Maknusi - The Big City

City Map - Players City Map
City Encounters, Thiefs Guild, Guild Members, Thiefs Cant, City Militia, Government, Royals, Temple Elders,

Black Numbered Buildings
White Numbered Buildings
Info Blocks
B1 The High Lady's Castle (Family Urdo) - Map
B2 Clearspring Tor
B3 The river Teshyash (Clearspring)
B4 Inner Chamber (Temple of Yakmarta)
B5 Costerheadhouse (Thousandheads Trading Coster base)
B6 Amberside (Market) 
B7 Moondown Isle (AKA Harpstars Isle)
B8 Bellowbar's Gate
B9 Shortarrow Gate
B10 Riverroad Gate
B11 Drovers Gate
B12 Vale Gate
B13 Woods Gate
B14 Uldoon Trail (Streets)
B15 Steelsword Street
B16 Steelspur Way

B17 The Claw
B18 Shondaleir Street
B19 The Crossways
B20 The Gollahaer (Street)
B21 The Minstrelride (Street)

B22 Leaping Lynx Bridge
B23 The Handspan Bridge
B24 Alamather's by the Water (Shop)
B25 Ondraer's Find Pages (Shop)
B26 The House of the Hungry Merchant (Inn)
B27 The Ready House (Temple to Twillim)
B28 Evensong Tower (Temple to Maclewar)
B29 The Seat of Lore (Temple to Wabah)
B30 House of the High Hand (Shrine to Lyra)
B31 Roseportal House (Temple to Geruna)
B32 The Misthall (Temple to Yakmarta)
B33 Starrevel Hall (Shrine to Bob)
B34 Swordspoint Hall (Temple to Stegman)
B35 The running Stag (Inn and Tavern)
B36 The Sign of the Silver Sword (Inn)
B37 The Flourished Flagon (Theives Tavern)
B38 The Heralds Rest (Festhall/Tavern)
B39 The Ruby Shawl (Festhall & Theives guild)
B40 The Dawn of any Day (Music Shop)
B41 Tindar's Own (Beer Hall/Tavern)
B42 The Bellblade Throne (Beer Hall/Tavern)
B43 Memblars Minstrelry (Beer Hall/Tavern)
B44 Olyndin's Folly (Beer Hall/Tavern)
B45 The Hurled Harp (Beer Hall/Inn)
B46 Blackpost's Bench (Beer Hall/Tavern)
B47The Happy Hearth (Brewery)
B48 The Bright Moon (Beer Hall/Inn)
B49 The Firey Fish Bar(Beer Hall/Tavern)
B50 Althalankeir House (House)
B51 Bellanbram House
B52 Caunter Tower - Wizard School
B53 Charthoon Towers (Tax Colectors)
B54 Danallbur Towers (City Admin)
B55 Felannlilt Towers (City Library)
B56 Gort Castle (Court House)Whitley
B57 Halabart House (Naval Affairs)
B58 The Jalarghaspires (City Watch)
B59 Lothkarr House (Mages Guild Hall)
B60 Highall Mreen (Bright Conclave)
B61 House Oyindle (Kings Malicia)
B62 Partsin Towers (Officers Quarters)
B63 Uthgolabar Hall (Farm Hall)
B64 Hullybucks Gamble (Inn, fence, stable)
B65 Thunderwood Forays (Adventure Sponsor and Outfitter)
B66 The Riverbarge (Festhall)
B67 Three Brave Harpists (Festhall)
B68 Lonelycoins House (Festhall- Fence)
W1 Halie's Stable
W2 Herbalist
W3 Locksmith
W4 Furrier
W5 Walker the Taylor
W6 Lumber and Woodseller
W7 Barber
W8 Shoemaker
W9 Hatter
W10 Baker
W11 Butcher
W12 Armorer
W13 Jail
W14 Open Market
W15 Seamstress
W16 General Store
W17 Ropemaker
W18 Baker
W19 Used Clothes
W20 Weaponsmith
W21 Grain and Feed
W22 Library and Sages
W23 - Checkers Best Rocks Jewler
W24 Cooper
W25 Leather Goods
W26 Tannery
W27 Wine, Beer and Spirits
W28 Chester's Bording House
W29 Inn of the Plesant Surprise
W30 Red House Brothel
W31 Famous Food Restaraunt
W32 Fishmonger
W33 Locksmith
W34 Alchemist
W35 Blacksmith
Yovisha Law
Yovisha Basics
Bright Conclave
City Defenses

Although the city walls are made of stone, they are not well maintained and it looks like some sections are ready to be breached by pushing them hard. On average they are 20' high, but around the gates they are 32' to they match up with the height of the gate houses. They are formed by a 15' by 5' berm that bricks of clay are laid on top of for another 15'. The berm is made of river stones brought from up river. The outer wall is crenalated and rises 3' to 5' alternating. The walkway behind the crenilations is 5' wide

City Defenses
The primary defenses are in the turrets located frequently along the wall. These all follow the same floorplan, but their orientation may vary. They are all 2 stories high and have a 3' high crenelated rim on the roof. These will always be at least a squad of city guard and a squad of kings guard at each of these locations. The two groups are very competitive and are all the more ready for action.

The gates are stone arches 32' high and the road is 10' wide. The doors are made of 12" thick solid hardwood and they are braced by a steel bar reinforced foot square beam across it. All of the gates are similar in that the gate timbers have been recently replaced and are now 400HP in strength as long as the bar of steel is in place on the inside. It takes 4 trained men to lock it or unlock it. The name of the gate is displayed on large tiles that are on both sides.

Maknusi is the seat of government for the Kingdom of Yovishia. However the city is actually ruled (laws made, funds allocated etc.) by the Kings Council known as the "Bright Conclave". This group is made up of the oldest members of all the wealthy families making the city a gerontocracy. The Kings Council has broken down to factions that most of the time work together to benefit the families that make up the faction. Not all of the families are represented with a major presence in the city, but their influence is still felt through ambassadors.
Colors of the guard is Black with silver lining and the crest of two headed eagle.
Currently there are 47 members of the Bright Conclave aged from 72 to 248.  The meetings of the council are always open to the public, but it is well known that much of the Conclaves real work goes on behind the scenes. Although each Conclave member casts a single vote, there is a lot of politicking that goes on within the families and factions before a vote is taken.
 The government is actually controlled by the people that execute its rules.
Her is a handy list of the people making up the Yovishia royal government.
bailiff - the man who makes arrests and executions. Bailiff was not primarily used for the office of policeman. Etymologically, bailiffs were those in charge of the bailey - in effect, manager of the craftsmen and servants in a castle or manor house.
Orsik Gorunn, Dwarf (Mountain) Fighter (Great Weapon); S19 D14 C19 I12 W14 C11; 14 hp; Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation; Dragonchess, Vehicles (Land); Common, Dwarvish; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, greatsword, blowgun, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt pouch, t10, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Cavalry); T:action judger, unflinching; I:responsibility; B:honorable; F:trusts faithful.
catchpole - literally 'chicken catcher', one who finds and brings in debtors.
Shava Diamonddew, Elf (Wood) Rogue; S14 D18 C10 I15 W16 C15; 8 hp; Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth; Dice, Poisoner, Thieves' Tools; Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t26, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Enforcer); T:optimistic, unflinching; I:greed; B:stolen keepsake; F:money chooser.
chancellor - a secretary to a noble or royal
Euphemia Hilltopple, Halfling (Stout) Wizard; S13 D16 C17 I17 W11 C14; 9 hp; Arcana, History, Investigation, Religion; Common, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling; dancing lights, mage hand, shocking grasp; burning hands, detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, shield, silent image; dagger, arcane focus (crystal), scholar's pack, spellbook, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t51, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Discredited Academic); T:mystery lover, horribly awkward; I:tradition; B:tool carrier; F:complicated solver.
constable - the warden of a town or castle
Arveene Ilphelkiir, Human (Chondathan) Fighter (Great Weapon); S17 D13 C15 I15 W15 C14; 12 hp; Athletics, Deception, Insight, Stealth; Cards, Thieves' Tools; Common, Orc; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, maul, rapier, handaxe, handaxe, dungeoneer's pack, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t77, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Hired Killer); T:fair, risk taker; I:charity ; B:become great; F:innocent condemner.
052 Jhessail Amblecrown, Human (Chondathan) Cleric (Mishakal); S16
exchequer - the man responsible for the king's revenue
Merric Brushgather, Halfling (Stout) Rogue; S13 D19 C15 I15 W11 C14; 10 hp; Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth; Three-Dragon Ante, Forgery, Thieves' Tools; Common, Halfling, Thieves' Cant; shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t28, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Hired Killer); T:slow truster, fair; I:no limits; B:text preservation; F:money chooser.
hayward - an officer in charge of city walls, Gatess, fences and hedges
Thola High-hill, Halfling (Lightfoot) Cleric (Boldrei); S15 D16 C15 I13 W16 C12; 10 hp; History, Insight, Medicine, Religion; Common, Abyssal, Dwarvish, Halfling; light, spare the dying, thaumaturgy; bless, command, cure wounds, guiding bolt, inflict wounds, shield of faith; mace, leather armor, light crossbow, 20 bolts, priest's pack, shield, holy symbol (amulet), holy symbol (emblem), prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t11, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; T:tolerant, idolater; I:charity; B:library preserver; F:impulsive speaker.
herald - had two responsibilities: a man in charge of making pronouncements and proclamations, and one who is an expert in the field of heraldry (the various insignias used by the rich to identify themselves.) These two responsibilities were one in the same. Medieval Europeans wouldn't have thought it possible to separate them; much less would they have considered them separate roles.
Urhur Fezim, Human (Mulan) Fighter (Protection); S13 D19 C16 I15 W13 C9; 13 hp; Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation; Dragonchess, Vehicles (Land); Common, Dwarvish; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, shield, battleaxe, light crossbow, 20 bolts, dungeoneer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, playing card set, common clothes, belt pouch, t93, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (
Vadania Moonbrook, Elf (High) Fighter (Protection); S12 D18 C15 I16 W12 C12; 12 hp; Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception; Three-Dragon Ante, Vehicles (Land); Common, Elvish, Infernal; light; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, shield, battleaxe, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt pouch, t28, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Officer); T:polite, unflinching; I:independence; B:ally defender; F:admits nothing.
jailer - the man responsible for a jail: he keeps the criminals from getting out
Urth Fireforge, Human (Illuskan) Fighter (Protection); S17 D12 C15 I12 W15 C14; 12 hp; Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Survival; Dice, Vehicles (Land); Common, Goblin; chain mail, shield, trident, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, playing card set, common clothes, belt pouch, t27, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Officer); T:crude, tolerant; I:responsibility; B:brothers in arms; F:admits nothing
judge - a man who is responsible for deciding questions brought to court Sergor Tosscobble, Elf (High) Cleric (Pelor); S17 D15 C14 I12 W14 C13; 10 hp; Insight, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Religion; Common, Elvish, Giant, Infernal, Undercommon; prestidigitation; guidance, spare the dying, thaumaturgy; bless, command, cure wounds, detect magic, healing word; mace, chain mail, dagger, explorer's pack, shield, holy symbol (emblem), holy symbol (amulet), prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t64, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; T:cloistered,
reeve - church warden. Note that the word 'reeve' applies to much more than the Church. Reeves usually came out to be combination administrators and business managers of estates, towns and small territories (i.e. shires) - something like a chief bailiff.
Grim Dundragon, Human (Chondathan) Cleric (Pelor); S15 D14 C16 I14 W16 C10; 11 hp; Animal Handling, History, Medicine, Survival; Smith, Vehicles (Land); Common, Elvish; sacred flame, spare the dying, thaumaturgy; bless, command, cure wounds, healing word, sanctuary, shield of faith; mace, leather armor, javelin, explorer's pack, shield, holy symbol (emblem), smith's tools, shovel, iron pot, common clothes, belt pouch, t29, 10 gp; ex-Folk Hero (Secret Origin); T:action oriented, bored; I:self improvement; B:answer seeker; F:overconfident.
144 Traubon Lutgehr, Dwarf (Mountain) Cleric (Demeter); S16 D13
Royal Families
Tessar Family - Mercenaries, Adventurers
Horan Tessar - Family Head

Troops Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Breena human english Male 39 Explorer Abrasive and Sweet
Elvin human english Male 47 Guardsman Industrious and Smart
Peyton human english Female 28 Adventurer Reluctant and Rude
Villads human english Male 45 Adventurer Compassionate
Lawley human english Male 48 Explorer Angry and Cynical
Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Breena human english Female 9 Explorer Abrasive and Sweet
Elvin human english Male 47 Guardsman Industrious and Scarred Face
Peyton human english Female 18 Adventurer Reluctant and Rude
Villads human english Male 5 Adventurer Story-teller and Compassionate
Lawley human english Male 8 Explorer Angry and Cynical

Ruddar Family - Weapons, Armor, Kings Army, City Watch
Family Head: Verhath Ruddar
Senior Family
Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Keller Human
english Male 48 General Blacksmith Wary and Sharp
Teagan Human
english Female 25 Town Watch Member Cold and Calm
Powan Human
english Male 16 Weaponsmith Rugged and Audacious
Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Oswin human english Male 28 Adventurer Refined and Kleptomaniac
Everett human english Male 25 Pirate Rich and Inept
Sawyer human english Female 17 Unemployed Mercenary Immature and Messy
Aelflaed human english Female 22 Adventurer Rash and Brilliant
Kelsie human english Female 6 Unemployed Mercenary Intuitive and Superstitious
Gary human english Male 1 Adventurer Cultured and Poor Gambler

Malavhan Family -  Weapons, Armor
Family Head: Rarri Malavhan

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Alane human english Male 53 Weaponsmith Reserved and Messy
Kyndal human english Female 20 General Blacksmith Cheerless and Verbose
Leigh human english Female 43 Weaponsmith Sharp and Brash
Rovena human english Female 42 Merchant Ignorant and Determined
Avellana human english Female 42 Leatherworker
Brazen and Jealous

Yhammos -  Mage Guild - Wild Space Traders
Family Head: Namwe Yhammos
Guild Leader: Janku Yhammos

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Gnome Tinker Gnome
Female 56 Mage Suave and Curious
Nalin-Son Gnome Tinker Gnome Male 54 Mage Clever and Scrawny
Gnome Tinker Gnome Female 107 Mage Cold and Innocent
Belegola-Paternal Aunt Gnome Tinker Gnome Female 91 Mage Solitary and Fanatical

Urdo - First Family - Kingdom Army, Tax Gatherers
Family Head: Borba Urdo
The Current King is Borba the Youth (14) who is also the head of the Urdo family. He has command of the army and the city militia and the Watch. Currently Borba is serving in a "advisory" capacity due to his age. The power of the kin is currently in the hands of the Kings Regent:
 Zorack Urdo. He has his position from the previous king Gorba the Merciful. He is serving the kingdom well, but he is resented by the Bright Conclave

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Adin gnome gnome Male 55 Captain/Unemployed Mercenary Careful and Vain
Haki dwarf dwarven Male 96 Guard/Explorer Simple and Reckless
Marleigh half-elf english Female 91 Guard Careful and Inquisitive
Westin half-elf english Male 106 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Overweight and Poor
Roso gnome gnome Male 84 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Smooth and Ugly
Duarte human english Male 30 Guard/Adventurer Skillful and Assertive

Ssemm Family - Fabrics, Art and Entertainment
Family Head:  Boddyknock Ssemm

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Breena - Wife
Gnome Rock Gnome Male 131 Singer Forgetful and Cruel
Milton - Brother
Gnome Rock Gnome Male 145 Story Teller
Frank and Talkative
Waywocket - SisInlaw
Gnome Rock Gnome Female 66 Seamstress Verbose and Virtuous
Ascot - son
Gnome Rock Gnome Male 37 Painter Selfish and Rude
Beren - daughter
Gnome Rock Gnome Female 2 Harpist Picks nose and Angry
Adney - Cousin
Gnome Rock Gnome Male 35 Weaver Dependable and Tempermental


Thorsar - Gambling, Whores, Drugs
Family Head: Jenuthun Thorsar

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Miette Dragonborn english
Female 85 Casino Boss
Fanatical Teamster
Tordan gnome gnome Male 115 Pickpocket
Curious and Ugly Middleman
Cotina Halfling Halfling Female 27 Private Guard Opinionated and Immature Hired Thugs
Bonita Human
Female 25 Madam
Melancholy and Dumb Whores
Nina elf elf
Female 108 Drug Lord
Scarred Face and Friendly Drug Smuggler
Tosina human english Female 38 Fixer
Sagely and Selfish

Myrkeer Family - Stolen Goods, Theives Guild (Family Building)
Family Head: Ileni Myrkeer
The Silent Clan

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Dwight human english Male 39 Town Watch Member Manipulative and Thoughtful
Aethelu human english Female 23 Cat Burgler
Lazy and Sarcastic
Meadow human english Female 52 Appraiser
Quiet and Gloomy
Presley human english Female 49 Fence
Frank and Belligerent
Audric human english Male 38 Enforcer Assertive and Strong
Colt human english Male 32 Weaponsmith Frugal and Macho

Dhostar Family - Feed, Foods, Grocery
Family Head :  Cora Dhostar
Ferra Dhostar; female halfling Noble5:  CR 4; Size S (2 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 5d8; hp 32; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +1 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6; AL LE; Str 5, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16. Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Halfling, Orc.
Skills and feats:  Appraise +5, Climb -1, Diplomacy +10, Hide +7, Intimidate +8, Jump -1, Knowledge (History) +10, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Perform (Oratory) +8, Speak Language +2, Spot +1; Skill Focus (Appraise), Skill Focus (Knowledge (History)). Possessions:  4,300 gp  in gear.
(Run by Druids) Spiritual Head Gaugo Rhostar

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Edgardo halfling english Male 25 Farmer Frank and Indiscrete
Chester halfling english Male 25 Miller Upbeat and Loyal
Gary halfling english Male 4 Dairy Thrifty and Wary
Aelfraed halfling english Male 15 Farmer Scrawny and Sarcastic

Guldar Family - Fish and Sea weeds
Family Head: Kimeli Guldar

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Brawley Tiefling Seamen Male 28 Fisherman Inquisitive and Disrespectful
Lawley Tiefling Seamen Male 12 Fisherman Humorous and Verbose
Tatum Tiefling english Female 15 Blacksmith Reckless and Brutish
Macie Tiefling Seamen Female 40 Fisherman Debonair and Strange
Dana Tiefling english Female 14 Fisherman Skillful and Clever
Burleigh Tiefling Seamen Male 35 Navigator Ignorant and Wise

Roads and Docks -
Thalavar - Teamsters Dockworkers, Drovers
Family Head: Uibraollo Thalavar

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Payten human english Female 33
Macho and Reserved
Kendall human english Female 42 Longshoreman Solitary and Strong-willed
Emerson human english Male 25 Stevadore Energetic and Industrious
Earle human english Male 20 Town Watch Member Sincere and Cold
Kendal human english Female 33 Caravan Drover Inventive and Selfish

Yesak Family - Slave Traders
Family Head: Finfaren of House Yesak

human english Male 27 Thug/Retired Soldier Rude and Empathic
Lillian human english Female 50 Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary Reckless and Irritating
Arietta human english Female 35 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Tall and Compassionate
Amity human english Female 19 Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary Reckless and Calm
Macie human english Female 37 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Story-teller and Touchy
Chad human english Male 37 Thug/Guardsman Timid and Quarrelsome
Haven human english Female 31 Thug/Enslaver Boring and Fanatical

Temples - Convocation of High Priests
Brother Nachelus - Wabah
Codrac Galmero - Stregman
Cumalu Muleno - Gerunda
Ewon Galbort  - Twillum
Highfather Brune- Yakmarta
Nachelus of Maknusi- Bobdobbs
Rhara Rattek- Maclewar
Temple of all Gods - Pantheistic

Bright Conclave
This is the council that advises the king. The relative power of the king and the council has changed over the years. Booka the Young has had little to do with the ruling of the country and his regent is not forecful encough to control the council. Thus the council has a lot of influence over the country and finds its "suggestions" are almost always granted by the king.
The council is an putative oligarchy with the members of the council coming from the guilds, noble families, and some big businesses. Here are the current membership of the Bright Conclave.
Family Head: Horan Tessar - Mercenaries
Family Head: Verhath Ruddar - Kings army
Family Head: Rarri Malavhan- Weapons
Family Head: Namwe Yhammos- Mage Guild
Family Head: Lord Elror Ssemm- Entertainment
Family Head: Jenuthun Thorsar- Gambling
Family Head: Ileni Myrkeer- Thieves
Family Head: Cora Dhostar- Foods
Family Head Kimeli Guldar- Fish
Family Head: Uibraollo Thalavar- Teamsters
Family Head: Finfaren of House Yesak- Slavers

ROYAL WIZARD: Ma`Dara: [Level 13 Wizard]  [HGT: 4ft, 10in; WGT: 91 lbs] He is a mature male Filli (cat man) that is ragged in appearance. He is generally fanatical and obsessive, but also diplomatic. His disposition is proud but he is scrupulous by nature. He is quite fearless in the face of danger. he comes off as being quite motivated. He can be perceived as normal when it comes to his morality. He has a great interest in fishing.  DRESSED IN: tan thigh boots, a tan belt, dark-purple kilt, light-red cap, and a light-blue doublet. POSSESSIONS: cork, bent copper piece, platinum necklace (31 gp), small cloth bag with 3cp. ARMS & ARMOR: short sword (1d6 damage), heavy cloth armor, crystal ball

ROYAL SPY: [Level 16 Rogue] Evert Squee: [HGT: 6ft, 9in; WGT: 350 lbs] He is a young male orc that is dirty in appearance. He has short, white hair.  He is generally altruistic, but also solitary and secretive. His disposition is hot tempered but he is hard-hearted by nature. He is quite brave in the face of danger. he comes off as being quite lazy. He can be perceived as sadistic when it comes to his morality. He has a great interest in legends.  DRESSED IN: gray boots, a gray belt, yellow long pants, dark-red skullcap, and a green doublet. POSSESSIONS: soiled rag, iron keys (3 ea), scissors. ARMS & ARMOR: club (1d4 damage), heavy cloth armor, short sword (1d6 damage)

The king is in the "High Lady's Castle" so called because it was designed and built under direct orders from Queen Aronka. It was built 154 years before the time when the players get to the city. It was built over the previous castle which was taken apart and much of the materials re-used in the new castle.

Yovishia Malitia
Yovishia is a Lawful Neutral state that is heavy on the Lawful. The further away from the center of the nation at Maknusi, the less strict are the laws and the punishment. There are some quirks in the law so reading about the law and punishment is a good idea. On the Kings road it is unusual to enforce laws of a rank 2 or higher.  You will seldom find officers with a Good alignment of any kind in charge of troops. Only1 in 4 is evil. For violations of 2 or 3, the person is restrained and returned to the nearest large city accompanied by 2 soldiers. For violations of 4 to 6 an officer in the field is regarded as the judge and may meet out punishments without more authority. These are known as Tobor Trials as the small tobor drum is used to announce a verdict which is carried out on the spot.
The uniforms of the basic troops are bright red wool with black trimming (yes, just like the nazis). The foot troops wear a long jacket that ends about 3" from the knees. They are double-breasted with brass buttons. The button holes are embroidered with black thread. The arm, wrist cuffs, high neck collar and bottom seam are also black. The pants are also double breasted (like to old navy uniforms) with matching brass buttons. Belt is black leather and the belt loops are red.  They all wear black soft leather boots. There are 4 ranks of soldier with 0 to 3 1" stripes of black cloth on the arms indicating this. There is no armor visible, although some wear hard leather pieces under the uniform only if they know they will be attacked. They all are equipped with a long sword, a dagger and a light crossbow.
The NCOs wear black leather armor and black boots with a red tabard over it, tucked into a wide black belt. The number of large black stars that are embroidered on the front indicate the rank with 4 being just under officers rank. They carry a long sword, a daggar, a shield and a whip.
The officers wear red leather armor similar in cut and color to the enlisted mens uniform except they will wear some kind of breast armor either chain (for a warrant officer) or plate (for colonel and up) depending on rank. All of the chest armors are decorated with painted on image of a 2 tailed lion. It is also common to see this design on the shields that are carried by the cavalry. The officers carry a long sword, a dagger, a long bow and a shield and a whip.

Here is how to roll up a troop of militia who is patrolling the city:
# of troops=4d4
4-8 troops will have 1 NCO
9-12 troops will have 1d3 NCO and a warrant officer
13-16 will have 2 NCOs, a warrant officer and a lieutenant
There are also cavalry men with them occasionally:
2 riding horses with riders in full on chain mail and shield
A major troop will have 16 Troops, 3 NCOs, 1 Colonel
6 Cavalry 2 with Light Riding horses and 4 with War Horses. The men on the riding horses wear chain, but the war horse troopers were plate and shield. All of the officers on horse wear red tabards with the lion image on them with black belts

City Watch
The city watch are the local police and are not a part of the armed forces under the command of the king. They are technically under the command of the Bright Conclave, but the daily operations are controlled by the Guldar family. The family is paid for:
The uniforms of the city watch are similar to the militia uniforms except red on black not black on red. Where the militia uniforms are wool, the watch wears cotton. Only the officers of the watch wear leather armor, the rest do not.

CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS: Quty Reva [Level 5 Warrior]  [HGT: 4ft, 5in; WGT: 71 lbs] She is a young female half orc that is dandyish in appearance. She is generally pessimistic, but also hostile. Her disposition is easy going but she is truthful by nature. She is quite brave in the face of danger. She can be perceived as sadistic when it comes to her morality. She has a great interest in hunting.  DRESSED IN: tan shoes, and a red fancy dress guard uniform. POSSESSIONS: yarn (12 ft), vial of insect repellent, scissors. ARMS & ARMOR: heavy flail (1d6+1 damage), chain mail armor, kite shield
ROYAL GUARD Leutenant Bulsta Zudagog: [Level 4 Warrior] : [HGT: 4ft, 5in; WGT: 132 lbs] He is a young male orc that is rough in appearance. He is bald with a long, white moustache.  He is generally altruistic, but also friendly. His disposition is easy going but he is truthful by nature. He is quite foolhardy in the face of danger. He can be perceived as sadistic when it comes to his morality. He has a great interest in cooking.  DRESSED IN: dark-green fur boots, a gray belt, red kilt, gray skullcap, and a green fancy shirt. POSSESSIONS: note regarding a secret meeting, fife, leather sack with 7cp. ARMS & ARMOR: two-handed sword (1d10 damage), chain mail armor, wooden shield
ROYAL GUARD: Sergent Hobee Abiri [Level 3 Warrior]: [HGT: 5ft, 6in; WGT: 114 lbs] She is a young female tigran (cat man) that is ragged in appearance. She is generally studious, but also well-spoken. Her disposition is even tempered but she is jealous by nature. She is quite fearless in the face of danger. she comes off as being quite lazy. She can be perceived as virtuous when it comes to her morality. She has a great interest in nature.  DRESSED IN: dark-red fur boots, forest-green short pants, dark-brown robe, and a forest-green tunic. POSSESSIONS: turnip, fake treasure map, sewing needle. ARMS & ARMOR: bastard sword (2d4 damage), ring mail armor, kite shield

Major Buildings (Black Numbers)

B1 The High Lady's Castle (Family Urdo)

Despite its name, this castle is occupied by the King of Yovishia. King Booka the Youthful is now 14 and beginning to come into his own as a ruler. Unfortunately he is not a strong ruler.
Family Head: Borba Urdo
The Current King is Borba the Youth who is also the head of the Urdo family. He has command of the army and the city militia and the Watch. Currently Borba is serving in a "advisory" capacity due to his age. The power of the kin is currently in the hands of the Kings Regent:
 Zorack Urdo. He has his position from the previous king Gorba the Merciful. He is serving the kingdom well, but he is resented by the Bright Conclave. /He has a council of leaders from the primary families of the city who actually do the heavy work of ruling. The king can still overrule them or even take over completely but Booka perfers to have fun, live high, enjoy any woman in the country (there are laws of primogeniture). The rigid law structure is effective to keep the people in place and there is little or no opposition to the status quo. The main castle building is the Kings residence, the other building is for the city administrators. The court house is not here.

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Darra Human
English Female 43 Leader - High Lady
Diligent and Pleasant
Tomlin Human English Male 40 Husband Patient and Tall
Branton half-elf english Male 25 Lieutenant/Explorer Loves Beer and Ugly
Gedin halfling halfling Male 32 Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier Refined and Secretive
Kenton human english Male 34 Lieutenant Shallow and Intelligent
Brayton half-elf english Male 73 Lieutenant/Off-Duty Mercenary Shrewd and Upbeat
Arethusa human english Female 31 Guard Wise and Filthy mouth
Arietta human english Female 39 Guard Brash and Know-it-all
Paxton human english Male 36 Guard Shy and Boring
Justice human english Male 41 Guard Trusting and Wary
Fae human english Female 18 Guard Brash and Well-informed
Rod human english Male 51 Guard/Explorer Domineering and Rash
Presley human english Female 40 Guard Unfriendly and Religious
Lindsey human english Female 39 Guard/Explorer Brash and Respectful
Payton human english Male 55 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Energetic and Loud
Carlton human english Male 17 Guard/Explorer Artistic and Mature
Aldyth human english Female 19 Guard/Explorer Shallow and Scruffy
Grayson human english Male 17 Guard/Pirate Melancholy and Discreet
Brenner human english Male 26 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Perfectionist and Verbose
Erle human english Male 15 Guard/Pirate Obese and Opinionated
Brinley human english Male 48 Guard/Injury Discharged Soldier Quarrelsome and Simple
Karter human english Male 15 Guard/Cutpurse Courteous and Aloof
Synne human english Female 20 Guard/Adventurer Innocent and Cowardly
Berwick human english Male 45 Guard/Guardsman Strong and Witty
Marley human english Male 52 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Brazen and Humble
Barse human english Male 40 Guard/Pirate Tall and Miserly
Brantley half-elf english Male 75 Guard Spoiled and Thrifty
Breena half-elf english Female 54 Guard Graceful and Story-teller
Sunniva half-elf english Female 26 Guard Reckless and Shy
Marlie half-elf english Female 48 Guard Rash and Strong
Throbbi dwarf dwarven Male 96 Guard Aloof and Diligent
Faragrim dwarf dwarven Male 242 Guard Logical and Dumb
Ragna dwarf dwarven Female 131 Guard Cowardly and Perfectionist
Algrim dwarf dwarven Male 62 Guard Sincere and Brilliant
Dadrin dwarf dwarven Male 138 Guard Loves Beer and Reckless
Grim dwarf dwarven Male 161 Guard Discreet and Reserved
Ulther dwarf dwarven Male 100 Guard Beautiful and Sympathetic
Garil dwarf dwarven Male 82 Guard Plain and Deferential
Lunn dwarf dwarven Male 102 Guard Witty and Bratty
Chelsi human english Female 55 Guard Timid and Filthy mouth
Editha human english Female 38 Guard Condescending and Charmer
Burdan human english Male 28 Guard Intelligent and Skillful
Grover human english Male 30 Guard Lazy and Honest
Cole human english Male 56 Guard Thoughtful and Con man
Fay human english Female 42 Guard Intuitive and Sarcastic
Amice human english Female 20 Guard Likeable and Snob
Bridgely human english Male 40 Guard Dumb and Flirty
Daisy human english Female 47 Guard Irritating and Tattooed
Edmund human english Male 21 Guard Trusting and Judgmental
Keaton half-elf english Male 53 Guard Alcoholic and Honorable
lane half-elf english Male 73 Guard Con man and Alcoholic
Kimball half-elf english Male 31 Guard Tattooed and Reserved
Preston half-elf english Male 76 Guard Diligent and Withdrawn
Harlow half-elf english Female 70 Guard Dull and Talkative
Elfi half-elf english Female 67 Guard Industrious and Deferential
Birney half-elf english Male 26 Guard Loud and Determined
Kelton human english Male 63 Guard Dull and Generous
Remy human english Male 49 Guard Graceful and Contrarian
Reid human english Male 21 Guard Reserved and Abrasive
Hailee human english Female 50 Guard Reckless and Naive

B2 Clearspring Tor

This city park contains the spring that forms into the river Teshyash otherwise known as the Clearspring. The park is open to all, but only used after dark by applying for a permit (which will take some graft)

B3 The river Teshyash (Clearspring)

This short river flows into a larger river that flows to the sea.

B4 Inner Chamber (Temple to All Gods)

This large building is home to all the Gods legally represented in the city. The shrines are arrainged in stalls around each of the halls. They are attended by accolites who are sent daily to the shrines. There is also always one healer cleric doing level 1 spells or better in each shrine.

Boddynock, male gnome Clr5:  CR 5; Size S (3 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 5d8+10; hp 39; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 15.
Analaphia, female elf Clr5:  CR 5; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 5d8-5; hp 24; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15.
Gorendd, male dwarf Clr1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 10; Attack +1 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +4; AL CG; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 11.
Hoskuld, male half-elf Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2d8-2; hp 12; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8.

B5 Costerheadhouse (Thousandheads Trading Coster base-Thalavar)

This area is devoted to guarded storage that is available for rent to shippers and merchants. It is run by Uibraollo Thalavar

Cliff human english Male 25 Explorer Temperate and Assertive
Brucie human english Female 39 Retired Soldier Shy and Deceitful
Harper human english Female 39 Injury Discharged Soldier Good Gambler and Strong
Lyndsey human english Female 35 Off-Duty Mercenary Assertive and Vain
Berkeley human english Male 17 Retired Soldier Evasive and Armorsmith
Fay human english Female 33 Retired Soldier Thorough and Smooth

B6 Amberside (Market) 

Stall Sellers
Quality of Goods
Barrel & Bucket Maker
Basket Weaver - Halldis, female human Com4:  CR 3; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 4d4; hp 11; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3; AL CG; Str 14, Dex 9, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 13. 5
Glass Merchant - Vigfus, male human Com5:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 10; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3; AL LN; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11. 1
Candle Maker - Arais, male elf Com2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2d4-2; hp 4; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort -1, Ref +4, Will +2; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14. 78
Map/Scroll/Scribe - Donkey cart with a wooden table
Corrin Thorngage — Level 1 Stout Halfling Bard

Ability scores:   STR: 11 (+0)   DEX: 18 (+4)   CON: 15 (+2)   INT: 9 (-1)   WIS: 9 (-1)   CHA: 16 (+3)
Saving throws:   STR: +0   DEX: +6   CON: +2   INT: -1   WIS: -1   CHA: +5
Initiative: +4   Speed: 25   Passive perception: 11   Size: Small   Proficiency bonus: +2   Gender: Male
Hit points: 10   Hit dice: 1d8
Armor: Leather
AC: 15

Melee weapons:
Rapier (+6 to hit) 1d8+4 piercing damage
Dagger (+6 to hit) 1d4+4 piercing damage
Ranged weapons:
Dagger (+6 to hit) 1d4+4 piercing damage   Range: 20/60
Proficient skills: Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Perception +1, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +6
Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +4, Animal Handling -1, Arcana -1, Athletics +0, History -1, Insight -1, Investigation -1, Medicine -1, Nature -1, Perform +3, Religion -1, Stealth +4, Survival -1 Forgery

Languages: Common, Halfling     Other proficiencies: Lute, Lyre, Pipes, Disguise kit, Forgery kit
Racial Traits: Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Stout Resilience
Abilities: Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6)

Equipment: Fine clothes, Disguise kit, Weighted dice, Diplomat's pack, Lyre   Wealth: 155 gp
Spells known: Dissonant Whispers, Sleep, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Thunderwave     Cantrips: Minor Illusion, True Strike
Spell slots: 2 first level     Spell save DC: 13     Spell Attack Modifier: +5     Knows 4 spells
Background: Charlatan (I convince people that worthless junk is worth their hard-earned money.)
Personality: I fall in and out of love easily, and am always pursuing someone.
Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.
Ideal: Fairness. I never target people who can’t afford to lose a few coins. (Lawful)
Bond: Somewhere out there, I have a child who doesn’t know me. I’m making the world better for him or her.
Flaw: I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.

Chest & Coffin Merchant - Milo, male halfling Com5:  CR 4; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 5d4; hp 16; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13. 3
Fish hooks&Fishing Net - Luke, male halfling Com5:  CR 4; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 11; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +5 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; AL N; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12. 4
Flint & Steel & Firewood - Thormod, male human Com5:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 14; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3; AL CN; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15. 12
Tool Seller - Wayrocket, female gnome Com5:  CR 4; Size S (3 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 14; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2; AL LG; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 8. 5
Ink, Inkpen and Paper Seller - Gerloc, female human Com1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +2 ranged;  AL CN; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11. 9
Tinsmith Lamps&Bowls - Namfoodle, male gnome Com4:  CR 3; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 4d4+8; hp 16; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; AL LN; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 14. 1
Mag/Tankard, Crockery - Heil, male half-elf Com3:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 3d4+3; hp 12; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; AL CG; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15. 8
Oil Merchant - Bera, female human Com3:  CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 3d4-6; hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +2 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +4; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 6, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15. 4
Iron Pots and Utensils - Amin, male human Com5:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 15; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5; AL CN; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 12. 1
Pouch&Purse Merchant - Gladiola, female halfling Com1:  CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10. 10
Rations&Travel Foods - Tube foods (Like Sausage!)
2gp for veg and 4gp for meat tubes. They stay fresh for a long time not exposed to air. They are minced and packed inside the intestines of a animal no one wants to know about.
Akra Ophinshtalajiir — Level 1 Green Dragonborn Druid
Ability scores:   STR: 18 (+4)   DEX: 15 (+2)   CON: 16 (+3)   INT: 10 (+0)   WIS: 16 (+3)   CHA: 13 (+1)
Saving throws:   STR: +4   DEX: +2   CON: +3   INT: +2   WIS: +5   CHA: +1
Initiative: +2   Speed: 30   Passive perception: 13   Size: Medium   Proficiency bonus: +2   Gender: Female
Hit points: 11   Hit dice: 1d8
Armor: Leather
AC: 13

Melee weapons:
Handaxe (+6 to hit) 1d6+4 slashing damage
Ranged weapons:
Handaxe (+6 to hit) 1d6+4 slashing damage   Range: 20/60 Sling (+4 to hit) 1d4+2 bludgeoning damage   Range: 30/120   20 bullets
Proficient skills: Insight +5, Medicine +5, Nature +2, Religion +2
Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +2, Animal Handling +3, Arcana +0, Athletics +4, Deception +1, History +0, Intimidation +1, Investigation +0, Perception +3, Perform +1, Persuasion +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Survival +3

Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Sylvan, Elvish     Other proficiencies: Herbalism kit
Racial Traits: Draconic Ancestry (Black), Breath Weapon (Acid damage in a 5 x 30 ft. line), Damage Resistance (Acid)
Abilities: Spellcasting

Equipment: Holy symbol, Prayer book, Common clothes, Explorer's pack, Druidic focus   Wealth: 55 gp
Current spells: Charm Person, Fog Cloud, Healing Word, Thunderwave     Cantrips: Guidance, Poison Spray
Spell slots: 2 first level     Spell save DC: 13     Spell Attack Modifier: +5     Can prepare 4 spells

Rope Maker - Quarimor, male elf Com3:  CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 3d4-3; hp 5; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3; AL LG; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12. 3
Sealing Wax and Candles - Cora, female halfling Com2:  CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 2d4; hp 6; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +3 melee, or +5 ranged;  AL CG; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8. 2
Sewing Goods - Catherine, female human Com2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 2d4-4; hp 3; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref +1, Will +1; AL CN; Str 12, Dex 9, Con 7, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. 7
Waterskins Seller - Catherine, female human Com2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 2d4-4; hp 3; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref +1, Will +1; AL CN; Str 12, Dex 9, Con 7, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. 4

B7 Moondown Isle (AKA Harpstars Isle)

half-elf english Male 85 Farmer/Guardsman Spunky and Scrawny
Hadley half-elf english Female 34 Wife/Unemployed Mercenary Spunky and Boring
Tatum human english Male 55 Teen/Adventurer Incoherent and Filthy mouth
Justice human english Male 44 Teen/Cutpurse Poor and Ignorant
Gorek dwarf dwarven Male 66 Teen/Injury Discharged Soldier Uncooperative and Loyal
Aldyth half-elf english Female 63 Child/Explorer Logical and Assertive
Rowana gnome gnome Female 57 Child/Retired Soldier Touchy and Wary
Eduardo human english Male 32 Child/Cutpurse Audacious and Judgmental
Marlie half-elf english Female 96 Child/Adventurer Immodest and Flirty
Gorman gnome gnome Male 80 Child/Adventurer Strange and Solitary
Blaxton human english Male 54 Hired Hand/Off-Duty Mercenary Bossy and Clever
Kolten human english Male 21 Hired Hand/Retired Soldier Cultured and Reckless

B8 Bellowbar's Gate

Xanalathe, female elf War4:  CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 4d8+4; hp 22; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0; AL CN; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 13.
Marina, female human War2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 14; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -4; AL CG; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 3, Cha 10.
Bifur, male dwarf War5:  CR 4; Size M (4 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 5d8+15; hp 43; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +7 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will -3; AL CN; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 3, Cha 7.
Ao, male half-elf War1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +1 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; AL CG; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 7.

B9 Shortarrow Gate

GUARDS - Ivellior, male elf War5:  CR 4; Size M (4 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 5d8; hp 29; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +8 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 11.
Bifloda, female dwarf War1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 11; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1; AL CN; Str 17, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 11.
Agatha, female human War3:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 3d8; hp 21; Init +4 (+4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will -1; AL LG; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 7.
Suleiman, male human War1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +2 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -2; AL LN; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 6, Cha 11.

B10 Riverroad Gate

GUARDS - Margarita, female human War5:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 5d8+15; hp 41; Init +4 (+4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +8 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +0; AL LG; Str 17, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 15.
Artloda, female dwarf War3:  CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d8+9; hp 21; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; AL N; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Charmaine, female halfling War1:  CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Roman, male human War2:  CR 1; Size M (6 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2d8+6; hp 16; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1; AL LN; Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Ielethe, female elf War1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 1d8-1; hp 7; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2; AL CN; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6.

B11 Drovers Gate

GUARDS - Luke, male halfling War1:  CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +1 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0; AL N; Str 9, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 7.
Alil, male elf War1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1; AL N; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 16.
Seebo, male gnome War3:  CR 2; Size S (3 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 3d8+6; hp 24; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +5 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1; AL CN; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Antilia, female elf War4:  CR 3; Size M (4 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 4d8; hp 20; Init +5 (+5 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+5 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +9 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1; AL CG; Str 13, Dex 20, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8.

B12 Vale Gate

GUARDS - Antinia, female half-elf War2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 2d8+8; hp 18; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will -1; AL LN; Str 18, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 17.
Bera, female human War5:  CR 4; Size M (4 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 5d8+10; hp 39; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +8 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +5; AL CN; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 11.
Vyecheslav, male human War1:  CR 1; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +2; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 6.
Botolf, male human War2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 15; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will -1; AL LG; Str 12, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 10.

B13 Woods Gate

GUARDS - Kerik, male human War5:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d8+10; hp 39; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +8 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4; AL CN; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 12.
Thamio, male half-elf War4:  CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 4d8+12; hp 35; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +7 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3; AL CG; Str 16, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Ahmad, male human War3:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 3d8+3; hp 25; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2; AL LN; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 13.
Xananthenthe, female elf War2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 17; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will -1; AL LN; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 9, Cha 9.

B14 Uldoon Trail (Streets)

On this street are: W15, B42, W24, W23, W8, W22, B25, B43, B5

B15 Steelsword Street

On this street are: Bridge 8 - B46, W5, W4, W24, W26, B35, B55, B54, B53, B39, B26

B16 Steelspur Way

On this street are: W7, B66, B17

B17 The Claw

This is a small tavern right by the East gate. It is popular and is almost always crowded.
Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
Toso gnome gnome Male 92 Owner/Adventurer Irritable and Solitary
Aylwin human english Male 36 Bartender Helpful and Cold
Barric half-elf english Male 25 Bartender Generous and Ugly
Kimball human english Male 22 Bartender Humble and Diplomatic
Bentley human english Male 27 Cook Alert and Lazy
Dumburashal half-orc halforc Female 35 Cook Boastful and Boisterous
Dareka dwarf dwarven Female 53 Cook Frank and Careful
Geffina halfling halfling Female 73 Servers Spunky and Deferential
Fregar dwarf dwarven Female 83 Servers Beautiful and Ugly
Ugdun half-orc halforc Male 33 Servers Alcoholic and Clever
Brinley human english Male 44 Servers Verbose and Beautiful
Royston human english Male 17 Servers Assertive and Bratty
Drinks Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 3cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 5cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 5cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 5cp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 4cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 2cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 5cp
Yanusa Wine 2cp
Heron Wine 6cp
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 9cp

B18 Shondaleir Street

On this street are: B36, B17

B19 The Crossways

This road runs along the western wall. Although it intersects with a lot of other streets, there are no businesses here. The houses on this street are in a state of casual decrepitude that is the result of decades of delayed repair. It is relatively free of crime as the west wall is patrolled by city guards all night long.

B20 The Gollahaer (Street)

On this street are: B67, B25, B24

B21 The Minstrelride (Street)

B44. B68, B37, B50, B28, B34, B39

B22 Leaping Lynx Bridge

Hrut, male human War3:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 3d8+6; hp 25; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 12.
Fridgeir, male human War5:  CR 4; Size M (6 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 5d8+10; hp 42; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +8 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2; AL N; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Matilda, female halfling War2:  CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 16; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1; AL LG; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Caramip, female gnome War1:  CR 1; Size S (3 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Size); Attack +1 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -1; AL CG; Str 9, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10.

B23 The Handspan Bridge

Welby, male halfling War4:  CR 3; Size S (3 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 4d8+8; hp 34; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +7 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3; AL NG; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 7.
Teressa, female human War4:  CR 3; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 4d8; hp 16; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1; AL LN; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 7, Cha 10.
Bergthor, male human War4:  CR 3; Size M (6 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 4d8+12; hp 38; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +7 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1; AL CN; Str 16, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Tosti, female human War1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1d8+3; hp 11; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will -1; AL LN; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 15.

B24 Alamather's by the Water (Shop)

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Karter human english Male 17 Owner Emotional and Bashful
Gwirithiel elf elven Female 240 Clerk Charmer and Aloof
Brighton half-elf english Female 60 Clerk Temperate and Reserved
Orgra dwarf dwarven Female 52 Clerk Lazy and Boisterous
Item Price #Avail
Backpack 3gp 10
Barrel 2gp 6
Bedroll 1sp 2
Bell 8sp 1
Block and Tackle 6gp 2
Bucket (empty) 7sp 15
Candle 1cp 22
Canvas (sq. yd.) 2sp 296
Case, Map/Scroll 14sp 1
Chain (10ft) 32gp 3
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 29
Chest (empty) 4gp 4
Firewood (per day) 1cp 4
Fishhook 1sp 5
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 6gp 4
Flask (empty) 3cp 33
Flint and Steel 14sp 14
Grappling Hook 15sp 3
Hammer 6sp 3
Inkpen 2sp 2
Ladder, 10ft 3sp 8
Lamp, common 2sp 10
Lantern, bullseye 15gp 7
Mag/Tankard, clay 2cp 11
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 42
Rations, trail (per day) 4sp 8
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 3gp 4
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 9gp 1
Sack 3sp 10
Sewing Needle 16sp 9
Sledge 3gp 3
Soap (per lb.) 6sp 17
Tent 11gp 6
Waterskin 3gp 11
Whetstone 3cp 14

B25 Ondraer's Find Pages (Shop)

Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Sindra dwarf dwarven Female 60 Owner Scruffy and Disciplined
Arandur elf elven Male 157 Clerk Well-informed and Belligerent
Gorem dwarf dwarven Male 70 Clerk Sympathetic and Tempermental
Beba halfling halfling Female 63 Clerk Bossy and Inept
Items Price #Avail
Backpack 3gp 9
Barrel 3gp 4
Basket 6sp 6
Bedroll 2sp 1
Block and Tackle 4gp 5
Bucket (empty) 5sp 6
Caltrops 15sp 6
Candle 2cp 88
Canvas (sq. yd.) 2sp 29
Case, Map/Scroll 8sp 4
Chain (10ft) 26gp 1
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 72
Chest (empty) 3gp 3
Firewood (per day) 2cp 22
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 7
Flask (empty) 3cp 49
Flint and Steel 10sp 5
Grappling Hook 13sp 1
Hammer 5sp 5
Ink (1 oz. vial) 12gp 9
Inkpen 1sp 5
Ladder, 10ft 5sp 6
Lamp, common 1sp 3
Lantern, hooded 8gp 6
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 2
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 21
Pick, miner's 5gp 4
Pitcher, clay 1cp 2
Piton 3sp 18
Rations, trail (per day) 7sp 2
Sack 2sp 7
Sewing Needle 7sp 19
Shovel or spade 4gp 17
Signal whistle 8sp 2
Signet ring 8gp 1
Soap (per lb.) 8sp 1
Waterskin 1gp 11
Whetstone 2cp 14

B26 The House of the Hungry Merchant

They want 2gp per room for 2 or 3gp for a room for 4 and 3gp for a single. 2 story.
They take the big room and an added mattress for 3gp3sp
They all have DC 18 locks for a dungeon they looted.
Jaq-daggers, Derrix only money and component pouch, Gim only a dagger, Ovak G-Axe only, MF armor - No  weapons.
They go down to the restaurant. They sit down and begin talking about they need to find in the city.
Lostariel is their waitress who keeps them amused.
They have a small riser in the bar and have a very loose bunch of performers (almost an open mike!)
The food is good, not great but the service is great
In the bar they are taken care of by Olin.

Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ugharkha half-orc halforc Female 20 Owner Dull and Bites Nails
Nalo gnome gnome Male 50 Owner Disrespectful and Helpful
Lothar dwarf dwarven Female 114 Bartender Reserved and Ignorant
Nostariel elf elven Female 168 Bartender Brutish and Sympathetic
Olin halfling halfling Male 40 Cook Charmer and Unforgiving
Cerina gnome gnome Female 48 Cook Fearful and Cranky
Lostariel elf elven Female 42 Waitress Perfectionist and Boisterous
Kyndall human english Female 34 Cook Alcoholic and Incoherent
Matubal half-orc halforc Female 23 Servers Determined and Miserly
Aikin gnome gnome Male 121 Servers Friendly and Irritating
Haven human english Female 27 Servers Lazy and Hot-headed
Fregar dwarf dwarven Female 46 Servers Tempermental and Cynical
Birtle human english Male 40 Servers Shallow and Alcoholic
Baul human english Male 38 Servers Belligerent and Angry

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lee half-elf english Female 27 Patron Discreet and Perfectionist
Osbert half-elf english Male 40 Patron Lazy and Stutters
Arundel half-elf english Male 71 Patron Scruffy and Scarred Face
Holden half-elf english Male 66 Patron Stubborn and Nosy
Ryland half-elf english Male 93 Patron Honest and Sleazy
Edouard half-elf english Male 110 Patron Hot-headed and Calm
Drink Items PriceX3 for pitcher
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 5cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 1cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 4cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 1cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 5cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 2cp
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 9cp
Food Items Price
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets-Roasted Turnips
Smoked Salmon Salad-Boiled Carrots
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs 6sp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 6sp
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce 4sp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 3sp
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 4sp
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce 7sp
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato 5sp

B27 The Ready House of the Right Strong Hand (Temple to Twillim)

High Priest - Ewon Galbort  - Twillum

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Diffa halfling halfling Female 78 Head Priest Cheerless and Loud
Marley human english Male 25 Apprentice Unhappy and Obese
Drokki dwarf dwarven Male 69 Apprentice Domineering and Debonair
Torka gnome gnome Female 106 Apprentice Sweet and Spoiled
Oklyn dwarf dwarven Female 145 Apprentice Funny and Perfectionist
Riley human english Female 55 Acolyte Sweet and Trusting
Duda halfling halfling Female 59 Acolyte Debonair and Picks nose
Demin gnome gnome Male 114 Acolyte Picks nose and Inquisitive
Blossom human english Female 66 Acolyte Tired and Sarcastic
Marlee human english Female 27 Acolyte Succinct and Strict
Thorbalyn dwarf dwarven Female 43 Acolyte Rich and Ambitious
Dumina dwarf dwarven Female 73 Acolyte Naive and Stubborn
Miuverthon elf elven Male 162 Acolyte Contrarian and Sadistic
Oklyn dwarf dwarven Female 93 Acolyte Logical and Rich

    b28 Evensong Tower (Temple to Maclewar)

    Rhara Rattek - Maclewar -
    Herjolf, male human Clr4:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 4d8+8; hp 22; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6; AL CG; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10.
    Garret, male halfling Clr1:  CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 10 (-1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +0 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5; AL LG; Str 8, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 9.
    Jebeddo, male gnome Clr1:  CR 1; Size S (3 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +1 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; AL LG; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 12.
    Nyarah, male half-orc Clr1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 1d8+3; hp 11; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +5; AL LG; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8.

    B29 The Seat of Lore (Temple to Wabah)

    Brother Nachelus - Wabah
    Verbina, female halfling Clr4:  CR 4; Size S (2 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 4d8+4; hp 30; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +9; AL NG; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 16.
    Skamkel, male half-elf Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 2d8; hp 9; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +2 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +6; AL LG; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10.
    Starkad, male human Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2d8-2; hp 9; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +1 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6; AL NG; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 9, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 10.
    Joey, male halfling Clr2:  CR 2; Size S (3 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 16; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6; AL NG; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 12.

    B30 House of the High Hand (Shrine to Lyra)

    Diniah Warfon - High Priestess
    Thamimon, male elf Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 2d8-2; hp 9; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +1 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +5; AL CG; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 13.
    Artar, male dwarf Clr5:  CR 5; Size M (4 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 5d8+15; hp 40; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7; AL LG; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 12.
    Gilto, male dwarf Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 16; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6; AL LG; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 12.
    Hlif, female human Clr1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16.

    B31 Roseportal House (Temple to Geruna)

    Sensa Sister of Mercy - High Priestess
    Asta, female human Clr3:  CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 3d8-3; hp 17; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +6; AL CG; Str 13, Dex 9, Con 9, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 15.
    Thariis, male elf Clr5:  CR 5; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 5d8-5; hp 24; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +3 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +7; AL CG; Str 11, Dex 11, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 15.
    Kurur, male dwarf Clr4:  CR 4; Size M (4 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 4d8; hp 20; Init -3 (-3 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 7 (-3 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref -2, Will +5; AL NG; Str 17, Dex 5, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 6.
    Roondar, male gnome Clr5:  CR 5; Size S (3 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 5d8; hp 31; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Size); Attack +5 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +7; AL LG; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 17, Cha 13.

    B32 The Misthall (Temple to Yakmarta)Name

Highfather Brune- Yakmarta

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brighton human english Female 30 Head Priest/Explorer Naive and Strange
Umulum half-orc halforc Male 30 Apprentice Contrarian and Clever
Duloorz half-orc halforc Male 28 Apprentice Generous and Brainy
Tulla gnome gnome Female 67 Apprentice Funny and Verbose
Ryland human english Male 15 Acolyte Know-it-all and Smooth
Miki gnome gnome Male 133 Acolyte Gullible and Immodest
Aiko gnome gnome Female 75 Acolyte Scruffy and Conversational
Furgila dwarf dwarven Female 62 Acolyte Shallow and Irritating
Chelsey half-elf english Female 109 Acolyte Good Gambler and Timid
Palo gnome gnome Male 133 Acolyte Honest and Wary
Synne half-elf english Female 51 Acolyte Cynical and Determined
Badrick human english Male 32 Acolyte Kleptomaniac and Diligent

    B33 Starrevel Hall (Shrine to Bob)

    Nachelus of Maknusi - Wielder of the Pipe of Bob
    Frahl, male half-orc Clr5:  CR 5; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 5d8+10; hp 37; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +6 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +7; AL CN; Str 17, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 13.
    Bersi, male human Clr4:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 4d8-4; hp 20; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; AL NG; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 12.
    Artlinn, male dwarf Clr3:  CR 3; Size M (4 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d8+6; hp 28; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 10; Attack +5 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +5; AL LN; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14.
    Quarimil, male half-elf Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 2d8-2; hp 11; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +4; AL LG; Str 13, Dex 8, Con 9, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12.
    Thrand, male human Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 2d8+6; hp 15; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6; AL N; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14.

    B34 Swordspoint Hall (Temple to Stegman)

    Codrac Galmero -Head Priest of Stegman
    Asta, female human Clr5:  CR 5; Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 5d8+5; hp 31; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 12.
    Kerik, male human Clr3:  CR 3; Size M (6 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d8; hp 18; Init -3 (-3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 7 (-3 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or -1 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref -2, Will +6; AL NG; Str 12, Dex 5, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 12.
    Thamiil, male elf Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 2d8-2; hp 12; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11.
    Misha, male human Clr2:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 15; Init -3 (-3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 7 (-3 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or -2 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref -3, Will +7; AL CN; Str 15, Dex 5, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 9.

    B35 The Running Stag (Inn and Tavern)

    The running stag is well known in the city as the place where the well off adventurers go. 3 story building; bottom floor is bar/tavern with pub  food only (although runners will go out and get anything needed for a silver or two). All of the furniture looks like it was expressly made to withstand any average bar fight. Nothing smaller than a 2x4 can be seen with most of the chairs having 4x4 legs. They have at least 3 bouncers on at all times. Most of them are old adventurers who are more that willing to impart their wisdom iu a new adventures.
    They have entertainment on a nightly basis mostly local talent.
    Anatasiah is their bar maid A dragonborn spellcaster. Green scales.
    The stout is the best and everyone wants this cheap stuff. The food is OK but not great. It's exotic in its dishes buy indifferent in exceution
    There is a mezzanine. The elves and other high class folks hang out there.
    A lot of halflings and a few midgets. A drunk 1/2 orc shows up and makes a ruckus. His name is Butkiss. He says "Hey Brother!"
    He says he's far from home. and wants company for his drunks self.
    All acts in for entertainment pass the hat.
    Veryan the owner is there in the morning. Whitney is a good skin with horns backswept with red and green strip

    Room for 1
    Rooms for 2
    Room for 4
    Best Rooms 2gp
    Good Rooms
    Low rooms

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Veryan elf elven Male 211 Patron Inept and Sincere
    Nellethiel elf elven Female 198 Patron Smooth and Honorable
    Lairelithoniel elf elven Female 271 Patron Upbeat and Mature
    Meldiron elf elven Male 130 Patron Boring and Indiscrete
    Alastegiel elf elven Female 77 Patron Shallow and Inventive
    Maidhion elf elven Male 270 Patron Reflective and Ignorant
    Veryamorcon elf elven Male 124 Patron Incoherent and Curious
    Jagger human english Male 16 Patron Scruffy and Boisterous
    Rohesia human english Female 16 Patron Immodest and Easygoing
    Blakely human english Male 33 Patron Tired and Touchy
    Alderney human english Male 34 Patron Charmer and Pleasant
    Daerwen elf elven Female 193 Patron/Adventurer Intelligent and Skillful
    Rhassbaradhon elf elven Male 102 Patron/Adventurer Innocent and Poor Gambler
    Veryamorcon elf elven Male 223 Patron/Cutpurse Diplomatic and Hot-headed
    Taurhassdorien elf elven Male 236 Patron/Adventurer Disagreeable and Boring
    Airedhiel elf elven Female 103 Patron/Pirate Disrespectful and Gloomy
    Gwedhiel elf elven Female 257 Patron/Pirate Messy and Diligent
    Lindariel elf elven Female 159 Patron/Guardsman Rugged and irresponsible
    Sanya elf elven Female 198 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Gloomy and Beautiful
    Alya elf elven Female 152 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Intelligent and Thorough
    Venessiel elf elven Female 139 Patron/Adventurer Domineering and Belligerent
    Braeden half-elf english Female 27 Patron Trustworthy and Inventive
    Hali half-elf english Female 74 Patron Verbose and Hot-headed
    Edgar half-elf english Male 96 Patron Shallow and Helpful
    Maci half-elf english Female 82 Patron Jaded and Unforgiving
    Kelsey half-elf english Female 64 Patron Inquisitive and Snob
    Brayden human english Male 53 Patron Picks nose and Smooth
    Rylan human english Male 36 Patron Tenacious and Cowardly
    Keaton human english Male 26 Patron Disagreeable and Rash
    Edith human english Female 39 Patron Immodest and Trustworthy
    Fubdina halfling halfling Female 52 Patron Carefree and Shallow
    Figo halfling halfling Male 35 Patron Filthy mouth and Sensitive
    Todin halfling halfling Male 75 Patron Incoherent and Malicious
    Pida halfling halfling Female 75 Patron Tired and Rude
    Fredina halfling halfling Female 76 Patron Debonair and Cultured
    Bodo halfling halfling Male 43 Patron Virtuous and Unhappy
    Tido halfling halfling Male 80 Patron Cheerless and Determined
    Dedina halfling halfling Female 52 Patron Touchy and Withdrawn
    Frugo halfling halfling Male 63 Patron Honest and Debonair
    Fraga halfling halfling Female 53 Patron Determined and Tall
    Frida halfling halfling Female 85 Patron Scruffy and Deferential
    Peda halfling halfling Female 41 Patron Superstitious and Disciplined
    Bibo halfling halfling Male 32 Patron Rude and Sullen
    Togina halfling halfling Female 58 Patron Secretive and Curious
    Bodu halfling halfling Male 45 Patron Sneaky and Strange
    Frega halfling halfling Female 38 Patron Funny and Boring
    Bobda halfling halfling Female 50 Patron Inept and Jaded
    Braeden human english Female 49 Patron Bashful and Condescending
    Dana human english Male 25 Patron Industrious and Rash
    Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Stan human english Male 34 Owner Compassionate and Armorsmith
    Derin gnome gnome Male 105 Bartender Sleazy and Smooth
    Whitney Teifling english Female 15 Cook Indiscrete and Intolerant
    Atzuk half-orc halforc Male 38 Cook Tactful and Clean
    Anatashia human english Female 29 Servers Frugal and Manipulative
    Zowana gnome gnome Female 148 Servers Cranky and Deceitful
    Tylor human english Male 47 Servers Fearful and Lazy
    Gotrek dwarf dwarven Male 77 Servers Intelligent and Obnoxious
    Burne half-elf english Male 45 Servers Witty and Introverted
    Drink Items Price
    Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 3cp
    Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 3cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 4cp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 5cp
    Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 3cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 3cp
    Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 5cp
    Rum 5cp
    Food Items Price
    Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 6cp
    Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 6cp
    Smoked Salmon Salad 6sp
    Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 5sp
    Grilled Fillet of Salmon 6sp
    Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 2sp
    Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 4sp
    Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 5sp
    Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 8sp
    Dragon Turtle and Garlic Stew 10gp
    Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 8cp
    Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
    Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 6sp

    B36 The Sign of the Silver Sword (Inn)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Snakumal half-orc halforc Female 23 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Innocent and Sly
    Dumburash half-orc halforc Male 21 Patron/Adventurer Jaded and Strong
    Yadum half-orc halforc Male 28 Patron/Off-Duty Mercenary Beautiful and Haughty
    Durzub half-orc halforc Male 22 Patron/Cutpurse Lazy and Gloomy
    Burudha half-orc halforc Female 37 Patron/Guardsman Tactful and Smooth
    Nagum half-orc halforc Male 30 Patron/Guardsman Rash and Judgmental
    Shorkumal half-orc halforc Female 33 Patron/Adventurer Cowardly and Brazen
    Durgalba half-orc halforc Female 23 Patron/Pirate Debonair and Rude
    Ted human english Male 18 Patron Disagreeable and Thorough
    Maci human english Female 25 Patron Brainy and Contrarian
    Tatum human english Female 23 Patron Unfriendly and Respectful
    Braeden human english Female 24 Patron Immature and Sadistic
    Haleigh human english Female 23 Patron Nimble and Reluctant
    Hailey human english Female 32 Patron Respectful and Contrarian
    Sunniva human english Female 34 Patron Fanatical and Wary
    Arietta human english Female 34 Patron Forgetful and Likeable
    Macie human english Female 35 Patron Pleasant and Scruffy
    Avellana human english Female 28 Patron Charmer and Tempermental
    Lee human english Female 29 Patron Thoughtful and Intimidating
    Hayes human english Male 23 Patron Loud and Ambitious
    Lindsay human english Female 31 Patron Melancholy and Wise
    Kendyl human english Female 27 Patron Classy and Temperate
    Harlow human english Female 63 Patron Ugly and Immodest
    Editha human english Female 29 Patron Combative and Rugged
    Maxwell human english Male 42 Patron Eccentric and Spoiled
    Cordell human english Male 39 Patron Patient and Focused
    Keaton human english Male 35 Patron Uncooperative and Manipulative
    Rylee human english Female 41 Patron Focused and Manipulative
    Birney human english Male 20 Patron Picks nose and Know-it-all
    Kendal human english Female 24 Patron Shy and Brazen
    Kelsi human english Female 16 Patron Gullible and Compassionate
    Afreda human english Female 30 Patron Focused and Deferential
    Karter human english Male 41 Patron Upbeat and Dumb
    Staff Names Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Edi half-elf english Male 39 Owner Ugly and Helpful
    Thrungeth dwarf dwarven Female 60 Owner Inquisitive and Deceitful
    Bibin halfling halfling Male 34 Bartender Observant and Empathic
    Aethelu half-elf english Female 44 Bartender Frank and Generous
    Urarkha half-orc halforc Female 22 Bartender Frank and Rude
    Toga halfling halfling Female 61 Cook Cultured and Miserly
    Pomana gnome gnome Female 43 Cook Immodest and Brilliant
    Booker human english Male 17 Servers Judgmental and Uncooperative
    Girvin gnome gnome Male 150 Servers Studious and Perfectionist
    Shirley human english Female 37 Servers Considerate and Cheerless
    Clint human english Male 38 Servers Ostentatious and Evasive
    Frugi halfling halfling Male 30 Servers Reflective and Argumentative
    Thrungeth dwarf dwarven Female 127 Servers Secretive and Graceful
    Drink Items Price
    Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 1cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 1cp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 5cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 4cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 2cp
    Chanusian Wine 6cp
    Fallan (elven) Wine 7cp
    Quillin (elven) Wine 7cp
    Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 8cp
    Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 5cp
    Vodka 7cp
    Food Items Price
    Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 4sp
    Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 4sp
    Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 5sp
    Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 2sp
    Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce 4sp
    Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 4sp
    Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 6sp
    Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 5sp
    Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce 7sp

    B37 The Flourished Flagon (Theives Tavern)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Garzanhka half-orc halforc Female 21 Leader/Guardsman Fanatical and Focused
    Ted half-elf english Male 71 Lieutenant/Pirate Honest and Sagely
    Amity human english Female 31 Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier Quiet and Dishonest
    Throbbi dwarf dwarven Male 52 Lieutenant/Explorer Educated and Cheerless
    Adin gnome gnome Male 131 Thug Innocent and Mature
    Kierin gnome gnome Male 100 Thug Plain and Ambitious
    Nala gnome gnome Female 43 Thug Cruel and Sharp
    Shanna gnome gnome Female 150 Thug Forgetful and Eccentric
    Edva gnome gnome Female 86 Thug Indiscrete and Trustworthy
    Kila gnome gnome Female 82 Thug Insincere and Incoherent
    Mildred human english Female 36 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Empathic and Intelligent
    Edi human english Male 40 Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary Diligent and Stutters
    Birkitt human english Male 33 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Sleazy and Irritable
    Averey human english Male 16 Thug/Adventurer Reserved and Honest
    Beverly human english Female 19 Thug/Cutpurse Brainy and Deferential
    Cyneburga human english Female 37 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Cowardly and Reliable
    Balthilda human english Female 29 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Nimble and Disciplined
    Sterling human english Male 54 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Spoiled and Smooth
    Lawley human english Male 28 Thug/Explorer Smooth and Tired

    B38 The Heralds Rest (Festhall)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Kriv Isendalor
    Male 64
    Old and crusty.

    Eleniel elf elven Female 170 Patron Disciplined and Inquisitive
    Iellwen elf elven Female 93 Patron Tenacious and Irritating
    Eleniel elf elven Female 283 Patron Mature and Temperate
    Cugedhion elf elven Male 170 Patron Lunatic and Strong-willed
    Eruaistaniel elf elven Female 99 Patron Intelligent and Brazen
    Vendethiel elf elven Female 202 Patron Introverted and Timid
    Morohtar elf elven Male 271 Patron Thoughtful and Withdrawn
    Alastegiel elf elven Female 189 Patron Temperate and Likeable
    Fay half-elf english Female 72 Patron Haughty and Introverted
    Blaxton half-elf english Male 37 Patron Picks nose and Cold
    Payton half-elf english Female 75 Patron Paranoid and Ugly
    Kyndal half-elf english Female 72 Patron Rugged and Sympathetic
    Rylie half-elf english Female 57 Patron Irritable and Cultured
    Lester half-elf english Male 70 Patron Mature and Educated
    Malthenniel elf elven Female 264 Patron Contrarian and Wise
    Shelly human english Female 30 Patron Intelligent and Sadistic
    Charlene gnome gnome Female 85 Patron Eccentric and Upbeat
    Giles gnome gnome Male 72 Patron Calm and Obese
    Frolina halfling halfling Female 76 Patron Eloquent and Tattooed
    Boda halfling halfling Female 65 Patron Forgetful and Judgmental
    Bebdo halfling halfling Male 50 Patron Sarcastic and Tall
    Frala halfling halfling Female 46 Patron Determined and Immature
    Bida halfling halfling Female 80 Patron Tempermental and Spoiled
    Cyneburga half-elf english Female 54 Patron Dependable and Sweet
    Hayley half-elf english Female 67 Patron Tenacious and Nimble
    Aldrich half-elf english Male 90 Patron Strong-willed and Con man
    Brucie half-elf english Female 36 Patron Scarred Face and Scrawny
    Kendall half-elf english Female 59 Patron Unfriendly and Cheerful
    Amity half-elf english Female 39 Patron Perfectionist and Quiet
    Kenyon half-elf english Male 31 Patron Humorous and Poor
    Byram half-elf english Male 78 Patron Boastful and Macho
    Staff Names Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Presley half-elf english Female 30 Owner Strict and Silent
    Edith half-elf english Female 53 Bartender irresponsible and Dull
    Tatum human english Female 40 Bartender Skillful and Silent
    Rainion elf elven Male 219 Bartender Incoherent and Humble
    Annis half-elf english Female 65 Cook Beautiful and Lazy
    Erumollien elf elven Male 164 Servers Obese and Immodest
    Ethel human english Female 32 Servers Solitary and Incoherent
    Beriadhwen elf elven Female 210 Servers Snob and Diligent
    Amoniel elf elven Female 111 Servers Stubborn and Careful
    Drink Items Price
    Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 2cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 1cp
    Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 4cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3cp
    Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 1cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 4cp
    Fallan (elven) Wine 8cp
    Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 5cp

    B39 The Ruby Shawl (Festhall & Theives guild)

    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Barvarnilairiel elf elven Female 191 Leader/Guardsman Strong and Immodest
    Kelton human english Male 67 Lieutenant/Off-Duty Mercenary Irritable and Cheerful
    Eduarda half-elf english Female 103 Lieutenant/Adventurer Thrifty and Overweight
    Vardainiel elf elven Female 241 Thug/Guardsman Discerning and Macho
    Thorontur elf elven Male 117 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Humble and Combative
    Adan elf elven Male 195 Thug/Retired Soldier Charismatic and Haughty
    Rimedur elf elven Male 118 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Fearful and Insincere
    Beriogelir elf elven Male 211 Thug/Adventurer Empathic and Eloquent
    Emerion elf elven Male 132 Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary Judgmental and Obnoxious
    Barvarnilairiel elf elven Female 203 Thug/Explorer Rugged and Lazy

    B40 The Dawn of any Day (Music Shop)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Haylie human english Female 20 Luthier Cheerful and Hot-headed
    Cliff human english Male 17 Carver Stutters and Ugly
    Lilianna human english Female 30 Worker Humble and Emotional
    Hali human english Female 23 Worker Reserved and Fanatical

    B41 Tindar's Own (Beer Hall)Name

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Shirley human english Female 23 Brewer Domineering and Shallow
    Eruheran elf elven Male 176 Apprentice Courteous and Debonair
    Dane half-elf english Male 57 Apprentice Alert and Brainy
    Throbinyn dwarf dwarven Female 44 Apprentice Bubbly and Spoiled
    Bebu halfling halfling Male 46 Apprentice Immature and Innocent
    Fiffu halfling halfling Male 90 Apprentice Diplomatic and Reserved
    Item - Each is 1 Gallon
    Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 4sp
    Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 4sp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 3sp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3sp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 4sp
    Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 3sp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 2sp

    B42 The Bellblade Throne (Beer Hall)

    Trestle tables trophy heads on the walls. Sawdust on floor, rolling carts with oversized flagons and pitchers.
    Mutton sandwich, Venison Stew, Fish and white bread.
    Mostly human clientell with slow service. Rowdy without being dangerous.
    The food is filling, salty and pub food only.

    Maci human english Female 38 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Sharp and Superstitious
    Hali human english Female 15 Patron/Adventurer Wise and Courteous
    Payton human english Male 23 Patron Disciplined and Lazy
    Aelfraed human english Male 24 Patron Intuitive and Nimble
    Birkitt human english Male 19 Patron Sympathetic and Brainy
    Hali human english Female 22 Patron Diligent and Picks nose
    Baul human english Male 23 Patron Strong and Fearful
    Stuart human english Male 40 Patron Indiscrete and Respectful
    Rylan human english Female 15 Patron Determined and Clean
    Rutherford half-elf english Male 67 Patron Perfectionist and Thoughtful
    Anice half-elf english Female 50 Patron Sleazy and Opinionated
    Guage human english Male 29 Patron Dishonest and Ugly
    Alvina human english Female 16 Patron Clean and Strong-willed
    Grayson human english Male 24 Patron Smooth and Judgmental
    Halie human english Female 18 Patron Studious and Graceful
    Marlie human english Female 58 Patron Generous and Fanatical
    Karter human english Male 16 Patron Inept and Alcoholic
    Eruraina elf elven Female 80 Patron Trusting and Jealous
    Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Kierina gnome gnome Female 84 Owner Lazy and Sleazy
    Beba halfling halfling Female 54 Owner Filthy mouth and Sleazy
    Fredin halfling halfling Male 53 Bartender Macho and Lazy
    Bodo halfling halfling Male 57 Bartender Ambitious and Indiscrete
    Atwater half-elf english Male 59 Cook Helpful and Malicious
    Eduardo human english Male 29 Cook Withdrawn and Beautiful
    Daerwen elf elven Female 125 Cook Self-Centered and Honest
    Kiara gnome gnome Female 96 Servers Tired and Fearful
    Kelsey human english Male 26 Servers Know-it-all and Cheerless
    Kelsie human english Female 15 Servers Assertive and Obnoxious
    Edith half-elf english Female 37 Servers Sagely and Conversational
    Wesley half-elf english Male 72 Servers Silent and Determined
    Drink Item Price
    Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 5cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 3cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 4cp
    Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 1cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 1cp
    Chanusian Wine 5cp
    Fallan (elven) Wine 6cp
    Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 5cp
    Whiskey 6cp
    Dwarven Spirits 5cp

    B43 Memblars Minstrelry (Beer Hall)

    Ragna dwarf dwarven Female 76 Miller Funny and Industrious
    Grundi dwarf dwarven Male 16 Maid Graceful and Dull
    Bardina dwarf dwarven Female 17 Laborer Intuitive and Friendly
    Thorlek dwarf dwarven Male 57 Farmer Angry and Boastful

    B44 Olyndin's Folly (Beer Hall)Name


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Fay human english Female 21 Patron Obese and Talkative
    Fredi human english Male 68 Patron Helpful and Cynical
    Dane human english Male 20 Patron Timid and Strict
    Kimber human english Female 27 Patron Secretive and Lazy
    Audren human english Male 21 Patron Generous and Solitary
    Breena human english Female 40 Patron Virtuous and Sheepish
    Stanley human english Male 44 Patron Kleptomaniac and Aloof
    Fay human english Female 16 Patron Cold and Evasive
    Bosin gnome gnome Male 59 Patron Unfriendly and Ostentatious
    Keller gnome gnome Male 52 Patron Upbeat and Eccentric
    Malina gnome gnome Female 55 Patron Vain and Intelligent
    Zorkina gnome gnome Female 141 Patron Generous and Determined
    Berin gnome gnome Male 105 Patron Ostentatious and Pensive
    Carlin gnome gnome Male 76 Patron Debonair and Ambitious
    Posin gnome gnome Male 49 Patron Opinionated and Well-informed
    Bronn dwarf dwarven Male 196 Patron Curious and Lazy
    Gottri dwarf dwarven Male 143 Patron Reserved and Boastful
    Gorrina dwarf dwarven Female 48 Patron Virtuous and Trusting
    Smakki dwarf dwarven Male 113 Patron Well-informed and Cowardly
    Grimla dwarf dwarven Female 96 Patron Tempermental and Intolerant
    Dimzad dwarf dwarven Male 109 Patron Empathic and Calm
    Helgar dwarf dwarven Female 116 Patron Judgmental and Boring
    Thrungeth dwarf dwarven Female 46 Patron Naive and Wise
    Skallyn dwarf dwarven Female 131 Patron Brilliant and Calm
    Grimli dwarf dwarven Male 104 Patron Clean and Wise
    Gorek dwarf dwarven Male 234 Patron Disagreeable and Empathic
    Grung dwarf dwarven Male 100 Patron Gloomy and Sneaky
    Barikyth dwarf dwarven Female 182 Patron Contrarian and Brash
    Dorri dwarf dwarven Male 140 Patron Determined and Humorous


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Harper human english Male 26 Owner Curious and Lazy
    Usham half-orc halforc Male 27 Owner Poor Gambler and Sour
    Mellimeldisiel elf elven Female 153 Owner Crabby and Strict
    Balzud dwarf dwarven Male 47 Bartender Cranky and Strange
    Kierina gnome gnome Female 89 Bartender Pensive and Angry
    Melimion elf elven Male 79 Bartender Religious and Touchy
    Loman gnome gnome Male 69 Cook Bashful and Rude
    Iellwen elf elven Female 127 Cook Honest and Good-looking
    Brynlee human english Female 40 Cook Haughty and Cranky
    Rhassdorthion elf elven Male 199 Servers Poor and Sleazy
    Usham half-orc halforc Male 42 Servers Reckless and Strange
    Haleigh half-elf english Female 67 Servers Discreet and Argumentative
    Bebin halfling halfling Male 52 Servers Tactful and Easygoing
    Beasley human english Male 56 Servers Thorough and Sly


    Item Price
    Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 5cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 1cp
    Yanusa Wine 1cp
    Heron Wine 7cp
    Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 7cp
    Vodka 5cp


    Item Price
    Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 2sp
    Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 4sp
    Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 4sp
    Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato 3sp
    Spicy Hellhound Claws 8gp

    B45 The Hurled Harp (Beer Hall and Inn)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Alyan elf elven Male 201 Owner/Pirate Messy and Self-Centered
    Yadum half-orc halforc Male 34 Bartender Skillful and Loyal
    Helgar dwarf dwarven Female 188 Bartender Alcoholic and Immature
    Winto human english Male 42 Bartender Sullen and Industrious
    Ugdunal half-orc halforc Female 26 Cook Smooth and Introverted
    Fralo halfling halfling Male 32 Cook Shallow and Tenacious
    Blossom human english Female 29 Cook Lazy and Forgetful
    Grogril dwarf dwarven Male 145 Servers Sour and Combative
    Houston human english Male 18 Servers Nimble and Industrious
    Tidin halfling halfling Male 81 Servers Well-informed and Cranky
    Lili human english Female 28 Servers Courteous and Dumb
    Peyton human english Female 28 Servers Empathic and Filthy mouth
    Drink Item Price
    Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 5cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 1cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3cp
    Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 2cp
    Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 8cp
    Whiskey 7cp
    Dwarven Spirits 5cp

    B46 Blackpost's Bench (Beer Hall)Dumburashal

    half-orc halforc Female 25 Patron irresponsible and Rugged
    Gorazin dwarf dwarven Male 92 Patron Strange and Cruel
    Horgar dwarf dwarven Male 79 Patron Inquisitive and Reflective
    Thori dwarf dwarven Male 118 Patron Debonair and Immature
    Thorlek dwarf dwarven Male 168 Patron Inquisitive and Belligerent
    Mordin dwarf dwarven Male 104 Patron Dumb and Touchy
    Hugena dwarf dwarven Female 210 Patron Talkative and Sensitive
    Thorgrim dwarf dwarven Male 122 Patron Wary and Respectful
    Balinyth dwarf dwarven Female 114 Patron Messy and Scarred Face
    Skudd dwarf dwarven Male 74 Patron Shrewd and Selfish
    Dulakh half-orc halforc Male 23 Patron Classy and Assertive
    Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Marlee half-elf english Female 62 Owner Stubborn and Strong
    Koemo gnome gnome Male 75 Bartender Sympathetic and Intolerant
    Bonita gnome gnome Female 107 Bartender Know-it-all and Scrawny
    Nellethiel elf elven Female 84 Cook Domineering and Gullible
    Alston human english Male 37 Cook Careful and Lunatic
    Kelsey human english Female 47 Servers Cruel and Opinionated
    Presley human english Female 33 Servers Cold and Disciplined
    Lairelandon elf elven Male 232 Servers Alcoholic and Bites Nails
    Drink Item Price
    Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 5cp
    Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 3cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 2cp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 3cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3cp
    Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 1cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 4cp
    Yanusa Wine 3cp
    Fallan (elven) Wine 9cp

    B47 The Happy Hearth (Brewery)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Boda halfling halfling Female 40 Brewer Solitary and Belligerent
    Diffu halfling halfling Male 41 Apprentice Classy and Obese
    Brews - Each is a Gallon
    Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 3sp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3sp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2sp
    Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 6sp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3sp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 4sp

    B48 The Bright Moon (Beer Hall and Inn)

    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Hailey human english Female 41 Patron Deceitful and Diplomatic
    Kendall human english Female 25 Patron Strong and Determined
    Macey human english Female 19 Patron Selfish and Determined
    Lynsey human english Female 42 Patron Melancholy and Lazy
    Lyndsey human english Female 20 Patron Verbose and Thoughtful
    Presley human english Female 31 Patron Stutters and Fanatical
    Arbellason elf elven Male 92 Patron Skillful and Angry
    Suiauthon elf elven Male 163 Patron Generous and Empathic
    Melda elf elven Female 273 Patron Calm and Pleasant
    Erumollien elf elven Male 201 Patron Witty and Intelligent
    Beinion elf elven Male 107 Patron Funny and Timid
    Adonnenniel elf elven Female 153 Patron Energetic and Diplomatic
    Shakhal half-orc halforc Female 31 Patron Wary and Disrespectful
    Matub half-orc halforc Male 27 Patron Ambitious and Diplomatic
    Guargum half-orc halforc Male 35 Patron Focused and Verbose
    Larbum half-orc halforc Male 17 Patron Sleazy and Inquisitive
    Durzub half-orc halforc Male 21 Patron Condescending and Boisterous
    Shazasha half-orc halforc Female 37 Patron Nimble and Unhappy
    Toda halfling halfling Female 66 Patron Reckless and Condescending
    Pedu halfling halfling Male 51 Patron Sweet and Touchy
    Dedo halfling halfling Male 77 Patron Self-Centered and Immodest
    Olo halfling halfling Male 35 Patron Argumentative and Thoughtful
    Beba halfling halfling Female 43 Patron Perfectionist and Discreet
    Diffina halfling halfling Female 58 Patron Innocent and Observant
    Tedu halfling halfling Male 70 Patron Bossy and Plain
    Biffa halfling halfling Female 55 Patron Conversational and Messy
    Liliana half-elf english Female 64 Patron Inquisitive and Plain
    Leigha half-elf english Female 72 Patron Strange and Rich
    Haven half-elf english Female 69 Patron Belligerent and Tempermental
    Emersyn half-elf english Female 86 Patron Quarrelsome and Dull
    Kendal half-elf english Male 89 Patron Obese and Aloof
    Sherman half-elf english Male 69 Patron Snob and Introverted
    Barrington half-elf english Male 26 Patron Unfriendly and Intelligent
    Dex half-elf english Male 67 Patron Lazy and Bubbly
    Adin gnome gnome Male 88 Patron Rich and Deferential
    Igena gnome gnome Female 117 Patron Indiscrete and Spoiled
    Kevan gnome gnome Male 123 Patron Touchy and Abrasive
    Solito gnome gnome Male 95 Patron Diligent and Spoiled
    Nino gnome gnome Male 79 Patron Cruel and Eloquent
    Edvo gnome gnome Male 179 Patron Calm and Know-it-all
    Ivena gnome gnome Female 74 Patron Industrious and Funny
    Koemi gnome gnome Female 84 Patron Logical and Strong
    Soman gnome gnome Male 52 Patron Manipulative and Scrawny
    Bellethiel elf elven Female 145 Patron Messy and Cheerless
    Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Ryleigh human english Female 20 Owner Pleasant and Diplomatic
    Leigh half-elf english Female 65 Owner Trustworthy and Disagreeable
    Kyndall half-elf english Female 69 Bartender Mature and Condescending
    Nell human english Female 30 Bartender Likeable and Crabby
    Cooper half-elf english Male 122 Cook Temperate and Upbeat
    Aelfgifu half-elf english Female 25 Servers Irritable and Filthy mouth
    Marshal half-elf english Male 29 Servers Eccentric and Kleptomaniac
    Rutherford human english Male 44 Servers Immature and Irritable
    Editta human english Female 47 Servers Poor Gambler and Educated
    Drink Items Price
    Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 1cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 1cp
    Fallan (elven) Wine 6cp
    Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 6cp
    Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 8cp
    Rum 5cp
    Vodka 8cp

    B49 The Fiery Fish Bar

    [135gp] Bartender: Karua: [HGT: 4ft, 3in; WGT: 61 lbs] She is a mature female tigran (cat man) that is imposing in appearance. She is generally optimistic, but also abrasive. Her disposition is humble but she is truthful by nature. She is quite fearless in the face of danger. She can be perceived as normal when it comes to her morality. DRESSED IN: dark-green shoes, light-gray long pants, dark-red cap, and a gray doublet. POSSESSIONS: small silver holy symbol, small silver holy symbol, fake gold coin.

    Item              Cost    In Stock   
    Ale (gallon) 1ep 10
    Beer (gallon) 4sp 9
    Beer (pint) 1sp 7
    Brandy (pint) 1ep 5
    Bread 6cp 10
    Cheese 6sp 3
    Cider 4sp 6
    Egg, Pickled 1sp 10
    Fish 3sp 9
    Mead, (pint) 5sp 9
    Rum (pint) 5sp 7
    Steak 4sp 10

    Lithônion elf elven Male 84 Patron Loud and Disciplined
    Airedhiel elf elven Female 222 Patron Virtuous and Conversational
    Bellasiel elf elven Female 273 Patron Dishonest and Sagely
    Landion elf elven Male 243 Patron Graceful and Cruel
    Miuverthon elf elven Male 156 Patron Tired and Calm
    Lithônion elf elven Male 79 Patron Picks nose and Lazy
    Elwin half-elf english Male 74 Patron Cranky and Flirty
    Nellie half-elf english Female 53 Patron Irritable and Lunatic
    Weston half-elf english Male 105 Patron Beautiful and Deferential
    Lynsey half-elf english Female 96 Patron Cruel and Boisterous
    Layne half-elf english Male 58 Patron Spunky and Introverted
    Edith half-elf english Female 67 Patron Frugal and Quiet
    Clark half-elf english Male 26 Patron Cowardly and Strong
    Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Haylee half-elf english Female 32 Owner Wise and Funny
    Elarinya elf elven Female 150 Owner Witty and Honest
    Bosin gnome gnome Male 86 Owner Sheepish and Lazy
    Budrik dwarf dwarven Male 102 Bartender Unforgiving and Cheerful
    Nixon human english Male 51 Bartender Thoughtful and Manipulative
    Goban gnome gnome Male 81 Bartender Patriotic and Charismatic
    Lilyanna human english Female 30 Cook Suave and Picks nose
    Olina halfling halfling Female 49 Cook Compassionate and Touchy
    Dexter half-elf english Male 54 Servers Superstitious and Selfish
    Skallyn dwarf dwarven Female 59 Servers Domineering and Reluctant
    Aelflaed human english Female 35 Servers Manipulative and Skillful
    Durzal half-orc halforc Female 17 Servers Ugly and Deceitful
    Wynton human english Male 32 Servers Strong and Virtuous
    Drink Item Price
    Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 2cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 1cp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 1cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 1cp
    Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 5cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3cp
    Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 2cp
    Yanusa Wine 3cp
    Heron Wine 7cp
    Quillin (elven) Wine 9cp
    Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 7cp
    Dwarven Spirits 7cp

    B50 Althalankeir House (House)

    Eruraviel elf elven Female 44 Adventurer Conversational and Cultured
    Silivrenniel elf elven Female 159 Guardsman Honest and Domineering
    Tharwaithiel elf elven Female 161 Guardsman Ugly and Cultured
    Airedhiel elf elven Female 98 Guardsman Considerate and Intelligent
    Arwen elf elven Female 221 Cutpurse Shy and Careful
    Gondien elf elven Male 195 Unemployed Mercenary Pleasant and Trustworthy

    B51 Bellanbram House

    Beinion elf elven Male 9 Explorer Cowardly and Pensive
    Maidhion elf elven Male 230 Unemployed Mercenary Sheepish and Miserly
    Gondien elf elven Male 73 Unemployed Mercenary Irritable and Ambitious

    B52 Caunter Tower (Wizards School)

    Caunter Geuty Dragonborn english Female 70 Farmer Poor Gambler and Gloomy
    Figda halfling halfling Female 15 Maid Bratty and Ambitious
    Olu halfling halfling Male 90 Farmer Sagely and Contrarian

    B53 Charthoon Towers (Tax Collectors)

    Orsik Gorunn - bailiff - the man who makes arrests and executions. Bailiff was not primarily used for the office of policeman. Etymologically, bailiffs were those in charge of the bailey - in effect, manager of the craftsmen and servants in a castle or manor house.
    Dwarf (Mountain) Fighter (Great Weapon); S19 D14 C19 I12 W14 C11; 14 hp; Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation; Dragonchess, Vehicles (Land); Common, Dwarvish; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, greatsword, blowgun, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt pouch, t10, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Cavalry); T:action judger, unflinching; I:responsibility; B:honorable; F:trusts faithful.
    Shava Diamonddew - catchpole - literally 'chicken catcher', one who finds and brings in debtors.
    , Elf (Wood) Rogue; S14 D18 C10 I15 W16 C15; 8 hp; Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth; Dice, Poisoner, Thieves' Tools; Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t26, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Enforcer); T:optimistic, unflinching; I:greed; B:stolen keepsake; F:money chooser.
    Merric Brushgather - Exchequer - the man responsible for the king's revenue
      alfling (Stout) Rogue; S13 D19 C15 I15 W11 C14; 10 hp; Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth; Three-Dragon Ante, Forgery, Thieves' Tools; Common, Halfling, Thieves' Cant; shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t28, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Hired Killer); T:slow truster, fair; I:no limits; B:text preservation; F:money chooser.
    Alderney human english Male 29 Laborer Honest and Suave
    Oswin human english Male 35 Brewer Melancholy and Strong-willed
    Landin human english Male 25 Farmer Assertive and Succinct
    Emerson human english Male 14 Cook Forgetful and Frugal
    Annis human english Female 27 Brewer Assertive and Dumb
    Ascot human english Male 41 Merchant Contrarian and Trusting

    B54 Danallbur Towers (City Adminstration)

    Euphemia Hilltopple - chancellor - a secretary to a noble or royal
    Halfling (Stout) Wizard; S13 D16 C17 I17 W11 C14; 9 hp; Arcana, History, Investigation, Religion; Common, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling; dancing lights, mage hand, shocking grasp; burning hands, detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, shield, silent image; dagger, arcane focus (crystal), scholar's pack, spellbook, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t51, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Discredited Academic); T:mystery lover, horribly awkward; I:tradition; B:tool carrier; F:complicated solver.
    Thola High-hill - hayward - an officer in charge of city walls, Gatess, fences and hedges
    Halfling (Lightfoot) Cleric (Boldrei); S15 D16 C15 I13 W16 C12; 10 hp; History, Insight, Medicine, Religion; Common, Abyssal, Dwarvish, Halfling; light, spare the dying, thaumaturgy; bless, command, cure wounds, guiding bolt, inflict wounds, shield of faith; mace, leather armor, light crossbow, 20 bolts, priest's pack, shield, holy symbol (amulet), holy symbol (emblem), prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t11, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; T:tolerant, idolater; I:charity; B:library preserver; F:impulsive speaker.
    Heralds - had two responsibilities: a man in charge of making pronouncements and proclamations, and one who is an expert in the field of heraldry (the various insignias used by the rich to identify themselves.) These two responsibilities were one in the same. Medieval Europeans wouldn't have thought it possible to separate them; much less would they have considered them separate roles.
    Urhur Fezim, Human (Mulan) Fighter (Protection); S13 D19 C16 I15 W13 C9; 13 hp; Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation; Dragonchess, Vehicles (Land); Common, Dwarvish; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, shield, battleaxe, light crossbow, 20 bolts, dungeoneer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, playing card set, common clothes, belt pouch, t93, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (
    Vadania Moonbrook, Elf (High) Fighter (Protection); S12 D18 C15 I16 W12 C12; 12 hp; Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception; Three-Dragon Ante, Vehicles (Land); Common, Elvish, Infernal; light; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, shield, battleaxe, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt pouch, t28, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Officer); T:polite, unflinching; I:independence; B:ally defender; F:admits nothing.
    Geffina halfling halfling Female 35 Tailor Forgetful and Jealous
    Figina halfling halfling Female 59 Farmer Boisterous and Tactful
    Fragin halfling halfling Male 57 Laborer Diplomatic and Nosy

    B55 Felannlilt Towers (City Library)

    This large tower and the building costs are owned by the city and are provided so the city records may be kept and to act as a asset for research for the nobles and the city.
    Ivan, male human Wiz2:  CR 2; Size M (6 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2d4+4; hp 9; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +0 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3; AL CG; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 12.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Draconic, Giant, Sylvan, Terran.
    Skills and feats:  Craft (Pottery) +8, Craft (Sculpting) +5, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +9, Decipher Script +8, Hide +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (Geography) +9, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Knowledge (The Planes) +5, Listen +0, Move Silently +1, Spellcraft +9, Spot +0; Negotiator, [Scribe Scroll], Spell Penetration.
    Wizard Spells Known (4/3):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Detect Secret Doors, Erase, Floating Disk, Grease, Magic Missile, Sleep.  
    Torggis, female Elf Diviner4:  CR 4; Size M (3 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 4d4+16; hp 28; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11; Attack +0 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4; AL LN; Str 7, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 8.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, Elvin
    Skills and feats:  Concentration +8, Craft (Alchemy) +9, Craft (Armorsmithing) +4, Craft (Blacksmithing) +4, Craft (Stonemasonry) +4, Craft (Trapmaking) +4, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +4, Hide +1, Knowledge (Geography) +8, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +8, Listen +0, Move Silently +1, Spellcraft +7, Spot +0; Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, [Scribe Scroll]
    Wizard Spells Known (4/4+1/3+1):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Animate Rope, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Hold Portal, Magic Aura, Shield, Unseen Servant.  2nd -- Hideous Laughter, Mirror Image, Protection from Arrows, Scare. 
    Namfoodle, male gnome Wiz4:  CR 4; Size S (3 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 4d4+16; hp 28; Init -2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 9; Attack -1 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +7; AL NG; Str 3, Dex 7, Con 19, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 11.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Orc.
    Skills and feats:  Concentration +8, Craft (Alchemy) +6, Craft (Leatherworking) +9, Craft (Sculpting) +8, Hide +2, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (History) +11, Knowledge (Nature) +10, Listen +7, Move Silently -2, Spellcraft +11, Spot +5; Alertness, Quicken Spell, [Scribe Scroll].
    Wizard Spells Known (4/4/3):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Alarm, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Feather Fall, Identify, Jump, Magic Missile, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement.  2nd -- Hypnotic Pattern, Owl's Wisdom, Touch of Idiocy.  
    Herijar, male human Wiz5:  CR 5; Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 5d4+5; hp 19; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +1 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; AL LN; Str 9, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 6.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Infernal.
    Skills and feats:  Craft (Stonemasonry) +7, Hide +1, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (The Planes) +9, Listen +1, Move Silently +1, Spellcraft +10, Spot +1; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, Run, [Scribe Scroll], Silent Spell.
    Wizard Spells Known (4/4/3/1):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Hold Portal, Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Unseen Servant.  2nd -- Acid Arrow, Glitterdust, Hideous Laughter, Magic Mouth, Phantom Trap, Summon Monster II.  3rd -- Flame Arrow.  
    Brenner, male half-elf Wiz4:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 4d4; hp 11; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13; Attack +2 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +5; AL LN; Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Goblin, Halfling.
    Skills and feats:  Climb +2.5, Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy +2, Gather Information +2, Hide +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +4, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +9, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Search +3, Spot +2; Extend Spell, Improved Unarmed Strike, [Scribe Scroll].
    Wizard Spells Known (4/4/3):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Hold Portal, Identify, Magic Aura, Magic Missile, Protection from Chaos, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Ventriloquism.  2nd -- Acid Arrow, Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Cat's Grace, Locate Object.
    Bickford half-elf english Male 38 Cook Perfectionist and Humble
    Balthilda half-elf english Female 48 Merchant irresponsible and Ugly
    Barric half-elf english Male 27 Maid Sensitive and Con man
    Lillianna half-elf english Female 28 Farmer Nosy and irresponsible
    Aelflaed half-elf english Female 8 Town Watch Member Alcoholic and Frank

    B56 Gort Castle (Court House)Whitley

    Sergor Tosscobble - Judge - a man who is responsible for deciding questions brought to court 
    Elf (High) Cleric (Pelor); S17 D15 C14 I12 W14 C13; 10 hp; Insight, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Religion; Common, Elvish, Giant, Infernal, Undercommon; prestidigitation; guidance, spare the dying, thaumaturgy; bless, command, cure wounds, detect magic, healing word; mace, chain mail, dagger, explorer's pack, shield, holy symbol (emblem), holy symbol (amulet), prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t64, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; T:cloistered,
    Urth Fireforge - Jailer - the man responsible for a jail: he keeps the criminals from getting out
    Human (Illuskan) Fighter (Protection); S17 D12 C15 I12 W15 C14; 12 hp; Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Survival; Dice, Vehicles (Land); Common, Goblin; chain mail, shield, trident, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, playing card set, common clothes, belt pouch, t27, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Officer); T:crude, tolerant; I:responsibility; B:brothers in arms; F:admits nothing
    Guards and Clerics

    half-elf english Female 53 Clerk
    Audacious and Compassionate
    Chester half-elf english Male 33 Clerk
    Graceful and Domineering
    Aelfgifu half-elf english Female 13 Guard
    Touchy and Cowardly
    Hailee half-elf english Female 100 Guard
    Pensive and Alcoholic
    Dwight half-elf english Male 55 Guard
    Debonair and irresponsible
    Stanley half-elf english Male 50 Guard
    Filthy mouth and Evasive

    B57 Halabart House (Naval Office)

    Head Naval Adminestrator Quartermaster Jesauh

    Edita human english Female 25 Merchant Withdrawn and Shallow
    Lee human english Male 24 Farmer Reckless and Introverted
    Wesley human english Male 13 Weaponsmith Tired and Scarred Face
    Marley human english Female 11 Tailor Virtuous and Gullible
    Kinsey human english Female 3 Private Guard Sharp and Intelligent
    Batilda human english Female 32 Farmer Loyal and Messy

    B58 The Jalarghaspires (City Watch Quarters)

    City Watch
    The city watch are the local police and are not a part of the armed forces under the command of the king. They are technically under the command of the Bright Conclave, but the daily operations are controlled by the Guldar family. The family is paid for:
    Running the City Watch
    Manning the court apparatus
    Maintaining the prison and prisoners
    The uniforms of the city watch are similar to the militia uniforms except red on black not black on red. Where the militia uniforms are wool, the watch wears cotton. Only the officers of the watch wear leather armor, the rest do not.
    Commander of the Watch - Cava Nora
    CAPTAIN OF THE WATCH: Quty Reva [Level 5 Warrior]  [HGT: 4ft, 5in; WGT: 71 lbs] She is a young female half orc that is dandyish in appearance. She is generally pessimistic, but also hostile. Her disposition is easy going but she is truthful by nature. She is quite brave in the face of danger. She can be perceived as sadistic when it comes to her morality. She has a great interest in hunting.  DRESSED IN: tan shoes, and a red fancy dress guard uniform. POSSESSIONS: yarn (12 ft), vial of insect repellent, scissors. ARMS & ARMOR: heavy flail (1d6+1 damage), chain mail armor, kite shield
    CITY GUARD Leutenant Bulsta Zudagog: [Level 4 Warrior] : [HGT: 4ft, 5in; WGT: 132 lbs] He is a young male orc that is rough in appearance. He is bald with a long, white moustache.  He is generally altruistic, but also friendly. His disposition is easy going but he is truthful by nature. He is quite foolhardy in the face of danger. He can be perceived as sadistic when it comes to his morality. He has a great interest in cooking.  DRESSED IN: dark-green fur boots, a gray belt, red kilt, gray skullcap, and a green fancy shirt. POSSESSIONS: note regarding a secret meeting, fife, leather sack with 7cp. ARMS & ARMOR: two-handed sword (1d10 damage), chain mail armor, wooden shield
    CITY GUARD: Sergent Hobee Abiri [Level 3 Warrior]: [HGT: 5ft, 6in; WGT: 114 lbs] She is a young female tigran (cat man) that is ragged in appearance. She is generally studious, but also well-spoken. Her disposition is even tempered but she is jealous by nature. She is quite fearless in the face of danger. she comes off as being quite lazy. She can be perceived as virtuous when it comes to her morality. She has a great interest in nature.  DRESSED IN: dark-red fur boots, forest-green short pants, dark-brown robe, and a forest-green tunic. POSSESSIONS: turnip, fake treasure map, sewing needle. ARMS & ARMOR: bastard sword (2d4 damage), ring mail armor, kite shield

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Rilien elf elven Male 170 Farmer/Adventurer Solitary and Introverted
    Hailee human english Female 55 Wife/Pirate Obnoxious and Tired
    Houston human english Male 40 Teen/Cutpurse Sly and Snob
    Valaina elf elven Female 130 Teen/Unemployed Mercenary Trusting and Sarcastic
    Giles gnome gnome Male 79 Teen/Injury Discharged Soldier Belligerent and Boisterous
    Alvar half-elf english Female 94 Teen/Pirate Bites Nails and Judgmental
    Borin dwarf dwarven Male 123 Teen/Explorer Trustworthy and Opinionated
    Kenelm human english Male 30 Child/Guardsman Emotional and Gloomy
    Marlee half-elf english Female 29 Child/Adventurer Story-teller and Haughty
    Ed human english Male 34 Hired Hand/Cutpurse Scruffy and Flirty
    Kiles gnome gnome Male 98 Hired Hand/Injury Discharged Soldier Trustworthy and Opinionated

    B59 Lothkarr House (Mages Guild Hall)

    Guild Leader: Janku Yhammos
    Charter Members of the Mages Guild
    Abaxu of the Woods
    Huydon  the Tiefling 8th level Illusionist
    Urture Hewurd 7th Level Human
    Sigo Dinn 9th level Evoker
    Cobtha Lora 6th level Diviner
    Robes of Orange and yellow

    Junior Members

    Valaphilia, female elf Wiz3:  CR 3; Size M (4 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d4; hp 7; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +3 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +6; AL CN; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Gnoll, Sylvan.
    Skills and feats:  Hide +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Knowledge (The Planes) +7, Listen +3, Move Silently +1, Search +4, Spellcraft +8, Spot +3; Iron Will, [Scribe Scroll], Spell Focus (illusion).
    Wizard Spells Known (4/3/2):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Erase, Hold Portal, Mage Armor, Sleep, True Strike, Unseen Servant.  2nd -- Command Undead. 
    Heos, male elf Wiz5:  CR 5; Size M (5 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 9; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14; Attack +4 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4; AL N; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 11.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Sylvan.
    Skills and feats:  Craft (Armorsmithing) +10, Hide +4, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (History) +11, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Listen +2, Move Silently +4, Search +7, Spellcraft +10, Spot +2; Craft Wand, Extend Spell, Investigator, [Scribe Scroll].
    Wizard Spells Known (4/4/3/2):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Detect Undead, Expeditious Retreat, Hold Portal, Jump, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Protection from Chaos, Reduce Person.  2nd -- Command Undead, Invisibility, Minor Image, Scorching Ray.  3rd -- Haste, Nondetection. 
    Abu, male human Wiz5:  CR 5; Size M (6 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 5d4+10; hp 25; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13; Attack +3 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4; AL LN; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 11.
    Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven, Infernal.
    Skills and feats:  Craft (Pottery) +10, Craft (Stonemasonry) +10, Hide +3, Knowledge (Geography) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Listen +0, Move Silently +3, Spellcraft +10, Spot +0; Extend Spell, Improved Familiar, [Scribe Scroll], Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), Widen Spell.
    Wizard Spells Known (4/4/3/1):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Cause Fear, Jump, Mount, Protection from Good, Shield, Sleep.  2nd -- Ghoul Touch, Phantom Trap, Protection from Arrows, Spider Climb, Summon Swarm, Web.  3rd -- Blink, Fireball, Hold Person. 

    Charlene gnome gnome Female 40 Cook Vain and Alcoholic
    Jevena gnome gnome Female 111 Farmer Obese and Plain
    Kila gnome gnome Female 100 Farmer Reflective and Plain
    Keller gnome gnome Male 54 Town Watch Member Artistic and Con man
    Gobana gnome gnome Female 119 Merchant Messy and Discerning
    Girvana gnome gnome Female 34 General Blacksmith Immature and Verbose

    B60 Highall Mreen (Bright Conclave)

    Leader: Verhath Ruddar
    Maxwell Human english Male 74 Laborer Tattooed and Argumentative
    Rylee half-elf english Female 90 Weaponsmith Scarred Face and Irritating
    Ryland elf
    english Male 176 Fisherman Determined and Intelligent
    Dana Halfling
    english Female 88 Cook Fanatical and Clean
    Liliane Hujman english Female 71 Tailor Diplomatic and Sympathetic

    B61 House Oyindle (Kings Guard)

    This troop is doggedly loyal to the king and his family. They are not used for any other use
    Captain of the Kings Guard: Slate Stonefist
    Wharla, female dwarf Ftr12:  CR 12; Size M (4 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 12d10+24; hp 89; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11; Attack +17/+12/+7 melee, or +13/+8/+3 ranged; SV Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +5; AL LN; Str 20, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10.
    Mansour, male human Ftr11:  CR 11; Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 11d10; hp 57; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +14/+9/+4 melee, or +12/+7/+2 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1; AL LN; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 9.
    Piotr, male human Ftr10:  CR 10; Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 10d10+20; hp 94; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +12/+7 melee, or +11/+6 ranged; SV Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +8; AL LN; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 16.
    Mardnab, female gnome Ftr9:  CR 9; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 9d10+27; hp 95; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11; Attack +13/+8 melee, or +10/+5 ranged; SV Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +1; AL LN; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 15.
    Ruris, female dwarf Ftr9:  CR 9; Size M (4 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 9d10+27; hp 80; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11; Attack +12/+7 melee, or +10/+5 ranged; SV Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +3; AL LN; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 11.

    Aelfgifu human english Female 80 Squire Angry and Crabby
    Whitney elf english Female 20 Squire Kleptomaniac and Shallow
    Wayne dwarf english Male 30 Squire Dependable and Intimidating
    Brighton half-elf english Female 57 Squire Quiet and Armorsmith

    B62 Partsin Towers (Oficers Quarters)

    Bowman human english Male 44 Fisherman Discerning and Inept
    Mildred human english Female 22 Farmer Eloquent and Wary
    Liliana human english Female 36 Fisherman Ostentatious and Tattooed

    B63 Uthgolabar Hall (Farmers Hall)

    Hall Master:  Cora Dhostar

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
    Grima dwarf dwarven Female 110 Fisherman Sadistic and Bashful
    Gurna dwarf dwarven Female 28 General Blacksmith Unhappy and Likeable
    Skuddrid dwarf dwarven Female 55 Farmer Hot-headed and Sly
    Alrika dwarf dwarven Female 134 Weaponsmith Sagely and Clean

    B64 Hullybucks Gamble (Inn, fence, stable)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality
    Archer half-elf english Male 92 Patron Dumb and Scarred Face
    Brinley half-elf english Male 93 Patron Selfish and Fanatical
    Peyton half-elf english Female 47 Patron Energetic and Abrasive
    Heath half-elf english Male 79 Patron Helpful and Bashful
    Lilyanna half-elf english Female 32 Patron Ugly and Evasive
    Aethelu half-elf english Female 45 Patron Gloomy and Spunky
    Payton half-elf english Male 35 Patron Scruffy and Snob
    Ed half-elf english Male 75 Patron Contrarian and Perfectionist
    Maxton half-elf english Male 29 Patron Friendly and Simple
    Carlin gnome gnome Female 83 Patron Withdrawn and Sullen
    Aithnan gnome gnome Male 62 Patron Helpful and Energetic
    Kila gnome gnome Female 80 Patron Tattooed and Lunatic
    Soman gnome gnome Male 159 Patron Industrious and Perfectionist
    Manna gnome gnome Female 62 Patron Charmer and Lazy
    Bowan gnome gnome Male 104 Patron Loud and Alert
    Mala gnome gnome Female 42 Patron Shy and Immodest
    Zowan gnome gnome Male 78 Patron Frank and Strong-willed
    Sorkina gnome gnome Female 47 Patron irresponsible and Melancholy
    Zorkina gnome gnome Female 158 Patron Tactful and Trusting
    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Ulther dwarf dwarven Male 50 Owner Selfish and Good-looking
    Caunwaithon elf elven Male 84 Bartender Shrewd and Tactful
    Lili half-elf english Female 56 Cook Selfish and Manipulative
    Shelley human english Female 39 Cook Flirty and Thorough
    Lynsey half-elf english Female 85 Cook Skillful and Sympathetic
    Dadrin dwarf dwarven Male 223 Servers Focused and Brilliant
    Diffa halfling halfling Female 56 Servers Irritating and Humble
    Raegbund elf elven Male 271 Servers Trustworthy and Overweight
    Beriogelir elf elven Male 112 Servers Verbose and Shallow
    Megildur elf elven Male 135 Servers Sincere and Dull
    Drink Item Price
    Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 1cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 3cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 4cp
    Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 2cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 5cp
    Yanusa Wine 2cp
    Fallan (elven) Wine 9cp
    Vodka 4cp
    Dwarven Spirits 4cp

    B65 Thunderwood Forays (Adventure Sponsor and Outfitter)

    Denver human english Male 20 Weaponsmith Quarrelsome and Cultured
    Royston human english Male 21 Armorer Respectful and Cruel
    Slade human english Male 41 Growcer Tactful and Boastful
    Nelly human english Female 16 Weaponsmith Ignorant and Good-looking
    Audren human english Male 5 Brewer Clean and Debonair

    B66 The Riverbarge (Festhall)

    Patrons Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Grimbulyn dwarf dwarven Female 180 Patron Bossy and Virtuous
    Skalli dwarf dwarven Male 93 Patron Friendly and Disciplined
    Gorek dwarf dwarven Male 114 Patron Diligent and Cynical
    Gumlyn dwarf dwarven Female 66 Patron Forgetful and Timid
    Skagga dwarf dwarven Female 103 Patron Jealous and Timid
    Hrungnor dwarf dwarven Male 103 Patron Immature and Sneaky
    Dadra dwarf dwarven Female 134 Patron Sympathetic and Introverted
    Aelfgifu human english Female 24 Patron Frugal and Loud
    Lindsay human english Male 24 Patron Strange and Inept
    Barney human english Male 19 Patron Brainy and Frank
    Rod human english Male 31 Patron Irritable and Flirty
    Hali human english Female 27 Patron Trustworthy and Immature
    Lillian human english Female 26 Patron Patient and Verbose
    Kenelm human english Male 37 Patron Honest and Strict
    Avery human english Female 38 Patron Domineering and Crabby
    Layton human english Male 21 Patron Brash and Sincere
    Atkins human english Male 27 Patron Inquisitive and Verbose
    Bodu halfling halfling Male 56 Patron Sharp and Strange
    Fraga halfling halfling Female 77 Patron Forgetful and Intelligent
    Frida halfling halfling Female 42 Patron Perfectionist and Vain
    Todu halfling halfling Male 40 Patron Temperate and Dependable
    Frolina halfling halfling Female 35 Patron Flirty and Unhappy
    Diffa halfling halfling Female 77 Patron Cowardly and Determined
    Frudina halfling halfling Female 58 Patron Careful and Immodest
    Figda halfling halfling Female 30 Patron Evasive and Tenacious
    Diffu halfling halfling Male 64 Patron Charmer and Eccentric
    Westin half-elf english Male 32 Patron Melancholy and Sharp
    Villads half-elf english Male 58 Patron Tempermental and Loyal
    Ridley half-elf english Male 25 Patron Cheerful and Brash
    Stan half-elf english Male 35 Patron Skillful and Immodest
    Chelsie half-elf english Female 77 Patron Jaded and Cheerless
    Marshal half-elf english Male 84 Patron Succinct and Shy
    Lilianna half-elf english Female 87 Patron Tempermental and Honest
    Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Rhassbaradhon elf elven Male 92 Owner Pleasant and Creepy
    Durzukh half-orc halforc Male 36 Bartender Evasive and Honest
    Grimdal dwarf dwarven Male 54 Bartender Indiscrete and Classy
    Ascot human english Male 18 Cook Calm and Sullen
    Alaric dwarf dwarven Male 42 Servers Bubbly and Carefree
    Scarlett human english Female 30 Servers Likeable and Condescending
    Rogdulum half-orc halforc Male 22 Servers Creepy and Skillful
    Alditha human english Female 16 Servers Sullen and Disrespectful
    Lyndsey human english Female 44 Servers Rude and Talkative
    Tatum human english Male 31 Servers Suave and Sarcastic
    Drink Item Price
    Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 2cp
    Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 4cp
    Mild Ale (less strong) 1cp
    Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 5cp
    Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 4cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 2cp
    Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 2cp
    Whiskey 6cp
    Food Item Price
    Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 2sp
    Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 5sp
    Grilled Fillet of Salmon 6sp
    Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce 4sp
    Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 3sp
    Ettercap Claws with Melted Butter 7gp
    Breaded Breast of Griffon in Whisky Mushroom Sauce 10gp

    B67 Three Brave Harpists (Festhall)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Lyndsey human english Female 30 Patron Inept and Religious
    Colten human english Male 36 Patron Boastful and Focused
    Camden human english Male 60 Patron Cowardly and Irritable
    Karter human english Male 35 Patron Angry and Tall
    Tyler human english Female 23 Patron Paranoid and Spoiled
    Kelsea human english Female 30 Patron Combative and Friendly
    Ackerley human english Male 18 Patron Bites Nails and Sullen
    Braeden human english Female 42 Patron Bites Nails and Witty
    Scarlett human english Female 47 Patron Discreet and Poor Gambler
    Fishel gnome gnome Male 71 Patron Uncooperative and Generous
    Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Dean human english Male 51 Owner Belligerent and Nimble
    Payten half-elf english Female 61 Bartender Sheepish and Patient
    Edgarda half-elf english Female 62 Bartender Timid and Unhappy
    Hothien elf elven Male 181 Cook Deferential and Incoherent
    Chelsea human english Female 29 Cook Belligerent and Rich
    Valdaglerion elf elven Male 197 Cook Unforgiving and Malicious
    Dex human english Male 33 Cook Picks nose and Sleazy
    Bliss half-elf english Female 30 Servers Industrious and Perfectionist
    Raina elf elven Female 152 Servers Graceful and Easygoing
    Idhrenion elf elven Male 208 Servers Sensitive and Strict
    Lithaldoren elf elven Male 202 Servers Immature and Upbeat
    Atwater human english Male 22 Servers Sly and Witty
    Drink Items Price
    Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 1cp
    Stout (dark, among the strongest) 5cp
    Yanusa Wine 3cp
    Heron Wine 4cp
    Chanusian Wine 6cp
    Fallan (elven) Wine 6cp
    Dwarven Spirits 6cp
    Food Items Price
    Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 8cp
    Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 3sp
    Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs 4sp
    Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce 3sp
    Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 2sp
    Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 5sp
    Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 2sp
    Kito's Spiced Potatos 7cp
    Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 7sp
    Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 7sp
    Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce 4sp

    B68 Lonelycoins House (Festhall- Fence)

    Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Rhassbaradhon elf elven Male 194 Owner Logical and Shy
    Gedin halfling halfling Male 30 Waiter Shallow and Dumb
    Alfginnar dwarf dwarven Male 98 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Intimidating and Beautiful
    Grom dwarf dwarven Male 71 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Paranoid and Sarcastic
    Hadrina dwarf dwarven Female 80 Thug/Guardsman Witty and Beautiful
    Dimzada dwarf dwarven Female 40 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Suave and Dull
    Durima dwarf dwarven Female 121 Thug/Explorer Irritable and Refined
    Orgra dwarf dwarven Female 58 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Con man and Ambitious

Lesser Buildings (White Numbers)

W1 Halie's Stable

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kendal human english Female 39 Weaponsmith Brutish and Crabby
Barric human english Male 10 Farmer Focused and Abrasive
Lindsay human english Female 16 Cook Dull and Kleptomaniac
Burne human english Male 3 Fisherman Likeable and Humorous
Halie human english Female 41 Armorsmith Know-it-all and Humble
Kingsley human english Male 27 Beggar Lazy and Bossy

W2 Herbalist

Cooper human english Male 35 Herbalist Miserly and Trusting
Bega human english Female 33 Apprentice Cruel and Scarred Face
Items (Each is 1 bunch)
Item Price
Garlic 1sp
Holly 5cp
Mistletoe 4cp
Tea, Night 2sp

W3 Locksmith

Grayson human english Male 26 Locksmith Strong and Cowardly
Kolton half-elf english Male 34 Apprentice Snob and Patriotic
Kyndal half-elf english Female 66 Apprentice Irritable and Beautiful
Sawyer half-elf english Female 83 Apprentice Paranoid and Tempermental

W4 Furrier

Muzgarkal half-orc halforc Female 23 Apprentice Tactful and Creepy
Lugdakha half-orc halforc Female 24 Apprentice Inventive and Eloquent

W5 Walker the Taylor

Walker half-elf english Male 75 Worker Shy and Honest
Skallyn half-elf
Elf Female 50 Worker Reserved and Judgmental

W6 Lumber and Woodseller

Thoryd dwarf dwarven Female 57 Worker Inventive and Thoughtful
Gwedhiel elf elven Female 256 Worker Scarred Face and Incoherent
Aistaraina elf elven Female 192 Worker Vain and Religious
Dayton human english Male 51 Worker Suave and Unhappy

W7 Barber

Kern gnome gnome Male 101 Town Watch Member Loves Beer and Bites Nails
Services Price
Haircut 4cp
Shave 3cp
Tooth Pulling 7cp
Lance a Boil 3cp
Other Surgery varies

W8 Shoemaker

Pedina halfling halfling Female 89 Worker Energetic and Succinct

W9 Hatter

Hugena dwarf dwarven Female 137 Hatmaker/Pirate Trustworthy and Obnoxious

W10 Baker

Urzarkha half-orc halforc Female 23 Baker Sensitive and Tempermental
Burdan human english Male 51 Baker Creepy and Macho
Arasinya elf elven Female 80 Apprentice Superstitious and Skillful
Haylie half-elf english Female 58 Apprentice Overweight and Strong
Lugdakh half-orc halforc Male 15 Apprentice Talkative and Strict
Rowena half-elf english Female 36 Apprentice Discerning and Humorous

Items Price #Avail
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 1cp 8
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 6cp 7
Unleavened Bread 2cp 4
Iced Almond/Caraway Shortbread 4cp 10
Ryschewys (fried fig pastry) 4cp 9
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) 3cp 3
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) 4cp 9
Fritter of Milk (fried sweet cottage cheese) 3cp 8

W11 Butcher

Lindariel halfling elven Female 177 Butcher/Cutpurse Funny and Logical
Kelsi halfling english Female 39 Assistant Trusting and Logical
Ola halfling halfling Female 47 Assistant Self-Centered and Plain
Mildred halfling english Female 70 Assistant Melancholy and Respectful
Editha halfling english Female 66 Assistant Poor Gambler and Bites Nails

W12 Armorer

Venessiel elf elven Female 146 Owner Scarred Face and irresponsible
Brucie human english Female 36 Owner Logical and Unfriendly
Frelina halfling halfling Female 43 Apprentice Vain and Melancholy
Items Price #Avail
Padded 7gp 4
Leather 10gp 4
Studded Leather 20gp 5
Hide 20gp 2
Chain Mail 150gp 3
Banded Mail 260gp 3

Item Price #Avail
Shield, Light Wooden 4gp 1
Shield, Light Steel 11gp 6
Shield, Heavy Steel 24gp 4

W13 Jail

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gashnumal half-orc halforc Female 29 Captain Filthy mouth and Scrawny
Rohesia human english Female 18 Guard Ambitious and Sincere
Whitley half-elf english Female 25 Guard Secretive and Focused
Orakhum half-orc halforc Male 46 Guard Fearful and Quarrelsome
Justice human english Male 30 Guard/Cutpurse Lazy and Gullible
Aikin gnome gnome Male 70 Prisoner Bossy and Sweet
Blythe half-elf english Male 100 Prisoner Ugly and Classy
Landyn half-elf english Male 72 Prisoner/Adventurer Con man and Plain
Lillian human english Female 15 Prisoner/Pirate Alert and Reflective

W14 Open Market

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Odo halfling halfling Male 47 Vegetables Eloquent and Spunky
Bogark half-orc halforc Male 18 Fruit Gullible and Evasive
Slade half-elf english Male 71 Fruit Sharp and Sagely
Amity human english Female 23 Fruit Judgmental and Melancholy
Kelsey human english Male 27 Sweets Reckless and Cynical
Blythe human english Male 19 Sweets Fearful and Innocent
Tuko gnome gnome Male 104 Sweets Filthy mouth and Intuitive
Cordell half-elf english Male 77 Meats Manipulative and Considerate

W15 Seamstress

Halie human english Female 47 Butcher Hot-headed and Secretive
Kyndal human english Female 40 Assistant Honest and Abrasive

W16 Chelsey's General Store

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Chelsey human english Female 27 Owner Evasive and Generous
Nalo gnome gnome Male 109 Owner/Explorer Succinct and Cheerless
Meadow half-elf english Female 42 Clerk/Adventurer Poor Gambler and Miserly
Item Price #Avail
Backpack 2gp 1
Barrel 2gp 1
Basket 3sp 10
Bedroll 1sp 2
Blanket, Winter 5sp 9
Block and Tackle 4gp 5
Bottle, Glass 2gp 3
Bucket (empty) 5sp 3
Caltrops 10sp 2
Candle 3cp 25
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 329
Case, Map/Scroll 11sp 4
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 75
Chest (empty) 4gp 4
Crowbar 2gp 3
Firewood (per day) 3cp 11
Fishhook 2sp 12
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 3
Flask (empty) 3cp 39
Flint and Steel 12sp 2
Hammer 7sp 8
Ladder, 10ft 4sp 1
Lamp, common 2sp 1
Lantern, bullseye 17gp 4
Lantern, hooded 11gp 4
Manacles, masterwork 58gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 2cp 8
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 28
Parchment (sheet) 4sp 18
Piton 3sp 16
Pole, 10-foot 7cp 4
Pouch, belt 1gp 4
Ram, portable 13gp 1
Rations, trail (per day) 6sp 15
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 2gp 10
Sack 1sp 8
Sealing Wax 1gp 1
Soap (per lb.) 10sp 18
Tent 12gp 2
Waterskin 1gp 15
Whetstone 4cp 23

W17 Ropemaker

Eddie human english Male 24 Worker Obese and Know-it-all

W18 Baker

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Miki gnome gnome Female 159 Baker Debonair and Cynical
Borman gnome gnome Male 58 Apprentice Cynical and Incoherent
Atkins human english Male 29 Apprentice Alert and Humorous
Tawna gnome gnome Female 102 Apprentice Trusting and Ugly
Items Price #Avail
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 1cp 17
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 7cp 10
Unleavened Bread 4cp 2
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) 2cp 2

W19 Used Clothes

Riley half-elf english Female 65 Worker Hot-headed and Patient
Rylee human english Male 20 Worker Helpful and Considerate

W20 Weaponsmith

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Zuka gnome gnome Female 107 Owner Brazen and Alert
Whitin gnome gnome Male 174 Owner Sympathetic and Strong-willed
Aithne gnome gnome Female 113 Apprentice Sweet and Sadistic

Melee Weapons
Price #Avail
Dagger 1gp 8
Mace, Light 4gp 2
Sickle 7gp 3
Mace, Heavy 13gp 2
Shortspear 1gp 3
Axe, Throwing 7gp 2
Handaxe 7gp 3
Pick, Light 4gp 1
Sap 1gp 5
Sword, Short 11gp 6
Battleaxe 11gp 1
Longsword 14gp 9
Pick, Heavy 8gp 1
Rapier 19gp 5
Glaive 10gp 2
Greatclub 5gp 4
Flail, Heavy 12gp 2
Greatsword 47gp 1
Halberd 11gp 4
Ranged Weapons Price #Avail
Crossbow, Heavy 53gp 3
Crossbow, Light 40gp 1
Dart 6sp 30
Longbow 80gp 1
Shortbow 28gp 2
Arrows(20) 10sp 2
Sling Bullets 2sp 9
Darts, Blowgun (10) 6sp 1
Bolts, Crossbow (10) 12sp 11

W21 Grain and Feed

Lee human english Female 41 Brewer Quarrelsome and Suave
Edmonda human english Female 1 Tailor Melancholy and Judgmental

W22 Library and Sages

Bradford Teifling english Male 55 Librarian Pensive and Loves Beer
Cuilwen elf elven Female 98 Apprentice Sincere and Tenacious
Biba halfling halfling Female 65 Apprentice Good Gambler and Loud
Bavol human english Male 15 Apprentice Vain and Overweight

W23 Checkers Best Rocks-Jeweler

Checkersale is the owner who is all about the rocks. She stocks some rings but only so she can sell the stones.

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Checkersale Half-Orc
halforc Female 31 Jeweler Patriotic and Honest 8'zx410;bs

Paityn human english Female 28 Apprentice Sheepish and Strong-willed
Gebu halfling halfling Male 32 Apprentice Dumb and Sensitive
Pidina halfling halfling Female 61 Apprentice Sharp and Good Gambler
Aelfgifu human english Female 26 Apprentice Manipulative and Religious
Archer human english Male 53 Apprentice Melancholy and Cheerless
Daisy half-elf english Female 26 Apprentice Compassionate and Indiscrete

W24 Cooper

Justice human english Female 28 Cooper Intimidating and Jaded
Glanhelmion elf elven Male 125 Assistant Wise and Scarred Face
Arbellason elf elven Male 86 Assistant Considerate and Curious
Birgita dwarf dwarven Female 72 Assistant Story-teller and Strong
Hamlet gnome gnome Male 46 Assistant Deferential and Honorable

W25 Leather Goods

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kila gnome gnome Female 127 Worker Intelligent and Eccentric
Rowena human english Female 19 Worker Scarred Face and Haughty
Guttri dwarf dwarven Male 104 Worker Uncooperative and Insincere
Tyler half-elf english Female 78 Worker Flirty and Lunatic

W26 Tannery

Royce human english Male 38 Worker Talkative and Belligerent
Haylee human english Female 22 Worker Mature and Touchy
Beda halfling halfling Female 62 Worker Unhappy and Upbeat
Akore human english Male 38 Worker Happy and Ugly

W27 Wine, Beer and Spirits

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Halie human english Female 16 Worker Insincere and Intuitive
Kierina gnome gnome Female 79 Worker Incoherent and Logical
Fruda halfling halfling Female 74 Worker Eccentric and Disrespectful
Cordell human english Male 34 Worker Considerate and Talkative
Item - Price per Gallon
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) 3sp
Shiraz (Red, blackcurrant, black pepper) 3sp
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) 2sp
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) 3sp
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit 4sp

W28 Chester's Bording House

Chester human english Male 39 Town Watch Member Incoherent and Selfish
Peyton human english Female 2 Armorsmith Secretive and Overweight
Shirley human english Female 51 Farmer Vain and Crabby
Clayton human english Male 68 Fisherman Snob and Friendly
Justice human english Male 67 General Blacksmith Rugged and Dull
Adney human english Male 16 Laborer Gullible and Quarrelsome

W29 Inn of the Plesant Surprise

Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kolten half-elf english Male 58 Patron Creepy and Indiscrete
Elton half-elf english Male 62 Patron Naive and irresponsible
Bancroft half-elf english Male 48 Patron Focused and Smooth
Berwick half-elf english Male 28 Patron Obese and Reluctant
Riley half-elf english Male 66 Patron Careful and Perfectionist
Chelsie half-elf english Female 33 Patron Charismatic and Ignorant
Ryder half-elf english Male 56 Patron Spoiled and Compassionate
Edvin human english Male 19 Patron Ostentatious and Tenacious
Bentley human english Male 31 Patron Cowardly and Hot-headed
Kelsie human english Female 55 Patron Strange and Intolerant
Annis human english Female 49 Patron Plain and Refined
Edmonda human english Female 21 Patron Belligerent and Discreet
Remington human english Male 45 Patron Sweet and Armorsmith
Hadley human english Female 35 Patron Ambitious and Upbeat
Emerson human english Male 25 Patron Simple and Bossy
Edoardo human english Male 27 Patron Superstitious and Solitary
Ashton human english Female 41 Patron Lazy and Friendly
Colten human english Male 30 Patron Introverted and Tenacious
Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Elfi human english Female 23 Owner Educated and Withdrawn
Brentley human english Male 49 Owner Combative and Kleptomaniac
Rylan half-elf english Male 95 Bartender Emotional and Jealous
Lilien human english Female 44 Bartender/Explorer Temperate and Brainy
Edmond human english Male 42 Cook Immature and Abrasive
Argrama dwarf dwarven Female 58 Cook Refined and Cultured
Gedina halfling halfling Female 40 Cook Strong and Know-it-all
Alvina human english Female 38 Cook Abrasive and Withdrawn
Kimberly half-elf english Female 53 Servers Beautiful and Charmer
Bebdo halfling halfling Male 30 Servers Combative and Boastful
Drink Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 1cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 3cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 4cp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 2cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 5cp
Yanusa Wine 2cp
Fallan (elven) Wine 9cp
Vodka 4cp
Dwarven Spirits 4cp
Food Items Price
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 4sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 6sp
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce 5sp
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 3sp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce 5sp
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato 4sp
Spicy Hellhound Claws 6gp
Rooms Price
Mat in Common Room 3cp
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed 5sp
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds 5sp
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds 6sp

W30 Red House Brothel

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dadra dwarf dwarven Female 90 Host Talkative and Brutish
Rylee half-elf english Female 65 Worker Snob and Inept
Meldamiriel elf elven Female 161 Worker Ambitious and Deferential
Valadhiel elf elven Female 175 Worker Vain and Boisterous
Leighton human english Female 30 Worker Nimble and Rude
Bida halfling halfling Female 43 Worker Clever and Pleasant
Ailith human english Female 28 Worker Disagreeable and Logical
Dean human english Male 44 Guard Cowardly and Observant
Earl half-elf english Male 45 Guard Rude and Inept
Storri dwarf dwarven Male 187 Guard Bites Nails and Introverted
Stanley human english Male 32 Guard Crabby and Angry
Clive human english Male 32 Guard Vain and Jaded

W31 Famous Food Restaraunt

This is the first restraunt near the entry 13. This place is clean and good with moderate prices.
Large square 2 story building with a central performance area. There is a mezzanine around the whole 2nd floor with stairs at the E. And W corners. The tables are made of lathe carved legs and tops made of slices of huge trees. They get their wine from Marquis so their wine selection is the same.
Kelsea human english Female 30
Combative and Friendly
Ackerley human english Male 18
Bites Nails and Sullen
Braeden human english Female 42
Bites Nails and Witty
Scarlett human english Female 47
Discreet and Poor Gambler
Fishel gnome gnome Male 71
Uncooperative and Generous

Home Flames are the house band. 4 flute guitar achordian and rythem.

Run by
Merla Goodbarrel — Level 1 Stout Halfling Rogue

Ability scores:   STR: 12 (+1)   DEX: 17 (+3)   CON: 13 (+1)   INT: 13 (+1)   WIS: 11 (+0)   CHA: 11 (+0)
Saving throws:   STR: +1   DEX: +5   CON: +1   INT: +3   WIS: +0   CHA: +0
Initiative: +3   Speed: 25   Passive perception: 10   Size: Small   Proficiency bonus: +2   Gender: Female
Hit points: 9   Hit dice: 1d8
Armor: Leather
AC: 14

Melee weapons:
Shortsword (+5 to hit) 1d6+3 piercing damage
2 Daggers (+5 to hit) 1d4+3 piercing damage
Ranged weapons:
Short bow (+5 to hit) 1d6+3 piercing damage   Range: 80/320   20 arrows 2 Daggers (+5 to hit) 1d4+3 piercing damage   Range: 20/60
Proficient skills: Athletics +3, Deception +2, Insight +2, Intimidation +2, Sleight of Hand +7 (Expertise), Stealth +5, Expert with Thieves' Tools
Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +3, Animal Handling +0, Arcana +1, History +1, Investigation +1, Medicine +0, Nature +1, Perception +0, Perform +0, Persuasion +0, Religion +1, Survival +0

Languages: Common, Halfling, Thieves' Cant     Other proficiencies: Disguise kit, Thieves' tools
Racial Traits: Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Stout Resilience
Abilities: Expertise, Sneak Attack (1d6), Thieves' Cant

Equipment: Token, Common clothes, Burglar's pack, Thieves' tools   Wealth: 110 gp
It has entertainment 6 hours a day around luncch dinner and up to 8:00pm

Food Item Price
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 3sp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 6sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 3sp
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce 4sp
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 3sp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 3sp
Kito's Spiced Potatos 5cp
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato 3sp
Basilisk Knuckle Roasted in Beer 10gp
Black Brier Bitter by the glass

Wines - Each is a glass
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) 3sp
Malbec (Red, dry, rich, plum) 2sp
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) 3sp
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) 2sp
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) 3sp
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) 2sp
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit 4sp
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) 4sp

W32 Fishmonger

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kellera gnome gnome Female 85 Fishmonger Curious and Poor Gambler
Dadrin dwarf dwarven Male 176 Assistant Know-it-all and Introverted
Earl human english Male 49 Assistant Uncooperative and Messy

28 Marquis the Wine Seller
Shozumal half-elf halforc Female 21 Worker Ugly and Friendly
Arwen elf elven Female 329 Worker Industrious and Inept
Rhovanion elf elven Male 212 Worker Flirty and Uncooperative
Wines - Each is a Gallon
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) 3sp
Malbec (Red, dry, rich, plum) 2sp
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) 3sp
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) 2sp
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) 3sp
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) 2sp
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit 4sp
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) 4sp

W33 Locksmith

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kolten half-elf english Male 51 Locksmith Judgmental and Superstitious
Lilliana human english Female 21 Apprentice Reserved and Intolerant

W34 Alchemist

Item Price #Avail
Acid /flask 12gp 24
Antitoxin /vial 60gp 4
Everburning Torch 100gp 1
Thunderstone 27gp 24
Tindertwig 2gp 9

Items Price #Avail
Axe 6gp 23
Caltrops 2gp 3
Chain 10ft 30gp 10
Crane (hold pot over fire) 6sp 3
Crowbar 1gp 2
Fishhook 1sp 4
Grate (Cook-pit) 5sp 5
Hammer 8sp 1
Hoe 8sp 4
Lock, Average 42gp 2
Manacles 15gp 2
Pan 6sp 13
Piton 2sp 13
Pot 6sp 4
Saw 6gp 9
Sledge 1gp 10
Spade/Shovel 2gp 3

GR1 The Shard and Sand



Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Toso gnome gnome Male 92 Owner/Adventurer Irritable and Solitary
Aylwin human english Male 36 Bartender Helpful and Cold
Barric half-elf english Male 25 Bartender Generous and Ugly
Kimball human english Male 22 Bartender Humble and Diplomatic
Bentley human english Male 27 Cook Alert and Lazy
Dumburashal half-orc halforc Female 35 Cook Boastful and Boisterous
Dareka dwarf dwarven Female 53 Cook Frank and Careful
Geffina halfling halfling Female 73 Servers Spunky and Deferential
Fregar dwarf dwarven Female 83 Servers Beautiful and Ugly
Ugdun half-orc halforc Male 33 Servers Alcoholic and Clever
Brinley human english Male 44 Servers Verbose and Beautiful
Royston human english Male 17 Servers Assertive and Bratty


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 3cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 5cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 5cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 5cp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 4cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 2cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 5cp
Yanusa Wine 2cp
Heron Wine 6cp
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 9cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 7cp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 3sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 3sp
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce 5sp
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 1sp
Kito's Spiced Potatos 8cp
Cockatrice Liver pate and Bread 8gp


Item Price
Mat in Common Room 3cp
Private Room, Simple, 1 Bed 3sp
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed 3sp
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds 5sp
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds 9sp

Life Outdoors

Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Thingryd dwarf dwarven Female 128 Laborer Immodest and Lunatic
Ulfar dwarf dwarven Male 57 Farmer Strong-willed and Miserly
Barikyth dwarf dwarven Female 36 Brewer Stutters and Overweight
Lunna dwarf dwarven Female 112 Maid Discerning and Considerate

They have everything for living outside.

W35 Blacksmith

Master Services, per day 2sp
Apprentice Services, per day 5cp
Staff Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lothor dwarf dwarven Male 63 Owner Reluctant and Ostentatious
Barlow human english Male 38 Owner Scrawny and Domineering
Rutherford half-elf english Male 61 Apprentice Cowardly and Compassionate
Grant half-elf english Male 63 Apprentice Sharp and Patient