Road Encounters
The DM may choose from any selection below as fits the situation or the encounter may be randomly determined as follows:
Roll 1d4 or pick a column. If it is humanoid, either choose a race or roll 1d20 and consult the Humanoid Races column
If it is not a humanoid encounter roll 1d100 and consult column 3 or 4. If you roll higher than the number listed subtract 50 from it.
1. Humanoids (59)
2. Humanoid Races (d20)
3. Animals (71)
4. Monsters (77)
  1. Acolyte
  2. Archmage
  3. Assassin
  4. Bandit, Bandit Captain
  5. Berserker
  6. Commoners
  7. peasant
  8. serf
  9. slaves
  10. servant
  11. artisan
  12. hermit
  13. Cult Fanatic, Cultist
  14. Druid
  15. Gladiator
  16. Guard
  17. Knight
  18. Mage
  19. Noble
  20. Priest
  21. Scout
  22. Spy
  23. Thug
  24. Tribal Warrior
  25. Veteran 
  26. Bandits
  27. Brigands
  28. Berserkers
  29. Caveman
  30. Tribesman
  31. Nomad
  32. Merchant
  33. Pilgrim
  34. Assassin
  35. Bandit
  36. Beggar
  37. Brigand
  38. Cleric
  39. Druid
  40. Drunk
  41. Gentleman
  42. Goodwife
  43. Harlot
  44. Laborer
  45. Mercenary
  46. Merchant
  47. Night hag
  48. Noble
  49. Pilgrim
  50. Press gang
  51. Rake
  52. Ruffian
  53. Thief
  54. Tradesman
  55. Werebear
  56. Wereboar
  57. Wererat
  58. Weretiger
  59. Werewolf

  1. Dragonborn
  2. Mountain Dwarf
  3. Hill Dwarf
  4. High Elf
  5. Wood Elf
  6. Drow
  7. Rock Gnome
  8. Forest Gnome
  9. Half-Elf
  10. Half-Orc
  11. Lightfoot Hobbit
  12. Stout Hobbit
  13. Human
  14. Tiefling
  15. Filli
  16. Caine
  17. Ape
  18. Midget
  19. Pigmy
  20. DM Choice

  1. Ape
  2. Axe Beak
  3. Baboon
  4. Badger
  5. Bat
  6. Black bear
  7. Blood Hawk
  8. Boar
  9. Brown Bear
  10. Camel
  11. Cat
  12. Constrictor Snake
  13. Crocodile
  14. Deer
  15. Dire Wolf
  16. Draft Horse
  17. Eagle
  18. Elephant
  19. Elk
  20. Flying Snake
  21. Frog
  22. Giant Ape
  23. Giant Badger
  24. Giant Bat
  25. Giant Boar
  26. Giant Centipede
  27. Giant Constrictor Snake
  28. Giant Crocodile
  29. Giant Eagle
  30. Giant Elk
  31. Giant Fire Beetle
  32. Giant Frog
  33. Giant Goat
  34. Giant Hyena
  35. Giant Lizard
  36. Giant Owl
  37. Giant Poisonous Snake
  38. Giant Rat
  39. Giant Scorpion
  40. Giant Spider
  41. Giant Toad
  42. Giant Vulture
  43. Giant Wasp
  44. Giant Weasel
  45. Giant Wolf Spider
  46. Goat
  47. Hawk
  48. Hyena
  49. Jackal
  50. Lion
  51. Lizard
  52. Mastiff
  53. Mule
  54. Owl
  55. Panther
  56. Phase Spider
  57. Poisonous Snake
  58. Pony
  59. Quipper
  60. Rat
  61. Raven
  62. Rhinoceros
  63. Riding Horse
  64. Scorpion
  65. Sea Horse
  66. Spider
  67. Stirge
  68. Tiger
  69. Vulture
  70. Warhorse
  71. Weasel
  72. Wolf
  1. Ettin
  2. Fire Giant
  3. Frost Giant
  4. Hill Giant
  5. Ogre
  6. Oni
  7. Stone Giant
  8. Storm Giant
  9. Troll
  10. Blink Dog
  11. Dryad
  12. Green Hag
  13. Satyr
  14. Sea Hag
  15. Sprite
  16. Black Pudding
  17. Gelatinous Cube
  18. Gray Ooze
  19. Ochre Jelly
  20. Awakened Shrub
  21. Awakened Tree
  22. Shambling Mound
  23. Shrieker
  24. Treant
  25. Violet Fungus
  26. Swarm of Bats
  27. Swarm of Insects
  28. Swarm of Snakes
  29. Swarm of Quippers
  30. Swarm of Rats
  31. Swarm of Ravens
  32. Ghast
  33. Ghost
  34. Ghoul
  35. Skeleton
  36. Specter
  37. Warhorse Skeleton
  38. Wight
  39. Will-o'-Wisp
  40. Wraith
  41. Zombie
  42. Androsphinx
  43. Ankheg
  44. Basilisk
  45. Behir
  46. Bulette
  47. Centaur
  48. Chimera
  49. Cockatrice
  50. Darkmantle
  51. Death Dog
  52. Doppleganger
  53. Drider
  54. Ettercap
  55. Gorgon
  56. Grick
  57. Griffon
  58. Guardian Naga
  59. Gynosphinx
  60. Harpy
  61. Hippogriff
  62. Hydra
  63. Lamia
  64. Manticore
  65. Medusa
  66. Merrow
  67. Minotaur
  68. Owlbear
  69. Purple Worm
  70. Remorhaz
  71. Roc
  72. Roper
  73. Rust Monster
  74. Spirit Naga
  75. Tarrasque
  76. Winter Wolf
  77. Worg