The Heart

The House of Stone on Isis

Building Description
Maps Articles
Nearby Towns
HOS General Features
Special Effects
Castle Ground Floor
Central Upper Floors
Outer Upper Floors
HOS Area
Ground Floor
Central Upper Floors
Outer Upper Floors
Encounters and Ghosts

The view of the HOS from a hill not far away.
"At first there is nothing unusual looking about the pastoral scene before you. It is only in the details that things begin to look amiss. The river Hooto winds it's way around a rise in the ground that leads up to a very large hill. The land between the river and the hill are cultivated, but there is something wrong about the look of the farm below other than the absence of houses nearby. Even the thick fog that completely obscures the top of the hill seems like a simple freak of the atmosphere. The land is green, fertile and quiet. Perhaps it is a bit TOO quiet. Birds can be heard, but there is little of the rustling of leaves in the trees and she whooshing of the wind through the crops one expects. Although the fog at the top of the hill moves first one way and then the next, there is little or no wind that can be felt.

Through the shifting fog, nothing can be seen of what it hides at first. But every so often, a wisp of fog is torn from its place by the imperceptible wind and the top of a strange tower can be seen. It seems to be made of solid blocks of stone. It is made not of mortared or close fit cut rock but rather of monolithic stones one would expect to see only in a holy stone circle like Stonehenge. The rock tower is a dark weathered gray with streaks of deeper gray, almost black running through it. At the top is Tower a 15' high shaft made of some strange black metal. It is topped with something that can only be seen from a distance with a telescope. A black, clenched fist tops the grim tower. Once every few hours, a bolt of lightning appears from nowhere in the cloudless sky and streaks down to strike the clenched fist of the tower with a crashing, rolling boom of thunder."  Anyone flying above the HOS have a 10% chance of being struck by one of these bolts of lightning. A save VS reflex at a DC 18 cuts the damage in half.

If your eye travels down to the flat lands near the river, you will see planted crops. But instead of the regular, ordered, parallel furrows of a normal farm, you see meandering intersecting rows of crops as if plowed by a drunken farmer. Furtive movements can be seen, but the reason for the movements is concealed by the planted crops.

To the west of the fog appears a forest, but only a skilled eye will tell that the forest is an overgrown orchard of fruit and nut trees. Occasionaly a strange sound is heard. It is almost a human scream. Only those familiar with animal lore can tell the cry comes from a goat that must be in mortal pain to loose such a wrenching cry.

The last thing you notice is the smell. It is a horrible over note to the smells of river and hill. Mixed with these wholesome smells are the smells of decaying flesh and a musky, fertilizer smells.

There is some connection between the House of Stone and Beourn. He doesn't understand it yet, but it can't be coincadance that the HOS on Isis contains his heart. The Heart was moved into the HOS and it isn't clear why. Actually, there are two hearts in the HOS. The Heart of Beourn is guarded there by the malignant heart that contains the soul of the house itself.