Through the Gate to Moonshae and the Lich

The lich on level 9 didn't know about the removal of the house of stone. He was not  happy when he saw it, but hoped for a chance to continue his work undisturbed. However, he has been brooding about the destruction of  "the family mansion" and is now furious about it. The desire for revenge (never far away) is rising in him. He decides to send his thral Baskiadorl to look around the area of his castle.
His instructions are to look for signs that they have capitulated and will obey his order. He will look for business as usual as a sign of agreement. If he does not see a message or signs of things getting back to normal, he is instructed to begin the attack, but to leave a note with one option left to them.
As B. is flying around invisible, he sees the town abandoned, the school fortified and the militia pickets guarding it. He smiles and flies toward the town. Using his Vampiric Touch, he renders uncontious then kills one of the guards with a dagger in the heart. He drags the body away from where he plans to cause the fire. Pinned by the dagger is
the note from the Lich. It says:
"I know of your visit which was very unwise. But you showed goodsense by not going below. But you have not acted properly. You have one last chance to avoid a fate worse than death. If you complete a brick wall over the two entrances to my home by this time tomorrow, I will allow you to live unmollested. Otherwise, your lives and your legacy will be swept away and shall serve my ends."
Under this, B. adds (it appears in a different hand)
"Too bad. This used to be a nice little hovel."
Then, B. casts a Wall of fire in the center of the town setting a bunch of buildings blazing. He then uses a D. Door to return to the place on the surface he has memorized near the river. He goes invisible again and uses his spider climb to go up the highest tree and watch the fun.
If the party significantly reduces the number of guards around the school, he will attempt to cast his second WoF on them. He will then use his D. Door to return to the dungeon.
His report to the Lich is that they are on a war-like stance and they are fortified. This is the last straw for the Lich. He will not agree to his offerer even if they agree now, despite his note to the contrary. This was to be honored only if things were back to normal on the surface.
Instead, he begins planning his revenge. This will take place on sundown of the first day while the party begins to inscribe their scrolls.

When the players go through the gate they arrive in a cave knowing nothing about their destination on the Moonshae Islands.
There are (naturally) monsters in the cave
4 Monster Horse Skeletons
Int - Non, Align. - N., AC 6 (0 with barding) - Move: 12, HD 6, THAC0 15, NoAtt 3, Dam. 1d6, 1d6, 1d4 (Iron Spike Shod)
A 53              B 47                  C 42                   D 57

2 Death Knights
Int Genius, All. CE, AC 0, Move 12, HD 9d10, THAC0 8, Att. 2, Dam2d6+8 or 1d12+8, 75% MR, No turning, Rally Undead, Morale 17
generates fear in a 5-foot radius, and it can cast detect magic , detect invisibility, and wall of ice at will. Twice per day, it can cast dispel magic. Once per day, it can use either power word, blind, power word, kill, or power word, stun. It can also cast symbol of fear or symbol of pain once per day, as well as a 20-dice fireball once per day. All of its magical spells function at the 20th level of ability. A death knight cannot be turned, but it can be dispelled by holy word spell. It has the power over undead of a 6th-level evil priest. Its magic resistance is 75%, and if an 11 or lower is rolled on the percentile roll, the spell is reflected back at the caster (the magic resistance is rerolled each time a spell is cast at a death knight).
A 72 Bastard sword +3  (2d6+8)       B 69 Two-handed sword +4   

Int-High, All. LE, AC 2, Move 15 (Fly30), HD 7+3, THAC0 13, Att. 1, Dam 1d8 (-1 level), +1 Weapon,
Revenite causes 1d8 damage, and also temporarily drains one life-energy level from the victim.  The level drain lasts until the victim undergoes complete bed rest for a full 24 hours.   If a victim is drained 2 levels, 48 hours of bed rest are required, 3 levels, 72 hours, etc

A 49        B 36        C 39         D 50        E 49            F 52         G 46         H 30

When they leave the cave, they meet a new character played by Adrienne who leads them to the local king Kendric to try and get help attacking the Lich.

With help, they made their way to the city of Corwell hoping to get help to attack the Lich from the king there.

All they got from the king was a map of the area where the castle of the lich was and the place where he could be found.

The Lich was living under a place called Skull castle. This castle had been abandoned by it's original owners and with the encpourage of the Lich was now populated by monsters. There was a pitched battle to gain entrance to the castle. Once inside the made their way to the dungeon of the lich.

Where is the Philantery?
The Lich has used a Secret Chest spell to place the philantery on the etherial plane. The minature chest used to summon it from its resting spot lies in a chest trapped, spelled and locked in his work room.

The lich has had a while to consider the effects of the party discovering him. When he fled to the Moonshae Isles, he hoped they would leave him alone and he could return to the "ancestral lands" as he calls the Katina area when they had passed on.
This has proven false as the party followed him to his outer lair. He threw all his major forces at the party and they are still coming on. He has considered fleeing and taking up residence somewhere else, but refuses to do so as this is an admission of failure and weakness. But all he has wanted is to be left alone to let his evil fester in a way pleasing to him. With each attack, he has grown more angry at the disturbance and more desperate to be quit of them. But ultimatly, it comes to hubris. He does not think that any attack he leads can possibly fail to eliminate the Local 509. Although Baskiadore expresses doubts, Reatic is adamant. "They must die and I must use them for all of time before their crimes can be expiated."
The lich and his accolite have planned an attack and will strike when they think the time is right. But Reatic is impatient and as soon as prepeartions are complete begins using his Sphere of Clarvoiance to observe the party and begin moving his last forces into position for the final battle.
To prepare for the battle, the lich will cast Fabricate to create a thick pane of glass blocking the passage between him and the party, then cast Glassteel on it to make it almost impregnable.
Baskiadore will stay in the protective globe of the Lich as long as possible.


FREQUENCY: Very rare
INTELLIGENCE: Supra-genius (19-20)
THAC0: 9
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better magical 

weapon to hit
SIZE: M (6' tall)
MORALE: Fanatic (17-18)
XP VALUE: 8,000
The aura of magical power which surrounds a lich is so potent that any creature of fewer than 5 Hit Dice (or 5th level) which sees it must save vs. spell or flee in terror for 5-20 (5d4) rounds.
Should the lich elect to touch a living creature, its aura of absolute cold will inflict 1-10 points of damage. Further, the victim must save vs. paralysis or be utterly unable to move. This paralysis lasts until dispelled in some manner.
Liches can themselves be hit only by weapons of at least +1, by magical spells, or by monsters with 6 or more Hit Dice and/or magical properties. The magical nature of the lich and its undead state make it utterly immune to charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, cold, electricity, insanity, or death spells. Priests of at least 8th level can attempt to turn a lich, as can paladins of no less than 10th level.
Defeating a lich in combat is difficult indeed, but managing to actually destroy the creature is harder still. In all cases, a lich will protect itself from annihilation with the creation of a phylactery in which it stores its life force. This is similar to a magic jar spell. In order to ensure the final destruction of a lich, its body must be wholly annihilated and its phylactery must be sought out and destroyed in some manner. Since the lich will always take great care to see to it that its phylactery is well hidden and protected this can be an undertaking fully as daunting as the defeat of the lich in its physical form.
In preperation, he has used Mask of Death to produce a zombie with the form and face of the party members. He will send them into attack early in the battle in hopes it will demoralize them.


Retic Rolmph 

The history of this lich would make any adventure novel seem tame. He has been everywhere (most outer planes and 8 planets), done everything (dish washer for 5 years paying for his mage schooling to 35 years as advisor to King Borsric on Greld). He realized in his 65th year that he had only a handfull of years of awareness left to him. "This won't do" he said to himself and began frantic research into lichdom. 

Personal Information

Name: Retic Rolmph Player: HOS Level 9 Monster
Race: Human Gender: Ex-Male Height: 6'4" Age: 16
Class: Necromancer Level: 20 Weight: 109 lbs
XP: 3,750,000 Alignment: Lawful Evil
Next Level: 4,125,000 Kit: Necromancer

Ability Scores

Str: 9 Stamina: 9 Weight Allowance: 35 lbs
Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 1% 

Muscle: 9 Attack Adj.: +0
Damage Adj.: +0 
Max. Press: 90 lbs 
Open Doors: 5 
Dex: 11 Aim: 9 Missile Adjustment: +0
Pick Pockets: -15% 
Open Locks: -10% 

Balance: 13 Reaction Adjustment: +0
Armor Class: +0 
Move Silently: +0% 
Climb Walls: +0% 
Con: 11 Health: 13 System Shock: 85%
Poison Save: +0 

Fitness: 9 Hit Point Adjustment: +0
Resurrection Chance: 70% 
Int: 21 Reason: 20 Max. Spell Level: 9th
Max. Spells Per Level: All 
Illusion Immunity: 2nd Level

Knowledge: 22 Bonus Proficiencies: 11
Chance to Learn New Spell: 98% 
Wis: 20 Intuition: 20 Bonus Clerical Spells: 3, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0
Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0% 

Willpower: 20 Magic Defense Adjustment: +4
Spell Immunity: Class 2 
Cha: 9 Leadership: 9 Loyalty Base: +0
Maximum Number of Henchmen: 4 

Appearance: 9 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0

Saving Throws

Paralyzation: 5 Poison: 5 Death Magic: 5 Petrification: 2 Polymorph: 2
Rod: 0 Staff: 0 Wand: 0 Breath Weapon: 4 Spell: 1

Hit Points:
Base THAC0:
Melee THAC0:
Missile THAC0:


Natural armor class
Full armor, spiked leather +4
Magic Armor adj.

Class Abilities
    Bonus spells - Memorize one free spell for each spell level. This spell must be chosen from their area of speciality. 
    Intense magic - -1 penalty to all saving throws on spells cast from the chosen school (Necromantic). 
    Saving throw bonus - +1 bonus on saves against spells in their chosen school (Necromatic)

THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage

Range (-2) (-5)
Weapon  Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size Short Medium Long
Dagger +2, Longtooth

Battle Spells Memorized
1st Level Spells
Hold Portal x 2
Ray of Fatigue x 2
Wall of Wind x 2

2nd Level Spells
Sepectral Hand
Stinking Cloud
Flaming Sphere x 3

3rd Level Spells
Explosive Runes x 2
Lightning Bolt x 3

4th Level Spells
Extention II  (1st-4/50% longer)
Teleport x 2
Feeblemind x3

Use these when he is planning or suspecting a battle
5th Level Spells
Cone of Cold x 4
Wall of Force

6th Level
Anti-Magic Shell
Death Spell x 3
Globe of Invulnerability

7th Level
Delayed Blast Fireball x 3
Finger of Death x 2

8th Level Spells
Prismatic Wall
Power Word: Blind

9th Level Spells
Power Word: Kill
Wail of the Banshee
Prismatic Sphere

Magic Items
Ring of Shocking Grasp
Staff of Thunder and Lightning
Robe of Eyes
Helm of Comprehend Lang.
Amulet of Spell Resist (25%)

Baskiadore Battle Spells
1st Level Spells
Ray of Fatigue x2
Chill Touch x 2

2nd Level Spells
Flaming Sphere x 2
Stinking Cloud x 2

3rd Level Spells
Fireball x 2
Vampiric Touch
Used when he is expecting a battle
4th Level Spells
Wall of Fire x 2

5th Level
Delayed Blast Fireball x 2

Magic Items:

Metal Skeletons
These are his greatest creation and the last of them will accompany him into battle:
20 - Copper HD 5  AC 0   Att1 Dam 1d8+1
10 - Bronze HD 6  AC -2   Att1 Dam 1d8+2
10 - Steel HD 8  AC -4   Att1 Dam 1d8+3
14 -Mythral HD 12  AC -10   Att1 Dam 1d8+5
2 - Krosnium HD 10  AC -8   Att1 Dam 1d8+4
1 - Gold HD 6  AC 2   Att1 Dam 1d8+1

Copper Skeleton Bronze Skeleton Steel Skeleton Mythral Skeleton Krosnium Skeleton Gold Skeleton
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any Any Any Any Any Any
FREQUENCY: Very Rare Very rare Very rare Very rare Very rare Unique
ORGANIZATION: Band Band Band Team Team None
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any Any Any Any Any Any
DIET: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
INTELLIGENCE: Non- (0) Non- (0) Non- (0) Average Average High
TREASURE: Nil See below Nil Nil Nil Nil
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Evil
NO. APPEARING: 3-12 (3d4) 2-12 (2d6) 1-6 1 1-3 1-4
ARMOR CLASS: 0 -2 -4 -10 -8 2
MOVEMENT: 12 12 12 18 16 12
HIT DICE: 5 6 8 12 10 6
THAC0: 15 14 12 6 8 14
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 1 2 (L.Sword) 4 (L.Sword) 3 (L.Sword) 1
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d8 +1 1d8 +2 1d8+3 1d8+5 1d8+4 1d8+1

Electric Strike Electric Strike Electric Strike
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below See below See below See below See below See below
MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below See below See below See below See below See below
SIZE: M (6' tall) M (6' tall) M (6' tall) M (6' tall) M (6' tall) M (6' tall)
MORALE: Special Special Special Special Special Special
XP VALUE: 965 1065 1650 2100 3200 5000

Metal skeletons are the hideous creations of the Lich.They are made by coating the prepared bones of a cursed victem and coating them weith metal. This metal coating combined with spells gives the skeletons their special properties. They also make them more difficult to turn. Some of them have received the minds of living men making them able to act with some intellegence. These creatures have no need for the Turning Protection amulets as the spell has been cast on them.
In most ways, they are like normal skeletons, but they are more powerful by far.
The gold version has the ability to direct other undead.
Those with electric strike do 2d6 of damage with each successful hit.
The Krosnium are the most feared as they are preternaturally fast.

Councilors of King Kendrik in Corwell - The Kings troops

King Kendrik

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Weapons
Class   --  Fighter            Occupation -- Husbandman
Sex        -- Female           Morals -- Normal
Strength   -- 16               General -- Rough
Intelegence -- 7              Intellect -- Dull
Wisdom      -- 13              Piety -- Zelous
Dexterity   -- 11              Personality -- Blustering
Constitution -- 14             Hit Dice -- d10
Charisma    -- 11              Nature -- Forgiving
Comeliness  -- 12              Materialism -- Aesthetic
Allignment  -- Lawful Good     Possessions -- Superb
Age          -- 19             Apparent Age -- Old
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Brave
Favored weapon -- B. sword     General Tendencies -- Optimist
Height in "   -- 65            Disposition -- Morose
Weight in #   -- 157            Honesty -- Very Honorable
Hair Color    -- Black         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Dark          Energy -- Energetic
Features      -- Corse         Thrift -- Mean
Social Standing - Upper Middle Collections -- Swords

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Geneology
Class   --  Thief            Occupation -- Painter
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lusty
Strength   -- 8               General -- Non-descript
Intelegence -- 7              Intellect -- Active
Wisdom      -- 12              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 16              Personality -- Abrasive
Constitution -- 12             Hit Dice -- d6
Charisma    -- 10              Nature -- Resentful
Comeliness  -- 8              Materialism -- Intellectualist
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral Possessions -- Scant
Age          -- 19             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 7              Bravery -- Normal
Favored weapon -- Dagger      General Tendencies -- Capricious
Height in "   -- 61            Disposition -- Proud
Weight in #   -- 156            Honesty -- Liar
Hair Color    -- Bald          Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Dark          Energy -- Lazy
Features      -- Flat          Thrift -- Spendthrift
Social Standing - Upper Middle Collections -- Shields

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Husbandry
Class   --  Mage            Occupation -- Husbandman
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Amoral
Strength   -- 8               General -- Rough
Intelegence -- 16              Intellect -- Brilliant
Wisdom      -- 10              Piety -- Iconclastic
Dexterity   -- 11              Personality -- Modest
Constitution -- 16             Hit Dice -- d4
Charisma    -- 6              Nature -- Vengeful
Comeliness  -- 7              Materialism -- Philanthropic
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral Possessions -- None
Age          -- 32             Apparent Age -- Young
Armor Class  -- 10              Bravery -- Cowardly
Favored weapon -- Dart      General Tendencies -- Moody
Height in "   -- 62            Disposition -- Morose
Weight in #   -- 149            Honesty -- Truthful
Hair Color    -- Brown         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Pale          Energy -- Driven
Features      -- Delicate      Thrift -- Wastral
Social Standing - Lower Middle Collections -- Animal Skins

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Metals
Class   --  Fighter            Occupation -- Painter
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lustful
Strength   -- 16               General -- Foppish
Intelegence -- 14              Intellect -- Anti-intellectual
Wisdom      -- 9              Piety -- Saintly
Dexterity   -- 16              Personality -- Modest
Constitution -- 12             Hit Dice -- d10
Charisma    -- 10              Nature -- Forgiving
Comeliness  -- 14              Materialism -- Intellectualist
Allignment  -- Chaotic Evil    Possessions -- None
Age          -- 19             Apparent Age -- Youthful
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Normal
Favored weapon -- B. sword     General Tendencies -- Careless
Height in "   -- 67            Disposition -- Harsh
Weight in #   -- 151            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Black         Sanity -- Neurotic
Complexion    -- Light         Energy -- Energetic
Features      -- Delicate      Thrift -- Spendthrift
Social Standing - Upper Middle Collections -- Musical Inst.

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Religion
Class   --  Mage            Occupation -- Jewler/Lapidary
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lustful
Strength   -- 12               General -- Rough
Intelegence -- 16              Intellect -- Brilliant
Wisdom      -- 11              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 12              Personality -- Taciturn
Constitution -- 12             Hit Dice -- d4
Charisma    -- 12              Nature -- Hard Hearted
Comeliness  -- 17              Materialism -- Philanthropic
Allignment  -- Lawful Neutral  Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 28             Apparent Age -- Young
Armor Class  -- 10              Bravery -- Cowardly
Favored weapon -- Dagger    General Tendencies -- Altrust
Height in "   -- 77            Disposition -- Harsh
Weight in #   -- 121            Honesty -- Liar
Hair Color    -- Black         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Pale          Energy -- Slothful
Features      -- Delicate      Thrift -- Mean
Social Standing - Middle Lower Collections -- Coins

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Husbandry
Class   --  Cleric            Occupation -- Leather Tanner
Sex        -- Female           Morals -- Perverted
Strength   -- 14               General -- Non-descript
Intelegence -- 13              Intellect -- Ponderous
Wisdom      -- 15              Piety -- Reverant
Dexterity   -- 9              Personality -- Retiring
Constitution -- 15             Hit Dice -- d8
Charisma    -- 12              Nature -- Forgiving
Comeliness  -- 15              Materialism -- Philanthropic
Allignment  -- Lawful Good     Possessions -- Exceptional
Age          -- 20             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Foolhardy
Favored weapon -- Mace      General Tendencies -- Careless
Height in "   -- 77            Disposition -- Unfeeling
Weight in #   -- 145            Honesty -- Decietful
Hair Color    -- Bald          Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Swarthy       Energy -- Lazy
Features      -- Rugged       Thrift -- Average
Social Standing - Middle Lower Collections -- Jewelry

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Horticulture
Class   --  Mage            Occupation -- Gambler
Sex        -- Female           Morals -- Perverted
Strength   -- 14               General -- Imposing
Intelegence -- 17              Intellect -- Active
Wisdom      -- 13              Piety -- Impious
Dexterity   -- 12              Personality -- Forceful
Constitution -- 11             Hit Dice -- d4
Charisma    -- 16              Nature -- Resentful
Comeliness  -- 18              Materialism -- Philanthropic
Allignment  -- Lawful Neutral  Possessions -- None
Age          -- 28             Apparent Age -- Young
Armor Class  -- 10              Bravery -- Foolhardy
Favored weapon -- Dart      General Tendencies -- Careless
Height in "   -- 70            Disposition -- Unfeeling
Weight in #   -- 153            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Black         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Black         Energy -- Normal
Features      -- Rugged       Thrift -- Thrifty
Social Standing - Lower Middle Collections -- Unusual Weapons

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Learning
Class   --  Thief            Occupation -- Bowyer/Fletcher
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lustful
Strength   -- 11               General -- Imposing
Intelegence -- 12              Intellect -- Average
Wisdom      -- 16              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 17              Personality -- Forceful
Constitution -- 16             Hit Dice -- d6
Charisma    -- 9              Nature -- Quiotic
Comeliness  -- 8              Materialism -- Aesthetic
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 20             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 7              Bravery -- Fearless
Favored weapon -- Dart        General Tendencies -- Capricious
Height in "   -- 79            Disposition -- Hot Tempered
Weight in #   -- 113            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Brown         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Dark          Energy -- Normal
Features      -- Refined       Thrift -- Average
Social Standing - Lower Middle Collections -- Gems

NAME________________________________    LEVEL______     THACO_____

Race   -- Human                Interest --  Foods
Class   --  Thief            Occupation -- Bowyer/Fletcher
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lustful
Strength   -- 11               General -- Immaculate
Intelegence -- 17              Intellect -- Average
Wisdom      -- 8              Piety -- Reverant
Dexterity   -- 17              Personality -- Friendly
Constitution -- 10             Hit Dice -- d6
Charisma    -- 10              Nature -- Hard Hearted
Comeliness  -- 12              Materialism -- Greedy
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral Possessions -- None
Age          -- 20             Apparent Age -- Youthful
Armor Class  -- 7              Bravery -- Fearless
Favored weapon -- Dart        General Tendencies -- Careless
Height in "   -- 66            Disposition -- Unfeeling
Weight in #   -- 154            Honesty -- Scrupulous
Hair Color    -- Black         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Pale          Energy -- Driven
Features      -- Fine          Thrift -- Mean
Social Standing - Upper Middle Collections -- Armor