Tessar Family -
Mercenaries, Adventurers Horan Tessar - Family Head
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Ruddar Family -
Weapons, Armor, Kings Army, City Watch Family Head: Verhath Ruddar
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Malavhan Family
- Weapons, Armor Family Head: Rarri Malavhan
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Yhammos - Mage
Guild - Wild Space Traders Family Head: Namwe Yhammos Guild Leader: Janku Yhammos
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Urdo - First Family -
Kingdom Army, Tax Gatherers Family Head: Borba Urdo The Current King is Borba the Youth (14) who is also the head of the Urdo family. He has command of the army and the city militia and the Watch. Currently Borba is serving in a "advisory" capacity due to his age. The power of the kin is currently in the hands of the Kings Regent: Zorack Urdo. He has his position from the previous king Gorba the Merciful. He is serving the kingdom well, but he is resented by the Bright Conclave
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Ssemm Family -
Fabrics, Art and Entertainment Family Head: Boddyknock Ssemm
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Thorsar - Gambling,
Whores, Drugs Family Head: Jenuthun Thorsar
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Myrkeer Family -
Stolen Goods, Theives
Guild (Family
Building) Family Head: Ileni Myrkeer The Silent Clan
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Dhostar Family - Feed,
Foods, Grocery Family Head : Cora Dhostar Ferra Dhostar; female halfling Noble5: CR 4; Size S (2 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 5d8; hp 32; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +1 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6; AL LE; Str 5, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16. Languages Spoken: Common, Elven, Halfling, Orc. Skills and feats: Appraise +5, Climb -1, Diplomacy +10, Hide +7, Intimidate +8, Jump -1, Knowledge (History) +10, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Perform (Oratory) +8, Speak Language +2, Spot +1; Skill Focus (Appraise), Skill Focus (Knowledge (History)). Possessions: 4,300 gp in gear. (Run by Druids) Spiritual Head Gaugo Rhostar
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Guldar Family - Fish
and Sea weeds Family Head: Kimeli Guldar
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Thalavar - Teamsters
Dockworkers, Drovers Family Head: Uibraollo Thalavar
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Yesak Family - Slave
Traders Family Head: Finfaren of House Yesak
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Name |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Darra | Human |
English | Female 43 | Leader - High Lady |
Diligent and Pleasant | |
Tomlin | Human | English | Male 40 | Husband | Patient and Tall | |
Branton | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Lieutenant/Explorer | Loves Beer and Ugly | |
Gedin | halfling | halfling | Male 32 | Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier | Refined and Secretive | |
Kenton | human | english | Male 34 | Lieutenant | Shallow and Intelligent | |
Brayton | half-elf | english | Male 73 | Lieutenant/Off-Duty Mercenary | Shrewd and Upbeat | |
Arethusa | human | english | Female 31 | Guard | Wise and Filthy mouth | |
Arietta | human | english | Female 39 | Guard | Brash and Know-it-all | |
Paxton | human | english | Male 36 | Guard | Shy and Boring | |
Justice | human | english | Male 41 | Guard | Trusting and Wary | |
Fae | human | english | Female 18 | Guard | Brash and Well-informed | |
Rod | human | english | Male 51 | Guard/Explorer | Domineering and Rash | |
Presley | human | english | Female 40 | Guard | Unfriendly and Religious | |
Lindsey | human | english | Female 39 | Guard/Explorer | Brash and Respectful | |
Payton | human | english | Male 55 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Energetic and Loud | |
Carlton | human | english | Male 17 | Guard/Explorer | Artistic and Mature | |
Aldyth | human | english | Female 19 | Guard/Explorer | Shallow and Scruffy | |
Grayson | human | english | Male 17 | Guard/Pirate | Melancholy and Discreet | |
Brenner | human | english | Male 26 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Perfectionist and Verbose | |
Erle | human | english | Male 15 | Guard/Pirate | Obese and Opinionated | |
Brinley | human | english | Male 48 | Guard/Injury Discharged Soldier | Quarrelsome and Simple | |
Karter | human | english | Male 15 | Guard/Cutpurse | Courteous and Aloof | |
Synne | human | english | Female 20 | Guard/Adventurer | Innocent and Cowardly | |
Berwick | human | english | Male 45 | Guard/Guardsman | Strong and Witty | |
Marley | human | english | Male 52 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Brazen and Humble | |
Barse | human | english | Male 40 | Guard/Pirate | Tall and Miserly | |
Brantley | half-elf | english | Male 75 | Guard | Spoiled and Thrifty | |
Breena | half-elf | english | Female 54 | Guard | Graceful and Story-teller | |
Sunniva | half-elf | english | Female 26 | Guard | Reckless and Shy | |
Marlie | half-elf | english | Female 48 | Guard | Rash and Strong | |
Throbbi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 96 | Guard | Aloof and Diligent | |
Faragrim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 242 | Guard | Logical and Dumb | |
Ragna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 131 | Guard | Cowardly and Perfectionist | |
Algrim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 62 | Guard | Sincere and Brilliant | |
Dadrin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 138 | Guard | Loves Beer and Reckless | |
Grim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 161 | Guard | Discreet and Reserved | |
Ulther | dwarf | dwarven | Male 100 | Guard | Beautiful and Sympathetic | |
Garil | dwarf | dwarven | Male 82 | Guard | Plain and Deferential | |
Lunn | dwarf | dwarven | Male 102 | Guard | Witty and Bratty | |
Chelsi | human | english | Female 55 | Guard | Timid and Filthy mouth | |
Editha | human | english | Female 38 | Guard | Condescending and Charmer | |
Burdan | human | english | Male 28 | Guard | Intelligent and Skillful | |
Grover | human | english | Male 30 | Guard | Lazy and Honest | |
Cole | human | english | Male 56 | Guard | Thoughtful and Con man | |
Fay | human | english | Female 42 | Guard | Intuitive and Sarcastic | |
Amice | human | english | Female 20 | Guard | Likeable and Snob | |
Bridgely | human | english | Male 40 | Guard | Dumb and Flirty | |
Daisy | human | english | Female 47 | Guard | Irritating and Tattooed | |
Edmund | human | english | Male 21 | Guard | Trusting and Judgmental | |
Keaton | half-elf | english | Male 53 | Guard | Alcoholic and Honorable | |
lane | half-elf | english | Male 73 | Guard | Con man and Alcoholic | |
Kimball | half-elf | english | Male 31 | Guard | Tattooed and Reserved | |
Preston | half-elf | english | Male 76 | Guard | Diligent and Withdrawn | |
Harlow | half-elf | english | Female 70 | Guard | Dull and Talkative | |
Elfi | half-elf | english | Female 67 | Guard | Industrious and Deferential | |
Birney | half-elf | english | Male 26 | Guard | Loud and Determined | |
Kelton | human | english | Male 63 | Guard | Dull and Generous | |
Remy | human | english | Male 49 | Guard | Graceful and Contrarian | |
Reid | human | english | Male 21 | Guard | Reserved and Abrasive | |
Hailee | human | english | Female 50 | Guard | Reckless and Naive |
Cliff | human | english | Male 25 | Explorer | Temperate and Assertive |
Brucie | human | english | Female 39 | Retired Soldier | Shy and Deceitful |
Harper | human | english | Female 39 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Good Gambler and Strong |
Lyndsey | human | english | Female 35 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Assertive and Vain |
Berkeley | human | english | Male 17 | Retired Soldier | Evasive and Armorsmith |
Fay | human | english | Female 33 | Retired Soldier | Thorough and Smooth |
Stall Sellers |
Quality of Goods |
Barrel & Bucket Maker |
4 |
Basket Weaver - Halldis, female human Com4: CR 3; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 4d4; hp 11; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3; AL CG; Str 14, Dex 9, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 13. | 5 |
Glass Merchant - Vigfus, male human Com5: CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 10; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3; AL LN; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11. | 1 |
Candle Maker - Arais, male elf Com2: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2d4-2; hp 4; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort -1, Ref +4, Will +2; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14. | 78 |
Map/Scroll/Scribe - Donkey
cart with a wooden table Corrin Thorngage — Level 1 Stout Halfling Bard Ability scores: STR: 11 (+0) DEX: 18 (+4) CON: 15 (+2) INT: 9 (-1) WIS: 9 (-1) CHA: 16 (+3) Saving throws: STR: +0 DEX: +6 CON: +2 INT: -1 WIS: -1 CHA: +5 Initiative: +4 Speed: 25 Passive perception: 11 Size: Small Proficiency bonus: +2 Gender: Male Hit points: 10
Hit dice: 1d8
Armor: Leather AC: 15 Melee weapons:
Proficient skills: Deception +5,
Intimidation +5, Perception +1, Persuasion +5, Sleight of
Hand +6Rapier (+6 to hit) 1d8+4 piercing damage Dagger (+6 to hit) 1d4+4 piercing damage Ranged weapons: Dagger (+6 to hit) 1d4+4 piercing damage Range: 20/60 Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +4, Animal Handling -1, Arcana -1, Athletics +0, History -1, Insight -1, Investigation -1, Medicine -1, Nature -1, Perform +3, Religion -1, Stealth +4, Survival -1 Forgery Languages: Common, Halfling Other proficiencies: Lute, Lyre, Pipes, Disguise kit, Forgery kit Racial Traits: Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Stout Resilience Abilities: Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6) Equipment: Fine clothes, Disguise kit, Weighted dice, Diplomat's pack, Lyre Wealth: 155 gp Spells known: Dissonant Whispers, Sleep,
Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Thunderwave Cantrips:
Minor Illusion, True Strike
Spell slots: 2 first level Spell save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5 Knows 4 spells Background: Charlatan (I convince people that worthless junk is worth their hard-earned money.) Personality: I fall in and out of love easily, and am always pursuing someone. Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want. Ideal: Fairness. I never target people who can’t afford to lose a few coins. (Lawful) Bond: Somewhere out there, I have a child who doesn’t know me. I’m making the world better for him or her. Flaw: I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough. |
2 |
Chest & Coffin Merchant - Milo, male halfling Com5: CR 4; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 5d4; hp 16; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13. | 3 |
Fish hooks&Fishing Net - Luke, male halfling Com5: CR 4; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 11; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +5 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; AL N; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12. | 4 |
Flint & Steel & Firewood - Thormod, male human Com5: CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 14; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3; AL CN; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15. | 12 |
Tool Seller - Wayrocket, female gnome Com5: CR 4; Size S (3 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 14; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2; AL LG; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 8. | 5 |
Ink, Inkpen and Paper Seller - Gerloc, female human Com1: CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +2 ranged; AL CN; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11. | 9 |
Tinsmith Lamps&Bowls - Namfoodle, male gnome Com4: CR 3; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 4d4+8; hp 16; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; AL LN; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 14. | 1 |
Mag/Tankard, Crockery - Heil, male half-elf Com3: CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 3d4+3; hp 12; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; AL CG; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15. | 8 |
Oil Merchant - Bera, female human Com3: CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 3d4-6; hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +2 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +4; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 6, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15. | 4 |
Iron Pots and Utensils - Amin, male human Com5: CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d4-5; hp 15; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5; AL CN; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 12. | 1 |
Pouch&Purse Merchant - Gladiola, female halfling Com1: CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10. | 10 |
Rations&Travel Foods - Tube foods (Like Sausage!) 2gp for veg and 4gp for meat tubes. They stay fresh for a long time not exposed to air. They are minced and packed inside the intestines of a animal no one wants to know about. Akra Ophinshtalajiir — Level 1 Green Dragonborn Druid Ability scores: STR: 18 (+4) DEX: 15 (+2) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 16 (+3) CHA: 13 (+1) Saving throws: STR: +4 DEX: +2 CON: +3 INT: +2 WIS: +5 CHA: +1 Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 Passive perception: 13 Size: Medium Proficiency bonus: +2 Gender: Female Hit points: 11
Hit dice: 1d8
Armor: Leather AC: 13 Melee weapons:
Proficient skills: Insight +5,
Medicine +5, Nature +2, Religion +2Handaxe (+6 to hit) 1d6+4 slashing damage Ranged weapons: Handaxe (+6 to hit) 1d6+4 slashing damage Range: 20/60 Sling (+4 to hit) 1d4+2 bludgeoning damage Range: 30/120 20 bullets Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +2, Animal Handling +3, Arcana +0, Athletics +4, Deception +1, History +0, Intimidation +1, Investigation +0, Perception +3, Perform +1, Persuasion +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Survival +3 Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Sylvan, Elvish Other proficiencies: Herbalism kit Racial Traits: Draconic Ancestry (Black), Breath Weapon (Acid damage in a 5 x 30 ft. line), Damage Resistance (Acid) Abilities: Spellcasting Equipment: Holy symbol, Prayer book, Common clothes, Explorer's pack, Druidic focus Wealth: 55 gp Current spells: Charm Person, Fog Cloud,
Healing Word, Thunderwave Cantrips:
Guidance, Poison Spray
Spell slots: 2 first level Spell save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5 Can prepare 4 spells |
6 |
Rope Maker - Quarimor, male elf Com3: CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 3d4-3; hp 5; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3; AL LG; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12. | 3 |
Sealing Wax and Candles - Cora, female halfling Com2: CR 1; Size S (2 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 2d4; hp 6; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +3 melee, or +5 ranged; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8. | 2 |
Sewing Goods - Catherine, female human Com2: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 2d4-4; hp 3; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref +1, Will +1; AL CN; Str 12, Dex 9, Con 7, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. | 7 |
Waterskins Seller - Catherine, female human Com2: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 2d4-4; hp 3; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref +1, Will +1; AL CN; Str 12, Dex 9, Con 7, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. | 4 |
Braxton |
half-elf | english | Male 85 | Farmer/Guardsman | Spunky and Scrawny | |
Hadley | half-elf | english | Female 34 | Wife/Unemployed Mercenary | Spunky and Boring | |
Tatum | human | english | Male 55 | Teen/Adventurer | Incoherent and Filthy mouth | |
Justice | human | english | Male 44 | Teen/Cutpurse | Poor and Ignorant | |
Gorek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 66 | Teen/Injury Discharged Soldier | Uncooperative and Loyal | |
Aldyth | half-elf | english | Female 63 | Child/Explorer | Logical and Assertive | |
Rowana | gnome | gnome | Female 57 | Child/Retired Soldier | Touchy and Wary | |
Eduardo | human | english | Male 32 | Child/Cutpurse | Audacious and Judgmental | |
Marlie | half-elf | english | Female 96 | Child/Adventurer | Immodest and Flirty | |
Gorman | gnome | gnome | Male 80 | Child/Adventurer | Strange and Solitary | |
Blaxton | human | english | Male 54 | Hired Hand/Off-Duty Mercenary | Bossy and Clever | |
Kolten | human | english | Male 21 | Hired Hand/Retired Soldier | Cultured and Reckless |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality |
Toso | gnome | gnome | Male 92 | Owner/Adventurer | Irritable and Solitary |
Aylwin | human | english | Male 36 | Bartender | Helpful and Cold |
Barric | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Bartender | Generous and Ugly |
Kimball | human | english | Male 22 | Bartender | Humble and Diplomatic |
Bentley | human | english | Male 27 | Cook | Alert and Lazy |
Patrons |
Race |
Culture |
Sex/Age |
Background |
Personality |
Dumburashal | half-orc | halforc | Female 35 | Cook | Boastful and Boisterous |
Dareka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 53 | Cook | Frank and Careful |
Geffina | halfling | halfling | Female 73 | Servers | Spunky and Deferential |
Fregar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 83 | Servers | Beautiful and Ugly |
Ugdun | half-orc | halforc | Male 33 | Servers | Alcoholic and Clever |
Brinley | human | english | Male 44 | Servers | Verbose and Beautiful |
Royston | human | english | Male 17 | Servers | Assertive and Bratty |
Drinks | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 3cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 5cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 5cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 5cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 4cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 2cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 5cp |
Yanusa Wine | 2cp |
Heron Wine | 6cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 9cp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Karter | human | english | Male 17 | Owner | Emotional and Bashful | |
Gwirithiel | elf | elven | Female 240 | Clerk | Charmer and Aloof | |
Brighton | half-elf | english | Female 60 | Clerk | Temperate and Reserved | |
Orgra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 52 | Clerk | Lazy and Boisterous | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 10 |
Barrel | 2gp | 6 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 2 |
Bell | 8sp | 1 |
Block and Tackle | 6gp | 2 |
Bucket (empty) | 7sp | 15 |
Candle | 1cp | 22 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 296 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 14sp | 1 |
Chain (10ft) | 32gp | 3 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 29 |
Chest (empty) | 4gp | 4 |
Firewood (per day) | 1cp | 4 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 5 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 6gp | 4 |
Flask (empty) | 3cp | 33 |
Flint and Steel | 14sp | 14 |
Grappling Hook | 15sp | 3 |
Hammer | 6sp | 3 |
Inkpen | 2sp | 2 |
Ladder, 10ft | 3sp | 8 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 10 |
Lantern, bullseye | 15gp | 7 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 2cp | 11 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 42 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 4sp | 8 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 3gp | 4 |
Rope, silk (50 ft.) | 9gp | 1 |
Sack | 3sp | 10 |
Sewing Needle | 16sp | 9 |
Sledge | 3gp | 3 |
Soap (per lb.) | 6sp | 17 |
Tent | 11gp | 6 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 11 |
Whetstone | 3cp | 14 |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Sindra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 60 | Owner | Scruffy and Disciplined | |
Arandur | elf | elven | Male 157 | Clerk | Well-informed and Belligerent | |
Gorem | dwarf | dwarven | Male 70 | Clerk | Sympathetic and Tempermental | |
Beba | halfling | halfling | Female 63 | Clerk | Bossy and Inept | |
Items | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 9 |
Barrel | 3gp | 4 |
Basket | 6sp | 6 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 1 |
Block and Tackle | 4gp | 5 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 6 |
Caltrops | 15sp | 6 |
Candle | 2cp | 88 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 29 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 8sp | 4 |
Chain (10ft) | 26gp | 1 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 72 |
Chest (empty) | 3gp | 3 |
Firewood (per day) | 2cp | 22 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 7 |
Flask (empty) | 3cp | 49 |
Flint and Steel | 10sp | 5 |
Grappling Hook | 13sp | 1 |
Hammer | 5sp | 5 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 12gp | 9 |
Inkpen | 1sp | 5 |
Ladder, 10ft | 5sp | 6 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 3 |
Lantern, hooded | 8gp | 6 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 2 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 21 |
Pick, miner's | 5gp | 4 |
Pitcher, clay | 1cp | 2 |
Piton | 3sp | 18 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 7sp | 2 |
Sack | 2sp | 7 |
Sewing Needle | 7sp | 19 |
Shovel or spade | 4gp | 17 |
Signal whistle | 8sp | 2 |
Signet ring | 8gp | 1 |
Soap (per lb.) | 8sp | 1 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 11 |
Whetstone | 2cp | 14 |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ugharkha | half-orc | halforc | Female 20 | Owner | Dull and Bites Nails | |
Nalo | gnome | gnome | Male 50 | Owner | Disrespectful and Helpful | |
Lothar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 114 | Bartender | Reserved and Ignorant | |
Nostariel | elf | elven | Female 168 | Bartender | Brutish and Sympathetic | |
Olin | halfling | halfling | Male 40 | Cook | Charmer and Unforgiving | |
Cerina | gnome | gnome | Female 48 | Cook | Fearful and Cranky | |
Lostariel | elf | elven | Female 42 | Waitress | Perfectionist and Boisterous | |
Kyndall | human | english | Female 34 | Cook | Alcoholic and Incoherent | |
Matubal | half-orc | halforc | Female 23 | Servers | Determined and Miserly | |
Aikin | gnome | gnome | Male 121 | Servers | Friendly and Irritating | |
Haven | human | english | Female 27 | Servers | Lazy and Hot-headed | |
Fregar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 46 | Servers | Tempermental and Cynical | |
Birtle | human | english | Male 40 | Servers | Shallow and Alcoholic | |
Baul | human | english | Male 38 | Servers | Belligerent and Angry | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lee | half-elf | english | Female 27 | Patron | Discreet and Perfectionist | |
Osbert | half-elf | english | Male 40 | Patron | Lazy and Stutters | |
Arundel | half-elf | english | Male 71 | Patron | Scruffy and Scarred Face | |
Holden | half-elf | english | Male 66 | Patron | Stubborn and Nosy | |
Ryland | half-elf | english | Male 93 | Patron | Honest and Sleazy | |
Edouard | half-elf | english | Male 110 | Patron | Hot-headed and Calm | |
Drink Items | PriceX3 for pitcher |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 5cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 1cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 4cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 1cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 5cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 2cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 9cp |
Food Items | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets-Roasted Turnips |
4sp |
Smoked Salmon Salad-Boiled Carrots |
3sp |
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs | 6sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 6sp |
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce | 4sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 3sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 4sp |
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce | 7sp |
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato | 5sp |
High Priest - Ewon Galbort - Twillum
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Diffa | halfling | halfling | Female 78 | Head Priest | Cheerless and Loud | |
Marley | human | english | Male 25 | Apprentice | Unhappy and Obese | |
Drokki | dwarf | dwarven | Male 69 | Apprentice | Domineering and Debonair | |
Torka | gnome | gnome | Female 106 | Apprentice | Sweet and Spoiled | |
Oklyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 145 | Apprentice | Funny and Perfectionist | |
Riley | human | english | Female 55 | Acolyte | Sweet and Trusting | |
Duda | halfling | halfling | Female 59 | Acolyte | Debonair and Picks nose | |
Demin | gnome | gnome | Male 114 | Acolyte | Picks nose and Inquisitive | |
Blossom | human | english | Female 66 | Acolyte | Tired and Sarcastic | |
Marlee | human | english | Female 27 | Acolyte | Succinct and Strict | |
Thorbalyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 43 | Acolyte | Rich and Ambitious | |
Dumina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 73 | Acolyte | Naive and Stubborn | |
Miuverthon | elf | elven | Male 162 | Acolyte | Contrarian and Sadistic | |
Oklyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 93 | Acolyte | Logical and Rich | |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Brighton | human | english | Female 30 | Head Priest/Explorer | Naive and Strange | |
Umulum | half-orc | halforc | Male 30 | Apprentice | Contrarian and Clever | |
Duloorz | half-orc | halforc | Male 28 | Apprentice | Generous and Brainy | |
Tulla | gnome | gnome | Female 67 | Apprentice | Funny and Verbose | |
Ryland | human | english | Male 15 | Acolyte | Know-it-all and Smooth | |
Miki | gnome | gnome | Male 133 | Acolyte | Gullible and Immodest | |
Aiko | gnome | gnome | Female 75 | Acolyte | Scruffy and Conversational | |
Furgila | dwarf | dwarven | Female 62 | Acolyte | Shallow and Irritating | |
Chelsey | half-elf | english | Female 109 | Acolyte | Good Gambler and Timid | |
Palo | gnome | gnome | Male 133 | Acolyte | Honest and Wary | |
Synne | half-elf | english | Female 51 | Acolyte | Cynical and Determined | |
Badrick | human | english | Male 32 | Acolyte | Kleptomaniac and Diligent | |
Room for 1 |
Rooms for 2 |
Room for 4 |
Best Rooms | 2gp |
3gp |
5gp |
Good Rooms |
1gp |
12sp |
3gp |
Low rooms |
4sp |
8sp |
1gp |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Veryan | elf | elven | Male 211 | Patron | Inept and Sincere | |
Nellethiel | elf | elven | Female 198 | Patron | Smooth and Honorable | |
Lairelithoniel | elf | elven | Female 271 | Patron | Upbeat and Mature | |
Meldiron | elf | elven | Male 130 | Patron | Boring and Indiscrete | |
Alastegiel | elf | elven | Female 77 | Patron | Shallow and Inventive | |
Maidhion | elf | elven | Male 270 | Patron | Reflective and Ignorant | |
Veryamorcon | elf | elven | Male 124 | Patron | Incoherent and Curious | |
Jagger | human | english | Male 16 | Patron | Scruffy and Boisterous | |
Rohesia | human | english | Female 16 | Patron | Immodest and Easygoing | |
Blakely | human | english | Male 33 | Patron | Tired and Touchy | |
Alderney | human | english | Male 34 | Patron | Charmer and Pleasant | |
Daerwen | elf | elven | Female 193 | Patron/Adventurer | Intelligent and Skillful | |
Rhassbaradhon | elf | elven | Male 102 | Patron/Adventurer | Innocent and Poor Gambler | |
Veryamorcon | elf | elven | Male 223 | Patron/Cutpurse | Diplomatic and Hot-headed | |
Taurhassdorien | elf | elven | Male 236 | Patron/Adventurer | Disagreeable and Boring | |
Airedhiel | elf | elven | Female 103 | Patron/Pirate | Disrespectful and Gloomy | |
Gwedhiel | elf | elven | Female 257 | Patron/Pirate | Messy and Diligent | |
Lindariel | elf | elven | Female 159 | Patron/Guardsman | Rugged and irresponsible | |
Sanya | elf | elven | Female 198 | Patron/Unemployed Mercenary | Gloomy and Beautiful | |
Alya | elf | elven | Female 152 | Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier | Intelligent and Thorough | |
Venessiel | elf | elven | Female 139 | Patron/Adventurer | Domineering and Belligerent | |
Braeden | half-elf | english | Female 27 | Patron | Trustworthy and Inventive | |
Hali | half-elf | english | Female 74 | Patron | Verbose and Hot-headed | |
Edgar | half-elf | english | Male 96 | Patron | Shallow and Helpful | |
Maci | half-elf | english | Female 82 | Patron | Jaded and Unforgiving | |
Kelsey | half-elf | english | Female 64 | Patron | Inquisitive and Snob | |
Brayden | human | english | Male 53 | Patron | Picks nose and Smooth | |
Rylan | human | english | Male 36 | Patron | Tenacious and Cowardly | |
Keaton | human | english | Male 26 | Patron | Disagreeable and Rash | |
Edith | human | english | Female 39 | Patron | Immodest and Trustworthy | |
Fubdina | halfling | halfling | Female 52 | Patron | Carefree and Shallow | |
Figo | halfling | halfling | Male 35 | Patron | Filthy mouth and Sensitive | |
Todin | halfling | halfling | Male 75 | Patron | Incoherent and Malicious | |
Pida | halfling | halfling | Female 75 | Patron | Tired and Rude | |
Fredina | halfling | halfling | Female 76 | Patron | Debonair and Cultured | |
Bodo | halfling | halfling | Male 43 | Patron | Virtuous and Unhappy | |
Tido | halfling | halfling | Male 80 | Patron | Cheerless and Determined | |
Dedina | halfling | halfling | Female 52 | Patron | Touchy and Withdrawn | |
Frugo | halfling | halfling | Male 63 | Patron | Honest and Debonair | |
Fraga | halfling | halfling | Female 53 | Patron | Determined and Tall | |
Frida | halfling | halfling | Female 85 | Patron | Scruffy and Deferential | |
Peda | halfling | halfling | Female 41 | Patron | Superstitious and Disciplined | |
Bibo | halfling | halfling | Male 32 | Patron | Rude and Sullen | |
Togina | halfling | halfling | Female 58 | Patron | Secretive and Curious | |
Bodu | halfling | halfling | Male 45 | Patron | Sneaky and Strange | |
Frega | halfling | halfling | Female 38 | Patron | Funny and Boring | |
Bobda | halfling | halfling | Female 50 | Patron | Inept and Jaded | |
Braeden | human | english | Female 49 | Patron | Bashful and Condescending | |
Dana | human | english | Male 25 | Patron | Industrious and Rash | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Stan | human | english | Male 34 | Owner | Compassionate and Armorsmith | |
Derin | gnome | gnome | Male 105 | Bartender | Sleazy and Smooth | |
Whitney | Teifling | english | Female 15 | Cook | Indiscrete and Intolerant | |
Atzuk | half-orc | halforc | Male 38 | Cook | Tactful and Clean | |
Anatashia | human | english | Female 29 | Servers | Frugal and Manipulative | |
Zowana | gnome | gnome | Female 148 | Servers | Cranky and Deceitful | |
Tylor | human | english | Male 47 | Servers | Fearful and Lazy | |
Gotrek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 77 | Servers | Intelligent and Obnoxious | |
Burne | half-elf | english | Male 45 | Servers | Witty and Introverted | |
Drink Items | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 3cp |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 3cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 4cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 5cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 3cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 3cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 5cp |
Rum | 5cp |
Food Items | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 6cp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 6cp |
Smoked Salmon Salad | 6sp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 5sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 6sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 2sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 4sp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 5sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 8sp |
Dragon Turtle and Garlic Stew | 10gp |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 8cp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 6sp |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Snakumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 23 | Patron/Unemployed Mercenary | Innocent and Sly | |
Dumburash | half-orc | halforc | Male 21 | Patron/Adventurer | Jaded and Strong | |
Yadum | half-orc | halforc | Male 28 | Patron/Off-Duty Mercenary | Beautiful and Haughty | |
Durzub | half-orc | halforc | Male 22 | Patron/Cutpurse | Lazy and Gloomy | |
Burudha | half-orc | halforc | Female 37 | Patron/Guardsman | Tactful and Smooth | |
Nagum | half-orc | halforc | Male 30 | Patron/Guardsman | Rash and Judgmental | |
Shorkumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 33 | Patron/Adventurer | Cowardly and Brazen | |
Durgalba | half-orc | halforc | Female 23 | Patron/Pirate | Debonair and Rude | |
Ted | human | english | Male 18 | Patron | Disagreeable and Thorough | |
Maci | human | english | Female 25 | Patron | Brainy and Contrarian | |
Tatum | human | english | Female 23 | Patron | Unfriendly and Respectful | |
Braeden | human | english | Female 24 | Patron | Immature and Sadistic | |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 23 | Patron | Nimble and Reluctant | |
Hailey | human | english | Female 32 | Patron | Respectful and Contrarian | |
Sunniva | human | english | Female 34 | Patron | Fanatical and Wary | |
Arietta | human | english | Female 34 | Patron | Forgetful and Likeable | |
Macie | human | english | Female 35 | Patron | Pleasant and Scruffy | |
Avellana | human | english | Female 28 | Patron | Charmer and Tempermental | |
Lee | human | english | Female 29 | Patron | Thoughtful and Intimidating | |
Hayes | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Loud and Ambitious | |
Lindsay | human | english | Female 31 | Patron | Melancholy and Wise | |
Kendyl | human | english | Female 27 | Patron | Classy and Temperate | |
Harlow | human | english | Female 63 | Patron | Ugly and Immodest | |
Editha | human | english | Female 29 | Patron | Combative and Rugged | |
Maxwell | human | english | Male 42 | Patron | Eccentric and Spoiled | |
Cordell | human | english | Male 39 | Patron | Patient and Focused | |
Keaton | human | english | Male 35 | Patron | Uncooperative and Manipulative | |
Rylee | human | english | Female 41 | Patron | Focused and Manipulative | |
Birney | human | english | Male 20 | Patron | Picks nose and Know-it-all | |
Kendal | human | english | Female 24 | Patron | Shy and Brazen | |
Kelsi | human | english | Female 16 | Patron | Gullible and Compassionate | |
Afreda | human | english | Female 30 | Patron | Focused and Deferential | |
Karter | human | english | Male 41 | Patron | Upbeat and Dumb | |
Staff Names | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edi | half-elf | english | Male 39 | Owner | Ugly and Helpful | |
Thrungeth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 60 | Owner | Inquisitive and Deceitful | |
Bibin | halfling | halfling | Male 34 | Bartender | Observant and Empathic | |
Aethelu | half-elf | english | Female 44 | Bartender | Frank and Generous | |
Urarkha | half-orc | halforc | Female 22 | Bartender | Frank and Rude | |
Toga | halfling | halfling | Female 61 | Cook | Cultured and Miserly | |
Pomana | gnome | gnome | Female 43 | Cook | Immodest and Brilliant | |
Booker | human | english | Male 17 | Servers | Judgmental and Uncooperative | |
Girvin | gnome | gnome | Male 150 | Servers | Studious and Perfectionist | |
Shirley | human | english | Female 37 | Servers | Considerate and Cheerless | |
Clint | human | english | Male 38 | Servers | Ostentatious and Evasive | |
Frugi | halfling | halfling | Male 30 | Servers | Reflective and Argumentative | |
Thrungeth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 127 | Servers | Secretive and Graceful | |
Drink Items | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 1cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 1cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 5cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 2cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 4cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 2cp |
Chanusian Wine | 6cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 7cp |
Quillin (elven) Wine | 7cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 8cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 5cp |
Vodka | 7cp |
Food Items | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 4sp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 4sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 5sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 2sp |
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce | 4sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 4sp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 6sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 5sp |
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce | 7sp |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Garzanhka | half-orc | halforc | Female 21 | Leader/Guardsman | Fanatical and Focused | |
Ted | half-elf | english | Male 71 | Lieutenant/Pirate | Honest and Sagely | |
Amity | human | english | Female 31 | Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier | Quiet and Dishonest | |
Throbbi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 52 | Lieutenant/Explorer | Educated and Cheerless | |
Adin | gnome | gnome | Male 131 | Thug | Innocent and Mature | |
Kierin | gnome | gnome | Male 100 | Thug | Plain and Ambitious | |
Nala | gnome | gnome | Female 43 | Thug | Cruel and Sharp | |
Shanna | gnome | gnome | Female 150 | Thug | Forgetful and Eccentric | |
Edva | gnome | gnome | Female 86 | Thug | Indiscrete and Trustworthy | |
Kila | gnome | gnome | Female 82 | Thug | Insincere and Incoherent | |
Mildred | human | english | Female 36 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Empathic and Intelligent | |
Edi | human | english | Male 40 | Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary | Diligent and Stutters | |
Birkitt | human | english | Male 33 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Sleazy and Irritable | |
Averey | human | english | Male 16 | Thug/Adventurer | Reserved and Honest | |
Beverly | human | english | Female 19 | Thug/Cutpurse | Brainy and Deferential | |
Cyneburga | human | english | Female 37 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Cowardly and Reliable | |
Balthilda | human | english | Female 29 | Thug/Unemployed Mercenary | Nimble and Disciplined | |
Sterling | human | english | Male 54 | Thug/Unemployed Mercenary | Spoiled and Smooth | |
Lawley | human | english | Male 28 | Thug/Explorer | Smooth and Tired |
Patrons |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kriv Isendalor |
Dragonborn |
Human |
Male 64 |
Sage |
Old and crusty. |
Eleniel | elf | elven | Female 170 | Patron | Disciplined and Inquisitive | |
Iellwen | elf | elven | Female 93 | Patron | Tenacious and Irritating | |
Eleniel | elf | elven | Female 283 | Patron | Mature and Temperate | |
Cugedhion | elf | elven | Male 170 | Patron | Lunatic and Strong-willed | |
Eruaistaniel | elf | elven | Female 99 | Patron | Intelligent and Brazen | |
Vendethiel | elf | elven | Female 202 | Patron | Introverted and Timid | |
Morohtar | elf | elven | Male 271 | Patron | Thoughtful and Withdrawn | |
Alastegiel | elf | elven | Female 189 | Patron | Temperate and Likeable | |
Fay | half-elf | english | Female 72 | Patron | Haughty and Introverted | |
Blaxton | half-elf | english | Male 37 | Patron | Picks nose and Cold | |
Payton | half-elf | english | Female 75 | Patron | Paranoid and Ugly | |
Kyndal | half-elf | english | Female 72 | Patron | Rugged and Sympathetic | |
Rylie | half-elf | english | Female 57 | Patron | Irritable and Cultured | |
Lester | half-elf | english | Male 70 | Patron | Mature and Educated | |
Malthenniel | elf | elven | Female 264 | Patron | Contrarian and Wise | |
Shelly | human | english | Female 30 | Patron | Intelligent and Sadistic | |
Charlene | gnome | gnome | Female 85 | Patron | Eccentric and Upbeat | |
Giles | gnome | gnome | Male 72 | Patron | Calm and Obese | |
Frolina | halfling | halfling | Female 76 | Patron | Eloquent and Tattooed | |
Boda | halfling | halfling | Female 65 | Patron | Forgetful and Judgmental | |
Bebdo | halfling | halfling | Male 50 | Patron | Sarcastic and Tall | |
Frala | halfling | halfling | Female 46 | Patron | Determined and Immature | |
Bida | halfling | halfling | Female 80 | Patron | Tempermental and Spoiled | |
Cyneburga | half-elf | english | Female 54 | Patron | Dependable and Sweet | |
Hayley | half-elf | english | Female 67 | Patron | Tenacious and Nimble | |
Aldrich | half-elf | english | Male 90 | Patron | Strong-willed and Con man | |
Brucie | half-elf | english | Female 36 | Patron | Scarred Face and Scrawny | |
Kendall | half-elf | english | Female 59 | Patron | Unfriendly and Cheerful | |
Amity | half-elf | english | Female 39 | Patron | Perfectionist and Quiet | |
Kenyon | half-elf | english | Male 31 | Patron | Humorous and Poor | |
Byram | half-elf | english | Male 78 | Patron | Boastful and Macho | |
Staff Names | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Presley | half-elf | english | Female 30 | Owner | Strict and Silent | |
Edith | half-elf | english | Female 53 | Bartender | irresponsible and Dull | |
Tatum | human | english | Female 40 | Bartender | Skillful and Silent | |
Rainion | elf | elven | Male 219 | Bartender | Incoherent and Humble | |
Annis | half-elf | english | Female 65 | Cook | Beautiful and Lazy | |
Erumollien | elf | elven | Male 164 | Servers | Obese and Immodest | |
Ethel | human | english | Female 32 | Servers | Solitary and Incoherent | |
Beriadhwen | elf | elven | Female 210 | Servers | Snob and Diligent | |
Amoniel | elf | elven | Female 111 | Servers | Stubborn and Careful | |
Drink Items | Price |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 2cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 1cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 4cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 1cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 4cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 8cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 5cp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Barvarnilairiel | elf | elven | Female 191 | Leader/Guardsman | Strong and Immodest | |
Kelton | human | english | Male 67 | Lieutenant/Off-Duty Mercenary | Irritable and Cheerful | |
Eduarda | half-elf | english | Female 103 | Lieutenant/Adventurer | Thrifty and Overweight | |
Vardainiel | elf | elven | Female 241 | Thug/Guardsman | Discerning and Macho | |
Thorontur | elf | elven | Male 117 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Humble and Combative | |
Adan | elf | elven | Male 195 | Thug/Retired Soldier | Charismatic and Haughty | |
Rimedur | elf | elven | Male 118 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Fearful and Insincere | |
Beriogelir | elf | elven | Male 211 | Thug/Adventurer | Empathic and Eloquent | |
Emerion | elf | elven | Male 132 | Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary | Judgmental and Obnoxious | |
Barvarnilairiel | elf | elven | Female 203 | Thug/Explorer | Rugged and Lazy |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Haylie | human | english | Female 20 | Luthier | Cheerful and Hot-headed | |
Cliff | human | english | Male 17 | Carver | Stutters and Ugly | |
Lilianna | human | english | Female 30 | Worker | Humble and Emotional | |
Hali | human | english | Female 23 | Worker | Reserved and Fanatical | |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Shirley | human | english | Female 23 | Brewer | Domineering and Shallow | |
Eruheran | elf | elven | Male 176 | Apprentice | Courteous and Debonair | |
Dane | half-elf | english | Male 57 | Apprentice | Alert and Brainy | |
Throbinyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 44 | Apprentice | Bubbly and Spoiled | |
Bebu | halfling | halfling | Male 46 | Apprentice | Immature and Innocent | |
Fiffu | halfling | halfling | Male 90 | Apprentice | Diplomatic and Reserved | |
Item - Each is 1 Gallon |
Price |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 4sp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 4sp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3sp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 3sp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 4sp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 3sp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 2sp |
Maci | human | english | Female 38 | Patron/Unemployed Mercenary | Sharp and Superstitious | |
Hali | human | english | Female 15 | Patron/Adventurer | Wise and Courteous | |
Payton | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Disciplined and Lazy | |
Aelfraed | human | english | Male 24 | Patron | Intuitive and Nimble | |
Birkitt | human | english | Male 19 | Patron | Sympathetic and Brainy | |
Hali | human | english | Female 22 | Patron | Diligent and Picks nose | |
Baul | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Strong and Fearful | |
Stuart | human | english | Male 40 | Patron | Indiscrete and Respectful | |
Rylan | human | english | Female 15 | Patron | Determined and Clean | |
Rutherford | half-elf | english | Male 67 | Patron | Perfectionist and Thoughtful | |
Anice | half-elf | english | Female 50 | Patron | Sleazy and Opinionated | |
Guage | human | english | Male 29 | Patron | Dishonest and Ugly | |
Alvina | human | english | Female 16 | Patron | Clean and Strong-willed | |
Grayson | human | english | Male 24 | Patron | Smooth and Judgmental | |
Halie | human | english | Female 18 | Patron | Studious and Graceful | |
Marlie | human | english | Female 58 | Patron | Generous and Fanatical | |
Karter | human | english | Male 16 | Patron | Inept and Alcoholic | |
Eruraina | elf | elven | Female 80 | Patron | Trusting and Jealous | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kierina | gnome | gnome | Female 84 | Owner | Lazy and Sleazy | |
Beba | halfling | halfling | Female 54 | Owner | Filthy mouth and Sleazy | |
Fredin | halfling | halfling | Male 53 | Bartender | Macho and Lazy | |
Bodo | halfling | halfling | Male 57 | Bartender | Ambitious and Indiscrete | |
Atwater | half-elf | english | Male 59 | Cook | Helpful and Malicious | |
Eduardo | human | english | Male 29 | Cook | Withdrawn and Beautiful | |
Daerwen | elf | elven | Female 125 | Cook | Self-Centered and Honest | |
Kiara | gnome | gnome | Female 96 | Servers | Tired and Fearful | |
Kelsey | human | english | Male 26 | Servers | Know-it-all and Cheerless | |
Kelsie | human | english | Female 15 | Servers | Assertive and Obnoxious | |
Edith | half-elf | english | Female 37 | Servers | Sagely and Conversational | |
Wesley | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Servers | Silent and Determined | |
Drink Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 5cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 4cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 1cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 1cp |
Chanusian Wine | 5cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 6cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 5cp |
Whiskey | 6cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 5cp |
Ragna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 76 | Miller | Funny and Industrious | |
Grundi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 16 | Maid | Graceful and Dull | |
Bardina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 17 | Laborer | Intuitive and Friendly | |
Thorlek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 57 | Farmer | Angry and Boastful |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fay | human | english | Female 21 | Patron | Obese and Talkative | |
Fredi | human | english | Male 68 | Patron | Helpful and Cynical | |
Dane | human | english | Male 20 | Patron | Timid and Strict | |
Kimber | human | english | Female 27 | Patron | Secretive and Lazy | |
Audren | human | english | Male 21 | Patron | Generous and Solitary | |
Breena | human | english | Female 40 | Patron | Virtuous and Sheepish | |
Stanley | human | english | Male 44 | Patron | Kleptomaniac and Aloof | |
Fay | human | english | Female 16 | Patron | Cold and Evasive | |
Bosin | gnome | gnome | Male 59 | Patron | Unfriendly and Ostentatious | |
Keller | gnome | gnome | Male 52 | Patron | Upbeat and Eccentric | |
Malina | gnome | gnome | Female 55 | Patron | Vain and Intelligent | |
Zorkina | gnome | gnome | Female 141 | Patron | Generous and Determined | |
Berin | gnome | gnome | Male 105 | Patron | Ostentatious and Pensive | |
Carlin | gnome | gnome | Male 76 | Patron | Debonair and Ambitious | |
Posin | gnome | gnome | Male 49 | Patron | Opinionated and Well-informed | |
Bronn | dwarf | dwarven | Male 196 | Patron | Curious and Lazy | |
Gottri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 143 | Patron | Reserved and Boastful | |
Gorrina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 48 | Patron | Virtuous and Trusting | |
Smakki | dwarf | dwarven | Male 113 | Patron | Well-informed and Cowardly | |
Grimla | dwarf | dwarven | Female 96 | Patron | Tempermental and Intolerant | |
Dimzad | dwarf | dwarven | Male 109 | Patron | Empathic and Calm | |
Helgar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 116 | Patron | Judgmental and Boring | |
Thrungeth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 46 | Patron | Naive and Wise | |
Skallyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 131 | Patron | Brilliant and Calm | |
Grimli | dwarf | dwarven | Male 104 | Patron | Clean and Wise | |
Gorek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 234 | Patron | Disagreeable and Empathic | |
Grung | dwarf | dwarven | Male 100 | Patron | Gloomy and Sneaky | |
Barikyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 182 | Patron | Contrarian and Brash | |
Dorri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 140 | Patron | Determined and Humorous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Harper | human | english | Male 26 | Owner | Curious and Lazy | |
Usham | half-orc | halforc | Male 27 | Owner | Poor Gambler and Sour | |
Mellimeldisiel | elf | elven | Female 153 | Owner | Crabby and Strict | |
Balzud | dwarf | dwarven | Male 47 | Bartender | Cranky and Strange | |
Kierina | gnome | gnome | Female 89 | Bartender | Pensive and Angry | |
Melimion | elf | elven | Male 79 | Bartender | Religious and Touchy | |
Loman | gnome | gnome | Male 69 | Cook | Bashful and Rude | |
Iellwen | elf | elven | Female 127 | Cook | Honest and Good-looking | |
Brynlee | human | english | Female 40 | Cook | Haughty and Cranky | |
Rhassdorthion | elf | elven | Male 199 | Servers | Poor and Sleazy | |
Usham | half-orc | halforc | Male 42 | Servers | Reckless and Strange | |
Haleigh | half-elf | english | Female 67 | Servers | Discreet and Argumentative | |
Bebin | halfling | halfling | Male 52 | Servers | Tactful and Easygoing | |
Beasley | human | english | Male 56 | Servers | Thorough and Sly | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 5cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 3cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 1cp |
Yanusa Wine | 1cp |
Heron Wine | 7cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 7cp |
Vodka | 5cp |
Item | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 2sp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 4sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 4sp |
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato | 3sp |
Spicy Hellhound Claws | 8gp |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Alyan | elf | elven | Male 201 | Owner/Pirate | Messy and Self-Centered | |
Yadum | half-orc | halforc | Male 34 | Bartender | Skillful and Loyal | |
Helgar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 188 | Bartender | Alcoholic and Immature | |
Winto | human | english | Male 42 | Bartender | Sullen and Industrious | |
Ugdunal | half-orc | halforc | Female 26 | Cook | Smooth and Introverted | |
Fralo | halfling | halfling | Male 32 | Cook | Shallow and Tenacious | |
Blossom | human | english | Female 29 | Cook | Lazy and Forgetful | |
Grogril | dwarf | dwarven | Male 145 | Servers | Sour and Combative | |
Houston | human | english | Male 18 | Servers | Nimble and Industrious | |
Tidin | halfling | halfling | Male 81 | Servers | Well-informed and Cranky | |
Lili | human | english | Female 28 | Servers | Courteous and Dumb | |
Peyton | human | english | Female 28 | Servers | Empathic and Filthy mouth | |
Drink Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 5cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 1cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 3cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 2cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 8cp |
Whiskey | 7cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 5cp |
Patrons |
half-orc | halforc | Female 25 | Patron | irresponsible and Rugged | |
Gorazin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 92 | Patron | Strange and Cruel | |
Horgar | dwarf | dwarven | Male 79 | Patron | Inquisitive and Reflective | |
Thori | dwarf | dwarven | Male 118 | Patron | Debonair and Immature | |
Thorlek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 168 | Patron | Inquisitive and Belligerent | |
Mordin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 104 | Patron | Dumb and Touchy | |
Hugena | dwarf | dwarven | Female 210 | Patron | Talkative and Sensitive | |
Thorgrim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 122 | Patron | Wary and Respectful | |
Balinyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 114 | Patron | Messy and Scarred Face | |
Skudd | dwarf | dwarven | Male 74 | Patron | Shrewd and Selfish | |
Dulakh | half-orc | halforc | Male 23 | Patron | Classy and Assertive | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Marlee | half-elf | english | Female 62 | Owner | Stubborn and Strong | |
Koemo | gnome | gnome | Male 75 | Bartender | Sympathetic and Intolerant | |
Bonita | gnome | gnome | Female 107 | Bartender | Know-it-all and Scrawny | |
Nellethiel | elf | elven | Female 84 | Cook | Domineering and Gullible | |
Alston | human | english | Male 37 | Cook | Careful and Lunatic | |
Kelsey | human | english | Female 47 | Servers | Cruel and Opinionated | |
Presley | human | english | Female 33 | Servers | Cold and Disciplined | |
Lairelandon | elf | elven | Male 232 | Servers | Alcoholic and Bites Nails | |
Drink Item | Price |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 5cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 3cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 2cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 3cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 1cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 4cp |
Yanusa Wine | 3cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 9cp |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Boda | halfling | halfling | Female 40 | Brewer | Solitary and Belligerent | |
Diffu | halfling | halfling | Male 41 | Apprentice | Classy and Obese | |
Brews - Each is a Gallon |
Price |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 3sp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3sp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 2sp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 6sp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3sp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 4sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hailey | human | english | Female 41 | Patron | Deceitful and Diplomatic | |
Kendall | human | english | Female 25 | Patron | Strong and Determined | |
Macey | human | english | Female 19 | Patron | Selfish and Determined | |
Lynsey | human | english | Female 42 | Patron | Melancholy and Lazy | |
Lyndsey | human | english | Female 20 | Patron | Verbose and Thoughtful | |
Presley | human | english | Female 31 | Patron | Stutters and Fanatical | |
Arbellason | elf | elven | Male 92 | Patron | Skillful and Angry | |
Suiauthon | elf | elven | Male 163 | Patron | Generous and Empathic | |
Melda | elf | elven | Female 273 | Patron | Calm and Pleasant | |
Erumollien | elf | elven | Male 201 | Patron | Witty and Intelligent | |
Beinion | elf | elven | Male 107 | Patron | Funny and Timid | |
Adonnenniel | elf | elven | Female 153 | Patron | Energetic and Diplomatic | |
Shakhal | half-orc | halforc | Female 31 | Patron | Wary and Disrespectful | |
Matub | half-orc | halforc | Male 27 | Patron | Ambitious and Diplomatic | |
Guargum | half-orc | halforc | Male 35 | Patron | Focused and Verbose | |
Larbum | half-orc | halforc | Male 17 | Patron | Sleazy and Inquisitive | |
Durzub | half-orc | halforc | Male 21 | Patron | Condescending and Boisterous | |
Shazasha | half-orc | halforc | Female 37 | Patron | Nimble and Unhappy | |
Toda | halfling | halfling | Female 66 | Patron | Reckless and Condescending | |
Pedu | halfling | halfling | Male 51 | Patron | Sweet and Touchy | |
Dedo | halfling | halfling | Male 77 | Patron | Self-Centered and Immodest | |
Olo | halfling | halfling | Male 35 | Patron | Argumentative and Thoughtful | |
Beba | halfling | halfling | Female 43 | Patron | Perfectionist and Discreet | |
Diffina | halfling | halfling | Female 58 | Patron | Innocent and Observant | |
Tedu | halfling | halfling | Male 70 | Patron | Bossy and Plain | |
Biffa | halfling | halfling | Female 55 | Patron | Conversational and Messy | |
Liliana | half-elf | english | Female 64 | Patron | Inquisitive and Plain | |
Leigha | half-elf | english | Female 72 | Patron | Strange and Rich | |
Haven | half-elf | english | Female 69 | Patron | Belligerent and Tempermental | |
Emersyn | half-elf | english | Female 86 | Patron | Quarrelsome and Dull | |
Kendal | half-elf | english | Male 89 | Patron | Obese and Aloof | |
Sherman | half-elf | english | Male 69 | Patron | Snob and Introverted | |
Barrington | half-elf | english | Male 26 | Patron | Unfriendly and Intelligent | |
Dex | half-elf | english | Male 67 | Patron | Lazy and Bubbly | |
Adin | gnome | gnome | Male 88 | Patron | Rich and Deferential | |
Igena | gnome | gnome | Female 117 | Patron | Indiscrete and Spoiled | |
Kevan | gnome | gnome | Male 123 | Patron | Touchy and Abrasive | |
Solito | gnome | gnome | Male 95 | Patron | Diligent and Spoiled | |
Nino | gnome | gnome | Male 79 | Patron | Cruel and Eloquent | |
Edvo | gnome | gnome | Male 179 | Patron | Calm and Know-it-all | |
Ivena | gnome | gnome | Female 74 | Patron | Industrious and Funny | |
Koemi | gnome | gnome | Female 84 | Patron | Logical and Strong | |
Soman | gnome | gnome | Male 52 | Patron | Manipulative and Scrawny | |
Bellethiel | elf | elven | Female 145 | Patron | Messy and Cheerless | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ryleigh | human | english | Female 20 | Owner | Pleasant and Diplomatic | |
Leigh | half-elf | english | Female 65 | Owner | Trustworthy and Disagreeable | |
Kyndall | half-elf | english | Female 69 | Bartender | Mature and Condescending | |
Nell | human | english | Female 30 | Bartender | Likeable and Crabby | |
Cooper | half-elf | english | Male 122 | Cook | Temperate and Upbeat | |
Aelfgifu | half-elf | english | Female 25 | Servers | Irritable and Filthy mouth | |
Marshal | half-elf | english | Male 29 | Servers | Eccentric and Kleptomaniac | |
Rutherford | human | english | Male 44 | Servers | Immature and Irritable | |
Editta | human | english | Female 47 | Servers | Poor Gambler and Educated | |
Drink Items | Price |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 1cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 1cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 6cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 6cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 8cp |
Rum | 5cp |
Vodka | 8cp |
Item | Cost | In Stock |
Ale (gallon) | 1ep | 10 |
Beer (gallon) | 4sp | 9 |
Beer (pint) | 1sp | 7 |
Brandy (pint) | 1ep | 5 |
Bread | 6cp | 10 |
Cheese | 6sp | 3 |
Cider | 4sp | 6 |
Egg, Pickled | 1sp | 10 |
Fish | 3sp | 9 |
Mead, (pint) | 5sp | 9 |
Rum (pint) | 5sp | 7 |
Steak | 4sp | 10 |
Lithônion | elf | elven | Male 84 | Patron | Loud and Disciplined | |
Airedhiel | elf | elven | Female 222 | Patron | Virtuous and Conversational | |
Bellasiel | elf | elven | Female 273 | Patron | Dishonest and Sagely | |
Landion | elf | elven | Male 243 | Patron | Graceful and Cruel | |
Miuverthon | elf | elven | Male 156 | Patron | Tired and Calm | |
Lithônion | elf | elven | Male 79 | Patron | Picks nose and Lazy | |
Elwin | half-elf | english | Male 74 | Patron | Cranky and Flirty | |
Nellie | half-elf | english | Female 53 | Patron | Irritable and Lunatic | |
Weston | half-elf | english | Male 105 | Patron | Beautiful and Deferential | |
Lynsey | half-elf | english | Female 96 | Patron | Cruel and Boisterous | |
Layne | half-elf | english | Male 58 | Patron | Spunky and Introverted | |
Edith | half-elf | english | Female 67 | Patron | Frugal and Quiet | |
Clark | half-elf | english | Male 26 | Patron | Cowardly and Strong | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haylee | half-elf | english | Female 32 | Owner | Wise and Funny | |
Elarinya | elf | elven | Female 150 | Owner | Witty and Honest | |
Bosin | gnome | gnome | Male 86 | Owner | Sheepish and Lazy | |
Budrik | dwarf | dwarven | Male 102 | Bartender | Unforgiving and Cheerful | |
Nixon | human | english | Male 51 | Bartender | Thoughtful and Manipulative | |
Goban | gnome | gnome | Male 81 | Bartender | Patriotic and Charismatic | |
Lilyanna | human | english | Female 30 | Cook | Suave and Picks nose | |
Olina | halfling | halfling | Female 49 | Cook | Compassionate and Touchy | |
Dexter | half-elf | english | Male 54 | Servers | Superstitious and Selfish | |
Skallyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 59 | Servers | Domineering and Reluctant | |
Aelflaed | human | english | Female 35 | Servers | Manipulative and Skillful | |
Durzal | half-orc | halforc | Female 17 | Servers | Ugly and Deceitful | |
Wynton | human | english | Male 32 | Servers | Strong and Virtuous | |
Drink Item | Price |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 2cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 1cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 1cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 1cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 5cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 2cp |
Yanusa Wine | 3cp |
Heron Wine | 7cp |
Quillin (elven) Wine | 9cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 7cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 7cp |
Eruraviel | elf | elven | Female 44 | Adventurer | Conversational and Cultured | |
Silivrenniel | elf | elven | Female 159 | Guardsman | Honest and Domineering | |
Tharwaithiel | elf | elven | Female 161 | Guardsman | Ugly and Cultured | |
Airedhiel | elf | elven | Female 98 | Guardsman | Considerate and Intelligent | |
Arwen | elf | elven | Female 221 | Cutpurse | Shy and Careful | |
Gondien | elf | elven | Male 195 | Unemployed Mercenary | Pleasant and Trustworthy |
Beinion | elf | elven | Male 9 | Explorer | Cowardly and Pensive | |
Maidhion | elf | elven | Male 230 | Unemployed Mercenary | Sheepish and Miserly | |
Gondien | elf | elven | Male 73 | Unemployed Mercenary | Irritable and Ambitious | |
Caunter Geuty | Dragonborn | english | Female 70 | Farmer | Poor Gambler and Gloomy | |
Figda | halfling | halfling | Female 15 | Maid | Bratty and Ambitious | |
Olu | halfling | halfling | Male 90 | Farmer | Sagely and Contrarian |
Alderney | human | english | Male 29 | Laborer | Honest and Suave | |
Oswin | human | english | Male 35 | Brewer | Melancholy and Strong-willed | |
Landin | human | english | Male 25 | Farmer | Assertive and Succinct | |
Emerson | human | english | Male 14 | Cook | Forgetful and Frugal | |
Annis | human | english | Female 27 | Brewer | Assertive and Dumb | |
Ascot | human | english | Male 41 | Merchant | Contrarian and Trusting |
Geffina | halfling | halfling | Female 35 | Tailor | Forgetful and Jealous | |
Figina | halfling | halfling | Female 59 | Farmer | Boisterous and Tactful | |
Fragin | halfling | halfling | Male 57 | Laborer | Diplomatic and Nosy |
Bickford | half-elf | english | Male 38 | Cook | Perfectionist and Humble | |
Balthilda | half-elf | english | Female 48 | Merchant | irresponsible and Ugly | |
Barric | half-elf | english | Male 27 | Maid | Sensitive and Con man | |
Lillianna | half-elf | english | Female 28 | Farmer | Nosy and irresponsible | |
Aelflaed | half-elf | english | Female 8 | Town Watch Member | Alcoholic and Frank |
half-elf | english | Female 53 | Clerk |
Audacious and Compassionate | |
Chester | half-elf | english | Male 33 | Clerk |
Graceful and Domineering | |
Aelfgifu | half-elf | english | Female 13 | Guard |
Touchy and Cowardly | |
Hailee | half-elf | english | Female 100 | Guard |
Pensive and Alcoholic | |
Dwight | half-elf | english | Male 55 | Guard |
Debonair and irresponsible | |
Stanley | half-elf | english | Male 50 | Guard |
Filthy mouth and Evasive | |
Edita | human | english | Female 25 | Merchant | Withdrawn and Shallow | |
Lee | human | english | Male 24 | Farmer | Reckless and Introverted | |
Wesley | human | english | Male 13 | Weaponsmith | Tired and Scarred Face | |
Marley | human | english | Female 11 | Tailor | Virtuous and Gullible | |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 3 | Private Guard | Sharp and Intelligent | |
Batilda | human | english | Female 32 | Farmer | Loyal and Messy |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Rilien | elf | elven | Male 170 | Farmer/Adventurer | Solitary and Introverted | |
Hailee | human | english | Female 55 | Wife/Pirate | Obnoxious and Tired | |
Houston | human | english | Male 40 | Teen/Cutpurse | Sly and Snob | |
Valaina | elf | elven | Female 130 | Teen/Unemployed Mercenary | Trusting and Sarcastic | |
Giles | gnome | gnome | Male 79 | Teen/Injury Discharged Soldier | Belligerent and Boisterous | |
Alvar | half-elf | english | Female 94 | Teen/Pirate | Bites Nails and Judgmental | |
Borin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 123 | Teen/Explorer | Trustworthy and Opinionated | |
Kenelm | human | english | Male 30 | Child/Guardsman | Emotional and Gloomy | |
Marlee | half-elf | english | Female 29 | Child/Adventurer | Story-teller and Haughty | |
Ed | human | english | Male 34 | Hired Hand/Cutpurse | Scruffy and Flirty | |
Kiles | gnome | gnome | Male 98 | Hired Hand/Injury Discharged Soldier | Trustworthy and Opinionated | |
Charlene | gnome | gnome | Female 40 | Cook | Vain and Alcoholic | |
Jevena | gnome | gnome | Female 111 | Farmer | Obese and Plain | |
Kila | gnome | gnome | Female 100 | Farmer | Reflective and Plain | |
Keller | gnome | gnome | Male 54 | Town Watch Member | Artistic and Con man | |
Gobana | gnome | gnome | Female 119 | Merchant | Messy and Discerning | |
Girvana | gnome | gnome | Female 34 | General Blacksmith | Immature and Verbose | |
Maxwell | Human | english | Male 74 | Laborer | Tattooed and Argumentative | |
Rylee | half-elf | english | Female 90 | Weaponsmith | Scarred Face and Irritating | |
Ryland | elf |
english | Male 176 | Fisherman | Determined and Intelligent | |
Dana | Halfling |
english | Female 88 | Cook | Fanatical and Clean | |
Liliane | Hujman | english | Female 71 | Tailor | Diplomatic and Sympathetic | |
Aelfgifu | human | english | Female 80 | Squire | Angry and Crabby |
Whitney | elf | english | Female 20 | Squire | Kleptomaniac and Shallow |
Wayne | dwarf | english | Male 30 | Squire | Dependable and Intimidating |
Brighton | half-elf | english | Female 57 | Squire | Quiet and Armorsmith |
Bowman | human | english | Male 44 | Fisherman | Discerning and Inept |
Mildred | human | english | Female 22 | Farmer | Eloquent and Wary |
Liliana | human | english | Female 36 | Fisherman | Ostentatious and Tattooed |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | |
Grima | dwarf | dwarven | Female 110 | Fisherman | Sadistic and Bashful |
Gurna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 28 | General Blacksmith | Unhappy and Likeable |
Skuddrid | dwarf | dwarven | Female 55 | Farmer | Hot-headed and Sly |
Alrika | dwarf | dwarven | Female 134 | Weaponsmith | Sagely and Clean |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | |
Archer | half-elf | english | Male 92 | Patron | Dumb and Scarred Face |
Brinley | half-elf | english | Male 93 | Patron | Selfish and Fanatical |
Peyton | half-elf | english | Female 47 | Patron | Energetic and Abrasive |
Heath | half-elf | english | Male 79 | Patron | Helpful and Bashful |
Lilyanna | half-elf | english | Female 32 | Patron | Ugly and Evasive |
Aethelu | half-elf | english | Female 45 | Patron | Gloomy and Spunky |
Payton | half-elf | english | Male 35 | Patron | Scruffy and Snob |
Ed | half-elf | english | Male 75 | Patron | Contrarian and Perfectionist |
Maxton | half-elf | english | Male 29 | Patron | Friendly and Simple |
Carlin | gnome | gnome | Female 83 | Patron | Withdrawn and Sullen |
Aithnan | gnome | gnome | Male 62 | Patron | Helpful and Energetic |
Kila | gnome | gnome | Female 80 | Patron | Tattooed and Lunatic |
Soman | gnome | gnome | Male 159 | Patron | Industrious and Perfectionist |
Manna | gnome | gnome | Female 62 | Patron | Charmer and Lazy |
Bowan | gnome | gnome | Male 104 | Patron | Loud and Alert |
Mala | gnome | gnome | Female 42 | Patron | Shy and Immodest |
Zowan | gnome | gnome | Male 78 | Patron | Frank and Strong-willed |
Sorkina | gnome | gnome | Female 47 | Patron | irresponsible and Melancholy |
Zorkina | gnome | gnome | Female 158 | Patron | Tactful and Trusting |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ulther | dwarf | dwarven | Male 50 | Owner | Selfish and Good-looking | |
Caunwaithon | elf | elven | Male 84 | Bartender | Shrewd and Tactful | |
Lili | half-elf | english | Female 56 | Cook | Selfish and Manipulative | |
Shelley | human | english | Female 39 | Cook | Flirty and Thorough | |
Lynsey | half-elf | english | Female 85 | Cook | Skillful and Sympathetic | |
Dadrin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 223 | Servers | Focused and Brilliant | |
Diffa | halfling | halfling | Female 56 | Servers | Irritating and Humble | |
Raegbund | elf | elven | Male 271 | Servers | Trustworthy and Overweight | |
Beriogelir | elf | elven | Male 112 | Servers | Verbose and Shallow | |
Megildur | elf | elven | Male 135 | Servers | Sincere and Dull | |
Drink Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 1cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 4cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 2cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 5cp |
Yanusa Wine | 2cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 9cp |
Vodka | 4cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 4cp |
Denver | human | english | Male 20 | Weaponsmith | Quarrelsome and Cultured | |
Royston | human | english | Male 21 | Armorer | Respectful and Cruel | |
Slade | human | english | Male 41 | Growcer | Tactful and Boastful | |
Nelly | human | english | Female 16 | Weaponsmith | Ignorant and Good-looking | |
Audren | human | english | Male 5 | Brewer | Clean and Debonair |
Patrons Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Grimbulyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 180 | Patron | Bossy and Virtuous | |
Skalli | dwarf | dwarven | Male 93 | Patron | Friendly and Disciplined | |
Gorek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 114 | Patron | Diligent and Cynical | |
Gumlyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 66 | Patron | Forgetful and Timid | |
Skagga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 103 | Patron | Jealous and Timid | |
Hrungnor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 103 | Patron | Immature and Sneaky | |
Dadra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 134 | Patron | Sympathetic and Introverted | |
Aelfgifu | human | english | Female 24 | Patron | Frugal and Loud | |
Lindsay | human | english | Male 24 | Patron | Strange and Inept | |
Barney | human | english | Male 19 | Patron | Brainy and Frank | |
Rod | human | english | Male 31 | Patron | Irritable and Flirty | |
Hali | human | english | Female 27 | Patron | Trustworthy and Immature | |
Lillian | human | english | Female 26 | Patron | Patient and Verbose | |
Kenelm | human | english | Male 37 | Patron | Honest and Strict | |
Avery | human | english | Female 38 | Patron | Domineering and Crabby | |
Layton | human | english | Male 21 | Patron | Brash and Sincere | |
Atkins | human | english | Male 27 | Patron | Inquisitive and Verbose | |
Bodu | halfling | halfling | Male 56 | Patron | Sharp and Strange | |
Fraga | halfling | halfling | Female 77 | Patron | Forgetful and Intelligent | |
Frida | halfling | halfling | Female 42 | Patron | Perfectionist and Vain | |
Todu | halfling | halfling | Male 40 | Patron | Temperate and Dependable | |
Frolina | halfling | halfling | Female 35 | Patron | Flirty and Unhappy | |
Diffa | halfling | halfling | Female 77 | Patron | Cowardly and Determined | |
Frudina | halfling | halfling | Female 58 | Patron | Careful and Immodest | |
Figda | halfling | halfling | Female 30 | Patron | Evasive and Tenacious | |
Diffu | halfling | halfling | Male 64 | Patron | Charmer and Eccentric | |
Westin | half-elf | english | Male 32 | Patron | Melancholy and Sharp | |
Villads | half-elf | english | Male 58 | Patron | Tempermental and Loyal | |
Ridley | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Patron | Cheerful and Brash | |
Stan | half-elf | english | Male 35 | Patron | Skillful and Immodest | |
Chelsie | half-elf | english | Female 77 | Patron | Jaded and Cheerless | |
Marshal | half-elf | english | Male 84 | Patron | Succinct and Shy | |
Lilianna | half-elf | english | Female 87 | Patron | Tempermental and Honest | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rhassbaradhon | elf | elven | Male 92 | Owner | Pleasant and Creepy | |
Durzukh | half-orc | halforc | Male 36 | Bartender | Evasive and Honest | |
Grimdal | dwarf | dwarven | Male 54 | Bartender | Indiscrete and Classy | |
Ascot | human | english | Male 18 | Cook | Calm and Sullen | |
Alaric | dwarf | dwarven | Male 42 | Servers | Bubbly and Carefree | |
Scarlett | human | english | Female 30 | Servers | Likeable and Condescending | |
Rogdulum | half-orc | halforc | Male 22 | Servers | Creepy and Skillful | |
Alditha | human | english | Female 16 | Servers | Sullen and Disrespectful | |
Lyndsey | human | english | Female 44 | Servers | Rude and Talkative | |
Tatum | human | english | Male 31 | Servers | Suave and Sarcastic | |
Drink Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 2cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 4cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 1cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 5cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 4cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 2cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 2cp |
Whiskey | 6cp |
Food Item | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 2sp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 5sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 6sp |
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce | 4sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 3sp |
Ettercap Claws with Melted Butter | 7gp |
Breaded Breast of Griffon in Whisky Mushroom Sauce | 10gp |
Patrons |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lyndsey | human | english | Female 30 | Patron | Inept and Religious | |
Colten | human | english | Male 36 | Patron | Boastful and Focused | |
Camden | human | english | Male 60 | Patron | Cowardly and Irritable | |
Karter | human | english | Male 35 | Patron | Angry and Tall | |
Tyler | human | english | Female 23 | Patron | Paranoid and Spoiled | |
Kelsea | human | english | Female 30 | Patron | Combative and Friendly | |
Ackerley | human | english | Male 18 | Patron | Bites Nails and Sullen | |
Braeden | human | english | Female 42 | Patron | Bites Nails and Witty | |
Scarlett | human | english | Female 47 | Patron | Discreet and Poor Gambler | |
Fishel | gnome | gnome | Male 71 | Patron | Uncooperative and Generous | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dean | human | english | Male 51 | Owner | Belligerent and Nimble | |
Payten | half-elf | english | Female 61 | Bartender | Sheepish and Patient | |
Edgarda | half-elf | english | Female 62 | Bartender | Timid and Unhappy | |
Hothien | elf | elven | Male 181 | Cook | Deferential and Incoherent | |
Chelsea | human | english | Female 29 | Cook | Belligerent and Rich | |
Valdaglerion | elf | elven | Male 197 | Cook | Unforgiving and Malicious | |
Dex | human | english | Male 33 | Cook | Picks nose and Sleazy | |
Bliss | half-elf | english | Female 30 | Servers | Industrious and Perfectionist | |
Raina | elf | elven | Female 152 | Servers | Graceful and Easygoing | |
Idhrenion | elf | elven | Male 208 | Servers | Sensitive and Strict | |
Lithaldoren | elf | elven | Male 202 | Servers | Immature and Upbeat | |
Atwater | human | english | Male 22 | Servers | Sly and Witty | |
Drink Items | Price |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 1cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 5cp |
Yanusa Wine | 3cp |
Heron Wine | 4cp |
Chanusian Wine | 6cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 6cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 6cp |
Food Items | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 8cp |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 3sp |
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs | 4sp |
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce | 3sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 2sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 5sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 2sp |
Kito's Spiced Potatos | 7cp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 7sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 7sp |
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce | 4sp |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Rhassbaradhon | elf | elven | Male 194 | Owner | Logical and Shy | |
Gedin | halfling | halfling | Male 30 | Waiter | Shallow and Dumb | |
Alfginnar | dwarf | dwarven | Male 98 | Thug/Unemployed Mercenary | Intimidating and Beautiful | |
Grom | dwarf | dwarven | Male 71 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Paranoid and Sarcastic | |
Hadrina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 80 | Thug/Guardsman | Witty and Beautiful | |
Dimzada | dwarf | dwarven | Female 40 | Thug/Unemployed Mercenary | Suave and Dull | |
Durima | dwarf | dwarven | Female 121 | Thug/Explorer | Irritable and Refined | |
Orgra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 58 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Con man and Ambitious | |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Kendal | human | english | Female 39 | Weaponsmith | Brutish and Crabby | |
Barric | human | english | Male 10 | Farmer | Focused and Abrasive | |
Lindsay | human | english | Female 16 | Cook | Dull and Kleptomaniac | |
Burne | human | english | Male 3 | Fisherman | Likeable and Humorous | |
Halie | human | english | Female 41 | Armorsmith | Know-it-all and Humble | |
Kingsley | human | english | Male 27 | Beggar | Lazy and Bossy |
Cooper | human | english | Male 35 | Herbalist | Miserly and Trusting | |
Bega | human | english | Female 33 | Apprentice | Cruel and Scarred Face | |
Item | Price |
Garlic | 1sp |
Holly | 5cp |
Mistletoe | 4cp |
Tea, Night | 2sp |
Grayson | human | english | Male 26 | Locksmith | Strong and Cowardly | |
Kolton | half-elf | english | Male 34 | Apprentice | Snob and Patriotic | |
Kyndal | half-elf | english | Female 66 | Apprentice | Irritable and Beautiful | |
Sawyer | half-elf | english | Female 83 | Apprentice | Paranoid and Tempermental | |
Muzgarkal | half-orc | halforc | Female 23 | Apprentice | Tactful and Creepy | |
Lugdakha | half-orc | halforc | Female 24 | Apprentice | Inventive and Eloquent | |
Walker | half-elf | english | Male 75 | Worker | Shy and Honest | |
Skallyn | half-elf |
Elf | Female 50 | Worker | Reserved and Judgmental | |
Thoryd | dwarf | dwarven | Female 57 | Worker | Inventive and Thoughtful | |
Gwedhiel | elf | elven | Female 256 | Worker | Scarred Face and Incoherent | |
Aistaraina | elf | elven | Female 192 | Worker | Vain and Religious | |
Dayton | human | english | Male 51 | Worker | Suave and Unhappy |
Kern | gnome | gnome | Male 101 | Town Watch Member | Loves Beer and Bites Nails | |
Services | Price |
Haircut | 4cp |
Shave | 3cp |
Tooth Pulling | 7cp |
Lance a Boil | 3cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Pedina | halfling | halfling | Female 89 | Worker | Energetic and Succinct | |
Hugena | dwarf | dwarven | Female 137 | Hatmaker/Pirate | Trustworthy and Obnoxious | |
Urzarkha | half-orc | halforc | Female 23 | Baker | Sensitive and Tempermental | |
Burdan | human | english | Male 51 | Baker | Creepy and Macho | |
Arasinya | elf | elven | Female 80 | Apprentice | Superstitious and Skillful | |
Haylie | half-elf | english | Female 58 | Apprentice | Overweight and Strong | |
Lugdakh | half-orc | halforc | Male 15 | Apprentice | Talkative and Strict | |
Rowena | half-elf | english | Female 36 | Apprentice | Discerning and Humorous |
Items | Price | #Avail |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 1cp | 8 |
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) | 6cp | 7 |
Unleavened Bread | 2cp | 4 |
Iced Almond/Caraway Shortbread | 4cp | 10 |
Ryschewys (fried fig pastry) | 4cp | 9 |
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) | 3cp | 3 |
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) | 4cp | 9 |
Fritter of Milk (fried sweet cottage cheese) | 3cp | 8 |
Lindariel | halfling | elven | Female 177 | Butcher/Cutpurse | Funny and Logical | |
Kelsi | halfling | english | Female 39 | Assistant | Trusting and Logical | |
Ola | halfling | halfling | Female 47 | Assistant | Self-Centered and Plain | |
Mildred | halfling | english | Female 70 | Assistant | Melancholy and Respectful | |
Editha | halfling | english | Female 66 | Assistant | Poor Gambler and Bites Nails | |
Venessiel | elf | elven | Female 146 | Owner | Scarred Face and irresponsible | |
Brucie | human | english | Female 36 | Owner | Logical and Unfriendly | |
Frelina | halfling | halfling | Female 43 | Apprentice | Vain and Melancholy |
Items | Price | #Avail |
Padded | 7gp | 4 |
Leather | 10gp | 4 |
Studded Leather | 20gp | 5 |
Hide | 20gp | 2 |
Chain Mail | 150gp | 3 |
Banded Mail | 260gp | 3 |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Shield, Light Wooden | 4gp | 1 |
Shield, Light Steel | 11gp | 6 |
Shield, Heavy Steel | 24gp | 4 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gashnumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 29 | Captain | Filthy mouth and Scrawny | |
Rohesia | human | english | Female 18 | Guard | Ambitious and Sincere | |
Whitley | half-elf | english | Female 25 | Guard | Secretive and Focused | |
Orakhum | half-orc | halforc | Male 46 | Guard | Fearful and Quarrelsome | |
Justice | human | english | Male 30 | Guard/Cutpurse | Lazy and Gullible | |
Aikin | gnome | gnome | Male 70 | Prisoner | Bossy and Sweet | |
Blythe | half-elf | english | Male 100 | Prisoner | Ugly and Classy | |
Landyn | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Prisoner/Adventurer | Con man and Plain | |
Lillian | human | english | Female 15 | Prisoner/Pirate | Alert and Reflective |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Odo | halfling | halfling | Male 47 | Vegetables | Eloquent and Spunky | |
Bogark | half-orc | halforc | Male 18 | Fruit | Gullible and Evasive | |
Slade | half-elf | english | Male 71 | Fruit | Sharp and Sagely | |
Amity | human | english | Female 23 | Fruit | Judgmental and Melancholy | |
Kelsey | human | english | Male 27 | Sweets | Reckless and Cynical | |
Blythe | human | english | Male 19 | Sweets | Fearful and Innocent | |
Tuko | gnome | gnome | Male 104 | Sweets | Filthy mouth and Intuitive | |
Cordell | half-elf | english | Male 77 | Meats | Manipulative and Considerate | |
Halie | human | english | Female 47 | Butcher | Hot-headed and Secretive | |
Kyndal | human | english | Female 40 | Assistant | Honest and Abrasive |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Chelsey | human | english | Female 27 | Owner | Evasive and Generous | |
Nalo | gnome | gnome | Male 109 | Owner/Explorer | Succinct and Cheerless | |
Meadow | half-elf | english | Female 42 | Clerk/Adventurer | Poor Gambler and Miserly | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 1 |
Barrel | 2gp | 1 |
Basket | 3sp | 10 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 5sp | 9 |
Block and Tackle | 4gp | 5 |
Bottle, Glass | 2gp | 3 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 3 |
Caltrops | 10sp | 2 |
Candle | 3cp | 25 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 329 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 11sp | 4 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 75 |
Chest (empty) | 4gp | 4 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 3 |
Firewood (per day) | 3cp | 11 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 12 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 3 |
Flask (empty) | 3cp | 39 |
Flint and Steel | 12sp | 2 |
Hammer | 7sp | 8 |
Ladder, 10ft | 4sp | 1 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 1 |
Lantern, bullseye | 17gp | 4 |
Lantern, hooded | 11gp | 4 |
Manacles, masterwork | 58gp | 2 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 2cp | 8 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 28 |
Parchment (sheet) | 4sp | 18 |
Piton | 3sp | 16 |
Pole, 10-foot | 7cp | 4 |
Pouch, belt | 1gp | 4 |
Ram, portable | 13gp | 1 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 6sp | 15 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 10 |
Sack | 1sp | 8 |
Sealing Wax | 1gp | 1 |
Soap (per lb.) | 10sp | 18 |
Tent | 12gp | 2 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 15 |
Whetstone | 4cp | 23 |
Eddie | human | english | Male 24 | Worker | Obese and Know-it-all | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Miki | gnome | gnome | Female 159 | Baker | Debonair and Cynical | |
Borman | gnome | gnome | Male 58 | Apprentice | Cynical and Incoherent | |
Atkins | human | english | Male 29 | Apprentice | Alert and Humorous | |
Tawna | gnome | gnome | Female 102 | Apprentice | Trusting and Ugly | |
Items | Price | #Avail |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 1cp | 17 |
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) | 7cp | 10 |
Unleavened Bread | 4cp | 2 |
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) | 2cp | 2 |
Riley | half-elf | english | Female 65 | Worker | Hot-headed and Patient | |
Rylee | human | english | Male 20 | Worker | Helpful and Considerate | |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Zuka | gnome | gnome | Female 107 | Owner | Brazen and Alert | |
Whitin | gnome | gnome | Male 174 | Owner | Sympathetic and Strong-willed | |
Aithne | gnome | gnome | Female 113 | Apprentice | Sweet and Sadistic | |
Melee Weapons |
Price | #Avail |
Dagger | 1gp | 8 |
Mace, Light | 4gp | 2 |
Sickle | 7gp | 3 |
Mace, Heavy | 13gp | 2 |
Shortspear | 1gp | 3 |
Axe, Throwing | 7gp | 2 |
Handaxe | 7gp | 3 |
Pick, Light | 4gp | 1 |
Sap | 1gp | 5 |
Sword, Short | 11gp | 6 |
Battleaxe | 11gp | 1 |
Longsword | 14gp | 9 |
Pick, Heavy | 8gp | 1 |
Rapier | 19gp | 5 |
Glaive | 10gp | 2 |
Greatclub | 5gp | 4 |
Flail, Heavy | 12gp | 2 |
Greatsword | 47gp | 1 |
Halberd | 11gp | 4 |
Ranged Weapons | Price | #Avail |
Crossbow, Heavy | 53gp | 3 |
Crossbow, Light | 40gp | 1 |
Dart | 6sp | 30 |
Longbow | 80gp | 1 |
Shortbow | 28gp | 2 |
Arrows(20) | 10sp | 2 |
Sling Bullets | 2sp | 9 |
Darts, Blowgun (10) | 6sp | 1 |
Bolts, Crossbow (10) | 12sp | 11 |
Lee | human | english | Female 41 | Brewer | Quarrelsome and Suave | |
Edmonda | human | english | Female 1 | Tailor | Melancholy and Judgmental | |
Bradford | Teifling | english | Male 55 | Librarian | Pensive and Loves Beer | |
Cuilwen | elf | elven | Female 98 | Apprentice | Sincere and Tenacious | |
Biba | halfling | halfling | Female 65 | Apprentice | Good Gambler and Loud | |
Bavol | human | english | Male 15 | Apprentice | Vain and Overweight | |
Checkersale is the owner who is all about the rocks. She stocks
some rings but only so she can sell the stones.
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Checkersale | Half-Orc |
halforc | Female 31 | Jeweler | Patriotic and Honest 8'zx410;bs |
Paityn | human | english | Female 28 | Apprentice | Sheepish and Strong-willed | |
Gebu | halfling | halfling | Male 32 | Apprentice | Dumb and Sensitive | |
Pidina | halfling | halfling | Female 61 | Apprentice | Sharp and Good Gambler | |
Aelfgifu | human | english | Female 26 | Apprentice | Manipulative and Religious | |
Archer | human | english | Male 53 | Apprentice | Melancholy and Cheerless | |
Daisy | half-elf | english | Female 26 | Apprentice | Compassionate and Indiscrete | |
Justice | human | english | Female 28 | Cooper | Intimidating and Jaded | |
Glanhelmion | elf | elven | Male 125 | Assistant | Wise and Scarred Face | |
Arbellason | elf | elven | Male 86 | Assistant | Considerate and Curious | |
Birgita | dwarf | dwarven | Female 72 | Assistant | Story-teller and Strong | |
Hamlet | gnome | gnome | Male 46 | Assistant | Deferential and Honorable | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kila | gnome | gnome | Female 127 | Worker | Intelligent and Eccentric | |
Rowena | human | english | Female 19 | Worker | Scarred Face and Haughty | |
Guttri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 104 | Worker | Uncooperative and Insincere | |
Tyler | half-elf | english | Female 78 | Worker | Flirty and Lunatic | |
Royce | human | english | Male 38 | Worker | Talkative and Belligerent |
Haylee | human | english | Female 22 | Worker | Mature and Touchy | |
Beda | halfling | halfling | Female 62 | Worker | Unhappy and Upbeat | |
Akore | human | english | Male 38 | Worker | Happy and Ugly |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other | |
Halie | human | english | Female 16 | Worker | Insincere and Intuitive | |
Kierina | gnome | gnome | Female 79 | Worker | Incoherent and Logical | |
Fruda | halfling | halfling | Female 74 | Worker | Eccentric and Disrespectful | |
Cordell | human | english | Male 34 | Worker | Considerate and Talkative | |
Item - Price per Gallon |
Price |
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) | 3sp |
Shiraz (Red, blackcurrant, black pepper) | 3sp |
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) | 2sp |
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) | 3sp |
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit | 4sp |
Chester | human | english | Male 39 | Town Watch Member | Incoherent and Selfish | |
Peyton | human | english | Female 2 | Armorsmith | Secretive and Overweight | |
Shirley | human | english | Female 51 | Farmer | Vain and Crabby | |
Clayton | human | english | Male 68 | Fisherman | Snob and Friendly | |
Justice | human | english | Male 67 | General Blacksmith | Rugged and Dull | |
Adney | human | english | Male 16 | Laborer | Gullible and Quarrelsome | |
Name |
Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kolten | half-elf | english | Male 58 | Patron | Creepy and Indiscrete | |
Elton | half-elf | english | Male 62 | Patron | Naive and irresponsible | |
Bancroft | half-elf | english | Male 48 | Patron | Focused and Smooth | |
Berwick | half-elf | english | Male 28 | Patron | Obese and Reluctant | |
Riley | half-elf | english | Male 66 | Patron | Careful and Perfectionist | |
Chelsie | half-elf | english | Female 33 | Patron | Charismatic and Ignorant | |
Ryder | half-elf | english | Male 56 | Patron | Spoiled and Compassionate | |
Edvin | human | english | Male 19 | Patron | Ostentatious and Tenacious | |
Bentley | human | english | Male 31 | Patron | Cowardly and Hot-headed | |
Kelsie | human | english | Female 55 | Patron | Strange and Intolerant | |
Annis | human | english | Female 49 | Patron | Plain and Refined | |
Edmonda | human | english | Female 21 | Patron | Belligerent and Discreet | |
Remington | human | english | Male 45 | Patron | Sweet and Armorsmith | |
Hadley | human | english | Female 35 | Patron | Ambitious and Upbeat | |
Emerson | human | english | Male 25 | Patron | Simple and Bossy | |
Edoardo | human | english | Male 27 | Patron | Superstitious and Solitary | |
Ashton | human | english | Female 41 | Patron | Lazy and Friendly | |
Colten | human | english | Male 30 | Patron | Introverted and Tenacious | |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Elfi | human | english | Female 23 | Owner | Educated and Withdrawn | |
Brentley | human | english | Male 49 | Owner | Combative and Kleptomaniac | |
Rylan | half-elf | english | Male 95 | Bartender | Emotional and Jealous | |
Lilien | human | english | Female 44 | Bartender/Explorer | Temperate and Brainy | |
Edmond | human | english | Male 42 | Cook | Immature and Abrasive | |
Argrama | dwarf | dwarven | Female 58 | Cook | Refined and Cultured | |
Gedina | halfling | halfling | Female 40 | Cook | Strong and Know-it-all | |
Alvina | human | english | Female 38 | Cook | Abrasive and Withdrawn | |
Kimberly | half-elf | english | Female 53 | Servers | Beautiful and Charmer | |
Bebdo | halfling | halfling | Male 30 | Servers | Combative and Boastful |
Drink Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 1cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 4cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 2cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 5cp |
Yanusa Wine | 2cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 9cp |
Vodka | 4cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 4cp |
Food Items | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 4sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 6sp |
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce | 5sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 3sp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce | 5sp |
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato | 4sp |
Spicy Hellhound Claws | 6gp |
Rooms | Price |
Mat in Common Room | 3cp |
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed | 5sp |
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds | 5sp |
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds | 6sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dadra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 90 | Host | Talkative and Brutish | |
Rylee | half-elf | english | Female 65 | Worker | Snob and Inept | |
Meldamiriel | elf | elven | Female 161 | Worker | Ambitious and Deferential | |
Valadhiel | elf | elven | Female 175 | Worker | Vain and Boisterous | |
Leighton | human | english | Female 30 | Worker | Nimble and Rude | |
Bida | halfling | halfling | Female 43 | Worker | Clever and Pleasant | |
Ailith | human | english | Female 28 | Worker | Disagreeable and Logical | |
Dean | human | english | Male 44 | Guard | Cowardly and Observant | |
Earl | half-elf | english | Male 45 | Guard | Rude and Inept | |
Storri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 187 | Guard | Bites Nails and Introverted | |
Stanley | human | english | Male 32 | Guard | Crabby and Angry | |
Clive | human | english | Male 32 | Guard | Vain and Jaded |
Kelsea | human | english | Female 30 | Combative and Friendly | |
Ackerley | human | english | Male 18 | Bites Nails and Sullen | |
Braeden | human | english | Female 42 | Bites Nails and Witty | |
Scarlett | human | english | Female 47 | Discreet and Poor Gambler | |
Fishel | gnome | gnome | Male 71 | Uncooperative and Generous | |
Food Item | Price |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 3sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 6sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 3sp |
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce | 4sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 3sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 3sp |
Kito's Spiced Potatos | 5cp |
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato | 3sp |
Basilisk Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 10gp |
Black Brier Bitter by the glass |
6cp |
Wines - Each is a glass |
Price |
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) | 3sp |
Malbec (Red, dry, rich, plum) | 2sp |
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) | 3sp |
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) | 2sp |
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) | 3sp |
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) | 2sp |
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit | 4sp |
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) | 4sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kellera | gnome | gnome | Female 85 | Fishmonger | Curious and Poor Gambler | |
Dadrin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 176 | Assistant | Know-it-all and Introverted | |
Earl | human | english | Male 49 | Assistant | Uncooperative and Messy | |
Shozumal | half-elf | halforc | Female 21 | Worker | Ugly and Friendly | |
Arwen | elf | elven | Female 329 | Worker | Industrious and Inept | |
Rhovanion | elf | elven | Male 212 | Worker | Flirty and Uncooperative | |
Wines - Each is a Gallon |
Price |
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) | 3sp |
Malbec (Red, dry, rich, plum) | 2sp |
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) | 3sp |
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) | 2sp |
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) | 3sp |
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) | 2sp |
Gewurztraminer (White, smooth, tropical fruit | 4sp |
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) | 4sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kolten | half-elf | english | Male 51 | Locksmith | Judgmental and Superstitious | |
Lilliana | human | english | Female 21 | Apprentice | Reserved and Intolerant | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Acid /flask | 12gp | 24 |
Antitoxin /vial | 60gp | 4 |
Everburning Torch | 100gp | 1 |
Thunderstone | 27gp | 24 |
Tindertwig | 2gp | 9 |
Items | Price | #Avail |
Axe | 6gp | 23 |
Caltrops | 2gp | 3 |
Chain 10ft | 30gp | 10 |
Crane (hold pot over fire) | 6sp | 3 |
Crowbar | 1gp | 2 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 4 |
Grate (Cook-pit) | 5sp | 5 |
Hammer | 8sp | 1 |
Hoe | 8sp | 4 |
Lock, Average | 42gp | 2 |
Manacles | 15gp | 2 |
Pan | 6sp | 13 |
Piton | 2sp | 13 |
Pot | 6sp | 4 |
Saw | 6gp | 9 |
Sledge | 1gp | 10 |
Spade/Shovel | 2gp | 3 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Toso | gnome | gnome | Male 92 | Owner/Adventurer | Irritable and Solitary | |
Aylwin | human | english | Male 36 | Bartender | Helpful and Cold | |
Barric | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Bartender | Generous and Ugly | |
Kimball | human | english | Male 22 | Bartender | Humble and Diplomatic | |
Bentley | human | english | Male 27 | Cook | Alert and Lazy | |
Dumburashal | half-orc | halforc | Female 35 | Cook | Boastful and Boisterous | |
Dareka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 53 | Cook | Frank and Careful | |
Geffina | halfling | halfling | Female 73 | Servers | Spunky and Deferential | |
Fregar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 83 | Servers | Beautiful and Ugly | |
Ugdun | half-orc | halforc | Male 33 | Servers | Alcoholic and Clever | |
Brinley | human | english | Male 44 | Servers | Verbose and Beautiful | |
Royston | human | english | Male 17 | Servers | Assertive and Bratty | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 3cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 5cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 5cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 5cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 4cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 2cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 5cp |
Yanusa Wine | 2cp |
Heron Wine | 6cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 9cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 7cp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 3sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 3sp |
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce | 5sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 1sp |
Kito's Spiced Potatos | 8cp |
Cockatrice Liver pate and Bread | 8gp |
Item | Price |
Mat in Common Room | 3cp |
Private Room, Simple, 1 Bed | 3sp |
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed | 3sp |
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds | 5sp |
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds | 9sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Thingryd | dwarf | dwarven | Female 128 | Laborer | Immodest and Lunatic | |
Ulfar | dwarf | dwarven | Male 57 | Farmer | Strong-willed and Miserly | |
Barikyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 36 | Brewer | Stutters and Overweight | |
Lunna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 112 | Maid | Discerning and Considerate | |
Dervices |
Price |
Master Services, per day | 2sp |
Apprentice Services, per day | 5cp |
Staff Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lothor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 63 | Owner | Reluctant and Ostentatious | |
Barlow | human | english | Male 38 | Owner | Scrawny and Domineering | |
Rutherford | half-elf | english | Male 61 | Apprentice | Cowardly and Compassionate | |
Grant | half-elf | english | Male 63 | Apprentice | Sharp and Patient | |