A magical item called "The Ugly Stick". It was a wand that would decrease the charisma of a character by 1d4 points. A character with a low charisma score found that it was easier to scare/intimidate people when you had a low charisma. He determined to get the lowest CHR possible. He used the Ugly Stick to arrive at a CHR of 0, then took it further with self mutilation cutting of his nose, ears and lips! The gods and everyone else laughed..
Early Memories
When first exposed to D&D, I had been working for years at companies where English as a second language was common among co-workers. This and the non-demanding nature of the work had reduced my mind to a very low level of engagement. D&D got me thinking again. The arithmetic-in-your head, the critical thinking and the use of imagination all contributed to a return to my powers of intellect that was dramatic.Withing a year of becoming a DM I had quit the PCB job and found a position as a sales person with the first company to sell PC and other gadgets in a retail mall. This game me access to computers when they were only just getting started; think the Apple 2 and Atari 800! It wouldn't take long for me to see the advantages to using a computer in D&D.
I used AD&D until about a year after D&D 3.0 was released. It fixed a lot of silly things about AD&D (like racial level limitations) but also lost a lot of its charm and flavor. For those wanting the ADS&D experience, but not enough to buy all the books, try Osric.
The Judges Guild
My friend John who introduced me to the AD&D game was using all the books and adventure modules published by the creators of the game TSR, . When I became interested in reffing, we made a deal. I would not buy or read any of the TSR adventures as that would be cheating! He agreed not to buy or look at the Judges Guild published material. The quality of the JG adventurers was uneven. Some were good and some were really not good. One of the worst was a Cloud Giant adventure. It took place on a cloud that you would walk on and that was only the beginning of the dumbness. It was so bad the characters I was taking through it committed suicide by jumping off the cloud!
Still, I loved the Tegiel Manor adventure and the city and territory releases were lots of fun. In particular, the City State of the Invincible Overlord had really hilarious random city encounter tables and many well fleshed out locations and shops.
My First campaign - The Blue Sun and the planet Joywind
At this time I was an avid reader of fantasy books. They game me a lot of ideas that would work great within the game. That was the driving factor for me to invent my own world and my own adventurers. I wanted to use the situation and the characters in a book when the campaign was done. When it was done, I realized that a book from that adventure wouldn't work. Being my first attempt at world building I made a bunch of mistakes. Not the least of which was including a lot of stuff that would be easily traced back to the books I stole them from!