class

By character class

Level Adjustment:




Dire wereboars in giant form look much like normal hill giants, though slightly stockier, and with coarser, stiffer hair and stiff. The dire wereboar described here is based on a hill giant and natural lycanthrope with normal ability scores for a hill giant.


Dire wereboars anger quickly. They usually begin a battle in giant form, then switch to hybrid form to take advantage of their immense strength in that shape. They like to use their Improved Bull Rush and Improved Sunder feats to shove opponents around and smash their weapons and shields.

Alternate Form (Su): A dire wereboar can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the form of a dire boar.

Boar Empathy (Ex): Communicate with boars and dire boars, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against boars and dire boars.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a dire wereboar’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Ferocity (Ex): A dire wereboar is such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.


“Lycanthrope� is a template that can be added to any humanoid or giant (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The lycanthrope template can be inherited (for natural lycanthropes) or acquired (for afflicted lycanthropes). Becoming a lycanthrope is very much like multiclassing as an animal and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice.

Size and Type: The base creature’s type does not change, but the creature gains the shapechanger subtype. The lycanthrope takes on the characteristics of some type of carnivorous or omnivorous creature of the animal type (referred to hereafter as the base animal).

This animal can be any predator, scavenger, or omnivore whose size is within one size category of the base creature’s size (Small, Medium, or Large for a Medium base creature). Lycanthropes can also adopt a hybrid shape that combines features of the base creature and the base animal. A lycanthrope’s hybrid form is the same size as the base animal or the base creature, whichever is larger.

A lycanthrope uses either the base creature’s or the base animal’s statistics and special abilities in addition to those described here.

Hit Dice and Hit Points: Same as the base creature plus those of the base animal. To calculate total hit points, apply Constitution modifiers according to the score the lycanthrope has in each form.

Speed: Same as the base creature or base animal, depending on which form the lycanthrope is using. Hybrids use the base creature’s speed.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus increases by +2 in all forms. In hybrid form, the lycanthrope’s natural armor bonus is equal to the natural armor bonus of the base animal or the base creature, whichever is better.

Base Attack/Grapple: Add the base attack bonus for the base animal to the base attack bonus for the base creature. The lycanthrope’s grapple bonus uses its attack bonus and modifiers for Strength and size depending on the lycanthrope’s form.

Attacks: Same as the base creature or base animal, depending on which form the lycanthrope is using. A lycanthrope in hybrid form gains two claw attacks and a bite attack as natural weapons.

These weapons deal damage based on the hybrid form’s size. A hybrid may attack with a weapon and a bite, or may attack with its natural weapons. The bite attack of a hybrid is a secondary attack.

Hybrid Size















Damage: Same as the base creature or base animal, depending on which form the lycanthrope is in.

Special Attacks: A lycanthrope retains the special attacks of the base creature or base animal, depending on which form it is using, and also gains the special attacks described below.

A lycanthrope’s hybrid form does not gain any special attacks of the base animal. A lycanthrope spellcaster cannot cast spells with verbal, somatic, or material components while in animal form, or spells with verbal components while in hybrid form.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a natural lycanthrope’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy. If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope the victim cannot contract lycanthropy from that lycanthrope. Afflicted lycanthropes cannot pass on the curse of lycanthropy.

Special Qualities: A lycanthrope retains all the special qualities of the base creature and the base animal, and also gains those described below.

Alternate Form (Su): A lycanthrope can shift into animal form as though using the polymorph spell on itself, though its gear is not affected, it does not regain hit points for changing form, and only the specific animal form indicated for the lycanthrope can be assumed. It does not assume the ability scores of the animal, but instead adds the animal’s physical ability score modifiers to its own ability scores. A lycanthrope also can assume a bipedal hybrid form with prehensile hands and animalistic features.

Changing to or from animal or hybrid form is a standard action.

A slain lycanthrope reverts to its humanoid form, although it remains dead. Separated body parts retain their animal form, however.

Afflicted lycanthropes find this ability difficult to control (see Lycanthropy as an Affliction, below), but natural lycanthropes have full control over this power.

Damage Reduction (Ex): An afflicted lycanthrope in animal or hybrid form has damage reduction 5/silver. A natural lycanthrope in animal or hybrid form has damage reduction 10/silver.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex): In any form, lycanthropes can communicate and empathize with normal or dire animals of their animal form. This gives them a +4 racial bonus on checks when influencing the animal’s attitude and allows the communication of simple concepts and (if the animal is friendly) commands, such as “friend,� “foe,� “flee,� and “attack.�

Low-Light Vision (Ex): A lycanthrope has low-light vision in any form.

Scent (Ex): A lycanthrope has the scent ability in any form.

Base Save Bonuses: Add the base save bonuses of the base animal to the base save bonuses of the base creature.

Abilities: All lycanthropes gain +2 to Wisdom. In addition, when in animal form, a lycanthrope’s physical ability scores improve according to its kind, as set out in the table below. These adjustments are equal to the animal’s normal ability scores –10 or –11. A lycanthrope in hybrid form modifies its physical ability scores by the same amount.

In addition, a lycanthrope may also gain an additional ability score increase by virtue of its extra Hit Dice.

Skills: A lycanthrope gains skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die of its animal form, as if it had multiclassed into the animal type. (Animal is never its first Hit Die, though, and it does not gain quadruple skill points for any animal Hit Die.) Any skill given in the animal’s description is a class skill for the lycanthrope’s animal levels. In any form, a lycanthrope also has any racial skill bonuses of the base creature and of the base animal, although conditional skill bonuses only apply in the associated form.

Feats: Add the base animal’s feats to the base creature’s. If this results in a lycanthrope having the same feat twice, the lycanthrope gains no additional benefit unless the feat normally can be taken more once, in which case the duplicated feat works as noted in the feat description. This process may give the lycanthrope more feats than a character of its total Hit Dice would normally be entitled to; if this occurs, any “extra� feats are denoted as bonus feats.

It’s possible that a lycanthrope cannot meet the prerequisites for all its feats when in humanoid form. If this occurs, the lycanthrope still has the feats, but cannot use them when in humanoid form. A lycanthrope receives Iron Will as a bonus feat.

Environment: Same as either the base creature or base animal.

Organization: Solitary or pair, sometimes family (3–4), pack (6–10), or troupe (family plus related animals)

Challenge Rating: By class level or base creature, modified according to the HD of the base animal: 1 HD or 2 HD, +2; 3 HD to 5 HD, +3; 6 HD to 10 HD, +4; 11 HD to 20 HD, +5; 21 or more HD, +6.

Treasure: Standard.

Alignment: Any. Noble creatures such as bears, eagles, and lions tend to produce good-aligned lycanthropes. Sinister creatures such as rats, snakes, and wolves tend to produce evil-aligned lycanthropes. This is a reflection of how these animals are perceived, not any innate quality of the animal itself, so the alignment of the animal form can be arbitrarily assigned.

Advancement: By character class.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2 (afflicted) or +3 (natural). In addition, a lycanthrope’s character level is increased by the number of racial Hit Dice the base animal has.

Common Lycanthropes


Animal Form

Animal or Hybrid Form Ability Modifiers

Preferred Alignment


Brown bear

Str +16, Dex +2, Con +8

Lawful good



Str +4, Con +6



Dire rat

Dex +6, Con +2

Chaotic evil



Str +12, Dex +4, Con +6




Str +2, Dex +4, Con +4

Chaotic evil

Dire wereboar

Dire boar

Str +16, Con +6



When a character contracts lycanthropy through a lycanthrope’s bite (see above), no symptoms appear until the first night of the next full moon. On that night, the afflicted character involuntarily assumes animal form and forgets his or her own identity, temporarily becoming an NPC. The character remains in animal form, assuming the appropriate alignment, until the next dawn.

The character’s actions during this first episode are dictated by the alignment of its animal form. The character remembers nothing about the entire episode (or subsequent episodes) unless he succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom check, in which case he becomes aware of his lycanthropic condition.

Thereafter, the character is subject to involuntary transformation under the full moon and whenever damaged in combat. He or she feels an overwhelming rage building up and must succeed on a Control Shape check (see below) to resist changing into animal form. Any player character not yet aware of his or her lycanthropic condition temporarily becomes an NPC during an involuntary change, and acts according to the alignment of his or her animal form.

A character with awareness of his condition retains his identity and does not lose control of his actions if he changes. However, each time he changes to his animal form, he must make a Will save (DC 15 + number of times he has been in animal form) or permanently assume the alignment of his animal form in all shapes.

Once a character becomes aware of his affliction, he can now voluntarily attempt to change to animal or hybrid form, using the appropriate Control Shape check DC. An attempt is a standard action and can be made each round. Any voluntary change to animal or hybrid form immediately and permanently changes the character’s alignment to that of the appropriate lycanthrope.

Changing Form

Changing form is a standard action. If the change is involuntary, the character performs the change on his next turn following the triggering event. Changing to animal or hybrid form ruins the character’s armor and clothing (including any items worn) if the new form is larger than the character’s natural form; carried items are simply dropped. Characters can hastily doff clothing while changing, but not armor. Magic armor survives the change if it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save. An afflicted character who is not aware of his condition remains in animal form until the next dawn. An afflicted character who is aware of his or her condition (see above) can try to resume humanoid form following a change (voluntary or involuntary) with a Control Shape check, but if he fails his check, he remains in animal (or hybrid) form until the following dawn.

Curing Lycanthropy

An afflicted character who eats a sprig of belladonna (also called wolfsbane) within 1 hour of a lycanthrope’s attack can attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save to shake off the affliction. If a healer administers the herb, use the character’s save bonus or the healer’s Heal modifier, whichever is higher. The character gets only one chance, no matter how much belladonna is consumed. The belladonna must be reasonably fresh (picked within the last week).

However, fresh or not, belladonna is toxic. The character must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Strength damage. One minute later, the character must succeed on a second DC 13 save or take an additional 2d6 points of Strength damage.

A remove disease or heal spell cast by a cleric of 12th level or higher also cures the affliction, provided the character receives the spell within three days of the lycanthrope’s attack.

The only other way to remove the affliction is to cast remove curse or break enchantment on the character during one of the three days of the full moon. After receiving the spell, the character must succeed on a DC 20 Will save to break the curse (the caster knows if the spell works). If the save fails, the process must be repeated.

Characters undergoing this cure are often kept bound or confined in cages until the cure takes effect.

Only afflicted lycanthropes can be cured of lycanthropy.


Becoming a lycanthrope does not change a character’s favored class but usually changes alignment (see above). This alignment change may cause characters of certain classes to lose some of their class features.

Lycanthrope characters possess the following racial traits.


Any character who has contracted lycanthropy and is aware of his condition can learn Control Shape as a class skill. (An afflicted lycanthrope not yet aware of his condition can attempt Control Shape checks untrained.) This skill determines whether an afflicted lycanthrope can control his shape. A natural lycanthrope does not need this skill, since it has full control over its shape.

Check (Involuntary Change): An afflicted character must make a check at moonrise each night of the full moon to resist involuntarily assuming animal form. An injured character must also check for an involuntary change after accumulating enough damage to reduce his hit points by one-quarter and again after each additional one-quarter lost.

Involuntary Change

Control Shape DC

Resist involuntary change


On a failed check, the character must remain in animal form until the next dawn, when he automatically returns to his base form. A character aware of his condition may make one attempt to return to humanoid form (see below), but if he fails, he remains in animal form until the next dawn.

Retry (Involuntary Change): Check to resist an involuntary change once each time a triggering event occurs.

Check (Voluntary Change): In addition, an afflicted lycanthrope aware of his condition may attempt to use this skill voluntarily in order to change to animal form, assume hybrid form, or return to humanoid form, regardless of the state of the moon or whether he has been injured.

Involuntary Change

Control Shape DC

Return to humanoid form (full moon*)


Return to humanoid form (not full moon)


Assume hybrid form


Voluntary change to animal form (full moon)


Voluntary change to animal form (not full moon)


* For game purposes, the full moon lasts three days every month.

Retry (Voluntary Change): A character can retry voluntary changes to animal form or hybrid form as often as he likes. Each attempt is a standard action. However, on a failed check to return to humanoid form, the character must remain in animal or hybrid form until the next dawn, when he automatically returns to humanoid form.

Special: An afflicted lycanthrope cannot attempt a voluntary change until it becomes aware of its condition (see Lycanthropy as an Affliction).



Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

6d8+6 (33 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Shortbow +8 ranged (1d6/x3) or dagger +8 melee (1d4/19–20) or snakes +8 melee (1d4 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Shortbow +8/+3 ranged (1d6/x3); or dagger +8/+3 melee (1d4/19–20) and snakes +3 melee (1d4 plus poison)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Petrifying gaze, poison

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft.


Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6


Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15


Bluff +9, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +9 (+11 acting), Intimidate +4, Move Silently +8, Spot +8


Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse


Temperate marshes


Solitary or covey (2–4)

Challenge Rating:



Double standard


Usually lawful evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


A medusa is indistinguishable from a normal human at distances greater than 30 feet (or closer, if its face is concealed). The creature often wears garments that enhance its body while hiding

its face behind a hood or veil.

A typical medusa is 5 to 6 feet tall and about the same weight as a human.

Medusas speak Common.


A medusa tries to disguise its true nature until the intended victim is within range of its petrifying gaze, using subterfuge and bluffing games to convince the target that there is no danger. It uses normal weapons to attack those who avert their eyes or survive its gaze, while its poisonous snakes strike at adjacent opponents.

Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage 2d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.



Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

6d8+6 (33 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Shortbow +8 ranged (1d6/x3) or dagger +8 melee (1d4/19–20) or snakes +8 melee (1d4 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Shortbow +8/+3 ranged (1d6/x3); or dagger +8/+3 melee (1d4/19–20) and snakes +3 melee (1d4 plus poison)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Petrifying gaze, poison

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft.


Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6


Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15


Bluff +9, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +9 (+11 acting), Intimidate +4, Move Silently +8, Spot +8


Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse


Temperate marshes


Solitary or covey (2–4)

Challenge Rating:



Double standard


Usually lawful evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


A medusa is indistinguishable from a normal human at distances greater than 30 feet (or closer, if its face is concealed). The creature often wears garments that enhance its body while hiding

its face behind a hood or veil.

A typical medusa is 5 to 6 feet tall and about the same weight as a human.

Medusas speak Common.


A medusa tries to disguise its true nature until the intended victim is within range of its petrifying gaze, using subterfuge and bluffing games to convince the target that there is no danger. It uses normal weapons to attack those who avert their eyes or survive its gaze, while its poisonous snakes strike at adjacent opponents.

Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage 2d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.



Merfolk, 1st-Level Warrior


Medium Humanoid (Aquatic)

Hit Dice:

1d8+2 (6 hp)




5 ft. (1 square), swim 50 ft.

Armor Class:

13 (+1 Dex, +2 leather), touch 11, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple:



Trident +2 melee (1d8+1) or heavy crossbow +2 ranged (1d10/19–20)

Full Attack:

Trident +2 melee (1d8+1) or heavy crossbow +2 ranged (1d10/19–20)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Amphibious, low-light vision


Fort +4, Ref +1, Will –1


Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10


Listen +3, Spot +3, Swim +9




Temperate aquatic


Company (2–4), patrol (11–20 plus 2 3rd-level lieutenants and 1 leader of 3rd–6th level), or band (30–60 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, 3 7th-level captains, and 10 porpoises)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


By character class

Level Adjustment:


A merfolk is about 8 feet long from the top of the head to the end of the tail, and weighs about 400 pounds.

Merfolk speak Common and Aquan.

Most merfolk encountered outside their home are warriors; the information in the statistics block is for one of 1st level.


Merfolk favor heavy crossbows of shell and coral that fire bolts fashioned from blowfish spines, with an underwater range increment of 30 feet. Merfolk often barrage their enemies before closing, when they resort to tridents.

Amphibious (Ex): Merfolk can breathe both air and water, although they rarely travel more than a few feet from the water’s edge.

Skills: A merfolk has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

The merfolk warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.



Large Aberration (Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

7d8+21 (52 hp)




10 ft. (2 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +9 melee (1d8+4)

Full Attack:

2 slams +9 melee (1d8+4)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Adhesive, crush

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, mimic shape


Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6


Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10


Climb +9, Disguise +13, Listen +8, Spot +8


Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (slam)





Challenge Rating:



1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items


Usually neutral


8–10 HD (Large); 11–21 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


A mimic can have almost any dimensions, but usually is not more than 10 feet long. A typical mimic has a volume of 150 cubic feet (5 feet by 5 feet by 6 feet) and weighs about 4,500 pounds.

Mimics speak Common.


A mimic often surprises an unsuspecting adventurer, lashing out with a heavy pseudopod. The creature does not necessarily fight to the death if it can succeed in extorting treasure or food from a party.

Adhesive (Ex): A mimic exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items that touch it. An adhesive-covered mimic automatically grapples any creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so grappled cannot get free while the mimic is alive without removing the adhesive first.

A weapon that strikes an adhesive-coated mimic is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on a DC 16 Reflex save. A successful DC 16 Strength check is needed to pry it off.

Strong alcohol dissolves the adhesive, but the mimic still can grapple normally. A mimic can dissolve its adhesive at will, and the substance breaks down 5 rounds after the creature dies.

Crush (Ex): A mimic deals 1d8+4 points of damage with a successful grapple check.

Mimic Shape (Ex): A mimic can assume the general shape of any object that fills roughly 150 cubic feet (5 feet by 5 feet by 6 feet), such as a massive chest, a stout bed, or a wide door frame. The creature cannot substantially alter its size, though. A mimic’s body is hard and has a rough texture, no matter what appearance it might present. Anyone who examines the mimic can detect the ruse with a successful Spot check opposed by the mimic’s Disguise check. Of course, by this time it is generally far too late.

Skills: A mimic has a +8 racial bonus on Disguise checks.



Large Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

6d8+12 (39 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

14 (–1 size, +5 natural), touch 9, flat-footed --  (see text)

Base Attack/Grapple:



Greataxe +9 melee (3d6+6/x3) or gore +9 melee (1d8+4)

Full Attack:

Greataxe +9/+4 melee (3d6+6/x3) and gore +4 melee (1d8+2)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Powerful charge 4d6+6

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., natural cunning, scent


Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5


Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8


Intimidate +2, Listen +7, Search +2, Spot +7


Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Track




Solitary, pair, or gang (3–4)

Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic Evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


A minotaur stands more than 7 feet tall and weighs about 700 pounds.

Minotaurs speak Giant.


Minotaurs prefer melee combat, where their great strength serves them well.

Powerful Charge (Ex): A minotaur typically begins a battle by charging at an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single gore attack with a +9 attack bonus that deals 4d6+6 points of damage.

Natural Cunning (Ex): Although minotaurs are not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells, prevents them from ever becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies. Further, they are never caught flat-footed.

Skills: Minotaurs have a +4 racial bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen checks.



Medium Undead

Hit Dice:

14d12 (91 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

23 (+4 Dex, +9 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +12 melee (1d6+7) or tongue +12 melee touch (paralysis)

Full Attack:

Slam +12 melee (1d6+7) and tongue +12 melee touch (paralysis)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab, paralyzing touch, create spawn

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits


Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +9


Str 21, Dex 19, Con -- , Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10


Climb +13, Hide +21, Listen +11, Move Silently +21, Spot +15, Swim +9


Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility




Solitary, gang (2–4), or mob (2–4 plus 5–10 zombies)

Challenge Rating:





Always chaotic evil


15–21 HD (Medium); 22–28 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


Mohrgs are the animated corpses of mass murderers or similar villains who died without atoning for their crimes. Most mohrgs are 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh about 120 pounds.


Like zombies, mohrgs attack by slamming enemies with their fists. They often catch opponents flat-footed, for they move much faster than zombies.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a mohrg must hit a creature of its size or smaller with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Paralyzing Touch (Su): A mohrg lashes out with its tongue in combat. An opponent the tongue touches must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or become paralyzed for 1d4 minutes. The save DC is Charisma-based. Create Spawn (Su): Creatures killed by a mohrg rise after 1d4 days as zombies under the morhg’s control. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.



Monstrous Centipede, Tiny

Monstrous Centipede, Small

Monstrous Centipede, Medium


Tiny Vermin

Small Vermin

Medium Vermin

Hit Dice:

1/4 d8 (1 hp)

1/2 d8 (2 hp)

1d8 (4 hp)






20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft.

30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft.

Armor Class:

14 (+2 size, +2 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 12

14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12

14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple:





Bite +4 melee (1d3–5 plus poison)

Bite +3 melee (1d4–3 plus poison)

Bite +2 melee (1d6–1 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Bite +4 melee (1d3–5 plus poison)

Bite +3 melee (1d4–3 plus poison)

Bite +2 melee (1d6–1 plus poison)


2-1/2 ft./0 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:




Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0

Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0

Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0


Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 5, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 9, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +10, Hide +18, Spot +4

Climb +10, Hide +14, Spot +4

Climb +10, Hide +10, Spot +4


Weapon FinesseB

Weapon FinesseB

Weapon FinesseB






Colony (8–16)

Colony (2–5) or swarm (6–11)

Solitary or colony (2–5)

Challenge Rating:








Level Adjustment:





Monstrous Centipede, Large

Monstrous Centipede, Huge


Large Vermin

Huge Vermin

Hit Dice:

3d8 (13 hp)

6d8+6 (33 hp)





40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft.

Armor Class:

14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12

16 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:




Bite +3 melee (1d8+1 plus poison)

Bite +5 melee (2d6+4 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Bite +3 melee (1d8+1 plus poison)

Bite +5 melee (2d6+4 plus poison)


10 ft./5 ft.

15 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:



Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1

Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2


Str 13, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 17, Dex 15, Con 12, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +10, Hide +6, Spot +4

Climb +11, Hide +2, Spot +4


Weapon FinesseB






Solitary or colony (2–5)

Solitary or colony (2–5)

Challenge Rating:




4–5 HD (Large)

7–11 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:




Monstrous Centipede, Gargantuan

Monstrous Centipede, Colossal


Gargantuan Vermin

Colossal Vermin

Hit Dice:

12d8+12 (66 hp)

24d8+24 (132 hp)





40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft.

Armor Class:

18 (–4 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 16

20 (–8 size, +2 Dex, +16 natural), touch 4, flat-footed 18

Base Attack/Grapple:




Bite +11 melee (2d8+9 plus poison)

Bite +18 melee (4d6+12 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Bite +11 melee (2d8+9 plus poison)

Bite +18 melee (4d6+12 plus poison)


20 ft./15 ft.

30 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks:



Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +4

Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +8


Str 23, Dex 15, Con 12, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 27, Dex 13, Con 12, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +14, Hide –2, Spot +4

Climb +16, Hide –7, Spot +4










Challenge Rating:




17–23 HD (Gargantuan)

25–48 HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment:



Monstrous centipedes tend to attack anything that resembles food, biting with their jaws and injecting their poison.


Fort DC



Fort DC




1 Dex



1d6 Dex



1d2 Dex



1d8 Dex



1d3 Dex



2d6 Dex



1d4 Dex




Poison (Ex): A monstrous centipede has a poisonous bite. The details vary by the centipede’s size, as shown on the table above. The save DCs are Constitution-based. The indicated damage is both initial and secondary damage.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Hide checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. Monstrous scorpions can take 10 on Climb checks, even if threatened or distracted.



Monstrous Scorpion, Tiny

Monstrous Scorpion, Small

Monstrous Scorpion, Medium


Tiny Vermin

Small Vermin

Medium Vermin

Hit Dice:

1/2 d8+2 (4 hp)

1d8+2 (6 hp)

2d8+4 (13 hp)






20 ft. (4 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

14 (+2 size, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14

14 (+1 size, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14

14 (+4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:





Claw +2 melee (1d2–4)

Claw +1 melee (1d3–1)

Claw +2 melee (1d4+1)

Full Attack:

2 claws +2 melee (1d2–4) and sting –3 melee (1d2–4 plus poison)

2 claws +1 melee (1d3–1) and sting –4 melee (1d3–1 plus poison)

2 claws +2 melee (1d4+1) and sting –3 melee (1d4 plus poison)


2-1/2 ft./0 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Constrict 1d2–4, improved grab, poison

Constrict 1d3–1, improved grab, poison

Constrict 1d4+1, improved grab, poison

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0

Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0

Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0


Str 3, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 9, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +0, Hide +12, Spot +4

Climb +3, Hide +8, Spot +4

Climb +5, Hide +4, Spot +4


Weapon FinesseB

Weapon FinesseB



Warm deserts

Warm deserts

Warm deserts


Colony (8–16)

Colony (2–5) or swarm (6–11)

Solitary or colony (2–5)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral

Always neutral

Always neutral




3–4 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:





Monstrous Scorpion, Large

Monstrous Scorpion, Huge


Large Vermin

Huge Vermin

Hit Dice:

5d8+10 (32 hp)

10d8+30 (75 hp)





50 ft. (10 squares)

50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class:

16 (–1 size, +7 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16

20 (–2 size, +12 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 20

Base Attack/Grapple:




Claw +6 melee (1d6+4)

Claw +11 melee (1d8+6)

Full Attack:

2 claws +6 melee (1d6+4) and sting +1 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)

2 claws +11 melee (1d8+6) and sting +6 melee (2d4+3 plus poison)


10 ft./5 ft.

15 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Constrict 1d6+4, improved grab, poison

Constrict 1d8+6, improved grab, poison

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1

Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +3


Str 19, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 23, Dex 10, Con 16, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +8, Hide +0, Spot +4

Climb +10, Hide –4, Spot +4





Warm deserts

Warm deserts


Solitary or colony (2–5)

Solitary or colony (2–5)

Challenge Rating:




1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items

1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


6–9 HD (Large)

11–19 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:




Monstrous Scorpion, Gargantuan

Monstrous Scorpion, Colossal


Gargantuan Vermin

Colossal Vermin

Hit Dice:

20d8+60 (150 hp)

40d8+120 (300 hp)





50 ft. (10 squares)

50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class:

24 (–4 size, +18 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 24

26 (–8 size, –1 Dex, +25 natural), touch 1, flat-footed 26

Base Attack/Grapple:




Claw +21 melee (2d6+10)

Claw +34 melee (2d8+12)

Full Attack:

2 claws +21 melee (2d6+10) and sting +16 melee (2d6+5 plus poison)

2 claws +34 melee (2d8+12) and sting +29 melee (2d8+6 plus poison)


20 ft./15 ft.

40 ft./30 ft.

Special Attacks:

Constrict 2d6+10, improved grab, poison

Constrict 2d8+12, improved grab, poison

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +6

Fort +25, Ref +12, Will +13


Str 31, Dex 10, Con 16, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 35, Dex 8, Con 16, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +14, Hide –8, Spot +4

Climb +16, Hide –12, Spot +4





Warm deserts

Warm deserts




Challenge Rating:




1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items

1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


21–39 HD (Gargantuan)

41–60 HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment:



Monstrous scorpions are likely to attack any creature that approaches, and they usually charge when attacking prey.

Constrict (Ex): A monstrous scorpion deals automatic claw damage on a successful grapple check.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a monstrous scorpion must hit with a claw attack. A monstrous scorpion can use either its Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for grapple checks, whichever is better.

Poison (Ex): A monstrous scorpion has a poisonous sting. The details vary by the scorpion’s size, as follows. The save DCs are Constitution- based. The indicated damage is initial and secondary damage.


Fort DC



Fort DC




1 Con



1d6 Con



1d2 Con



1d8 Con



1d3 Con



1d10 Con



1d4 Con




Skills: A monstrous scorpion has a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.



Monstrous Spider, Tiny

Monstrous Spider, Small

Monstrous Spider, Medium


Tiny Vermin

Small Vermin

Medium Vermin

Hit Dice:

1/2 d8 (2 hp)

1d8 (4 hp)

2d8+2 (11 hp)






20 ft. (4 squares), climb 10 ft.

30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.

30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.

Armor Class:

15 (+2 size, +3 Dex), touch 15, flat-footed 12

14 (+1 size, +3 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 11

14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 11

Base Attack/Grapple:





Bite +5 melee (1d3–4 plus poison)

Bite +4 melee (1d4–2 plus poison)

Bite +4 melee (1d6 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Bite +5 melee (1d3–4 plus poison)

Bite +4 melee (1d4–2 plus poison)

Bite +4 melee (1d6 plus poison)


2-1/2 ft./0 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Poison, web

Poison, web

Poison, web

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0

Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0

Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0


Str 3, Dex 17, Con 10, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +11, Hide +15*, Jump –4*, Spot +4*

Climb +11, Hide +11*, Jump –2*, Spot +4*

Climb +11, Hide +7*, Jump +0*, Spot +4*


Weapon FinesseB

Weapon FinesseB

Weapon FinesseB


Temperate forests

Temperate forests

Temperate forests


Colony (8–16)

Colony (2–5) or swarm (6–11)

Solitary or colony (2–5)

Challenge Rating:







1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items




3 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:





Monstrous Spider, Large

Monstrous Spider, Huge


Large Vermin

Huge Vermin

Hit Dice:

4d8+4 (22 hp)

8d8+16 (52 hp)





30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.

30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.

Armor Class:

14 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 11

16 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:




Bite +4 melee (1d8+3 plus poison)

Bite +9 melee (2d6+6 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Bite +4 melee (1d8+3 plus poison)

Bite +9 melee (2d6+6 plus poison)


10 ft./5 ft.

15 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Poison, web

Poison, web

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1

Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2


Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 19, Dex 17, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +11, Hide +3*, Jump +2*, Spot +4*

Climb +12, Hide –1*, Jump +4*, Spot +4*





Temperate forests

Temperate forests


Solitary or colony (2–5)

Solitary or colony (2–5)

Challenge Rating:




1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items

1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


5–7 HD (Large)

9–15 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:




Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan

Monstrous Spider, Colossal


Gargantuan Vermin

Colossal Vermin

Hit Dice:

16d8+32 (104 hp)

32d8+64 (208 hp)





30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.

30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.

Armor Class:

19 (–4 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16

22 (–8 size, +2 Dex, +18 natural), touch 4, flat-footed 20

Base Attack/Grapple:




Bite +15 melee (2d8+10 plus poison)

Bite +26 melee (4d6+15 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Bite +15 melee (2d8+10 plus poison)

Bite +26 melee (4d6+15 plus poison)


20 ft./15 ft.

40 ft./30 ft.

Special Attacks:

Poison, web

Poison, web

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits

Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits


Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +5

Fort +20, Ref +12, Will +10


Str 25, Dex 17, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2

Str 31, Dex 15, Con 14, Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 2


Climb +14, Hide –5*, Jump +7*, Spot +4*

Climb +16, Hide –10*, Jump +10*, Spot +7*





Temperate forests

Temperate forests




Challenge Rating:




1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items

1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


17–31 HD (Gargantuan)

33–60 HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment:



All monstrous spiders are aggressive predators that use their poisonous bites to subdue or kill prey.

Monstrous spiders come in two general types: hunters and web-spinners. Hunters rove about, while web-spinners usually attempt to trap prey. Hunting spiders can spin webs to use as lairs, but cannot use their webs as weapons the way web-spinners can. A hunting spider has a base land speed 10 feet faster than the figures given in the statistics blocks.

Poison (Ex): A monstrous spider has a poisonous bite. The details vary by the spider’s size, as shown on the table below. The save DCs are Constitution-based. The indicated damage is initial

and secondary damage.


Fort DC



Fort DC




1d2 Str



1d8 Str



1d3 Str



2d6 Str



1d4 Str



2d8 Str



1d6 Str




Web (Ex): Both types of monstrous spiders often wait in their webs or in trees, then lower themselves silently on silk strands and leap onto prey passing beneath. A single strand is strong enough to support the spider and one creature of the same size. Web-spinners can throw a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the spider. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst it with a Strength check. Both are standard actions whose DCs are given in the table below. The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus.

Web-spinners often create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square, depending on the size of the spider. They usually position these sheets to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section has the hit points given on the table, and sheet webs have damage reduction 5/-- .

A monstrous spider can move across its own web at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching its web.


Escape Artist DC

Break DC

Hit Points





























Tremorsense (Ex): A monstrous spider can detect and pinpoint any creature or object within 60 feet in contact with the ground, or within any range in contact with the spider’s webs.

Skills: Monstrous spiders have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A monstrous spider can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Monstrous spiders use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is

higher. *Hunting spiders have a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks. Web-spinning spiders have a +8 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs.



Nightshades are powerful undead composed of equal parts darkness and absolute evil.

Nightshades can read and understand all forms of communication; however, they communicate with others by telepathy.


Each of the three known varieties of nightshade is a terrible creature with unique powers and abilities. Their tactics vary according to their abilities, but they all make liberal use of haste.

Nightshade Abilities

All nightshades have the following special abilities.

Aversion to Daylight (Ex): If exposed to natural daylight (not merely a daylight spell), nightshades take a –4 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

Desecrating Aura (Su): All nightshades give off a 20-footradius emanation of utter desecration, imbuing their surroundings with negative energy. This ability works much like a desecrate spell, except that the nightshade’s evil is so great that it is treated as the shrine of an evil power. All undead within 20 feet of the nightshade (including the creature itself ) gain a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws, and +2 hit points per HD. (The nightshade Hit Dice, attack, and save entries given here include these profane bonuses.) Charisma checks made to turn undead within this area take a –6 penalty.

A nightshade’s desecrating aura cannot be dispelled except by a dispel evil spell or similar effect. If the effect is dispelled, the nightshade can resume it as a free action on its next turn. Its desecrating aura is suppressed if a nightshade enters a consecrated or hallowed area, but the nightshade’s presence also suppresses the consecrated or hallowed effect for as long as it remains in the area.



Gargantuan Undead (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:

25d12+50 (212 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 60 ft.

Armor Class:

35 (–4 size, +29 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 35

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +29 melee (4d6+21)

Full Attack:

Bite +29 melee (4d6+21/19–20) and sting +24 melee (2d8+11/19–20 plus poison)


20 ft./15 ft.

Special Attacks:

Desecrating aura, energy drain, spell-like abilities, poison, summon undead, swallow whole

Special Qualities:

Aversion to daylight, damage reduction 15/silver and magic, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, spell resistance 31, telepathy 100 ft, tremorsense 60 ft., undead traits


Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +23


Str 48, Dex 10, Con -- , Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 18


Concentration +32, Diplomacy +6, Hide +16, Knowledge (arcana) +33, Listen +33, Move Silently +28, Search +33, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +35, Spot +33, Survival +5 (+7 following tracks)


Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (sting), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (cone of cold)


Plane of Shadow


Solitary or pair

Challenge Rating:





Always chaotic evil


26–50 HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment:


A nightcrawler is a massive behemoth similar to a purple worm, though utterly black in color.

A nightcrawler measures about 7 feet in diameter and is 100 feet long from its toothy maw to the tip of its stinging tail. It weighs about 55,000 pounds.


A nightcrawler attacks by burrowing through the ground and emerging to strike.

A nightcrawler’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures inside a nightcrawler’s gizzard gain one negative level each round. The DC is 26 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based.

For each such negative level bestowed, the nightcrawler gains 5 temporary hit points.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a nightcrawler must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the opponent in the following round.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 22, initial and secondary damage 2d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-- contagion (DC 18), deeper darkness, detect magic, greater dispel magic, haste, invisibility, see invisibility, unholy blight (DC 18); 3/day-- cone of cold (DC 19), confusion (DC 18), hold monster (DC 19); 1/day-- finger of death (DC 21), mass hold monster (DC 23), plane shift (DC 21). Caster level 25th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Summon Undead (Su): A nightcrawler can summon undead creatures once per night: 9–16 shadows, 3–6 greater shadows, or 2–4 dread wraiths. The undead arrive in 1d10 rounds and serve for 1 hour or until released.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A nightcrawler can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of bludgeoning damage plus 12 points of acid damage per round from the nightcrawler’s gizzard and is subject to the creature’s energy drain. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 35 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 21). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A nightcrawler’s interior can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, 512 Tiny or smaller opponents.



Huge Undead (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:

21d12+42 (178 hp)




40 ft (8 squares)., fly 20 ft. (poor)

Armor Class:

32 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +22 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 30

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +24 melee (2d6+16)

Full Attack:

2 slams +24 melee (2d6+16)


15 ft./15 ft.

Special Attacks:

Crush item, desecrating aura, evil gaze, spell-like abilities, summon undead

Special Qualities:

Aversion to daylight, damage reduction 15/silver and magic, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, spell resistance 29, telepathy 100 ft., undead traits


Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +19


Str 38, Dex 14, Con -- , Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 18


Concentration +28, Diplomacy +6, Hide +18*, Knowledge (arcana) +29, Listen +29, Move Silently +26, Search +29, Sense Motive +29, Spellcraft +31, Spot +29, Survival +5 (+7 following tracks)


Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (unholy blight)


Plane of Shadow


Solitary, pair, or gang (3–4)

Challenge Rating:





Always chaotic evil


22–31 HD (Huge); 32–42 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:


Nightwalkers are human-shaped horrors that haunt the darkness.

A nightwalker is about 20 feet tall and weighs about 12,000 pounds.


Nightwalkers lurk in dark areas where they can almost always surprise the unwary.

A nightwalker’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Crush Item (Su): A nightwalker can destroy any weapon or item of Large size or smaller (even magic ones, but not artifacts) by picking it up and crushing it between its hands. The nightwalker must make a successful disarm attempt to grab an item held by an opponent. The item is entitled to a DC 34 Fortitude save to resist destruction. The save DC is Strength-based.

Evil Gaze (Su): Fear, 30 feet. A creature that meets the nightwalker’s gaze must succeed on a DC 24 Will save or be paralyzed with fear for 1d8 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same nightshade’s gaze for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-- contagion (DC 18), deeper darkness, detect magic, greater dispel magic, haste, see invisibility, and unholy blight (DC 18); 3/day-- confusion (DC 18), hold monster (DC 19), invisibility; 1/day-- cone of cold (DC 19), finger of death (DC 21), plane shift (DC 21). Caster level 21st. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Summon Undead (Su): A nightwalker can summon undead creatures once per night: 7–12 shadows, 2–5 greater shadows, or 1–2 dread wraiths. The undead arrive in 1d10 rounds and serve for 1 hour or until released.

Skills: *When hiding in a dark area, a nightwalker gains a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks.

Tactics Round-by-Round

The nightwalker is an exceedingly intelligent foe that makes the best use of all its abilities. It favors using its spell-like abilities to divide and disable its enemies, then closing to melee with opponents it has isolated from their allies.

Prior to combat: The nightwalker keeps its see invisibility power active most of the time. It uses haste and invisibility to prepare for battle.

Round 1: Move to within 30 feet to make use of gaze attack and strike with confusion or hold monster, coupled with a quickened unholy blight.

Round 2: Hit a spellcaster with finger of death and another quickened unholy blight.

Round 3: Move up to engage the enemy and attempt to disarm an enemy fighter.

Round 4: Crush the disarmed weapon (or use gaze attack if disarm attempt failed).

Round 5: Full attack against the unarmed foe (or on a nearby spellcaster).



Huge Undead (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:

17d12+34 (144 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)

Armor Class:

30 (–2 size, +4 Dex, +18 natural) touch 12, flat-footed 26

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +18 melee (2d6+17/19–20 plus magic drain)

Full Attack:

Bite +18 melee (2d6+17/19–20 plus magic drain)


15 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Desecrating aura, magic drain, spell-like abilities, summon undead

Special Qualities:

Aversion to daylight, damage reduction 15/silver and magic, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, spell resistance 27, telepathy 100 ft., undead traits


Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +17


Str 31, Dex 18, Con -- , Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 18


Concentration +24, Diplomacy +6, Hide +16*, Listen +25, Move Silently +24, Search +24, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +24, Spot +25, Survival +5 (+7 following tracks)


Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative


Plane of Shadow


Solitary, pair, or flock (3–6)

Challenge Rating:





Always chaotic evil


18–25 HD (Huge); 26–34 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:


Nightwings are batlike flyers that hunt on the wing.

A nightwing has a wingspan of about 40 feet and weighs about 4,000 pounds.


Nightwings prowl the night sky and dive onto their victims. They are all but invisible, detectable only because of the stars they obscure in their passing.

A nightwing’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Magic Drain (Su): A nightwing can weaken magic armor, weapons, and shields by making a successful touch attack. The targeted item must succeed on a DC 22 Fortitude save or lose 1 point of its enhancement bonus. The save DC is Charisma-based. An item that loses its entire enhancement bonus becomes merely a masterwork item and loses any special abilities (such as flaming) as well. Casting dispel evil upon the item reverses the effect of the magic drain, provided this occurs within a number of days after the attack equal to the caster’s level and the caster succeeds on a DC 29 caster level check.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-- contagion (DC 18), deeper darkness, detect magic, haste, see invisibility, unholy blight (DC 18); 3/day-- confusion (DC 18), greater dispel magic, hold monster (DC 19), invisibility; 1/day-- cone of cold (DC 19), finger of death (DC 21), plane shift (DC 21). Caster level 17th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Summon Undead (Su): A nightwing can summon undead creatures once per night: 5–12 shadows, 2–4 greater shadows, or 1 dread wraith. The undead arrive in 1d10 rounds and serve for 1 hour or until released.

Skills: *When hiding in a dark area or flying in a dark sky, a nightwing gains a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks.



Large Aberration

Hit Dice:

6d8+9 (36 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

17 (–1 size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17

Base Attack/Grapple:



Tentacle +4 melee (1d6)

Full Attack:

2 tentacles +4 melee (1d6) and bite –2 melee (1d4)


10 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle)

Special Attacks:

Constrict 1d6, disease, improved grab

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., scent


Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6


Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6


Hide –1*, Listen +6, Spot +6


Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacle)




Solitary, pair, or cluster (3–4)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


7–8 HD (Large); 9–18 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


A typical otyugh has a body 8 feet in diameter and weighs about 500 pounds.

Otyughs speak Common.


An otyugh attacks living creatures if it feels threatened or if it is hungry; otherwise it is content to remain hidden. Otyughs slash and squeeze opponents with their tentacles, which they also use to drag prey into their mouths.

Constrict (Ex): An otyugh deals automatic tentacle damage with a successful grapple check.

Disease (Ex): Filth fever-- bite, Fortitude DC 14, incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an otyugh must hit with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Skills: *An otyugh has a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks when in its lair, due to its natural coloration.



Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

5d10+25 (52 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)

Full Attack:

2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)


10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab

Special Qualities:



Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2


Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10


Listen +8, Spot +8


Alertness, Track


Temperate forests


Solitary, pair, or pack (3–8)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


6–8 HD (Large); 9–15 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


An owlbear’s coat ranges in color from brown-black to yellowish brown; its beak is a dull ivory color. A full-grown male can stand as tall as 8 feet and weigh up to 1,500 pounds. Adventurers who have survived encounters with the creature often speak of the bestial madness they glimpsed in its red-rimmed eyes.


Owlbears attack prey-- any creature bigger than a mouse-- on sight, always fighting to the death. They slash with claws and beak, trying to grab their prey and rip it apart.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an owlbear must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.



Medium Plant

Hit Dice:

2d8+6 (15 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

14 (+4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +3 melee (1d6+3)

Full Attack:

Bite +3 melee (1d6+3)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Low-light vision, plant traits, greater invisibility


Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0


Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 9


Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4







Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


3–4 HD (Medium); 5–6 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


This creature looks like a brown and greenish-brown mass with a cluster of nodules atop the main mass, though it is visible only when dead. A cluster of nodules atop the main mass serve as sensory organs. The creature feeds and attacks with a gaping maw lined with rows of teeth. Four stumpy legs support the creature and allow it to move about. This ambulatory fungus is naturally invisible, making it a feared predator among subterranean inhabitants.


A phantom fungus usually roams quietly, hunting for prey. It attacks lone individuals almost anywhere, but when tackling groups it prefers an open space where it has a better chance .

Greater Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing a phantom fungus to remain invisible even when attacking. It works like greater invisibility (caster level 12th) and lasts as long as the phantom fungus is alive. This ability is not subject to the invisibility purge spell. A phantom fungus becomes visible 1 minute after it is killed.

Skills: A phantom fungus has a +5 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.



Medium Aberration (Shapechanger)

Hit Dice:

15d8+30 (97 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +12 melee (1d3+1)

Full Attack:

Slam +12 melee (1d3+1)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Alternate form, amorphous, resilient, scent, telepathy 100 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.


Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +11


Str 12, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 14


Bluff +20, Climb +7, Craft (any one) +12, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +20 (+22 acting)*, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (any one) +18, Listen +12, Spot +12, Survival +8


Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility





Challenge Rating:





Usually chaotic neutral


15–21 HD (Huge); 22–45 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:


A phasm is an amorphous creature that can assume the guise of almost any other creature or object. A phasm in its natural form is about 5 feet in diameter and 2 feet high at the center. Swirls of color indicate sensory organs. In this form, a phasm slithers about like an ooze and can attack with a pseudopod. It weighs about 400 pounds.

Phasms can speak Common but prefer telepathic communication.


When faced with potential danger, a phasm is equally likely to retreat, parley, or attack, as its fancy strikes.

If pursued or harassed, a phasm transforms into the most fearsome creature it knows and attacks. When seriously hurt, it changes to some fast or agile form and tries to escape.

Amorphous (Ex): A phasm in its natural form has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning effects. It is not subject to critical hits and, having no clear front or back, cannot be flanked.

Resilient (Ex): A phasm has a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude and Reflex saves (included in the statistics block).

Alternate Form (Su): A phasm can assume any form of Large size or smaller as a standard action. This ability functions as a polymorph spell cast on itself (caster level 15th), except that the phasm does not regain hit points for changing form. A phasm can remain in its alternate form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form.

Tremorsense (Ex): A phasm can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground, so long as it is touching the ground itself.

Skills: *When using shapechange, a phasm gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.



Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

10d10+30 (85 hp)




10 ft. (2 squares)

Armor Class:

24 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +14 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 23

Base Attack/Grapple:



Strand +11 ranged touch (drag) or bite +13 melee (2d6+6)

Full Attack:

6 strands +11 ranged touch (drag) and bite +13 melee (2d6+6)


10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand)

Special Attacks:

Drag, strands, weakness

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, resistance to cold 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire


Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8


Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12


Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13


Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)




Solitary, pair, or cluster (3–6)

Challenge Rating:



No coins; 50% goods (stone only); no items


Usually chaotic evil


11–15 HD (Large); 16–30 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


A roper stands some 9 feet tall and tapers from 3 or 4 feet in diameter at the base to 1 foot across at the top. It weighs 2,200 pounds. A roper’s coloration and temperature change to match the features of the surrounding cave.

Ropers speak Terran and Undercommon.


A roper hunts by standing very still and imitating a bit of rock. This tactic often allows it to attack with surprise. When prey comes within reach, it lashes out with its strands. In melee, it bites adjacent opponents with its powerful maw.

Drag (Ex): If a roper hits with a strand attack, the strand latches onto the opponent’s body. This deals no damage but drags the stuck opponent 10 feet closer each subsequent round (provoking no attack of opportunity) unless that creature breaks free, which requires a DC 23 Escape Artist check or a DC 19 Strength check. The check DCs are Strength-based, and the Escape Artist DC includes a +4 racial bonus. A roper can draw in a creature within 10 feet of itself and bite with a +4 attack bonus in the same round. A strand has 10 hit points and can be attacked by making a successful sunder attempt. However, attacking a roper’s strand does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the strand is currently attached to a target, the roper takes a –4 penalty on its opposed attack roll to resist the sunder attempt. Severing a strand deals no damage to a roper.

Strands (Ex): Most encounters with a roper begin when it fires strong, sticky strands. The creature can have up to six strands at once, and they can strike up to 50 feet away (no range increment). If a strand is severed, the roper can extrude a new one on its next turn as a free action.

Weakness (Ex): A roper’s strands can sap an opponent’s strength. Anyone grabbed by a strand must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or take 2d8 points of Strength damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Skills: *Ropers have a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks in stony or icy areas.




Greater Shadow


Medium Undead (Incorporeal)

Medium Undead (Incorporeal)

Hit Dice:

3d12 (19 hp)

9d12 (58 hp)





Fly 40 ft. (good) (8 squares)

Fly 40 ft. (good) (8 squares)

Armor Class:

13 (+2 Dex, +1 deflection), touch 13, flat-footed 11

14 (+2 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple:




Incorporeal touch +3 melee (1d6 Str)

Incorporeal touch +6 melee (1d8 Str)

Full Attack:

Incorporeal touch +3 melee (1d6 Str)

Incorporeal touch +6 melee (1d8 Str)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Create spawn, strength damage

Create spawn, strength damage

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance, undead traits

Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance, undead traits


Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4

Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +7


Str -- , Dex 14, Con -- ,Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13

Str -- , Dex 15, Con -- ,Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 14


Hide +8*, Listen +7, Search +4, Spot +7

Hide +14*, Listen +9, Search +6, Spot +9


Alertness, Dodge

Alertness, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack





Solitary, gang (2–5), or swarm (6–11)


Challenge Rating:







Always chaotic evil

Always chaotic evil


4–9 HD (Medium)


Level Adjustment:



A shadow can be difficult to see in dark or gloomy areas but stands out starkly in brightly illuminated places.

A shadow is 5 to 6 feet tall and is weightless. Shadows cannot speak intelligibly.


Shadows lurk in dark places, waiting for living prey to happen by.

Strength Damage (Su): The touch of a shadow deals 1d6 points of Strength damage to a living foe. A creature reduced to Strength 0 by a shadow dies. This is a negative energy effect.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid reduced to Strength 0 by a shadow becomes a shadow under the control of its killer within 1d4 rounds.

Skills: Shadows have a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks and a +4 racial bonus on Search checks. *A shadow gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas of shadowy illumination. In brightly lit areas, it takes a –4 penalty on Hide checks.


Although no more intelligent than an average shadow, a greater shadow is more fearsome because of its increased damage and its hit-and-run tactics.


Strength Damage (Su): The touch of a greater shadow deals 1d8 points of Strength damage to a living foe.



Large Construct

Hit Dice:

15d10+30 (112 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

24 (–1 size, +15 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 24

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +16 melee (1d8+6)

Full Attack:

2 slams +16 melee (1d8+6)


10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, find master, guard, low-light vision, shield other, spell storing


Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5


Str 22, Dex 10, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1





Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


16–24 HD (Large); 25–45 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:


Created by spellcasters to be bodyguards, shield guardians are constructs that protect their masters with spells and stamina. When it is fashioned, a shield guardian is keyed to a particular magical amulet. Henceforth, it regards the wearer of that amulet to be its master, protecting and following that individual everywhere (unless specifically commanded not to do so).

A shield guardian obeys its master’s verbal commands to the best of its ability, although it is not good for much beyond combat and possibly simple manual labor. It can also be keyed to perform specific tasks at specific times or when certain conditions are met. The wearer of the amulet can call the shield guardian from any distance, and it will come as long as it is on the same plane.

A shield guardian is some 9 feet tall and weighs more than 1,200 pounds.

Shield guardians cannot speak, but they understand commands given in any language.


Shield guardians are straightforward in battle, bashing with their heavy stone fists. They are made for defense and are not particularly impressive on offense.

Find Master (Su): As long as a shield guardian and its amulet are on the same plane, the shield guardian can find the amulet wearer (or just the amulet, if it is removed after the guardian is called).

Guard (Ex): If ordered to do so, a shield guardian moves swiftly to defend the wearer of its amulet, blocking blows and disrupting foes. All attacks against the amulet wearer take a –2 penalty when the shield guardian is adjacent to its master.

Shield Other (Sp): The wearer of a shield guardian’s amulet can activate this defensive ability if within 100 feet of the shield guardian. Just as the spell of the same name, this ability transfers to the shield guardian half the damage that would be dealt to the amulet wearer (this ability does not provide the spell’s AC or save bonuses).

Spell Storing (Sp): A shield guardian can store one spell of 4th level or lower that is cast into it by another creature. It “casts� this spell when commanded to do so or when a predefined situation arises. Once this spell is used, the shield guardian can store another spell (or the same spell again).


A shield guardian is built from wood, bronze, stone, and steel. The materials cost 5,000 gp.

The creature’s master may assemble the body or hire someone else to do the job. Creating the body requires a DC 16 Craft (blacksmithing) or Craft (carpentry) check. The keyed amulet is fashioned at the same time, and its cost (20,000 gp) is included in the cost of the guardian. After the body is sculpted, the shield guardian is animated through an extended magical ritual that requires a specially prepared laboratory or workroom, similar to an alchemist’s laboratory and costing 500 gp to establish. If the creator is personally constructing the creature’s body, the building and the ritual can be performed together. A shield guardian with more than 15 Hit Dice can be created, but each additional Hit Die adds +5,000 gp to the market price, and the price increases by +20,000 gp if the creature’s size increases to Huge, modifying the cost to create accordingly.

CL 15th; Craft Construct, limited wish, discern location, shield, shield other, caster must be at least 15th level; Price 120,000 gp; Cost 65,000 gp + 4,600 XP.


If a shield guardian’s amulet is destroyed, the guardian ceases to function until a new one is created. If the wearer dies but the amulet is intact, the shield guardian carries out the last command it was given.



Small Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

2d10+2 (13 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

Armor Class:

16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +3 melee (1d4)

Full Attack:

Bite +3 melee (1d4)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Stunning shock, lethal shock

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., electricity sense, immunity to electricity, low-light vision


Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1


Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6


Climb +11, Hide +11, Jump +7, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +10


Improved Initiative


Warm marshes


Solitary, pair, clutch (3–5), or colony (6–11)

Challenge Rating:



1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


Always neutral


3–4 HD (Small); 5–6 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:


A shocker lizard has a pale gray or blue underside, shading to a darker hue on its back. It has blue-black markings along its back and tail. A shocker lizard is about 1 foot tall at the shoulder and weighs about 25 pounds.


A shocker lizard relies on its electricity abilities in combat. A lizard tends to bite only after its shock has rendered an opponent unconscious or when the shock seems to have no effect at all. A solitary lizard flees once it delivers its shocks, but if other shocker lizards are nearby, they all home in on their comrade’s discharges and attempt to administer their shocks to the foe.

Stunning Shock (Su): Once per round, a shocker lizard can deliver an electrical shock to a single opponent within 5 feet. This attack deals 2d8 points of nonlethal damage to living opponents (Reflex DC 12 half ). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Lethal Shock (Su): Whenever two or more shocker lizards are within 20 feet of each other, they can work together to create a lethal shock. This effect has a radius of 20 feet, centered on any one contributing lizard. The shock deals 2d8 points of electricity damage for each lizard contributing to it, to a maximum of 12d8. A Reflex save (DC 10 + number of lizards contributing) reduces the damage by half.

Electricity Sense (Ex): Shocker lizards automatically detect any electrical discharges within 100 feet.

Skills: Shocker lizards have a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks due to their coloration. Shocker lizards have a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

Shocker lizards use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks.

A shocker lizard has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

A shocker lizard has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.


Skeletons are the animated bones of the dead, mindless automatons that obey the orders of their evil masters.

A skeleton is seldom garbed in anything more than the rotting remnants of any clothing or armor it was wearing when slain. A skeleton does only what it is ordered to do. It can draw no conclusions of its own and takes no initiative. Because of this limitation, its instructions must always be simple. A skeleton attacks until destroyed.


“Skeleton� is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead. It retains any subtype except for alignment subtypes (such as good) and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Hit Dice: Drop any Hit Dice gained from class levels (to a minimum of 1) and raise remaining Hit Dice to d12s. If the creature has more than 20 Hit Dice, it can’t be made into a skeleton by the animate dead spell.

Speed: Winged skeletons can’t use their wings to fly. If the base creature flew magically, so can the skeleton.

Armor Class: Natural armor bonus changes to a number based on the skeleton’s size:

Tiny or smaller




Medium or Large








Attacks: A skeleton retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature, except for attacks that can’t work without flesh. A creature with hands gains one claw attack per hand; the skeleton can strike with each of its claw attacks at its full attack bonus. A skeleton’s base attack bonus is equal to 1/2 its Hit Dice.

Damage: Natural and manufactured weapons deal damage normally. A claw attack deals damage depending on the skeleton’s size. (If the base creature already had claw attacks with its hands, use the skeleton claw damage only if it’s better.)

Diminutive or Fine
















Special Attacks: A skeleton retains none of the base creature’s special attacks.

Special Qualities: A skeleton loses most special qualities of the base creature. It retains any extraordinary special qualities that improve its melee or ranged attacks. A skeleton gains the following special qualities.

Immunity to Cold (Ex): Skeletons are not affected by cold.

Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning: Skeletons lack flesh or internal organs.

Saves: Base save bonuses are Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and Will +1/2 HD + 2.

Abilities: A skeleton’s Dexterity increases by +2, it has no Constitution or Intelligence score, its Wisdom changes to 10, and its Charisma changes to 1.

Skills: A skeleton has no skills.

Feats: A skeleton loses all feats of the base creature and gains Improved Initiative.

Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.

Organization: Any.

Challenge Rating: Depends on Hit Dice, as follows:

Hit Dice

Challenge Rating





















Treasure: None.

Alignment: Always neutral evil.

Advancement: As base creature (or --  if the base creature advances by character class).

Level Adjustment: -- .


Human Warrior Skeleton

Wolf Skeleton

Owlbear Skeleton


Medium Undead

Medium Undead

Large Undead

Hit Dice:

1d12 (6 hp)

2d12 (13 hp)

5d12 (32 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares)

50 ft. (10 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 heavy steel shield), touch 11, flat-footed 14

15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12

13 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 11

Base Attack/Grapple:





Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18–20) or claw +1 melee (1d4+1)

Bite +2 melee (1d6+1)

Claw +6 melee (1d6+5)

Full Attack:

Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18–20) or 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+1)

Bite +2 melee (1d6+1)

2 claws +6 melee (1d6+5) and bite +1 melee (1d8+2)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: --




Special Qualities:

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, undead traits

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, undead traits

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, undead traits


Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2

Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3

Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4


Str 13, Dex 13, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 13, Dex 17, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 21, Dex 14, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1



Improved Initiative

Improved Initiative

Improved Initiative


Temperate plains

Temperate forests

Temperate forests





Challenge Rating:









Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil



3 HD (Medium); 4–6 HD (Large)

6–8 HD (Large); 9–15 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:





Troll Skeleton

Chimera Skeleton

Ettin Skeleton


Large Undead

Large Undead

Large Undead

Hit Dice:

6d12 (39 hp)

9d12 (58 hp)

10d12 (65 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares)

30 ft. (6 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

14 (+3 Dex, –1 size, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 11

13 (+2 Dex., –1 size, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 11

11 (–1 size, +2 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 11

Base Attack/Grapple:





Claw +8 melee (1d6+6)

Bite +7 melee (2d6+4)

Morningstar +10 melee (2d6+6) or claw +10 melee (1d6+6) or javelin +4 ranged (1d8+6)

Full Attack:

2 claws +8 melee (1d6+6) and bite +3 melee (1d6+3)

Bite +7 melee (2d6+4) and bite+7 melee (1d8+4) and gore +7 melee (1d8+4) and 2 claws +2 melee (1d6+2)

2 morningstars +10 melee (2d6+6) or 2 claws +10 melee (1d6+6) or 2 javelins +4 ranged (1d8+6)


10 ft./10 ft

10 ft./5 ft

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:




Special Qualities:

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, undead traits

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, undead traits

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, superior twoweapon


Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5

Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6

Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7


Str 23, Dex 16, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 19, Dex 15, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 23, Dex 10, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1


Improved Initiative

Improved Initiative

Improved Initiative


Cold mountains

Temperate hills

Cold hills





Challenge Rating:









Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil



10–13 HD (Large); 14–27 HD (Huge)


Level Adjustment:





Advanced Megaraptor Skeleton

Cloud Giant Skeleton

Young Adult Red Dragon Skeleton


Huge Undead

Huge Undead

Huge Undead (Fire)

Hit Dice:

12d12 (78 hp)

17d12 (110 hp)

19d12 (123 hp)






60 ft. (12 squares)

50 ft. (10 squares)

40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class:

14 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 11

13 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 11

12 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 11

Base Attack/Grapple:





Talons +9 melee (2d8+5)

Gargantuan morningstar +18 melee (4d6+18) or claw +18 melee (1d8+12) or rock +8 ranged (2d8+12)

Bite +17 melee (2d8+10)

Full Attack:

Talons +9 melee (2d8+5) and 2 claws +4 melee (1d8+2) and bite +4 melee (2d6+2)

Gargantuan morningstar +18/+13 melee (4d6+18) or 2 claws +18 melee (1d8+12) or rock +8 ranged (2d8+12)

Bite +17 melee (2d8+10) and 2 claws +12 melee (2d6+5) and 2 wings +12 melee (1d8+5) and tail slap +12 melee (2d6+15)


15 ft./10 ft.

15 ft./15 ft.

15 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:




Special Qualities:

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, undead traits

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, oversize weapon, undead traits

Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold and fire, undead traits


Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8

Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +10

Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +8


Str 21, Dex 17, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 35, Dex 15, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 31, Dex 12, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1


Improved Initiative

Improved Initiative

Improved Initiative


Warm forests

Temperate mountains

Warm mountains





Challenge Rating:









Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil


13–16 HD (Huge); 17–20 HD (Gargantuan)


20 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:






Medium Undead (Incorporeal)

Hit Dice:

7d12 (45 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares), fly 80 ft. (perfect)

Armor Class:

15 (+3 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Incorporeal touch +6 melee (1d8 plus energy drain)

Full Attack:

Incorporeal touch +6 melee (1d8 plus energy drain)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Energy drain, create spawn

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance, sunlight powerlessness, undead traits, unnatural aura


Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7


Str -- , Dex 16, Con -- , Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15


Hide +13, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (religion) +12, Listen +14, Search +12, Spot +14, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks)


Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative


Any land and underground


Solitary, gang (2–4), or swarm (6–11)

Challenge Rating:





Always lawful evil


8–14 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:


A spectre looks much as it did in life and can be easily recognized by those who knew the individual or have seen the individual’s face in a painting or a drawing. In many cases, the evidence of a violent death is visible on its body. A spectre is roughly human-sized and is weightless.


In close combat a spectre attacks with its numbing, life-draining touch. It makes full use of its incorporeal nature, moving through walls, ceilings, and floors as it attacks.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a spectre’s incorporeal touch attack gain two negative levels. The DC is 15 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the spectre gains 5 temporary hit points.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a spectre becomes a spectre in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the spectre that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a spectre at a distance of 30 feet. They do not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex): Spectres are powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it. A spectre caught in sunlight cannot attack and can take only a single move or attack action in a round.



Tiny Magical Beast

Hit Dice:

1d10 (5 hp)




10 ft (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average)

Armor Class:

16 (+2 size, +4 Dex), touch 16, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple:

+1/–11 (+1 when attached)


Touch +7 melee (attach)

Full Attack:

Touch +7 melee (attach)


2-1/2 ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks:

Attach, blood drain

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision


Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1


Str 3, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6


Hide +14, Listen +4, Spot +4


Alertness, Weapon Finesse B


Warm marshes


Colony (2–4), flock (5–8), or storm (9–14)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral



Level Adjustment:


A stirge’s coloration ranges from rust-red to reddish-brown, with a dirty yellow underside. The proboscis is pink at the tip, fading to gray at its base.

A stirge’s body is about 1 foot long, with a wingspan of about 2 feet. It weighs about 1 pound.


A stirge attacks by landing on a victim, finding a vulnerable spot, and plunging its proboscis into the flesh. This is a touch attack and can target only Small or larger creatures.

Attach (Ex): If a stirge hits with a touch attack, it uses its eight pincers to latch onto the opponent’s body. An attached stirge is effectively grappling its prey. The stirge loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and has an AC of 12, but holds on with great tenacity. Stirges have a +12 racial bonus on grapple checks (already figured into the Base Attack/Grapple entry above).

An attached stirge can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached stirge through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the stirge.

Blood Drain (Ex): A stirge drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage in any round when it begins its turn attached to a victim. Once it has dealt 4 points of Constitution damage, it detaches and flies off to digest the meal. If its victim dies before the stirge’s appetite has been sated, the stirge detaches and seeks a new target.



Huge Plant

Hit Dice:

9d8+54 (94 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class:

16 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +13 melee (2d8+9) and 2 tendrils +8 melee (1d6+4)

Full Attack:

Bite +13 melee (2d8+9) and 2 tendrils +8 melee (1d6+4)


15 ft./15 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab, paralysis, swallow whole

Special Qualities:

Low-light vision, plant traits, regeneration 10


Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +4


Str 28, Dex 9, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 3


Hide +9, Listen +1, Move Silently +1, Spot +1


Alertness, Iron Will, Power Attack, Stealthy


Temperate forests



Challenge Rating:



1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items


Always neutral


10–16 HD (Huge); 17–27 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:


A tendriculos can rear up to a height of 15 feet. It weighs about 3,500 pounds.

Animals and other plant creatures are unnerved by the presence of a tendriculos; they avoid it and any place it has been within the last 24 hours.


Prowling deep forests or waiting in vegetated areas (looking like nothing more than a small hillock), a tendriculos attacks savagely, showing no fear. It attempts to swallow as much flesh as it can, as quickly as it can.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a tendriculos must hit a creature at least one size smaller than itself with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the opponent in the following round. A tendriculos can also use its improved grab ability on a tendril attack. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold, picks up the opponent, and transfers it to the mouth as a free action, automatically dealing bite damage.

Swallow Whole/Paralysis (Ex): A tendriculos can try to swallow a grabbed opponent by making a successful grapple check. Once inside the plant’s mass, the opponent must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds by the tendriculos’s digestive juices, taking 2d6 points of acid damage per round. A new save is required each round inside the plant. The save DC is Constitution-based. A swallowed creature that avoids paralysis can climb out of the mass with a successful grapple check. This returns it to the plant’s maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the tendriculos’s interior (AC 14). Once the creature exits, the plant’s regenerative capacity closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A Huge tendriculos’s interior can hold 2 Large, 8 Medium, 32 Small, 128 Tiny, or 512 Diminutive or smaller opponents.

Regeneration (Ex): Bludgeoning weapons and acid deal normal damage to a tendriculos. A tendriculos that loses part of its body mass can regrow it in 1d6 minutes. Holding the severed portion against the mass enables it to reattach instantly.



Huge Plant

Hit Dice:

7d8+35 (66 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

20 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +13 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 20

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +12 melee (2d6+9)

Full Attack:

2 slams +12 melee (2d6+9)


15 ft./15 ft.

Special Attacks:

Animate trees, double damage against objects, trample 2d6+13

Special Qualities:

Damage reduction 10/slashing, low-light vision, plant traits, vulnerability to fire


Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +7


Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12


Diplomacy +3, Hide –9*, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Listen +8, Sense Motive +8, Spot +8, Survival +8 (+10 aboveground)


Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack


Temperate forests


Solitary or grove (4–7)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral good


8–16 HD (Huge); 17–21 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:


A treant’s leaves are deep green in the spring and summer. In the fall and winter the leaves change to yellow, orange, or red, but they rarely fall out. A treant’s legs fit together when closed to look like the trunk of a tree, and a motionless treant is nearly indistinguishable from a tree.

A treant is about 30 feet tall, with a “trunk� about 2 feet in diameter. It weighs about 4,500 pounds.

Treants speak their own language, plus Common and Sylvan. Most also can manage a smattering of just about all other humanoid tongues-- at least enough to say “Get away from my trees!�


Treants prefer to watch potential foes carefully before attacking. They often charge suddenly from cover to trample the despoilers of forests. If sorely pressed, they animate trees as reinforcements.

Animate Trees (Sp): A treant can animate trees within 180 feet at will, controlling up to two trees at a time. It takes 1 full round for a normal tree to uproot itself. Thereafter it moves at a speed of 10 feet and fights as a treant in all respects. Animated trees lose their ability to move if the treant that animated them is incapacitated or moves out of range. The ability is otherwise similar to liveoak (caster level 12th). Animated trees have the same vulnerability to fire that a treant has.

Double Damage against Objects (Ex): A treant or animated tree that makes a full attack against an object or structure deals double damage.

Trample (Ex): Reflex DC 22 half. The save DC is Strength-based. Skills: *Treants have a +16 racial bonus on Hide checks made in forested areas.



Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)

Hit Dice:

2d8+4 (13 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (–1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple:



Club +1 melee (1d6) or claw +1 melee (1d4) or javelin +1 ranged (1d6)

Full Attack:

Club +1 melee (1d6) and claw –1 melee (1d4) and bite –1 melee (1d4); or 2 claws +1 melee (1d4) and bite –1 melee (1d4); or javelin +1 ranged (1d6)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 90 ft.


Fort +5, Ref –1, Will +0


Str 10, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10


Hide +5*, Listen +3


MultiattackB, Weapon Focus (javelin)




Clutch (2–5), squad (6–11 plus 1–2 monitor lizards), or band (20–80 plus 20% noncombatants plus 3–13 monitor lizards)

Challenge Rating:



50% coins; 50% goods; 50% items


Usually chaotic evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


A troglodyte stands about 5 feet tall and weighs about 150 pounds.

Troglodytes speak Draconic.


Half of a group of troglodytes are armed only with claws and teeth; the rest carry one or two javelins and clubs. They normally conceal themselves, launch a volley of javelins, then close to attack. If the battle goes against them, they retreat and attempt to hide.

Stench (Ex): When a troglodyte is angry or frightened, it secretes an oily, musk-like chemical that nearly every form of animal life finds offensive. All living creatures (except troglodytes) within 30 feet of a troglodyte must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or be sickened for 10 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same troglodyte’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.

Skills: The skin of a troglodyte changes color somewhat, allowing it to blend in with its surroundings like a chameleon and providing a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. *In rocky or underground settings, this bonus improves to +8.


Vampires appear just as they did in life, although their features are often hardened and feral, with the predatory look of wolves.

Like liches, they often embrace finery and decadence and may assume the guise of nobility. Despite their human appearance, vampires can be easily recognized, for they cast no shadows and throw no reflections in mirrors.

Vampires speak any languages they knew in life.


“Vampire� is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

A vampire uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to d12s.

Speed: Same as the base creature. If the base creature has a swim speed, the vampire retains the ability to swim and is not vulnerable to immersion in running water (see below).

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +6.

Attack: A vampire retains all the attacks of the base creature and also gains a slam attack if it didn’t already have one. If the base creature can use weapons, the vampire retains this ability. A creature with natural weapons retains those natural weapons. A vampire fighting without weapons uses either its slam attack or its primary natural weapon (if it has any). A vampire armed with a weapon uses its slam or a weapon, as it desires.

Full Attack: A vampire fighting without weapons uses either its slam attack (see above) or its natural weapons (if it has any). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack along with a slam or other natural weapon as a natural secondary attack.

Damage: Vampires have slam attacks. If the base creature does not have this attack form, use the appropriate damage value from the table below according to the vampire’s size. Creatures that have other kinds of natural weapons retain their old damage values or use the appropriate value from the table below, whichever is better.





















Special Attacks: A vampire retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 vampire’s HD + vampire’s Cha modifier unless noted otherwise.

Blood Drain (Ex): A vampire can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points.

Children of the Night (Su): Vampires command the lesser creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard action. (If the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might summon other creatures of similar power.) These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.

Dominate (Su): A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the vampire must use a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the vampire targets must succeed on a Will save or fall instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a range of 30 feet.

Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see the Vampire Spawn entry) 1d4 days after burial.

If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 or lower, the victim returns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s destruction. At any given time a vampire may have enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.

Special Qualities: A vampire retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.

Alternate Form (Su): A vampire can assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character, except that the vampire does not regain hit points for changing form and must choose from among the forms mentioned here. While in its alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain in that form until it assumes another or until the next sunrise. (If the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might allow other forms.)

Damage Reduction (Su): A vampire has damage reduction 10/silver and magic. A vampire’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Fast Healing (Ex): A vampire heals 5 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round.

Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a vampire can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Resistances (Ex): A vampire has resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10.

Spider Climb (Ex): A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Turn Resistance (Ex): A vampire has +4 turn resistance.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4. As an undead creature, a vampire has no Constitution score.

Skills: Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.

Feats: Vampires gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.

Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.

Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3–5), or troupe (1–2 plus 2–5 vampire spawn)

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.

Treasure: Double standard.

Alignment: Always evil (any).

Advancement: By character class.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +8.

Vampire Weaknesses

For all their power, vampires have a number of weaknesses.

Repelling a Vampire: Vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from a mirror or a strongly presented holy symbol. These things don’t harm the vampire-- they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from a creature holding the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against the creature holding the item for the rest of the encounter. Holding a vampire at bay takes a standard action.

Vampires are also unable to cross running water, although they can be carried over it while resting in their coffins or aboard a ship.

They are utterly unable to enter a home or other building unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so. They may freely enter public places, since these are by definition open to all.

Slaying a Vampire: Reducing a vampire’s hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but doesn’t always destroy it (see the note on fast healing). However, certain attacks can slay vampires. Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight disorients it: It can take only a single move action or attack action and is destroyed utterly in the next round if it cannot escape. Similarly, immersing a vampire in running water robs it of one-third of its hit points each round until it is destroyed at the end of the third round of immersion. Driving a wooden stake through a vampire’s heart instantly slays the monster. However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless the body is destroyed. A popular tactic is to cut off the creature’s head and fill its mouth with holy wafers (or their equivalent).


Vampire Characters

Vampires are always evil, which causes characters of certain classes to lose some class abilities. In addition, certain classes take additional penalties.

Clerics: Vampire clerics lose their ability to turn undead but gain the ability to rebuke undead. This ability does not affect the vampire’s controller or any other vampires that a master controls. A vampire cleric has access to two of the following domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, or Trickery.

Sorcerers and Wizards: Vampire sorcerers and wizards retain their class abilities, but if a character has a familiar other than a rat or bat, the link between them is broken, and the familiar shuns its former companion. The character can summon another familiar, but it must be a rat or bat.



Medium Undead

Hit Dice:

4d12+3 (29 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +5 melee (1d6+4 plus energy drain)

Full Attack:

Slam +5 melee (1d6+4 plus energy drain)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Blood drain, domination, energy drain

Special Qualities:

+2 turn resistance, damage reduction 5/silver, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2, gaseous form, resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, spider climb, undead traits


Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5


Str 16, Dex 14, Con -- , Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14


Bluff +6, Climb +8, Craft or Profession (any one) +4, Diplomacy +4, Hide +10, Jump +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11


AlertnessB, Improved InitiativeB, Lightning ReflexesB, Skill Focus (selected Craft or Profession skill), Toughness




Solitary or pack (2–5)

Challenge Rating:





Always evil (any)



Level Adjustment:


Vampire spawn are undead creatures that come into being when vampires slay mortals. Like their creators, spawn remain bound to their coffins and to the soil of their graves. Vampire spawn appear much as they did in life, although their features are often hardened, with a predatory look.

Vampire spawn speak Common.


Vampire spawn use their inhuman strength when engaging mortals, hammering their foes with powerful blows and dashing them against rocks or walls. They also use their gaseous form and flight abilities to strike where opponents are most vulnerable.

Blood Drain (Ex): A vampire spawn can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round. On each such successful drain attack, the vampire spawn gains 5 temporary hit pints.

Domination (Su): A vampire spawn can crush an opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the vampire must take a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the vampire targets must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or fall instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a dominate person spell from a 5thlevel caster. The ability has a range of 30 feet. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a vampire spawn’s slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 14 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the vampire spawn gains 5 temporary hit points.

Fast Healing (Ex): A vampire spawn heals 2 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Once at rest in its coffin, it is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 2 hit points per round.

Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a vampire spawn can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 6th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Spider Climb (Ex): A vampire spawn can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Skills: Vampire spawn have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.


Vampire spawn are vulnerable to all attacks and effects that repel or slay vampires. For details, see the Vampire entry.



Medium Undead

Hit Dice:

4d12 (26 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:



Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain)

Full Attack:

Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Create spawn, energy drain

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits


Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5


Str 12, Dex 12, Con -- , Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15


Hide +8, Listen +7, Move Silently +16, Spot +7


Alertness, Blind-Fight




Solitary, pair, gang (3–5), or pack (6–11)

Challenge Rating:





Always lawful evil


5–8 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:


A wight’s appearance is a weird and twisted reflection of the form it had in life. A wight is about the height and weight of a human.

Wights speak Common.


Wights attack by hammering with their fists.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a wight becomes a wight in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the wight that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wight’s slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 14 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the wight gains 5 temporary hit points.

Skills: Wights have a +8 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.



Small Aberration (Air)

Hit Dice:

9d8 (40 hp)




Fly 50 ft. (perfect) (10 squares)

Armor Class:

29 (+1 size, +9 Dex, +9 deflection), touch 29, flat-footed 20

Base Attack/Grapple:



Shock +16 melee touch (2d8 electricity)

Full Attack:

Shock +16 melee touch (2d8 electricity)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, natural invisibility


Fort +3, Ref +12, Will +9


Str 1, Dex 29, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 12


Bluff +13, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +1 (+3 acting), Intimidate +3, Listen +17, Search +14, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)


Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB


Temperate marshes


Solitary, pair, or string (3–4)

Challenge Rating:



1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items


Usually chaotic evil


10–18 HD (Small)

Level Adjustment:


Will-o’-wisps can be yellow, white, green, or blue. They are easily mistaken for lanterns, especially in the foggy marshes and swamps where they reside. A will-o’-wisp’s body is a globe of spongy material about 1 foot across and weighing about 3 pounds, and its glowing body sheds as much light as a torch.

Will-o’-wisps speak Common and Auran. They have no vocal apparatus but can vibrate to create a voice with a ghostly sound.


Will-o’-wisps usually avoid combat. They prefer to confuse and bewilder adventurers, luring them into morasses or other hazardous places. When they are forced to fight, they loose small electrical shocks, which act as melee touch attacks.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A will-o’-wisp is immune to most spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance, except magic missile and maze.

Natural Invisibility (Ex): A startled or frightened will-o’-wisp can extinguish its glow, effectively becoming invisible as the invisibility spell.




Dread Wraith


Medium Undead (Incorporeal)

Large Undead (Incorporeal)

Hit Dice:

5d12 (32 hp)

16d12 (104 hp)





Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)

Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+3 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 12

25 (–1 size, +9 Dex, +7 deflection), touch 25, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:




Incorporeal touch +5 melee (1d4 plus 1d6 Constitution drain)

Incorporeal touch +16 melee (2d6 plus 1d8 Constitution drain)

Full Attack:

Incorporeal touch +5 melee (1d4 plus 1d6 Constitution drain)

Incorporeal touch +16 melee (2d6 plus 1d8 Constitution drain)


5 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:

Constitution drain, create spawn

Constitution drain, create spawn

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., daylight powerlessness, incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance, undead traits, unnatural aura

Darkvision 60 ft., daylight powerlessness, incorporeal traits, lifesense 60 ft., undead traits, unnatural aura


Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6

Fort +5, Ref +14, Will +14


Str -- , Dex 16, Con -- , Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15

Str -- , Dex 28, Con -- , Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 24


Diplomacy +6, Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Listen +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks)

Diplomacy +9, Hide +24, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (religion) +22, Listen +25, Search +22, Sense Motive +23, Spot +25, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks)


AlertnessB, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved InitiativeB

AlertnessB, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Improved Natural Attack (incorporeal touch), Mobility, Spring Attack





Solitary, gang (2–5), or pack (6–11)


Challenge Rating:







Always lawful evil

Always lawful evil


6–10 HD (Medium)

17–32 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:



Wraiths are incorporeal creatures born of evil and darkness. In some cases, the grim silhouette of a wraith might appear armored or outfitted with weapons. This appearance does not affect the creature’s AC or combat abilities but only reflects the shape it had in life.

A wraith is about as tall as a human, while a dread wraith is roughly the size of an ogre. Since both are incorporeal, they are weightless.

Wraiths speak Common and Infernal.


Both the wraith and the dread wraith share the following abilities.

Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): Wraiths are utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.


Constitution Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.


The oldest and most malevolent wraiths lurk in the depths of forgotten temples and other forsaken places. They can sense the approach of living creatures, and hunger for them. Despite its size, the dread wraith possesses unearthly quickness, and makes use of its Spring Attack feat and natural reach to strike with deadly effect and melt back into the shadows-- or the walls.

Lifesense (Su): A dread wraith notices and locates living creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. It also senses the strength of their life force automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.

Constitution Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a dread wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the dread wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.


Zombies are corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic.

Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created zombie must be very simple.


“Zombie� is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead. It retains any subtypes except alignment subtypes and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Hit Dice: Drop any Hit Dice from class levels (to a minimum of 1), double the number of Hit Dice left, and raise them to d12s. If the base creature has more than 10 Hit Dice (not counting those gained with experience), it can’t be made into a zombie with the animate dead spell.

Speed: If the base creature can fly, its maneuverability rating drops to clumsy.

Armor Class: Natural armor bonus increases by a number based on the zombie’s size:

Tiny or smaller














Base Attack: A zombie has a base attack bonus equal to 1/2 its Hit Dice.

Attacks: A zombie retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature. A zombie also gains a slam attack.

Damage: Natural and manufactured weapons deal damage normally. A slam attack deals damage depending on the zombie’s size. (Use the base creature’s slam damage if it’s better.)



















Special Attacks: A zombie retains none of the base creature’s special attacks.

Special Qualities: A zombie loses most special qualities of the base creature. It retains any extraordinary special qualities that improve its melee or ranged attacks. A zombie gains the following special quality.

Single Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only a single move action or attack action each round. A zombie can move up to its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge.

Saves: Base save bonuses are Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and Will +1/2 HD + 2.

Abilities: A zombie’s Strength increases by +2, its Dexterity decreases by 2, it has no Constitution or Intelligence score, its Wisdom changes to 10, and its Charisma changes to 1.

Skills: A zombie has no skills.

Feats: A zombie loses all feats of the base creature and gains Toughness.

Environment: Any land and underground.

Organization: Any.

Challenge Rating: Depends on Hit Dice, as follows:

Hit Dice

Challenge Rating



















Treasure: None.

Alignment: Always neutral evil.

Advancement: As base creature, but double Hit Dice (maximum 20), or --  if the base creature advances by character class.

Level Adjustment: -- .


Kobold Zombie

Human Commoner Zombie

Troglodyte Zombie


Small Undead

Medium Undead

Medium Undead

Hit Dice:

2d12+3 (16 hp)

2d12+3 (16 hp)

4d12+3 (29 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares; can’t run)

30 ft. (6 squares; can’t run)

30 ft. (6 squares; can’t run)

Armor Class:

13 (+1 size, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13

11 (–1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 11

16 (–2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:





Spear+1 melee (1d6–1/x3) or slam +1 melee (1d4–1) or light crossbow +2 ranged (1d6/19–20)

Slam+2 melee (1d6+1) or club +2 melee (1d6+1)

Greatclub +3 melee (1d10+1) or bite +3 melee (1d4+1) or slam +3 melee (1d6+1) or javelin +0 ranged (1d6+1)

Full Attack:

Spear +0 melee (1d6–1/x3) or slam +0 melee (1d4–1) or light crossbow +1 ranged (1d6/19–20)

Slam+2 melee, (1d6+1) or club +2 melee (1d6+1)

Greatclub +3 melee (1d10+1) or bite +3 melee (1d4+1) or slam +3 melee (1d6+1) or javelin +0 ranged (1d6+1)


5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft

5 ft./5 ft

Special Attacks:




Special Qualities:

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits


Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3

Fort +0, Ref –1, Will +3

Fort +1, Ref –1, Will +4


Str 8, Dex 11, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 12, Dex 8, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 12, Dex 7, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1










Temperate forests







Challenge Rating:









Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil





Level Adjustment:





Bugbear Zombie

Ogre Zombie

Minotaur Zombie


Medium Undead

Large Undead

Large Undead

Hit Dice:

6d12+3 (42 hp)

8d12+3 (55 hp)

12d8+3 (81 hp)






30 ft. (6 squares; can’t run)

40 ft. (8 squares; can’t run)

30 ft. (6 squares; can’t run)

Armor Class:

16 (+5 natural, +1 light wooden shield), touch 10, flat-footed 16

15 (–1 size, –2 Dex, +8 natural) touch 7, flat-footed 15

16 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +8 natural) touch 8, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:





Morningstar +6 melee (1d8+3) or slam +6 melee (1d6+3) or javelin +3 ranged (1d6+2)

Greatclub +9 melee (2d8+9) or slam +9 melee (1d8+9) or javelin +1 ranged (1d8+6)

Greataxe +10 melee (3d6+7/x3) or gore +10 melee (1d8+5) or slam +10 melee (1d8+5)

Full Attack:

Morningstar +6 melee (1d8+3) or slam +6 melee (1d6+3) or javelin +3 ranged (1d6+2)

Greatclub +9 melee (2d8+9) or slam +9 melee (1d8+9) or javelin +1 ranged (1d8+6)

Greataxe +10 melee (3d6+7/x3) or gore +10 melee (1d8+5) or slam +10 melee (1d8+5)


5 ft./5 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks:




Special Qualities:

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits


Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5

Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +6

Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +8


Str 17, Dex 10, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 23, Dex 6, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 21, Dex 8, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1










Temperate mountains

Temperate hills






Challenge Rating:









Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil





Level Adjustment:





Wyvern Zombie

Gray Render Zombie


Large Undead

Large Undead

Hit Dice:

14d12+3 (94 hp)

20d8+3 (133 hp)





20 ft. (4 squares; can’t run), fly 60 ft. (poor)

30 ft. (6 squares; can’t run)

Armor Class:

20 (–2 size, +12 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 20

16 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +8 natural) touch 8, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:




Slam +11 melee (2d6+7) or talons +11 melee (2d6+5)

Bite +16 melee (2d6+7) or slam +16 melee (1d8+10)

Full Attack:

Slam +11 melee (2d6+7) or talons +11 melee (2d6+5)

Bite +16 melee (2d6+7) or slam +16 melee (1d8+10)

Special Attacks:



Special Qualities:

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits

Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits


Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +9

Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +12


Str 21, Dex 10, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 25, Dex 8, Con -- , Int -- , Wis 10, Cha 1








Warm hills

Temperate marshes




Challenge Rating:







Always neutral evil

Always neutral evil


16–20 HD (Huge)


Level Adjustment:

